• Member Since 2nd May, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Friday




The great Archotechs, bored with the machinations of the universe, found a new source of amusement.
Tossed into the lion's pit, Twilight Sparkle will have to put every lesson she learned to use. The Rimworlds are dangerous places, this even more so than the others. Can one clever pony survive unbroken in such a place? Thru the onslaught of the cruel game master Winston Waves?

Luckily, she isn't alone, and as they say:
Friendship is magic, even on the Rim.

* A MLP/Rimworld crossover
*Take's place just before episode 25 of season 2 (A Canterlot Wedding)
*Gore tag because it's rimworld and people lose limb's there like it's going out of style.
*Profanity because I have a potty mouth.
*Beware of hats.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 99 )

*Beware of hats.

Why would you say that? This isn't a Batman or Darkwing Duck story.

Comment posted by Anotherrandom deleted May 10th, 2022

Now i kinda try to Analyse what mods were used. We need one for twi, the insects are not standard and we need hygiene for the bathrooms and i nissed?

It's a reference to an ongoing meme in the Rimworld community. Don't worry about it.

CE, whole vanilla expanded collection and maaany more.

Noooo don't turn me into a hat Nooooo

Spends the whole day Going for a walk, then has to be forced to tend the animals when he should be sleeping. Yup that's a Rimworld colonist right there.

Seems fun. I enjoyed the around-the-base stuff. I found some of the game-y elements a bit jarring, but I realise some folks enjoy that. Are the characters based on an actual colony? The mish-mash of jobs and equipment certainly feels authentic.

I hope for the ratkins. They are my favorite rimworld race! :)

Yeah, well... the complaining about tables is accurate at least

Yup, I actually decided to even write this story because of my last run - when a shuttle crush with a lone survivor had an eccentric, too smart woman with purple hair, an idea struck and this fic was born. Most of the story is that playthrough and some other stories from before greatly embellished.

Very interesting story, I always find that Twilight makes for a good fish out of water character. Story wise I think it's pretty good and you managed to cover all the story premise and basic important plot point and characterize all the characters pretty well you can easily make a clear image in my head, good on that. The writing other hand, while very solid if a bit stilted, with some pacing issues, but it's toward the last 1/5 of the chapter there was a sudden drop in writing quality and some sentencing structure was getting worst to the point that I am getting the impression you aren't a native English speaker at some point; I might suggest you try making your chapters shorter or break them up into parts so that you don't exhaust yourself in the process. You might want to also try using a text to speech program, like Balabolka(yes it's totally free) to maybe help you to adding a little more verity in your slightly stilted writing.

Thank you, comments like this are the reason I decided to post here - to help better my ability as a writer. And you are right, I'm not a native English speaker. I will look into the program - sounds interesting.

I dunno about splitting it up. In my head, I have a peculiar story structure of a wave, that's two weeks in story, per chapter. If it becomes too cumbersome, I may drop it, but I would like to try it.

beware of hats? you sick sick bastard D:

should involve rimponk so that Twilight can actually be a pony lol

Is it CE compatible tho?
That's a joke.
Never anything is.

yes its ce compatible :D

Just how? Why is it that a mod adding more chairs breaks my game, but this doesn't?
Rimworld never ceases to amaze me.

the artist of the mod made it comp....its in the discription...twice

and i feel ya on one or two mods messing up a game...it sucks lol

I don't trust compatibility patches until I try them myself. Got burned one too many times. There's nothing quite like losing a colony of fifteen years because of shenanigans.

indeed..ive had to restart who knows how many times cause i added a mod that borked the entire save lol

ide just try it on a new game first before i risk your game, backup your save just in case

I read the two chapter so far I think the second one was the best, and I didn't had any complaints to give, the third somehow sounded a but more stilted for some reason but I think the over all story is pretty fun so far. It is sad that Twilight lost her eye, I hope they find a why to give her a bionic. Keep it up dude.

This really is a treat! Rimworld is my favorite game of all time, and written stories like this seem like an amazing idea. 3 chapters in and you have me hooked.

Fun read keep it up

Eguestria, even basic levitation was draining her reserves fast. Teleporting her home? Out of the equation. Flying? Thru the empty confines of space?

It’s Equestria :twilightangry2:

Sorry for the delay - should upload more soon. But I do still have a little trouble that my home is momentarily missing several walls that it really shouldn't have.

Sorry to have bother you. Hope you get the house done soon!

You are never a bother, thanks for commenting! And the next chapter is almost finished, should be done either today or tomorrow.

Fun chapter, keep it up

Fun chapter mostly the laughs since it really helps give everyone a moment of peace. :pinkiesad2:

Ah man, she could had use her magic to save them... that is rough :raritycry:

Another thing about RimWorld, people die like flies and in droves along with their skins being made into legendary dusters, cowboy hats and comfort chairs. And also that there needs to be a rat army with the occasional man hunter thrumbo

Psychopath + bloodlust colonist

ok...JUST found this story..have not even read any of the chapters yet..and i already like it just cause of what it is..i have NEVER heard of or thought there was a story with rimworld and mlp...and cause of that i ALREADY LOVE this!

..gona go read the chapters now.

Well, now I hope it won't disappoint.

First, just found this story. Love the concept of it.
Second, your writing did improve, and only spotted like, 1 maybe 2 spelling error/missing word. You doing great.
Third, maybe a suggestion: I find just funny and a bit confusing to the events of a random animal on the map just suddenly taming itself. I wonder how the colonists would react when just a random animal waiting on their front door.:pinkiegasp:

Been checking out videos of the game and I have to ask... when the Llamas coming :pinkiecrazy:

o i know you wont

this is surpassing all my expectations already

Prices for life, save lives. Only idiots can say it's immoral

Knight wasn't religious. He strongly believed that if gods existed, his existence was nothing but a cruel joke for them to laugh at and so he shed them no prayer

His gods

Definitly glad I found this one. I like the characterization, the lore, how the worlds are connected, and the humor. The protagonists are likable if flawed, and keep you rooting for them, especially since all their decisions make sense in context. Keep it up, a good piece of writing and I will happily wait for the next chapters.

Also as an aside? Why did you drop the Chapter from the title? A specific reason, or simply forgotten?

Forgot  - I have more than one chapter unpublished where I keep things like notes and character profiles and all of them are numbered so I saw it in the pile of unnumbered chapters and forgot to add it, my bad. 

The day I accidentally publish some of them, well…

I keep them in my native anyway so it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Also, thanks - I know I say it over and over again, but it really does make a difference and Im very grateful for it.

Will Twilight get the courage to fight back against this awful world and save her friends? Who are still alive. :fluttercry:

Hopefully she solves her Magic problem.

Happier tone? :rainbowderp: in Rimworld?

I was going to comment on this from the beginning but didn't get the chance until now:

I don't know what the heck Rimworld is, I'd never heard/read of it, but that wasn't a deterrent to my enjoyment of this fic. I love the humor, the characters, and the way you write Twilight in this situation. It's certainly very entertaining.:pinkiehappy:

Will you do an interlude on how things are in Equestria since Twilight "disappeared"? Because of the direction of the fic, I don't think that will happen, not that it's necessary, this is perfect as it is, the question is just out of curiosity.

Thank you kindly, I know, I know, broken record all that, but comments like these really make my day so I want to say it.

For the interlude, I thought about it, but I couldn't find a way that would add something to the story that wasn't already there or that I wasn't planning on adding in the future anyway through other means. I may change my mind if I come up with something, but so far it's unlikely.

Also, Rimworld is one of the greatest vidogames/storytelling devices made by man. Don't play it, it will consume your life.

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