• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,545 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

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The Return of the Faith

Archon Eros VII walked silently through the halls of the palace, ignoring the low bows given to him by every random noble he encountered. His mind is far off the earthly plane on matters more interesting and important than paying attention to beings so despicable that are the parasites who call themselves better than the common folk.

Grover VI, what an intriguing hatchling. Barely born and already caught the attention of every living soul in the capital, when journalists learned about the new heir. The entire empire was... in a nutshell, a mess. But in a good way.

Many traveled to the capital in droves for the christening ceremony that would take place a few days after the official announcement of the birth of a male heir. It was incredibly convenient that a male child had been born after so many failed attempts. Even so, it wouldn't matter, the king only needed an heir after seeing his health dropping as each year passed.

But that was a huge problem. Even though many were still very optimistic about the future, the devout follower of Boreas knew that the boy would be too young to rule and would fall into the famous cycle that many child monarchs fall into. Turning into just a political item to be used by the ruling faction as an excellent justification for legitimacy.

The Nobles should already be scheming behind the scenes in their preparations to pass absurd legislation using the Child Emperor as a puppet to become more and more independent of the Crown's powers. If this continues, the Archon knew that the royal crown would become just a symbol and the empire would be in name only.

The elder Griffon could see a future with another glutton coming into power, with the boy following in his grandfather's footsteps, the fourth Grover. A monarch living a Hedonistic life while his nobles killed each other in futile wars to expand their family's territory and influence.

He already knew of a few who had aspirations to challenge the crown to gain more privileges and a few with even more blasphemous ambitions to take the crown for themselves.

The Griffin Empire would become a nightmare of constant infighting, political assassinations, and pointless wars.

But he wouldn't allow it.

The nobles had already tried to tarnish the empire's progress since the reign of the first Grover in the early days of the empire. And increase their already considerable influence and personal fortunes.

He scoffed as he turned down another hallway, already reaching the end of the palace.

His pace would slow when he noticed a sound behind him. It was hurried footsteps as a familiar voice called out to him.

"Eros!" He couldn't hold back the smile that would escape when he saw whose voice it was from.

He turned around and nodded to the fellow Archon that arrived by his side. "Proteus, good to see you again my friend." The most devout follower of the god of war had a massive grin as he grasped the hand of his friend in a handshake. "Heh, good to see you too."

Eros returned to his walk now accompanied by Proteus, his childhood best friend.

Both were from Grover's reign to the fourth when they were still hatchlings, both from different branches of the church who respectively respected their gods. Even so, the genuine devotion of Eros and the massive dedication of Proteus made them create mutual respect and a quick friendship with each other.

They played, trained, studied, and prayed together many times. And both in the midst of their paths became church brothers and one attended the other's election ceremony. One supporting the other and helping to win the positions of supreme head of the church of their respective gods.

Even after receiving such taxing and important positions, they still exchanged letters and got together to talk now and then, even if it was much less than when they were young.

And as the empire fell, the two became more and more separated from each other, forced to have their undivided attention on giving speeches, organizing religious events, and conducting rituals.

But one event changed all that. The Birth of the Sixth Grover, the youngster that brought them so much surprise. And something they lacked for a long time.


"Excited to baptize another soul? More importantly, a new emperor?" The War Archon asked, still keeping his smile as he bumped his elbow playfully.

Eros gave a weak laugh as he scratched his head. "I.... Honestly, I'm more surprised than excited... It's the third emperor I'm going to witness ascend to the throne. And the first that I will have the honor to baptize..."

His friend burst into a hearty laugh. "You're lucky as usual, but it's not surprising given the level of trust the king has in you. You saved his life in the republican revolution after all and now he's letting you be the boy's godfather."

Both left the royal palace and walked through the streets of Griffenheim. A city that has kept all its glory and wonder even with the turbulent times that were showing the rest of Herzland, the rest of the region. Its gigantic palaces and cathedrals still glowing in all their splendor, but its streets proved to be no longer the same.

Its former crowds no longer existed as they once did, nor their goods that were once sold in markets that were considered the busiest on the continent and are now on the brink of bankruptcy. Not even the big parades felt the same anymore, with their troops less well dressed than before and numerous for lack of raw material and manpower.

