• Published 31st Oct 2021
  • 1,796 Views, 34 Comments

Little Black Magic - SuperPinkBrony12

Fluttershy discovers a mysterious black cat one day. But she soon learns that this is no ordinary black cat, this black can talk and has a VERY interesting past that's he's going to share.

  • ...

Bad Luck?

Fluttershy was not one to believe in superstitions, or at least those related to animals. Animals were her specialty after all. And considering she was friends with Discord, a creature whose very existence often defied reality itself, the idea of any animal being bad luck or having bad luck associated with them was not something she gave much thought to.

So it was that, on a perfectly normal day Fluttershy stumbled across what appeared to be a stray black cat. It certainly looked like a stray considering it had no collar and the pegasus couldn't recall ever seeing anypony with such a cat before. That just meant there was only one thing to do: Take the cat to her cottage and care for it, at least until she could contact a shelter or find somepony willing to adopt it.

"Oh, you poor thing," The pegasus mare declared in her gentle and loving tone of voice as she approached the cat and scooped it into her loving embrace. "Don't worry. You're safe with me, now. I'll take good care of you until we can find a permanent home for you."

But then, to the surprise of the animal lover, the black cat opened its mouth and began to speak. And not in meows either, in actual words that could be understood. "For your information, horsey, I already have a home and owners. So you can just put me down and I'll be on my way. They're probably looking for me as we speak."

Fluttershy gasped, loosening her grip while the black cat slipped out of her hooves. "You... you can talk?!" She commented with equal parts amazement and shock.

The black cat seemed to smile exceptionally brightly as it replied. "Of course I can. You're hardly one to talk, seeing as you're a talking horse with wings. I've never met a horse like that before."

"Uh, I'm actually a pony." The animal loving pegasus pointed out.

"Oh... you're a 'pony'," The black cat remarked in what sounded like a mocking tone of voice. "Well, whatever you are, I really don't need your care or concern. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

However, Fluttershy sought to protest. "But, you're not from around here, are you? I've never met a talking cat in Equestria before. Well, aside from one but that cat was on two legs and you're on all fours."

"'Equestria'? Is that the name of this... whatever it is?" The black cat pondered while tilting its head to one side. "It doesn't look anything like the planet Earth I know. One thing's for sure: I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore."

Fluttershy blinked back slowly as she tried to process the cat's comments. "What's a 'planet Earth' or a 'Kansas'? I've never heard of either of those things in my life."

The black cat just groaned. "Oh of course you don't know those things. This has to be some kind of parallel universe or something, a whole 'nother world. Can I believe my luck? I thought being cursed with the body of a cat was punishment enough. Now I've been flung into some strange world of colorful horses that can fly and talk. Oh, that's the last time I let Sabrina try new spells on me."

"Who's 'Sabrina'? Is she your owner?" Fluttershy questioned as she slowly approached the black cat again.

The black cat nodded. "You could say that," Then it added. "Oh, silly me, here I am talking and we haven't been properly introduced."

"Well, I'm Fluttershy," Fluttershy nervously greeted. "What's your name?"

The black cat proudly declared. "Salem. Salem Saberhagen. And I'm not really a cat, I just have the body of one because I tried to take over the world one time. One time, people."

At that the pegasus jumped back! "You tried to take over the world?! That must mean you're evil!"

Salem quickly corrected. "Calm down, lady. I didn't get to go through with it thanks to that witch council. And it's like I told Sabrina once: Being a house pet wasn't even a backup plan. But," He sighed. "I've learned to live with it and make the most of it," Then he looked up at the pegasus again. "But enough about me, what about you?"

"I think we should at least get you back to my cottage," Fluttershy commented as she moved to pick Salem up again. "We're dangerously close to the Everfree Forest, and that's no place for a cat like yourself. There's all sorts of strange plants and animals that live in that forest, not to mention the weather that controls itself."

"Geh?!" Salem's yellow eyes widened with surprise!

Fluttershy sought to reassure the frightened cat. "It's not so bad now, really. But every now and then something still slips out from the forest."

Salem simply commented. "If it's so dangerous, why do you live so close to it? If I were you, I'd pack up and move somewhere far, far away from such a place."

