• Published 3rd Oct 2021
  • 2,173 Views, 43 Comments

Soaring Hearts - lillytheomegawolf

With magic restored, Thunder and Zoom Zephyrwing enjoy their first flight together.

  • ...

Moving In

Today was not the day.

Thunder sighed as he kicked his sneakers off and then leaned against his closed front door. It had been an enjoyable day for sure, but oh boy. No opportunities for a confession of love existed once their day started. At least, Thunder was pretty sure no good chances had presented themselves. Another sigh escaped the stallion.

Ah well, maybe he should do some packing of stuff before bed? The stallion pulled out his phone, flicked over to his recent messages and paused. As he stared at Zoom’s profile picture his mind wandered to earlier that day.

After the couples extended cuddle time in the morning, they enjoyed a quiet breakfast at Zooms place.

Content to simply enjoy each other's company on their day off, the couple proceeded to wander around the central district of the city. Zoom proceeded to playfully make up profiles of many of the ponies they passed in the street.

“Deafeningly a snobby banker.” Thunder agreed with a snicker as his mare led them down a side street away from the mare they had been talking about.

Zoom smirked back then spotted a tough looking pegasus at the opposite end of the narrow street. “And what about that stallion? The one chatting to his boys about something cool. I reckon he’s packing. Maybe even enough to take on our commander. Or Hitch.”

“It might be funny to see Hitch fight him. But that would make Pipp sad.”

Zipp snorted. “Well yeah, but come on.”

“How about...” Thunder trailed off in thought.

Zoom allowed silence to fall as they trekked closer. They passed the group and came out onto another busy street.

To their left, a small group of pegasi just up the road came into view. They were chilling under a billboard of Princess Pipp promoting a new collection of beauty products. Thunder immediately recognized the group to be Zoom's friends.

As he took a step away, ready to depart and leave Zoom to it, he felt her wing land on his back. The green stallion gave his marefriend a questioning glance. She gave a slight motion with her head for him to join in.

“But I’m not wearing my best sneakers,” Thunder’s reply was met with an eye roll.

“They won’t bite, now come on.”

Thunder gave an exaggerated sigh in defeat.

Zoom playfully cuffed him over the head then let her wing fall across his withers.

Thunder staggered as though he had been struck a mighty blow. “Ow, war wound. This guard needs to seek medical attention fast.”

Zoom grabbed her stallion and planted a kiss on the top of his head. “There, all better.”

A dopey grin lit the stallion’s countenance. “Super effective heal too.”

“Come on.” A light chuckle broke from Zoom as she strode onward, Thunder at her side.

“Hi Zoom!” A bouncy purple mare greeted the couple as they wandered closer.

“Hi, Midnight.” Zoom was quick to reply.

“Finally made him your coltfriend I see.” A sunny yellow mare with a coy smile approached the couple. She winked at Thunder, “he’s even cuter than I remember.”

Zoom smirked, “and he’s mine.”

Summer Breeze scoffed playfully, “You’ve been saying that for years.”

Thunder cast a concerned glance at his mare. Zoom shrugged, playing off her friend's comment. “Ignore her.”

“Right.” Thunder quickly nodded.

“Hey, don’t be mean Zoom.” Summer Breeze protested.

“That’s what you get for flirting with everypony’s coltfriends.” Sweet Serving, a two toned, creme and blue mare commented.

“It’s just some fun!” Summer Breeze exclaimed.

Sweet Serving gave her sunny friend a dry look. “You would flirt with anything with a pair of wings-”

“Hey, I have standards.”

“That no pony else can follow it seems.” Cumulonimbus, the fourth and final mare of the group spoke up softly.

Summer Breeze eyed the cloudy grey mare. “Anyway... back to our good friend Zoom and her hot coltfriend.”

“Off on a date?” Sweet Serving asked hopefully.

“Na, just hanging out.” Zoom casually reaffirmed her winged grip on her stallion.

Midnight eyed the wing. “It looks to me like somepony is even more serious than she was letting on.”

“You hide him from us for months, then suddenly show up acting like he’s your husband or something.” Summer Breeze’s accusation caused the couple to share a look.

Thunder rubbed at his muzzle to try and cover the growing blush.

“Wait, you haven’t already proposed... have you?” Midnight eyed Thunder.

