• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
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I've been writing and selling stories for longer than a lot of folks reading this have been alive. Check Baal Bunny for more!


Not long after becoming Equstria's new reigning monarch, Twilight receives a letter from Prince Blueblood. It's not a declaration of war from the land's rightful ruler to the unprincipled usurper who's claimed the throne, and he explains why.

My entry in the 2022 Crackship Contest, this story didn't make the top eleven.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 81 )

It's not a declaration of war from the land's rightful ruler to the unprincipled usurper who's claimed the throne, and he explains why.

I know Blueblood is a stuck up spoiled brat, but why would someone assume that from a letter?

Now Show Twilight's reaction to the letter as a sequel and it'll be perfect.
As an aside Rarity really and honestly came across as a gold digger at the GGG.
After the second instance of Blue acting like a boor, she should have just dropped her pursuit instead of pursuing him more.
After that well if Blue was more of a cad and ratings allowed she would have had to performed the Trot of shame Home after He'd had his way with her.

Something decidedly not innocent took shape in your eyes then, and for the first time, I began to realize with what sort of creature I was dealing. "That you're also a horrible pony," you said with careful enunciation, "and one who gravely insulted one of my best friends several years ago in front of the entire Grand Galloping Gala has had no bearing whatsoever on my decision."

Usually she really doesn't do Payback but sometimes ponies and creatures needs to learn their lesson

Struck dumb by a sudden and wholly unexpected sense of camaraderie with this beguiling alien creature, I allowed myself to be caught up among the five or six ponies who by all accounts did want to be there, and in their midst, I was herded up onto the dais. There, the oldest of the ten griffons—and if I'd had to guess, I would've said the oldest griffon in the entire history of the world—opened his beak, and sounds akin to bagpipes being murdered by pickaxes came out, gassy, whining, and percussive all at once.

I'm assuming that's Grandpa Gruff

Wow that's was a pretty interesting story and also an interesting shipping as well anyway it looks like Prince Blueblood was writing a note to Twilight basically ranting about how she took everything from him and he was supposed to be the one taking over Equestria since he was a line of Princess Celestia but instead he went to griffonstone to be the ambassador there and despite how much he does like this idea he wanted to use the plan to overthrow Twilight but things change when he meet glida and somehow he was very attracted to her and it both get along pretty well despite how opposite they are from each other and it's a pretty interesting character development between those two and how much they care for each other when they got into a fight with a bunch of Griffins but from all that he looks like he learned a little bit of a lesson and basically saying thank you to Twilight which I guess in his way that was kind of nice again this was a pretty good keep up the good work

Edit: I think I got the most disliked I ever gotten in any comment section :pinkiesad2:

We don't talk about BlueBlo, no, no...

Okay, dude. Are you obsessed with doing these kinds of comments? Why do you feel a need to comment a story summary?

Look that's basically how I do and I've been doing this a very long time and basically it's been with me ever since and I'm sorry if it really drives you crazy

"That you're also a horrible pony," you said with careful enunciation, "and one who gravely insulted one of my best friends several years ago in front of the entire Grand Galloping Gala has had no bearing whatsoever on my decision."

Well, that's good -- because that would be some very worrying cronyism.

Now, since you also "came of age" in the palace at Canterlot, I'm sure I needn't tell you how whole generations of ponies have had their tastes in mares shaped by the omnipresence of my dear, delectable Auntie. For my part, tall, broad, and imposing are three of the key metrics I employ when appraising females within my line of sight, and this she-griffon displayed a larger percentage of those qualities than I'd certainly been expecting to come across hereabouts.

"The point I'm trying to make here is that if she doesn't look like she could trample me into the dirt without breaking stride, I don't wanna hear about it."

The challenge in her gaze made portions of me tingle, and the promise there as well got certain other portions of me tingling.

"Now, you might be asking yourself, 'did he really need to tell me that?' And the answer is -- no. No I did not."

A very nice story -- I quite liked how you did Blueblood's narrative style, and this was an interesting take on the old heir incognito trope.

If you need to comment like that, I've got a few stories you can check out. I don't know if they're the kind you usually read, but they're there. I don't mind!

As for this story, very enjoyable.

I don't think I've seen Blueblood paired with Gilda before, so that's bonus points. It's also almost always Gilda who gets tapped as Guto's descendent, so that's a nice little subversion there too.

I have to point you at Royally Ruffled Feathers by Eyeswirl the Weirded and its prequel Blueblood Takes Over Equestria. Royally Ruffled Feathers is sadly cancelled, but what's there is is a fascinating read, and really makes Blueblood an interesting character. Gilda plays off him quite nicely.

Honestly, as a fan of poor neglected Gilbood, I approve by default.

Which makes it good that the story is also excellent!