It was extremely depressing for the two Archons, who remembered the empire's most prosperous and most glorious times. When people walked with joy and pride, now with fear and tension. From a past that now seemed only as distant as their youth.

"I still can't believe he put such a big responsibility into a bag of feathers as old as me." A peal of Weak laughter from Eros was followed by a loud laugh from his best friend and a claw on his shoulder.

"Oh, you can handle it! You made it through 3 generations and knowing you, you'll make it through another one!"

This made Eros chuckle while both entered a massive temple for the three gods "By Boreas, now you're making me feel really old." Both burst into laughter together.

"You turn 90 next year, right? It's no surprise that you're considered the wisest of the three of us, with everything you've experienced. You have the most stories to tell of all our race." He spoke as both walked by rows of corridors of that monstrous building with architecture dating back decades decorated and painted with beautiful symbolisms worshiping the gods.

"Let's please change the subject, you damn hypocrite! I'm tired of being reminded of my age by an old hag like yourself!" Proteus gave a mock-indignation look to his friend as he opened a door in the end of the corridor already deep in the building while nodding to the guards flanking the passageway.

"Old? Know that I am in the prime of my youth!"

"Calm down grandma before you have a heart attack." He joked as both laughed and sat down around a table in Eros's personal chambers.

Their laughter died down as both sighed. "You are not entirely wrong my friend.... We are getting old.... New generations are coming and our time will soon come."

The Archon of Boreas silently nodded as he rummaged through one of his closets in his modest bedroom for an important figure like himself. Removing a bottle of wine with two glasses and dropped a look that asked 'want one?'. His friend just nodded his head.

"But that time will not be today nor tomorrow. We still have a lot of work to do to fix this empire before we can accept the cold arms of Maar." He spoke in a low, neutral tone as he poured the wine in their glass cups.

"Yes, most of our work will go to take care of him." The warm expression of happiness changed to one of complete and utter seriousness as he took his wine and brought it to his face, stopping before the cup could contact his beak, looking at his friend to see if he understood.

"Who...?" Eros tried to play ignorant while avoiding the gaze of his friend.

The follower of the god of war only took a sip of the glass cup before bringing it to the table again. "You know exactly who I'm talking about." The Archon of Boreas only sighed in defeat.

"Proteus, we already talked about this-" He tried to reason with his friend who in turn interrupted him, his face showing clear signs of irritation.

"No Eros, we didn't. You know very well why I think collaborating with him is a bad idea."

The Archon rubbed his brows in stress as he let out a sigh. "Dear friend, there is nothing we can do. Erion is a loyal servant of Eyr and will be a good asset to the empire-"

"That idiot is only loyal to himself!" He again was interrupted, he decided to shut up and listen to his friend, who was showing signs of complete outrage in his body language. He would have to act calm and choose his words carefully so as not to antagonize his friend further. It was already difficult in the first conversation they had, and he could see that this one was going to be even worse. "He is ambitious and a complete Hedonist! He is not worthy of the sacred position he has!"

Eros only nodded, not denying the accusations his friend levied against their fellow archon. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing we can do." his friend looked to the side with his beak clenched as he clenched his fists in frustration, but not interrupting the follower of Boreas who continued. "He is already extremely popular with the masses and the religious branch of Eyr. The only thing we can do is control him and stop him from doing more harm to the church."

Proteus turned his head to his friend and their eyes met. "You know his hunger for power is insatiable."

His fellow archon nodded. "I know, but he still doesn't have a bad relationship with me and thinks I am ignorant of his malicious intentions, he wants power and I'm the only source of that. I will restrict him without him even noticing."

The Warrior looked at the wine glass in contemplation and then took a long sip, placing it on the table while his friend continued. "The Church needs to be unified at all costs to fight the real enemy."

Proteus looked at his friend in surprise, but in an instant, the realization came. He crossed his arms and snorted in disgust. "The nobility...." Eros nodded.

"They are getting ready to make their move. The Emperor's death will likely be their call to seize power."