Green wings shot up. “What? No!”

“Then what’s with you?” Midnight asked.

“We both know what we want and where this is going,” Zoom spoke proudly.

“I assume that means a hoof band is coming.” Cumulonimbus inquired softly.

“And foals? I bet you two would totally make cute babies.” Sweet Serving gushed.

“Woah, slow it down.” Zoom cut in.

“What, afraid of giving him ideas?” Midnight smirked.

“Moving in together gives us both plenty of ideas, thank you,” Zoom stated.

“Really?” Sweet Serving’s vibrant pink and blue wings rose excitedly.

Thunder nodded. “Yeah, like... pretty soon. We’ve decided to look for a new, bigger place to share too.”

“Amazing!” The vibrant pink and light blue pegasus flittered closer and then dived in for a hug.

Zoom’s other three friends were quick to join the group hug. Thunder stood stiffly, wings at his side and hooves down while Zoom returned her friend's affections.

“Why don’t you invite him along on our next trip?” Summer Breeze asked as the group withdrew with large grins.

Zoom cast a questioning glance at her date, “hmm, I dunno.”

“Come on, it would give us a chance to catch up.” Summer Breeze insisted.

“You mean, grill him.” Zoom shot playfully back.

“All part of the fun.” Summer Breeze playfully added. “Besides, I bet things have changed from the ‘just friends’ days.”

“It will be a little awkward if I’m the only guy.” Thunder spoke up softly.

“What if Midnight, Cumulonimbus and I bring our stallions?” Sweet Serving asked hopefully.

Zoom shrugged. She met her stallion’s gaze and smiled. “Thunder’s in.”

“He is?” Midnight glanced between the mare and her stallion before setting her critical eye upon Thunder.

“I am?” Thunder asked, confused.

“Yep, I can see it on your face.” Zoom affectionally patted her green stallion’s jaw.

Thunder huffed and pulled out his phone.

Zoom rolled her eyes, a cheeky grin creeping out across her muzzle. “This will be interesting.”

“Want a hoof with moving in?” Summer Breeze asked.

“Sure.” Zoom shrugged.

As the afternoon sun sank lower on the skyline, A group of eleven pegasi were busy loading boxes into Zoom and Thunder’s new home.

Sweet Serving and Zoom watched on while Thunder and one of his friends, a grey stallion called Gale Force, carried a large box of shoes in the front door. Zoom’s parents, a cloudy mare and sandy colored stallion followed the two boys in with smaller boxes.

Zoom rolled her eyes. “I forget he had so many.”

“Oh, you will be tripping over those forever.” Sweet Serving commented softly.

“He’s tidy.” Zoom shot back.

“Five bits says you're tripping over his sneakers by the end of the week.” Cumulonimbus offered as she joined the conversation.

“Easy bits, I’ll take you on,” Zoom stated confidently.

Midnight sidled up alongside the pair, a playful smirk on her face. “Ten says you see how messy he is by the end of next week.

“I’ll meet you at ten. But no tidying up after his shoes and I win if he makes a big mess any time this week.” Cumulonimbus confidently laid down her bet.

“He can tidy up after his own self. He’s been self sufficient, unlike you girls stallions.” Zoom retorted.

The other two mares giggled.

“Oh girl, you have much to learn.” Sweet Serving shook her head. “I’m not betting, but I agree with Cumulonimbus, it will not take long for you to realize how messy stallions are once they have you.”

Zoom huffed. “Whatever, let's get back to work.”

Meanwhile, inside at the opposite end of the house, Thunder wandered into the open kitchen and living area. He immediately spotted his dad, a dark green stallion helping his mother, a light purple mare with a pink mane, loading plates, cups and other items into cupboards. "How's it going in here?"

The older stallion turned and motioned for his son to join them.

“Yes?” Thunder wondered aloud.

The greying, dark green stallion, Rapid Chaser, grinned at his son, “so... when are you going to give her a hoof band?”


“What?” Rapid Chaser turned to his mare for support. “ Sapphire and I were just talking and figured that if you were ready to move in that maybe you might have another surprise too?”


“I think this will be a lovely home to raise foals.” Sapphire Wish commented with a smile.


Gale Force wandered in carrying a box haphazardly. “Did I hear some pony calling for his mommy, Awww...”