The pegasus mare replied. "It's my destiny to care for animals. Animals are what my cutie mark is all about."

The black cat curiously inquired. "And what is a 'cutie mark'?"

"I'll explain on the way back to my cottage." Fluttershy told him as she set off for home.

By the time pony and cat reached the aforementioned cottage, Salem had learned more about "cutie marks" and everything related to them than he'd ever really wanted to know. "Wow! All that just to know what you're supposed to do with your life?" He commented. "I wonder if the witch console would go easy on me and undo my sentence if my 'cutie mark' was about conquering the world. Can't really argue with destiny, can you?"

Fluttershy shook her head as she brought Salem inside her cottage. "I'm pretty sure no one is destined to rule the world, Salem. I don't think even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were born with that destiny, and I know Twilight certainly wasn't."

Salem only replied by retorting. "Yeah, but those princesses' cutie marks are all about power. Two of them literally controlled the sun and the moon, and the other's named after the time between day and night. It was just my luck that there was a town I shared my name with, and it was one where mortals started accusing each other of being witches. That whole scare gives witches a bad name."

The pegasus mare just patted Salem on the head. "That's really unfortunate. No one should ever be afraid of any group of creatures just because of that."

"Yeah," Salem commented as he was placed upon a lush sofa in the cottage's living room. "But at least I'm not the only witch in the world where I come from. Even so, this... other world I'm in doesn't seem that bad. Might have to come back someday if I ever figure out how. Maybe I'll take over this world instead of Earth."

"What?!" Fluttershy gasped anew!

The black cat let out a haughty laugh. "Just kidding. Those princesses you mentioned sound pretty powerful, just as powerful as any leaders I've known on Earth. If I couldn't get away with trying to defeat them, I don't think attacking a bunch of princesses would end well for me. Besides, there wouldn't be any challenge in conquering such a peaceful civilization. You're nothing like the humans who fight and go to war all the time."

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow upward in confusion. "Only Twilight's ever mentioned humans. Apparently, they exist in a world that lies behind a magic mirror," And then she wondered. "Is that where you came from?"

"I don't remember anything about a magic mirror," Salem replied with a shake of his head, stretching out his paws. "Say, I'm kind of hungry. You got anything to eat?"

The animal loving pegasus smiled as she got up from the sofa. "Of course. I've got plenty of cat food. What kind of brand do you prefer?"

Salem stuck out his tongue. "I hate cat food! It's always so... bland tasting compared to what humans eat," And he pleaded. "Do you at least have some fish? I'm always in the mood for fish."

Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin. "I... don't usually keep fish. But I could get some. The only other animals I've ever cared for that eat fish are otters. Even Harry the Bear likes berries and honey more than he does fish. Still, you're my guest and I don't want you to starve," She tried to propose. "You're sure you don't just want cat food instead?"

"Of course not, did I stutter?" Salem remarked as he narrowed his eyes. "This kitty's not gonna feed himself. So you'd better get me those fish, because trust me, you do not wanna see me when I'm angry."

The pegasus mare decided it best not to provoke Salem any further. "O-okay then, fish it is," She instructed to the black cat. "You stay here, don't wander off!"

Salem winked. "Wouldn't dream of it, Fluttershy," Then he barked out! "Now go wrangle up those fish! And don't bother preparing anything special, I'll eat 'em raw!"

It took Fluttershy a while to catch some fish even though there was a small stream just outside her cottage. The mare really didn't like fishing unless she absolutely had to. But Salem was her guest, it would be rude of her to force him to eat something he'd rather not eat.

There was still the matter of Salem's owner, though. And the whole time she was fishing, Fluttershy was thinking to herself. "Who could possibly own a cat like Salem? Do they know who he really is, or am I the first one he's ever revealed his true self to? And where did he come from?"

Come to think of it, the pegasus could briefly recall hearing Salem say something about a "Sabrina". Perhaps that was a lead worth looking into with him, once she'd given him the fish that is.

Salem was so delighted to have fish! He wasted no time in chowing down, finishing off his meal in the blink of an eye. "Oh, man! I can't remember the last time I had anything that good!" He proclaimed as he licked his lips and stretched his claws again. "So much better than plain old cat food. They just don't make the good stuff often enough."