The Archon of Arcturius moved closer with interest as he leaned on the table with a worried expression. "You think they will try to claim the seat of Regent for themselves?" His friend nodded while taking a sip of wine in a troubled expression.

"The ambitious Duchess Gabriela is forming a coalition to stop our advances and influence in the capital and the possible council of regency. Worst of all, she got the full support of the Grand Duke of Feathisia."

This got the surprise of Proteus, that took a look of disappointment. "I expected more from him.... Disappointing. He's not a bad griffon."

"Agreed, but he has become another obstacle for us. We have to take control one way or another if the Emperor dies too soon." He looked at his cup between his fingers, not needing to look at his friend to see his shocked expression.

"You.... Are you listening to what you are saying....? We are guides, not leaders! We can't take control, this is not our sacred duty! " Eros's expression did not change, despite his friend's worried objections. He would agree with him. It wasn't an Archon's job, it wasn't their duty to seek the power of a nation for themselves.

But with the situation the nation was in, seeing the nobles crumbling their house and forcing brother to turn against brother.

He couldn't stand aside anymore.

"You're wrong my friend. This is our duty. Protect and guide the Griffons to salvation, and that will only be possible with our entire species unified. And if that task was to be left to the nobles, they would rather live lives of eternal pleasure and luxury than worry about the lives of those they consider 'lesser'." He said not bulging. His eyes were cold and determined. Meeting his friend's own without a hint of doubt.

Proteus kept silent looking at his friend in complete shock, he never heard his friend so frustrated with the nobility like this before. He didn't know his hate for them ran so deep.

He wasn't like this before, he may have ill feelings towards them. But he never desired to take them head-on for the control of the nation.

"Why Eros?" This made the Archon lift his eyebrow in curiosity to his friend who continued. "Why are you doing this? You never had such radical thoughts decades ago. And neither the desire of more power." He calmly got up and walked towards the bedroom balcony much to the curiosity of his friend who remained, which showed a magnificent view of the city of Griffenheim, the crown jewel of the empire. And Archon's house for as long as he could remember.

He turned his head down to face the streets below. "The truth Proteus, my brother.... Is that I for the first time in years... I am hopeful...." Now Proteus couldn't contain the confusion from being shown in his face.

"You are doing this for.... Hope?"

The Archon of Boreas now looked towards the sky. "I was born and raised in the best years of the empire. When I could walk the streets, to see the children play with a smile on their faces and having fun on every corner without worrying about the tomorrow. Adults being able to live and work without worry knowing that their children would have a peaceful and safe future. And where all our race lived in a golden age of peace, order, and luxury." The warrior slowly got up and walked towards beside his friend, who kept talking while not taking his gave off the beautiful and clear skies of the city.

"Now? I see a shell of its glorious past. I now see those young men being recruited from an early age into the army knowing they will have to fight for a cause they don't fully understand. Parents going to their graves completely terrified of the future they are leaving behind, the one where their children are being dragged into. So uncertain and so dark." He turned his head to look to his friend by his side, who now has on his face more and more look of horror as his friend continued.

"I see the fall of that flag. I see the crown being broken at the feet of a tide of darkness and ignorance that would carry us back to times of tribal warfare. With Griffons totally oblivious of their glorious past and all they could accomplish together and killing each other for trivial, selfish, and misguided reasons." As his face contorted more and more into anger.

"This is the future I know will befall unto our dear nation, my brother. The future I know will happen if we remain on the sidelines while everything we held dear gets turned into ash by the winds of time. " He sighs as he put a hand to his face, releasing all his frustration while his friend looks unto the ground with a face of realization and complete horror.

"And is a fate I will not let it befall to our people." A smile appeared on his face as he withdrew his hand and placed it on the shoulder of his fellow Archon. "I will do everything in my power to restore this great empire to its former glory, no matter the cost."

His gaze dropped and he closed his eyes, feeling the eyes of his friend burning through him.