“Bro, get out.” Thunder gave Gale Force a playful shove.

“Na. I’ll stay. Getting bossed around out there is no fun.” Gale Force shot back.

“Who’s calling for his bro.” A lanky brown stallion strode in. “Don’t tell me I’m missing the fun.”

Thunder replied. “Go back to unpacking the guest room, little brother.”

“You face.”


Maelstrom grunted and gave a flick of his wings.

“Do you think Zoom is due a hoof band?” Rapid Chaser asked.

Gale Force chucked. “Oh, I see where this is going. I think they’re cool. We know Thunder moves at his own speed.”

“You mean slowly?” Maelstrom chuckled. “I bet a hoof band is years away.”

“I’m just glad they finally making a move,” Sapphire added.

“Yeah! This move sure took me by surprise.” Gale Force added and gave his green friend a cheeky feathered ribbing.

“It makes sense.” Thunder retorted, suddenly rather defensive.

“What makes sense?” Sweet Serving asked as she wandered in.

Gale Force shot the mare a look. “Oh you know, guys stuff.”

The creme and blue mare smiled knowingly. “Summer Breeze will be sad that such a hot stallion is off the market.” Sweet Serving locked eyes with Thunder, “but I always knew you and Zoom were cute together. That makes a-mazing sense.”

With a twirl and flick of her wings, Sweet Serving left the group to their own devices.

Thunder sighed. “Let's get back to work before anypony else hears my parents grilling me about a hoof band or foals.”

“Your folks only just started asking? Dude, you got it easy.” Gale Force commented.

“Gale, let's grab some more boxes. I wanna at least put my TV up before it gets dark.”

“And put on a game of hoofball?” Maelstrom hopefully asked. “The new game’s out and I brought it round so...”

“Read my mind.” Thunder smiled.

“Bro, I’m down!” Gale Force cheered.

“Dibs on first round,” Maelstrom added.

“Two versus two, then Zoom can join in.” Thunder amended.

“I’d prefer dad,” Maelstrom glanced hopefully at his sire.

The older stallion chuckled. “I suppose I could be encouraged to join in for a few games.”

Later that evening, in the open kitchen - living space, a slightly smaller group of pegasi sat on beanbags around the couch that Zoom and Thunder shared with Maelstrom perched on the edge. The most completely set up room of the house included Thunder's gaming console and Tv. Currently, Zoom and Thunder were playing two aside hoofball world league against Maelstrom and Rapid Chaser. Gale Force sat nearby cheering them on while he waited for his turn. Midnight quietly relaxed next to Zoom on the floor, watching.

Sweet Serving reclined against the kitchen bench top talking softly with Sapphire Wish. With a final goal from Rapid Chaser the two mare’s attention was drawn to the father and son pair who had just won.

Thunder passed the controller to Gale Force who eagerly accepted. “Okay my bro, now I’ll show you how it’s done.”

Zoom passed her controller to Midnight who stared at it for a moment. “Are you sure?”

Zoom shrugged. “I only feel like playing with Thunder.”

“Has she ever played?” Gale Force wondered with concern.

“I play adventure games, if that helps.” Midnight accepted the controller.

The grey stallion groaned. “I’m doomed!”

“One more game, hon. Then we should take our bones home.” Sapphire spoke up.

“But these epic battles...”

“I will drag you by your tail.”

“Killjoy. Alright you lot, let's go!” The older stallion flared his wings as if to shield the group from his wife’s gaze.

Thunder smiled as Zoom snuggled up closer and they settled down to watch their friends and family play a round.

Little over a week later, a mare's annoyed shot broke the calm at their new home.



“Just come here!” Zoom called out from the entrance of their new, larger apartment.

A few long moments later, the green stallion wandered down the hallway from the open lounge.

Zoom tapped a hoof impatiently as she waited for him to approach. Once he finally stood before her, she gestured at the four pairs of sneakers that were scattered haphazardly against the wall. “What's this?”

Thunder glanced at his shoes and shrugged. “My sneakers.”

“A mess.”

“Hey, they are valued part of my collection.”

“Then what are they doing in a place I can trip over them?”

“I guess I never got round to putting them away? I’ll probably wear those three again soon anyway.” He gestured to most of the discarded shoes.

“What happened to always having a tidy shoe rack and most of them in boxes?”

