• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 1,654 Views, 31 Comments

Phoenix Magic: Rainbow Rocks - Magic Kitsune Brony

It's time to rock. But a musical trio is coming to CHS. Can the Rainbooms defeat this new evil?

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Chapter 1

On a clear night, in a small town near Canterlot City. All seemed quiet, except for a small restaurant, where everyone was arguing. As they argued a barely visible green mist was slowly coming off the patrons. The green mist made its way over to a corner booth, where three teenage girls were vocalising and the red gems on their neck chokers absorbed the mist. After the mist was fully absorbed, the teens took their hoods off.

“That was barely worth the effort, Adagio,” the purple haired one sighed as she slumped in her seat. “I’m tired of all this fast foot. I need a meal.”

“As we have discovered in the last month since coming here, Aria,” Adagio glared at her. “The energy in this world isn’t the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here.”

“I wish we’d never been banished to this awful place!” Aria growled, crossing her arms.

“Really? I love it here!” Adagio said sarcastically in a sweet voice.

“For realsies?” the third blue-haired member asked, tilting her head in confusion. “Because I think this place is the worst.”

“I think you’re the worst, Sonata,” Aria glared at her, none of them noticing the clouds gathering fast in the distance.

“Oh, yeah?” Sonata went to argue, closing her eyes and trying to look important. “Well, I think you’re…”

“I’ll tell you one thing,” Adagio interrupted them, rubbing her forehead, and clenching her teeth. “Being stuck here with you two isn’t making this world any more bearable!

Any other conversation was stopped when what sounded like loud thunder was heard in the distance. They turned to the window as a massive beam of bright energy shot into the sky. They ran outside as the beam disappeared for a moment, only to be replaced with an even more brighter rainbow beam went up, then came down on something before also disappearing.

Adagio’s eyes widen when she felt something. “Did you feel that?!” She gasped before smirking as she turned to the other two. “Do you know what that is?”

“I dunno,” Sonata mumbled shrugging, while Aria shrugged as well.

“It’s Equestrian magic!” Adagio glared as she grabbed Aria by the front of her hoodie.

“But this world doesn’t have Equestrian magic,” Aria pointed out annoyingly, as she pushed Adagio’s hands off her.

“It does now,” Adagio was once again smirking smugly, as she looked over towards the direction the magic came from. “And we’re going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!”

Nearby, a man sat in his car, where he had been watching and taking photos of the trio. He had watched the entire scene, from the green mist to just now. He wrote in his notebook, before reaching for his phone.

“Sir,” he said after his boss picked up. “It looks like the subjects feed off negative emotions and seem to have the ability to control minds to an extent.”

“I see,” his boss sighed. “What else, David?”

“Well, sir,” David looked over to where the bursts of magic had been. “Did something happen over in Canterlot City? Because we just saw some energy emitting from there.”

“Don’t worry,” the boss assured. “I just got word about what happened, and it’s all taken care of.”

“Not fast enough, sir,” David warned. “It seems the bursts of magic caught the subjects’ attention. Like moths to a flame. They will probably be heading your way.”

“Thank you for the warning, David,” the boss said appreciatively. “We’ll keep our eyes peeled for them.”

Once the man had hung up, Tirek turned to his computer, looking at the email from Celestia, with photos of a she-demon, a pony-turned-human princess, a group of girls with new additions to their persons, including her daughter Sunset. “Well, things have just gotten interesting.”

Sunset looked into the mirror and watched her ear twitch. She had been practising a song that she had recently started writing and in the middle of the chorus, she had 'pony-upped', as her friends had began calling it.

It had only a few weeks since the Fall Formal and she couldn't believe what had happened that night. Not only did she get half her memories back, but she had pony-upped into an Alicorn!

It had taken sometime to adjust to the new/old memories. She had explained some of the memories to her parents and friends. She had eyed her mum in concern, when she saw her muttering about having a 'talk' with her pony princess counterpart if she ever met her.

Sunset had also given a report on what she could remember about Equestria to Chrysalis, to add to the Portal Agency's files on the CHS portal. Chrysalis, Tirek, Uncle Discord, Aunt Luna and her dad, Sombra, all had laughed and joked together when they heard that their Equestrian counterparts were all villains in some way.

And Rainbow's semi prediction had came true. She really did become CHS's official Phoenix Princess. To the point that, after getting Celestia’s and her permission some of the school's artists had painted her in her Fall Formal dress onto her locker, and on the top and bottom, had written 'Phoenix Princess of CHS'.

Thankfully, she wasn't alone. They had done the same to her boyfriend Zuko's locker. Only his said 'Dragon Prince of CHS'. The Dragon Prince and the Phoenix Princess. It sounded like the start of one those cliché romance movies.

She shook her head at the thought and concentrated, feeling her pony up additions fade away, leaving her completely human. After they began to pony up when playing music and at random sometimes, they started working on ways to control it, through trial and error.

A lot of trial and error, mainly due to Rainbow's need to show off a bit. Thank god for headache potions and skelegro.

Sunset looked at her clock to see it was time for dinner. She needed an early night, so she and her mum could arrive at school early. Her mum had asked her to show some new students around tomorrow and she had said 'yes'.

"I can't wait to meet them," Sunset thought aloud as she fed Hedwig and Ray. "I just hope that they are nice."

Author's Note:

Here's Rainbow Rocks. I know the first few lines in the opening song doesn't really work with my AU, because they were never apart. But, I figured, I put the Equestria Girls opening song in the last one, I should be the Rainbow Rocks opening in this one