"I will not lie to you my friend, The path I'm taking is not what a good Archon nor a decent Griffon would do. I'll be forever bound to a dark future, I'm trading love for hate and honor for disgrace. No one would choose this path knowing the consequences and i will be forever hated for it.... But if I have to destroy my reputation, credibility and soul to ensure that future generations don't have to go through this whole cycle of destruction and war. I will without hesitation." He finished his explanation with his eyes glued to the floor, waiting for his best friend's verdict.

After dropping this bomb on him, he indirectly asked him a question. A vote of confidence or a vote of disfavor.

'Will you come with me to fight on this crusade or not?'

A few excruciating moments would pass in which to Eros seemed like hours. He simply didn't know what answer to expect; from outright anger at him for wanting to usurp power no matter how selfless he put it, to simply walking out of the room in silence. To outright kill him right then and there for such a threat he could become to the status-quo.

In the end, he heard a sound. And the choice had been made.

The sound of metal sliding from a scabbard.

The sword being drawn.

'I don't know what I expected, you were always the lord marshal of loyalty my friend. I won't fight fate, if that's your choice. I'll understand.'

He closed his eyes in anticipation of the attack.

The flow of the wind with the movement of a sword coming down with force. And fate was sealed.

The sword landed right in front of him.


Opening his eyes and looking at his friend. He could see him with his sword stuck in the ground being held by his right hand. And then with his free hand, he placed it on his friend's shoulder.

Instead of death, he found a claw on his shoulder squeezing in comfort.

"Eros, my brother of faith. You have my sword." For the first time in a long time, the Archon made a genuine warm smile and nodded to his best friend.

"I knew I could count on you Proteus."

He didn't know how long he'd been sleeping. Darkness still took hold of his surroundings.

But that heat. That wonderful, familiar, soothing warmth kept him company.

But he didn't feel tired now. On the contrary, he was full of energy, he felt capable of doing a lot now!

But he was so comfortable. He didn't want to end this incredible feeling, he didn't want to leave.

Although. What was this wonderful place? Where was he exactly? Was it related to the noises he'd heard before falling asleep?

So many questions, but how would he get the answers? Only the pitch answered him, the great nothingness.

'The eyes.'


True, the eyes. The first thing he had tried to move and use upon waking up....

Before he hadn't been able to, no matter how hard he tried to use it. She always seemed to refuse to function, he was starting to believe it was impossible to be able to.

But he believed that the wall he had encountered for the first time made him able to recognize his surroundings and began to think.

It wasn't impossible, it was simply that he hadn't put in enough effort and dedication.

But first, he needed a loophole from warmth. For the truths he would need to free his face.

Slowly he tried to bring his head back, planning to do the same as he had with the wall before.


He couldn't move.

But this time he didn't feel that sticky liquid thing from before, it was more... Comfortable and...


He tried again and again. But this time he was so trapped that he couldn't even move his body, he obeyed him but the heat was holding him in place. He grunted as he pushed harder and harder.

But something completely startled him, a gigantic shudder and then the heat on top of him was just gone. He could now slightly lift his head.

But still, nothing had changed. He still couldn't see anything.

This time, his every effort was in his eyes. But unlike before, he easily managed to open it. And as he did so, he was welcomed by a very strong light, which made him instinctively close his eyes to keep from being hurt by the powerful light.

Slowly he opened and closed his eyes, trying to get them used to it. And after a while he was able to make out things.

And he saw. It was a giant who had him in his arms.

That was the heat he felt.

This giant.

His fur was brown, he had weird clothes with lots of cute, shiny things stuck to him. He had this shiny thing stuck in his head and it was wonderful.

His face showed a warm smile in his giant beak with his blue eyes narrowed as he lifted a gigantic claw and he started to.... Petting....?

Yes, he was petting him...

It was good...

Was that what brought him into this world?

Was he the one who had brought him the warmth he loved so much?

Its beak suddenly opened. And for the first time, he spoke to him.

"Good morning my treasure."

Author's Note:

Okay, when I started this story, I thought it would be more secondary and smaller compared to many others. I didn't expect it to explode like this, 100 likes on the first day along with 600 reads and featured in first place for so long. And now in the second day almost a thousand! Jesus christ how i love you all.

Archon Eros VII

Archon Proteus III