“Uh... maybe I just always made sure it was tidy when I knew a certain pretty pony was coming over.” A sheepish smile tugged at Thunder’s lips.

Zoom huffed. “Want me to chuck them outside?”


“Then put them away. I’m not your mom.”

“Thankfully.” Thunder muttered.

“What was that?” Zoom took a step forward, wings raised to cuff him over the head.

Thunder leapt backward. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it now. Geeze...”

Zoom smiled keenly, “if we’re gonna live together, please at least try to put things away.”

“Can I at least leave one pair out, ready to go?”

Zoom tapped her chin in mock thought, “as long as I’m not tripping over your sneakers to get to the door.”

Thunder brushed up alongside his mare as he carefully moved his sneakers to the shoe rack on the wall and placed one of the pairs back in its box.

“Thanks, Thunder.” Zoom offered a quick nuzzle.

“Gotta listen to the mare I love, right.”

“Excuse me?” Zoom rounded on her coltfriend.

Thunder dropped the shoe he was holding as realization struck. “Uh. yes, you heard. I totally am in love with you, Zoom.”

Blue wings rose. “You finally said it!”

“I- yes.”

Zoom tacked her coltfriend, pinning him to their front door. “You know... I love you two, you silly colt.”

Green wings flared upward and a dopey grin threatened to split Thunder’s face in two. “Y- yeah?”

Zoom smiled back as she lent in and gave her stallion a slow nuzzle. She hummed softly in confirmation.

“Not exactly where I imagined it happening, but I’m glad I finally was able to tell you that I love you.” Thunder admitted with a nervous giggle.

“What were you waiting for?” Zoom wondered.

Thunder sheepishly scratched the back of his head, “well... I dunno. Maybe a nice cloud somewhere... just the two of us.”

Zoom withdrew, a flat look on her face. “Dude, that’s been most evenings after work.”

“The words just didn't wanna come out, okay?”

A dry chuckle escaped the tough mare and a smile broke forth once more. “I wondered...”

“Wondered what?” Thunder cocked his head slightly to the side.

“Oh, I just caught you looking at me sometimes like you had something you wanted to say... but you never did.”

“That’s oddly patient of you.”

Zoom lent in for a kiss, “you have been worth waiting for.”

The couple shared another chaste kiss, then withdrew with shared smiles.

“I’m getting faster, I think.”

Zoom smirked back, “No rush, stud. It’s not like I’m demanding kids in a year or something crazy.”

“Yeah... that would be scary.”

Zoom placed a quick peck on her stallion’s cheek then withdrew. “But I also am not waiting forever, remember that.”

“Gotcha.” Thunder smiled and moved in for a nuzzle.

“Oh shit.”

“What?” Panic flooded the stallion at the sight of his mare's sudden change.

Zoom lightly facehoofed. “I just forgot about a dumb bet. Midnight wins too.”

“Serves you right for making a dumb bet.” A moment passed then realization flashed across the stallion’s face. “Wait, were you betting on me?”


“What sorta bet about me... Hmmm?” The green stallion lent right into kissing range as he awaited a response.

Zoom booped his nose playfully. “Why would I tell you?”

“Because you just lost.”

“Don’t worry about it Thunder.”

“But now I am worrying about it. What did I do wrong?”

An exasperated sigh escaped Zoom. “Sneakers. In the way. Making a mess like some uncouth earth pony. Wait, that's a bit harsh on the earth ponies now that we've met them.”

Thunder quirked a brow, unimpressed. “I just moved them and everything. Can we go back to kisses and cuddles, please?”

“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea...” Zoom agreed as she leaned in for a kiss.

That night, once the couple settled down and ready for sleep, Thunder rolled over in their large bed to face his mare.

Zoom eyed her lover, “I know that look. What’s up?”

“Well..." Thunder hesitated for a moment, fidgeting with the blanket as his eyes darted everywhere but at the watchful gaze of his mare.

Zoom gently lifted her partner's chin to gaze into his trepid gaze.

Thunder cleared his throat nervously, his gaze unable to leave the beauty before him. "Well, you see... I know I only just told you today that I love you.”

“And I love you too.”

A smile blossomed across Thunder’s face and he lent in for a quick kiss. He withdrew only far enough to properly stare into her eyes. “I probably have loved you for a while. It just... you know... took me a while to work out that my beautiful best friend was actually more than that to me.”

