• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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  • THorse-Based Economy
    Two vaults with two experiments. One set the ponies out on their own, forming a tribal group. One kept them close, creating a vault-dweller herd of ponies. But there's still one more to be seen. How were they treated and what did they form?
    David Silver · 36k words  ·  29  4 · 254 views

This story is a sequel to Suck it up, Buttercup

Vault-Tec never runs one experiment when two would be better! The second prong of their pony experiment watches the world around it with large equine eyes. Perhaps it is time to move. It's too late to close the door, the ponies have already left.

Expect weekly updates as two of my patrons are chipping in their bits in a friendship power play to keep this moving at a brisk trot. Neighing may be involved.

This is Fallout, but this is not Fallout: Equestria. It's Fallout with ponies, which is not the same by far.

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 164 )

Trouble is with Twilight units, they can get rather enthusiastic with their interfacing?:unsuresweetie:

I know, tight? It's a crime they never made it in the game as a robot companion. :pinkiecrazy:

do you though? all the evidence in the fallout games points to the giddyups being extremely deadly and faulty objects that can kill and dismember pretty much anything around them.

welllll.....i wouldnt mind a izzy moonglow unit.....to be friends with

or maybe date later

and possibly marry

not sure if i'd make whoopie with her though im not sure if they are erm correct lets put it that way :derpyderp1:

Thank you, patrons mounting the friendship power play!

"Thanks kindly, now, Daffodil, calm down."
"Thanks kindly. Now, Daffodil, calm down."?
I think that's the intended meaning, at least? I've been having a lot of trouble parsing the paragraph that's in, sorry.
Relatedly, maybe something like "and Daffodil" to "and the still-sneering Daffodil" to make it clearer that Daffodil isn't presently calm? Because that was another part that confused me, I worked out after rereading and pondering the paragraph for a while; the text seems to be saying Applejack is speaking to Daffodil, but it doesn't look like Daffodil is particularly not-calm, while Twilight is pretty clearly not-calm...
Well, hopefully I've by now figured out the intended meaning here; sorry about the bother.

"at Giddyup with sort snuffles"
"at Giddyup with short snuffles"?

"hovered beside her two companion. "It's"
"hovered beside her two companions. "It's"?

"you must be programmer fer way hungier little"
"you must be programmed fer way hungier little"?

Well, an interesting start! :D
Though it looks like the other stable is not composed mostly or entirely of batponies, so that guess of mine was wrong.
Anyway, thank you for writing!

...Hm. Intersting that Applejack doesn't appear to be familiar with ghouls, though, given what she said about how much time she's spent in the Wasteland. I wonder what's going on there?

Fix fix. Note, Applejack has not yet commented on Stan. That was Daffodil, who is a vault dweller like Twi. She has claimed 'more experience', but also is still a vault dweller. AJ is the one that's been outside long enough to think the title's a bad one for her.

Ah, thanks for the clarification! I'd noticed, as I recall, that Applejack hadn't commented, but I assumed that that was because she didn't have anything extra to say on that, since I thought all three had seen Stan. That said, looking back now, while it looks like Daffodil and Twilight did indeed both see him, there's not actually anything explicit I'm seeing on Applejack doing so. So that appears to have been a case of misunderstanding and bad assumptions.

Sweet! Loving it already! That would make a good rpg.. I wonder if Duk thought about that.. I'll ask him 🙂

Looks like theres going to be a Thing sooon, what wiith all the different entities coming together like the parts of a nuclear device?:rainbowderp:

Stan got his radar set to "Don't Care". Then Giddyup like, "I care a LOT!" And he's like, "Well dammit...":pinkiecrazy:

"the notes perfectly emulating the show's introductory tones"
Hm. I wonder, does that mean that the show exists in-universe here, or was that just a description for the readers?

"angled her gun towards towards Skyline's forehooves"
"angled her gun towards Skyline's forehooves"?

"with a small pause between each one.""
"with a small pause between each one."?

"Mister Handyman's"
"Mister Handy's"?
Or was that deliberate?

Thanks for writing. :)

Fixfix. The pieces are about in place for shenanigans.

Wait, is Stan actually a ghoul, or just looking poorly?

""Time to experiment." Her horn glowed as wires came into view, running along the horn as she turned on whatever that was. "Let's see how effective it is." She fired a blast, thin, long, and slicing. The super suddenly didn't have an arm, falling to the ground like a small felled log. The gun came after it a moment later. The super mutant began to scream, that much enough to teach it pain."
I think it could be good to mention at the start of this paragraph that Twilight is the speaker and actor; I was rather confused, since, with no such identification, Daffodil seemed the natural speaker and actor here as a continuation of the previous paragraph.

