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Before there was Queen Haven, there was Princess Haven, and the young princess, like many coming into adulthood, questioned the brightness and justice of the decisions of their elders. When Princess Haven learns that the history her teachers taught her might not be entirely accurate, she goes seeking answers for herself.

Every pony has an origin. This is Queen Haven's.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 69 )

Before this gets washed away by a tidal wave of spam comments, I just wanted to say...

“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.” --Oscar Wilde

Love seeing a Queen Haven centered story like this. Looking forward to more of this.

String of spam comments consisting only of dubious links deleted.

She picked up one of the discarded scraps of paper and looked at it. A schedule for airships? Her eyes passed over the listings and saw Zephyr Heights, but also Bridlewood, Maretime Bay, and at least a dozen locations she had never heard of— the Crystal Empire? Ponyville? Manhattan? Canterlot? Trottingham? Most of these names were unfamiliar to her. There were even locations more exotic listed, like The Dragonlands. Dragons were a myth, weren't they?

That's also another good question what happened to the major cities because in the movie there are only three it kind of begs the question is it far off in Equestria or something

Okay so this is the past of Queen Haven before she became a queen but it looks like her mother really didn't like talking about the past to the Pressed but it turns out that she's actually didn't want it to start a war to any of the tribes it just happened that's pretty sad to think about it and what really broke the bridges between three tribes and including the other creatures as well but it looks like young Haven found in abandoned station that used to use transportation for non Flyers to visit it's kind of sad to think about what really caused this problem this looks promising I like to see what's going to happen next

That Phyllis, what she did was wrong.

So it looks like the young Haven left her home after finding out the information about the abandoned station and she was about to go to bridlewood where the unicorns live but instead she met up with a to familiar young ponies the believer Argyle and a stubborn woman Phyllis but it looks like Haven and Argyle kind of headed off because both of them actually want to to bring peace between three tribes and I'm assuming that that's how Queen Haven recognize the symbol on Sunny's Journal I mean it makes sense why she was positive when she saw the book but anyway I wonder how this will work out with those three

"You pegasi weren't the first to try to conquer us," Phyllis said with a smirk. "Luckily, we learned that if you covered the unicorn's horn with anything, they couldn't use it to mind-control us or fry our brains. We had an excess of mayonnaise sitting around at the time, and we sprayed them down with it. They were helpless, and it had them slipping and sliding all over the place as a bonus. They were forced to retreat with their tails tucked between their legs. You can take that information home with you. I'm not interested in a brainwashed pegasus army showing up at our doorstep because you failed to be prepared for a unicorn invasion."

To be honest that would make sense even though it kind of sound a little bit far-fetched but I can see why they didn't like mayonnaise I don't like mayonnaise either

Oh man I was not expecting that at all okay but it looks like Argyle was studying the bridge that leads to bridlewood and of course Phyllis was really getting impatient about what was he doing and not only that really don't trusting Haven but it looks like Argyle and Haven had a pretty good conversation with each other which is always nice to see that but unfortunately things really got ugly apparently Phyllis blew up the bridge which that makes sense what happened to the bridge in the movie but that was a jerk move basically just lied to him what she was trying to accomplish leaving a broken hearted Argyle but it's sweet that Haven comfort him wow that really sucks what Phyllis did that was not cool I wonder how this will work out I guess we'll find out next time

Okay it looks like Argyle and Haven are on the way to bridlewood and of course she wasn't too used to walking in the woods even though she has to make peace with the Unicorn somehow and With a Little Help from Argyle maybe this will be a chance but again we all know what's going to happen but let's find out next time

Oh boy that was not cool what they did so it looks like Argyle and Haven found the location where the figurines are buried which that's pretty weird why were they were buried but in good condition but then the unicorns came in and basically told him to get out but Argyle what the last figurine and the unicorns would play the game but apparently they cheated but they didn't want to resolve any violence so Argyle and Haven make a hasty retreat again that is not cool what they did I wonder how this will work out guess we'll find out next time by the way Happy New Year's

ayoooo somebody finally wrote a queen haven fic thats actually good

Dang that's actually pretty sad so it looks like Haven and Argyle how to say goodbye to each other because this is probably the last time they're ever going to see each other after the failure back at bridlewood and she even told her mother what happened during her journey but she's probably going to have to twist every words about her daughter so they don't know the truth because usually the media always take that out of contacts and usually that always happens and don't want to start a war between the three tribes and it felt like her mother is starting to take a toll she saying that she won't make it with all the stress and everything it felt like she given up everything and she just want to see her granddaughters it is kind of sad that haven had to keep all of this Secret just protect not just her kind but also Argyle boy I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

LOVE this story. :pinkiehappy:

Gives Queen Haven a lot of depth that we didn't get to see in the film.