“Awww... really?”

The green stallion nodded, “really really. I- I don’t think I could tell you... when things changed... but I think I've been feeling special attraction toward you for a while and probably even loved you for a year... maybe a bit more.”

A hint of tears threatened at the edges of Zoom's eyes as she continued to hold the gaze of her beloved. “That's...” She trailed off and simply gave her stallion a soft kiss on the lips content to cuddle as she processed his words.

After a few moments of peaceful contemplation, Thunder built up enough willpower to force himself to continue softly. “And even when I kinda realized you were something special... I didn’t know what to do. I didn't want to ruin what we had. But you also just felt right. We felt right together. I was glad we got to work together like... all the time and even hang out after work. And you know the rules at the castle and all...”

Zoom dapped at her damp eyes, a bright smile upon her face. “So... what changed?”

Thunder pondered her question for a moment before he gulped. “I think... magic. That day magic returned...”

Zoom simply smiled and waited for him to continue.

“That day was magic... it’s like suddenly nothing else mattered. Just you... and me. Everything felt so right.”



“Everything we do feels right,” Zoom affirmed lovingly.

Thunder wiped his eyes to clear his suddenly misty vision. “Yeah.” He pulled his love in tighter and kissed her cheek. “This feels right. Zoom, that day... I realised that without a doubt, you were it for me. But you know... I've only just worked up the courage to tell you all this today.”

"Well..." Zoom gave her stallion a soft kiss. "I'm glad you finally have told me. Because you know what?"


"I feel exactly the same way about you, hot stuff."

Thunder sighed with bliss, as though a hidden weight had been lifted and he lent in for another, longer kiss.

A few moments of snuggle time passed peacefully by till Zoom pulled back to stare at her handsome stallion.

“Well, I know... I’ve had the hots for you for a while.” Zoom’s playful smirk lit the room.

Thunder considered her words for a moment. A smile broke forth as memories surfaced. “Is that why your friends always put us together?”


“Afraid Breeze would try steal me?” A cheeky look crept across Thunder's muzzle.

Zoom scoffed. “I made it clear you were off limits a long time ago...”

Thunder withdrew to better size up her words. “Uh... just how bad did you have it for me?”

A cheeky grin took over as Zoom eyed her coltfriend. “Oh if you had asked me out during our guard training I probably woulda been young enough and crazy enough to try sneak into your bed.”

Thunder sat up suddenly. Green wings rose as he stared down at the beautiful mare below. “Zoom Zeypherwing are you serious?”

A tender smile slipped out as Zoom nodded. “Yea. And you have been worth the wait.”

“Yes, but if you had said something...”

“Said what? I thought at times you were totally into me too, but sometimes I couldn't be sure.” Zoom shrugged, trying to downplay the strong emotions that were welling up within her. “I guess brave ol’ Zoom wasn’t bold enough to break the social norm and ask her stallion out. Even if I did find you totally hot.”

“Well, we were friends, yes. And you were really attractive too.” Thunder admitted.

Zoom stretched and let her hooves spread out in front as she faced her coltfriend. “Okay, I’ve been wondering something... all those times you flashed me, did it not once occur to you what you were actually doing?”

“Uh, how many times do you think I flashed you?” Thunder wondered with great concern.

Zoom smirked and her wings quivered, threatening to rise at the many memories. “A few. And you only ever seemed to roll over like a little colt around me.”

Thunder thought carefully for a few moments then a smile slipped out. “Oh, yeah... I guess I did.”

Zoom chuckled. “Yep. That wasn’t you quietly offering me sex, was it?”

“No, well... no. Nothing as intimate as that, at least...” Thunder laughed awkwardly.

Blue wings settled, “just being a big colt huh?”

“I guess it just felt right being open around you and all.” The stallion’s playfulness slipped away as he met his mare’s gaze. “And I still don’t get a peak?”

Zoom considered her answer for a moment. She sat up to better face her stallion. “I’ll think about it.”

“Oh come on...”

“You gave me a free show.”

Thunder did his best pout, “lots of free shows by the sound of things.”

Zoom tried to shrug and play it off as nothing, but her wings flared outward as her mind conjured up the mental images and the many vivid dreams that typically followed. “And who’s fault is that?”