I do wonder just how unreliable a narrator Bluey is regarding Twi's motives, but I could see either way. And either way, it apparently worked out to (several) happy ending(s)!

I do love the lampshade over dialogue in an epistolary story. It may not be word for word, but it's close enough for the courts.

"These griffons"—and here, I gestured to the tails of those departing the station in search of the aforementioned grub—"didn't need to hear any more platitudes or folderol!"
"Hey!" This time, Gilda said it with a bit more bite, and the smack of her talons carried a bit more heft, too. "Greta worked really hard on her platitudes and folderol!"

A concise demonstration of the wonderful possibilities this pairing provides.

This was a delight from start to finish, and a great rendition of a truly classic crack pairing reinforced with later developments. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Punctuation is your friend.

Oooh! Now that was some delectable writing! You nailed the necessary amout of refinement in Blueblood's rambling prose, this feels exactly like what a braggart of a noble would write (or more likely in his case, dictate).


bruh people have the right to comment whatever they feel like it as long as they don't hate spam.
And dude you don't have to apologize for what you do you're not hurting anybody ok.

This was fun. Kudos on a well-written story, believable characterizations, and your ability to make us want to read more. Particularly, I'd like to see what was going on in Twilight's head.


Thanks guys I really appreciate it but judging by the dislike I'm getting people don't like it I've been doing that ever since high school year my teacher always told me after we were done reading a book we always write down what happened in the book so they know we did pay attention what's going on in the story and that's been stuck with me ever since

It would probably help if you punctuated.

Ah, that would explain your comment on the story with the Pirate's a while back. Interesting to know. I do have to say, it's not something I'd do, especially since some people would read the comments first, before reading the story to see if it's getting a positive or negative reaction from others before committing to reading it themselves, but I can see now why you do it.

Pretty good.
Well written.
No Spelling or Grammar Mistakes i could make out reading this as a Story and not as a Piece needing editing.
Keep it up.

Have yourself a Favourite and an Upvote.

Oh ok i see and don’t worry about dislikes it’s just people are being too sensitive

There, the oldest of the ten griffons—and if I'd had to guess, I would've said the oldest griffon in the entire history of the world—opened his beak, and sounds akin to bagpipes being murdered by pickaxes came out, gassy, whining, and percussive all at once.

I can already see why this ship actually works: Blueblood is an ass, but damn if he ain't savage.

I bet Gilda would be laughing her ass off at that.

EDIT: I just realized something: I could've written "Are you sure Blueblood ain't the real Sun Princess? Because that was a sick burn!"

That was wonderful.

This was pretty amusing, and the pairing was certainly interesting!


Thanks, folks!

I quite enjoyed writing in Blueblood's voice, but it very nearly killed me. He's pretty much the epitome of the unreliable narrator--even he knows that you shouldn't trust anything he says--but he's having this experience that's making him actually feel real positive feelings for another person maybe for the first time in his life. It's all very disconcerting both for the character and for the guy trying to write the character... :twilightoops:


That is a smart idea for sure. But for the love of Twilight, put those kinds of comments in spoilers. Like this So you don't ruin the story for those who read the comments first.

This was absolutely fantastic! I'd love to see more of Blueblood and Gilda in a sequel

Okay fair enough I'll do that.

my only regret is we did not get to see twilight reaction to the letter great story, i always love blueblood when he done right

my advice just combining it into one comment using quotes instead of multiple different comments

And because of all that, I began considering whether you might just propose marriage to me.

Barely only a few paragraphs in, and already I feel like Twilight will have eyerolled two or three times by this point in the letter.

Nobility's not a game for the faint of heart, after all.

No, it's not, but it IS a very silly game that, frankly, the world could stand to have more than a little less of. :raritywink:

That you merely nodded in response told me all I felt I needed to know about your alleged intellect. For if you couldn't recognize an insult when it was lobbed at you as gently and slowly as the one I'd just offered—

No, actually I think she's two or three moves ahead of you, Blueblood...but who's counting? :trollestia:

Something decidedly not innocent took shape in your eyes then, and for the first time, I began to realize with what sort of creature I was dealing.

Told you. :trixieshiftleft:

And while my associates amongst the upper crust assured me that they would keep me apprised of the goings-on in the capitol, I had to admit to myself on that long, bumpy, noisy trip that they likely wouldn't.

To be honest, they were probably not that unhappy to see him go too. :trollestia:

Speaking, however, as one who's been hauled before the Equestrian judicial system multiple times to answer for my actions

Well, that's telling.

And somehow in that lavender egg you call a head, you decided that she and I needed to meet, that she in fact might be the only creature in this wide, wide world who could peck away at my indolence, nudge me from my self-regard, match me step by step in both sourness and savoriness, and that I, bred to a world of political intrigue, might be just the creature to help her and her colleagues face the storms they're likely to encounter setting up this new governmental structure of theirs.

