• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


For the first time in living memory, a unicorn has set hoof in Maretime Bay. The ponies demand decisive action. Unfortunately, they're demanding it from Sprout. Even more unfortunately, he has some issues keeping his composure through the whole thing. And that's not getting into the real problems...

A strange and distant part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Cool story!

Very strange reasons for Sweetie to get that prediction... Is it just that she'll need the money or help or something in the future? Hmm...


River Song

Hello, Sweetie! :rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp:

Eh, I don't think this one worked. Kinda fell flat on its metaphorical face for me.

Well played, Twilight. Well played.

Y'know it's kind of sad when you find the original, accurate version of a beloved quote and realize that you prefer the altered version you're more familiar with which rolls more easily off the tongue. Which is to say I'm fond of saying "the difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense". But I guess it's still nice to know where it comes from.

On another, different tangent, I've conceived of but never written a story where a king is told of a prophecy that a child recently born in the distant corners of the realm will one day sit on his throne. After thinking of it for a while the king finds out who it is, and invites the family to the palace for a guided tour, and lets the child sit on the throne. They return to their home happily afterwards and he never has any trouble with them.

Anyway, nice story. That's one way of tying the timelines together.

I do have a criticism. :twilightsmile:

> "Didn't Professor Rosewater over this in his introduction to multiversal mechanics?"

Aside from that, I am merely amused and pleased. :twilightsmile:


Y'know it's kind of sad when you find the original, accurate version of a beloved quote and realize that you prefer the altered version you're more familiar with which rolls more easily off the tongue. Which is to say I'm fond of saying "the difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense". But I guess it's still nice to know where it comes from.

I think it can be shocking how often history's second or even later draft of a line turns out to be an improvement on the original. :twilightsmile:

" But I still remember the purple unicorn with a bullhorn who parked herself in front of the lot after the ’08 adaptation of Rainbow’s Gravity came out. She spent three solid hours talking about how it cut out all the best parts. "

Release the Sparkle cut!

Amusing, but given the basically optimistic nature [1] of the Oversaturated tales and related fics, I'd rather you just declared G5 non-canon to the setting rather than trying to shoehorn it in.

[1] The notion that Twilight's efforts come to naught in only a millennia or so (not long at all in Alicorn or Dragon terms) does not sit well with me. And with there being so many puzzling bits in the movie, continuity and setting-wise, right now I prefer to think of it as a reboot rather than a continuation (no matter what the show runners may claim in an effort to hold onto older viewers). Of course, the actual show may deal with some of those issues, but like the legendary Missourian, I need them to show me.

You've written over a hundred stories. You should know full well what first drafts typically look like.

River Song

I see what you did there :rainbowlaugh:

You are a very clever person, FOME :raritywink: Hopefully the future will get the message.

Twilight, you can't cheat the system (unless you're part of the Vex, or the Fateless One). But no harm in trying, I suppose.

The typical mid-budget popcorn flick

Note how FanOfMostEverything subtly tells the reader that this story is set in an alternate universe by implying that mid-budget movies are still being regularly produced.

Burying her name under “Special Thanks”

Hopefully this version didn't spell it "Twighlight."

“What can you tell me about divination?”
Luster shut her eyes and recalled everything Mr. Mudbriar had taught her about mind palaces, extracting the information from the exact place where she'd left it.

It took her a few extra seconds because "divination" was right next to the massive deposit of information Mr. Mudbriar had imparted about divining rods.

So......this is her way of warning them about the Changpocalypse.

Would be interesting if the G5 future did happen & those characters came across the film after the events of the movie.

Or, alternatively, in the middle of the events of the film. Or perhaps between the prologue & main story even.


And get totally freaked out.


Is River dating a doctor?

Good sensible/hardy chuckle material.

“Heck, I was there the last time Twilight Sparkle got involved in cinema, and that was before she got the wings!”

Juniper being a cinema history buff is awesome. :pinkiehappy: Well that and the jabs at Gen 5's writing direction. :rainbowlaugh:

She seems much more confident then the shy nerd we've seen before though. I wonder what changed?:rainbowderp:

But I still remember the purple unicorn with a bullhorn who parked herself in front of the lot after the ’08 adaptation of Rainbow’s Gravity came out. She spent three solid hours talking about how it cut out all the best parts.

This was inspired by the Sparkle Cut wasn't it?:trixieshiftright:

When the script was actually decent, she had my interest." Juniper smirked. "And when she told me she’d be hoofing the bill, how could I say no?”

Poor Juniper. She's gone through so much character growth, and yet she's still a sucker for her own ambitions, and high levels of optimism.:ajsleepy:

Luster Dawn would be the first to admit she was still working on reading body language, but even she could see Juniper Montage visibly relax after the praise. “Thank you, Your Highness. I hope you think of us next time you need a film made to such… exacting specifications.”

“I doubt I will, but I’ll bear that in mind.”

Makes you throw out mediocre stuff and leaves you holding the bag? Check. Definitely Season 8 Twilight. In other news, water is wet, fish swim, and Alicorn princesses haven't changed at all. :ajbemused:

That was...interesting...

First, a ponified Yonada...

And now, Message in a Bottle shot forward in time on celluloid...

Best Sci-Fi I've read in a long time...

That was a good story.

I don’t know what I expected, but what I got was a story about time travel information preservation bullshit (accurate divination is basically a form of time travel)
I love it
I’ve seen the “get an ominous message from the future and then intentionally send it yourself so that it becomes a stupid prank” tactic once or twice in time travel fiction, and this is a solid execution

this was the smartest answer I've ever seen to a self-fulfilling prophecy problem

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