And now I'm wondering if Applejack will ask for a discount. After all, when it looks like the people hunting your newly-hired guard are a bigger threat than what you would have encountered and needed a guard for otherwise... :D

And Stan's eye-brow slowly floats into orbit... :applejackunsure:

That Aunt unit has self repair capabilities that Twilight should be intrestedin for general robotic survival?

"Your logical is sound."
"Your logic is sound."?

""I did not meet them." Giddyup inclined his head, neck going with it. "He is now in dormant mode.""
Since Giddyup did meet the other two Giddyups, should that be "I did not meet him", using the male gender to refer to the overseer computer as other text in the area does?

"Factory default bother me."
"Factory default bothers me."?

Interesting. So Twilight knew about super mutants previously, but not ghouls, given her introduction to their existence appears to have been in Chapter 2 of this story?

Hearing about it and meeting one are different.

Singular they is a thing. That is a hill I will die on. Other typos slain.

Right, I did think it might be that at first, but looking back at the text, it looked to me more like it was indeed a case of not knowing about ghouls, rather than knowing about them but not recognizing that that's what Stan was before Applejack told her. I'm gathering from your answer that it is meant to have been just a matter of recognition?

Humans come in so many varieties! How do you even keep track of them?

Ah, hm.
[looks at text again]
Yeah, I think that makes sense. Sorry about the confusion!

Previously posted as an edit to my previous comment, but I thought you'd be less likely to miss it if I added it to this one instead:
Oh, I do not disagree about singular they! In this case, though, it's a matter of inconsistent usage in a way that reduces clarity; the overseer computer, from what I recall, is referred to with male pronouns except in that one place, which unfortunately is located where a plural they referring to a different group would be a more natural reading of the text in isolation, with only knowledge of the previous story indicating that's not what was meant. As I recall my interpretation of it being, at least. If you don't want to standardize on male pronouns there -- which sense, and my suggestion for it was because they were already predominating -- I'd suggest standardizing on singular-they pronouns. Though even inverting the inconsistency could work here, perhaps; that seems to me still a bit more confusing, but as a gender-neutral pronoun makes no statement about the gender of the one referred to, referring to the computer with masculine terminology in one place and gender neutral terminology in another is not itself a problem.

""Shoot." Called out. "Sorry, ah'm"
""Shoot," Applejack called out. "Sorry, ah'm"?

Ah, looks good; thanks!

"Applejack didn't let him consider recover, putting"
"Applejack didn't let him consider recovering, putting"?

"the two kept on walking, he sideways"
"the two kept on walking, him sideways"?

.....my twily waz hurt.....now i haz a sad:fluttercry:

Fixed, but my way, stubbornly. <3

Hah, well, you are the author. :)

If Twilight could get Giddyap to turn silica into iron as a power source and material resource, they would be able to proceed even further? At least the radiation would keep ghouls healthy?:trixieshiftright:

Pity Giddyap cant just short a quick electric currant through themettalic needle to heat it up and sterilise it, but that totally changes the alloy, making it extremely brittle and making it break up the next time a use is attempted?

Pity he cant use cold plasma,but cant remember how obscure that tech is even before the Balefire.:unsuresweetie:

"with brief flared of her horn"
"with brief flares of her horn"?

"the stimpack going stuff, then"
"the stimpack going stiff, then"?

Thats a lot of shot from too close a range.

Somehow this might not be one of those variants where Earth ponies can not just Push to make things Grow.

But PULL?:rainbowderp:

"further back out sight and hopefully the"
"further back out of sight and hopefully the"?

Bit behind on my reading, but thanks for writing! :)

Ugh. Quite a backlog, though...
Oh well. There are worse problems to have!

Cool story. Enjoyed it. Added to my read list. :twilightsmile:

The nice thing about Fallout, like many RPGs, is that when you are struggling to bring down an enemy with a fancy armor or weapon, you can get excited about how great it will be to use that armor or weapon yourself soon.

how....how can someone SLEEP that long? maybe he can go with them not like he can go anywheres else

He wasn't sleeping as in a good night's rest. He's the bloke that got shot twice and was busy bleeding to death.

Been there, done that, woke up with a cat sat on face.

The waiting by the door bit.:trixieshiftright:

"Stan nodded at that assement."
"Stan nodded at that assessment."?

I like the idea of barding for Giddyup.

I really hope Miss Aunt makes it through. Will be sad to see her taken out by a mutant Deathclaw falling from the sky due to a ground clip glitch.:pinkiegasp:

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