"By the way, Salem," Fluttershy questioned as she looked at the black cat once again. "You said you had an owner?"

"Owners, with an s," Salem pointed out. "Three very lovely ladies look out for me."

The pegasus inquired. "And what are their names?"

Salem answered. "Not that it's any of your concern, but if you must know, their names are: Hilda, Zelda and Sabrina. And Sabrina's the one responsible for me being here. This kind of stuff always happens when she wants to try new magic," He corrected a second later. "Okay, maybe not exactly this sort of thing, but it seems like something always goes wrong when it comes to Sabrina and magic. Although, to be fair, she's still really young, especially compared to me."

"But you're a cat. You can't be that old!" Fluttershy protested in disbelief.

At that, Salem grinned. "You're right, I'm even older. I may not look it, but beneath all this fur is a witch that's over 500 years old! And with any luck, I'll be back to being my old witchy self before I turn 600!"

"Wow! And I thought Discord was old even though he's never told me his age!" Fluttershy gasped in amazement! "You don't look even close to being over 500."

The black cat nodded and smiled, nuzzling his head against Fluttershy's mane. "One of the few upsides of being a cat, not that there are many but there are some," Letting out a happy purr he told the pegasus. "I know it hasn't been that long, but you've been so nice to me since we met. Hilda and Zelda have got nothing on you, you practically ooze sweetness and warmth."

"I guess that's why I'm the Element of Kindness." Fluttershy commented with a grin.

Salem grinned back. "Well, whatever your secret is, it's working like a charm. Are you sure you aren't secretly a witch that got banished to this place a long time ago or something? Because if I didn't know better, I'd swear you have me falling under some kind of spell right about now."

The animal loving mare simply told her new furry companion. "I couldn't cast spells if I wanted to. I told you already about my friends who can. Besides, there aren't any witches around here, only enchantresses like Zecora."

"Sounds more like a witch doctor to me," Salem pointed out. "Is it true she only ever speaks in rhyme?"

Nodding, the pegasus mare answered. "From what I've been able to hear, yes. The only time she never rhymed was when she was suffering from an illness. It's quite a fascinating story, actually."

Just then, however, what sounded like a portal being opened could be heard. And then a voice unrecognizable to Fluttershy called out. "Salem? Salem, are you there? Say something if you can hear me!"

Salem rose from his spot on the couch as his ears perked up. "Sabrina?" He called back. "Is that your voice, or am I hearing things because I'm going crazy?"

"Very funny, Salem," The voice of "Sabrina" could be heard remarking in an unamused tone of voice. "I've been trying to find you for ages now. Aunt Hilda and Zelda have been worried sick since you disappeared!"

Salem retorted. "Hey, you were the one who wanted to try out that new instant travel spell. I told you it was a bad idea."

The voice of "Sabrina" only replied. "What are you talking about? You didn't say anything like that. You were the one encouraging me to try it," And then it asked. "Where are you, anyway? It looks like some kind of world of technicolor horses."

"They're called 'ponies', Sabrina," Salem corrected. "And one of them was so kind as to take me in until you found me. Let me tell you, this other world they live in is so strange."

"Tell me all about it later," The voice of "Sabrina" answered. "I'm locking onto your location now with this locator spell. You should come home very shortly," Then it added. "And whoever that... pony is, let it know I'm grateful for watching you and keeping you out of trouble."

The black cat replied by looking over to Fluttershy. "Her name is Fluttershy, Sabrina. And don't worry, she got the message," Then he turned to Fluttershy as he declared. "Well, looks like I gotta go now. But it was nice meeting you even if it was very brief."

Fluttershy smiled. "Don't mention it, Salem. It was my pleasure," And she called out. "And Sabrina, I hope you know how lucky you are to have a cat like Salem. He truly is one of a kind."

"Believe me, I already know," The voice of "Sabrina" seemed to agree. "Just, don't tell anyone about the spell if they ask. I don't wanna get into any more trouble than I already am."

The animal loving pegasus flashed a knowing grin even though she wasn't sure if it could be seen or not. "I have a feeling no one would believe me if I did tell. But I'll stay silent anyway if that's what you want."