Thunder stared at the outstretched blue wings and wondered what exactly had caused such a reaction. “Yeah, but-”

Zoom leaned in and kissed her green stallion, effectively silencing him.

As they slowly withdrew from the sweet kiss, Zoom laid her forehead against her lover’s. “I have never lifted this tail for anypony. But if you really want to see all of me... I’ll show you, if you’re sure that we will be life mates.”

Thunder withdrew, his eyes meeting hers. “That sounds like a whole lot more than just a requirement to give you a hoof band.”

“Consider me interested.” Zoom lay on her side, a wing covering her lower barrel. “For a lifetime with you, that is.”

Thunder stared back, wide eyed “Like.. married and... and... like forever?”

“Sorry. Too soon?”

“Maybe? At this point, I dunno.” A chuckle escaped the stallion and he gave a little stretch, “But I do think you would make an amazing wife.”

Zoom tackled Thunder onto their soft bed. She had her capsized coltfriend pinned down. Not that he seemed to mind if the smile on his face was anything to go by. “Oh really?”

“Yeah... be my cuddle buddy and bestest companion, make sure I look good for work and even cook me amazing food. What’s not to like?”

A playful snort escaped Zoom and she pushed herself up, freeing the grinning stallion. “And what do I get out of it?”

Thunder opened his mouth about to speak, paused, then closed it. After a few moments, a sheepish grin crept out across his lips, “so, what do you get out of it? I have an idea, but I dunno if it’s appropriate.”

The blue mare’s gaze flickered down her coltfriend, “I hope you’re not referring to what you're packing down below.”

Thunder sat upright. “Hey.”

“What? It’s etched in my mind, hot stuff.”

Thunder wrapped his mare in a tight hug and brought her ear close to whisper; “so... when do you want that hoofband?”

Zoom pushed herself up to stare down at her smiling stallion. “Is that a serious offer?”

“If you’re not offering me a sneak peek before I buy, I might as well do it sooner rather than later. Then I can claim the whole of you as mine.” Green wings rose to possessively touch Zoom’s barrel. “Besides, I think I too want you for ever and ever.”

The blue mare leaned down and gave her lover a long slow kiss. Blue wings fluttered upward as Green feathers came to rest on their bed. Thunder pulled Zoom in closer as they began a sensual battle of the tongues.

As they withdrew, sharing dopey smiles, both pegasi took a moment to admire their partner.

“You’re so beautiful... you know that...” Thunder whispered, awestruck.

Zoom chucked, “you look rather handsome too. Maybe I should take you up on that serious offer.”

“Better have a chat with your folks then.” Thunder pulled his mare down for another kiss and rolled onto his side, bringing her with him.

“Yeah. Well, goodnight Thunder.”

“Good night beautiful.” Thunder kissed his mare on her cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Author's Note:

So this story was slated to end on their confessions of love.

Buuut I’ve also had one other cute scene in mind that I really don't want to drop.
So, I’ll still finish writing it and probably add other cute pegasus guards shenaggines (maybe them going on a little trip with friends?)

I enjoy writing Zoom and Thunder.

Comments ( 7 )

Glad to see the story coming back. Funnily enough its weird to see Zoom and Thunder have lives outside of the guard because the show only really defines them in the roles they have to Haven- besides Thunder's shoe collection. Like of course they have lives outside of work but its so rare. And finally we have the love confession that we've all been waiting for and it was short, sweet, and to the point. Love this chapter, no matter how long it took to come out. It felt really great to read this all again.

Is Thunder’s full name also Zephyrwing?

At time of first chapters publication, no.
I have seen him listed for a time on Derpi as such but officially his name seems to be Thunder Flap.

eeeeeee! an update!

Zoom shrugged. She met her stallion’s gaze and smiled. “Thunder’s in.”

Oh boy he got himself dragged into this really awkward situation

Awww that is such an adorable Chapter so it looks like zoom and Thunder have decided to move in with each other to move up their relationship zoom's friends Were pretty excited for her And it looks like his family helped out with the moving as well Which they got to mess with him and then after that they decided to rest out and it looks like thunder finally said he's in love with Zoom And she was pretty happy that he said that which I like that moment that's pretty nice I wonder what else could happen I guess we'll find out next time

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