I'm not my mother. I'm not going to control what my daughters do. Pipp isn't even the heir, so she can get away with more. She's probably just excited about her concert tonight. Still, couldn't she at least put some effort into this? I'll need to speak to her later, after the show; I don't want to rain on her mood too much before then." Haven thought to herself as she came in for a landing. Zipp was probably paying just as much attention and noting her suster's behavior too and wondering why Pipp wasn't getting fussed at. Both of them would need to be spoken to.


She sighed in exasperation as she tossed her daughter's phone back to her. Okay, the city knew about the ponies, but she had reassured the public. Getting the ponies out of town was now going to be that much harder than when nopony knew they were here, but she would figure something out. These two were clearly harmless idiots who didn't know any better than to wander into the city. She wanted to just lock them up for the day and have the guards dump them out on the road in the morning. The public would probably forget mostly about them after all the hype Pipp's concert brought. Hopefully, Pipp's current antics weren't going to sabotage it from being that easy.

Yeah about that Haven....

Well it looks like the years went by and now she's the queen and it looks like this is where we are in the movie and he did kind of remember the book that Argyle have when she saw Izzy and sunny and yeah Zipp knows them but only a few minutes ago Queen Haven always felt guilty for sending them to the dungeon so she put them into the other present the sweet which that's pretty interesting and we all know what's going to happen later on but let's see what she thinks about this whole situation next time

Fixed, thanks for the catch.

"Aw, good for her. Maybe she is taking putting on a show for the public more seriously," Haven said thoughtfully. "Go do what you need to do. You're going to blow the crowd away tonight."

She did, though not in the way Haven would have hoped...
Another solid chapter.

Although it would be nice to get a chance to hear how Argyle was doing. If that earth pony had his journal, then that earth pony must at least know him. For one night, she could be reminded that there were still ponies that dreamed of a better world without the fear, lies, and deceit. Maybe someday it would come, but not today. Hopefully, they would forgive her for maintaining the lies and understand why it was necessary, at least for now.

Yeah about what happened to Argyle.... 😔

So it looks like she knows about the book and she still feels bad for putting sunny and Izzy to the dungeon and apparently she knows about Zipp meeting with them as well but it is interesting to see pipp and Queen Haven having a conversation about this whole situation well we already know what's going to happen to the concert let's see how this will work out

Haven sighed. "Your sister doesn't have the same instincts for subterfuge that you and I have, so she is less inclined to see through it. Your sister thinks she is sneaky, but duplicity is not in her nature"

Yeah... About that...

The guards pushed through the mob to stand before her. "Your criminal highness, you're under arrest for lying to the public and possible collusion with the earth ponies and unicorns! Please come along quietly."

Umm... I think you meant to write: "Your criminal highness, you're under arrest for being a phony pony full of baloney!" :rainbowlaugh:

Well, the press will put their own spin on it. :pinkiehappy:

Well we all knew that was going to happen and Queen Haven was pretty outraged what's going on why did zipp did this but sooner or later she will understand what's going on that sunny and the others are going to bring the magic back but now she has to face the consequences I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

I wonder if Queen Haven going to talk to Sunny about Argyle?

I'm confused. Shouldn't any weight issues from Pipp being pudgy be balanced out by her being smol?

They are saying that she still has some growing left to do and her body frame has less room for her to gain extra weight than her sister or mother, who have smaller bone frames. They anticipate her becoming bigger and stockier, which is fine, as long as she doesn't get overweight. Because of the expected larger bone structure, she has less freedom than her mother or sister to gain extra few pounds here and there and still safely use the wiring system because her natural body frame is already going to be heavier before that.

So in short, she isn't viewed as short, she is viewed as younger teen who is still growing, with an expectation she will actually end up taller and broader than her big sister when she is done.

Gotcha. Interesting, I hadn't considered any of the new main 5 as not adults yet, but it makes some sense.

That felt like a slap to the face, but she would not be detoured. "It makes them feel safe. Oh, one day, you'll understand. Your sister does." She heard Pipp getting moved into position and turned to smile at her. "—Oh, and here she is now!"

Did you mean to use "deterred"?

It's a bit ironic, if Sprout's dad's name is "Lucky".

Tomorrow. Tomorrow she would find her daughters, bring them hope, crown Zipp as the new queen, and then they would make this all right again.

Things will change tomorrow but not the way you're planning is you'll be surprised Queen Haven

So as we thought in the movie when we saw her in the woods she did Escape somehow and she really does needs to teach the guards about actual guarding here and she went to the woods the thinking that that's where they're heading for which she is right shortly after she got through the woods she saw Cloudpuff and apparently he was looking for hitch Trailblazer but it looks like they had to wait until morning because there's no way they can't get through the woods in night time and we already know what's going to happen but let's see what she thinks about it

Cloudpuff playing his little part in bringing everypony together.