The voice of "Sabrina" appeared to sigh with relief. "Oh, thank goodness," Then to Salem it declared. "Okay, Salem. Time for you to come home now."

Salem waved a paw to Fluttershy. "So long! Don't forget to write!" And then, in the blink of an eye he was gone as if by magic.

The pegasus mare simply smiled. "I hope Salem made it back to Sabrina okay," She thought to herself. "And I wonder if there's a way I could find out where he lives. Maybe Twilight would know?"

Author's Note:

Just a little something I wanted to create for Halloween. It also happens to be, to my knowledge, the first ever crossover done with Sabrina The Teenage Witch.

Comments ( 34 )

All I can say is great job on this entertaining one-shot. Definitely liked the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up. Really appreciated Fluttershy's reflections on some of the things she saw before meeting Salem as well as the passing unnamed mention of Capper. Of course, if Twilight were there with Fluttershy, she might get reminded of her experiences in Sunset Shimmer's adopted world, but Twilight is probably busy with her duties as ruler of Equestria. Of course, if he ended up in the Equestria Girls universe, the girls might recognize him from television and, as they have a talking dog as one of their best friends, it probably would not have been quite as big a shock.

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of your work in general.

Technically Salem falls in the human tag since that is his true species.

I was gonna be honest with you when I saw the picture I thought this cat was from hocus pocus lol

Oh hey! I thought that that cat looked familiar. Good job.

That is true, nevera Heard a Sabrina crissover, i nos want to read one where sunset shimmer and Friends are arrested by they whuch counsil that hace bien monitoring them for a while, XD, bu oh well.

I was hoping for Salem to exasperate Fluttershy so much, she would refer to him Salem as "Angel if he was a talking cat."

But this was a short and sweet story.

I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that I instantly recognized that cat from Sabrina the Teenage Wich but for now I'ma settle on "Old."

The Snark is real!!!

Upon closer inspection, this version of the character did in fact originate in the show; the original Archie Comics series quietly retconned the original Salem away in favor of the more interesting character presented here.

What would the Big D have done to Salem had they met?

I'd lov eto read more stories about this cat!!

Perfectly written Salem. He snarks, but he's never directly mean about it. So many people get that wrong. It's not that he's a total a-hole, it's that he tries to make himself laugh to cover up the pain of his own existence. And Fluttershy was the best one for him to run into, though I'll admit, would have loved Discord to come by for some Snark to Snark combat. Regardless, thank you for the smile, and the pleasant hint of nostalgia I got from this.


Probably change him back into a human so he could have more fun. Possibly less fun when the witches council found out. Same both ways for Discord, even better with the dichotomy.

Well, is good to see a Sabrina crossover... But should Salem not be a 'Wizard' instead of 'Witch'?

Also, it could be a good story as Salem is transformed in a unicorn or a human and try to conquer the world again

Salem! The best thing brought from that sitcom, great job!

nice story.

any more perhaps?

I'm putting this in Read it Later. I remember Salem cracking me up!

Just can not beat a classic

I haven't seen that show in so long, but I can still remember that cat/warlock. I'll always remember that character.

I was actually trying to put a version of Salem in one of my stories. I got in an early namedrop, but he's so far away from actually appearing, he probably won't make it before I have to ax the story and just summarize what would have been in a blog post.

Nice small story here, though.

Growing Up is Hard to Do When will you do that

I like Salem a lot. I just wish he can explore all around Equestria, with Fluttershy as his tour guide.

I'd love to see how Salem would interact with all of the ponies, including Celestia and Luna.

Needed a laugh. Thanks for providing one.

I always love me some Salem. Most excellent.

Every few lines that Salem spoke, I imagined the sitcom laughter. The canned laughter.
Whenever he spoke something that stereotypically would have a laugh track in the 90's TV shows.

Made it a bit more amusing. :pinkiesmile:

Anyone else heard his voice when they were reading his lines?


I'd love to read a sequel to this. Good story!

Salem likes to talk the big talk but he can be quite disarming when he wants to be.
Good story.

I really enojyed Reading it!!! Waiting for the next

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