"Actually, no, it really was just to get you out of my mane and to deal you a bit of comeuppance for you being so...you. But as these goals are still being met, you certainly aren't going to here me complaining, so...still a win, I think.

-Princess Twilight Sparkle"

Gilda/Blueblood had a big section in the Blueblood shipping megathread we had going on back in the day. Eyeswirl took some inspiration from there for several of their abandoned projects. Before we had a falling out, that is... Anyways, yeah. There was always this idea of the intense contrast between the royal Blueblood and the apparently rough and tumble Gilda ending up as an attractive force. Plus, they were both kind of jerks back then as their only characterisation. Plus plus, I also think there was this sense of them being two, kind of, sort of, outsiders, you know? In that Blueblood's weird station in Equestrian society probably ends up isolating him to more regular ponies, while Gilda is a literal foreigner in Equestria.

Heh. He pretty much has to be. Because if he were totally accurate, Twilight would have had to willingly send somepony she thinks is terrible and nobody should have to be around, into a delicate political situation, aided by an extremely dedicated staff doing their very best to see things through properly, where things going wrong will epically upset three of her closest friends especially (Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike) and send an already suffering people into another downward spiral, all for revenge for something that happened years ago. And the victim herself doesn't seem to mind anymore, considering Blueblood and Rarity were fine going on a yacht trip together.

In other words, she'd have to be petty, myopic, vengeful, and stupid.

11172132 But why would you need punctuation when you can just keep typing words one after the other for an indeterminantly long period of time until the heat death of the universe renders further grammatical construction impossible due to the degradation and decay of every last proton into frigid radiation at practically absolute zero Period


Alondro #35 · Mar 6th, 2022 · · 1 ·

And now write a story where Blueblood and Gilda consummate their relationship, while insulting each other the entire time. Because angry sex makes them both super-duper hot. :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

At least that was only one sentence.

No. Don't enable those people or they'll never get better.

And in a act if sweet vengeance they guilt rareity into making there wedding outfits

idk y ppl hate story summaries. You don't like it? don't read it. I get it if spoilers aren't on it, but otherwise, jus let the guy summarize shite if he wants to

This was pretty good. The pairing and characterization both worked together without a need for contrivance, and Blueblood expecting marriage or exile was a perfectly reasonable mindset to have for the eldest living descendent of the royal bloodline that just lost the crown.
Since you used a YouTube video of Phoenix Wright, an attorney at law (albeit in a video game), I'm compelled to say this. Nobody here has the right to post anything, bruh. It's a privilege given by the site's owner, and can legally be revoked at any time for any reason without needing to satisfy any due process.

Privileges are not the same as rights. I award you one penalty.


Well here's the thing man as long as a person do not put any spam or writing a hate comments or threatening they can say whatever they want isn't that the whole point about have the right to say what you feel about the story?

Before things get way out of hands or Hooves or claws whatever I want to say the story and the shipping between blue blood and Gilda is very unique and I do like his little rant on is note and it's very funny how much he goes on until he realized she was doing him a favor nice job on the story 👍


Well here's the thing man as long as a person do not put any spam or writing a hate comments or threatening they can say whatever they want isn't that the whole point about have the right to say what you feel about the story?

You just repeated your earlier comment without processing anything that was said, especially the distinction about privileges and rights. Let's try this way: why do you think someone has the right to post on this site, and why do you think it's a right and not a privilege?

Privileges are not the same as rights. I award you a second penalty.

Ok so what are you trying to say that he's not allowed to say anything about how he thinks about the story because I'm starting to see some weird signal here. 🤔


Ok so what are you trying to say that he's not allowed to say anything about how he thinks about the story because I'm starting to see some weird signal here. 🤔

What I've said twice quite clearly is that you're calling something a right that isn't one because you don't seem to understand the distinctions. If you don't get it after three times, then that's your own Everest to climb. :rainbowlaugh:

Wonderfully in voice and a delightful romp! Plus you made the pairing really seem to work.

Well joke's on you I'm not a mountain climber anyway :rainbowwild:


Well joke's on you I'm not a mountain climber anyway

No worries there, it was already very clear. :ajsmug:

Wanderer D

Really enjoyed this take on Blueblood, and him pairing with someone like Gilda is just perfect. Although he technically already broke his word to not tell anyone about who's the real royal bloodline in Griffonstone. But, we'll, he's telling the story entirely from his perspective.

I'm pretty sure Twilight isn't going to tell anyone either (or, possibly, already knew this detail anyway). :raritywink:

I would love to read more of this and how they would rebuild the country and the trials they would face.

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