Dogs have a way of doing great things.

I'd always sort-of headcanoned that Cloudpuff got Haven out of prison (it's an animated film, even non-talking animal sidekicks are capable of anything), and it was his laser-focused tracking on Hitch that led both of them for the whole trip. I recognise that wouldn't have been a good dramatic fit for this, but Haven blaming Cloudpuff didn't sit right with how much she adores and pampers him.

In any case, mostly a transitionary chapter, not much to say. Roll on the last two/three!

I wonder how Haven would react to Zipp crushing on Hitch... :rainbowlaugh:

The unicorn looked back at her briefly and grimaced before looking back at the captain. "Personally, I don't care about your queen, but her daughters do, and I'm not letting you take them away to be arrested when they put their tails on the line for us. They put their tails on the line for you too. How can you even think of trying to arrest them? Those fillies have earned their welcome here, those two earth ponies too. I think they'd be upset if you arrested their mother, and I'm willing to defend her for their sake."

Wow Alphabittle that's pretty amazing defending the others not just Izzy but Sunny hitch pipp and Zipp I got a little emotional with that one 😢

Yeah kind of figured that would happen as well sunny and her friends tried the best to bring the crystals to live but it didn't work she felt like she failed and basically her and hitch went home in defeat while Queen Haven was saddened about the situation the guards was about to arrest her and her daughters but to the surprise the unicorn name Alphabittle stepped in and kind of defended not just her but pipp and Zipp even the other unicorns think they're not the enemies they have proven they did cared but it looks like the other three Ponies are going after hitch and sunny and it looks like Queen Haven and Alphabittle went after them because we all know what's going to happen and it's all because of that crazy sprouts got the other Earth ponies paranoid let's see how this will work out

Are you going to do this with other G5 characters?

I've been debating an Izzy short story with Alphabittle for a little while that goes into their characters and history with one another. It would show a very different side of Izzy if I did (nothing romantic or pornographic, but a much more serious and angry side), and I haven't been sure if I want to do it or not.

"Excuse me, Mister earth pony with the strange goggles. May I ask you a question?" Haven asked an earth pony walking by who had a strange contraption on his face.

Why does he still have that thing on his head wouldn't he get such a crick in the neck

A dehydrated-looking earth pony with a bunch of balloons on his back suddenly ran by, screaming like a mad pony, and Hitch went running after; a second later, Izzy followed, prancing casually down the road.

Oh my gosh its that poor guy lol

"It seems like not everypony got the message," she said sadly.

Well to be fair he was up in the air for a while so he probably did not get the message

So it looks like everything turned out pretty well well almost but it looks like Queen Haven was pretty happy about this whole change how the unicorns Pegasus and Earth Ponies are becoming good friends now all thanks to Sunny and her friends not only that she also heard about what happened to Argyle which that's pretty sad and Alphabittle becoming good friends with Haven which that's pretty nice even inviting her to a couple of games and it looks like between her and Phyllis finally forgave each other after all these years and it looks like she's telling sunny and most of the ponies about how it all started with her when she was very young boy that was something else but it was nice keep up the good work

Author's Note:
I plan to keep this story under ten chapters with some time skips.

*looks at chapter count, and sees 12*
Looks like that plan went awry at some point.
As plans often do.

She was no archaeologist or researcher, but she knew enough to know she could do more harm than good by disturbing this place. It wouldn't do a young any good if she inadvertently destroyed what was barely holding itself together or moved something from what was essentially a crime scene, and this place looked like a crime scene.

Princess Zephyrina "Zipp" Storm, unspecified amount of years later:
*drags down multiple chalkboards, a large fan capable of suspending her in the air, a bunch of power cables, a bunch of papers, and Izzy's crown swap craft supplies*
Zipp: "I'm respecting the past." *eats a sandwich, chips, and a cookie, and gets crumbs everywhere*

this could be exactly what she was looking for— random uniforms or earth ponies that lived apart from their tribes

I suddenly have the mental image of empty military uniforms walking around as if they're being worn by the invisible man, and it's creepy.:twilightsheepish:

I believe you meant to say "unicorns" instead of "uniforms".

Seeing how well Argyle and Haven got along, makes the shipper in me suddenly want them to be lovers over the years, and for Zipp, Pipp, and Sunny to be forbidden love children.
Extra points if Izzy is also one of their forbidden love children.
Extra extra points if Izzy and Sunny are twins, and the emotional toll of sending Izzy to the unicorns was too much for the forbidden romance, and it broke them up for good.
Haven presumably also had to tell the public that the pregnancy ended in tragedy, and had to bury a tiny weighted sealed coffin.

Based on the tags, that's not where this story is actually going.

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