• Published 25th Sep 2021
  • 14,342 Views, 672 Comments

Forgotten - milesprower06

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

  • ...


If Sunny was completely honest with herself, she wasn't quite used to being able to just waltz right into CanterLogic through the front gates yet, after being thrown out and banned so many times. But this time, security recognized her and let her right on through with a Level 3 Visitor's Pass.

Even though the annual show was eleven months out, the CanterLogic factory was as lively as ever. She had been here enough times to know to stay behind the yellow and black lines, and to keep an eye out for forklifts as she made her way towards Phyllis Cloverleaf's office, which overlooked the entire production floor. Cutting off to the side, she made her way past three idling forklifts, and climbed the iron stairs up to the wide-windowed manager's office. She knocked a couple times, and her hoof was on the doorknob just as she heard "Come in, come in!"

She turned the knob and pushed the door open, being greeted by the smiling face of Phyllis Cloverleaf.

"Sunny! How have you been, sweetheart?" Phyllis welcomed, getting up from her desk and walking around to give her visitor a hug as the door swung closed, greatly muffling the hustle and bustle noises of the production floor.

"I can't complain."

"I hear the permits to fix up the lighthouse are being approved any day now, and I'm very proud to say that just this morning, I've got our first unicorn applicant." Phyllis stated proudly.

"Really? That's fantastic!" Sunny replied.

"So how was your trip?" She asked, leading her guest over to one of the cushioned chairs on the opposite side of the desk.

"Productive. That's actually why I'm here." Sunny answered, reaching into her saddlebag, coming out with the oak box, placing it gently on her desk and sliding it towards her.

The factory director opened the box, and her eyes widened at the three glimmering gems resting securely in the box; topaz, cyan, and rose quartz.

"Oh my. What have we got here?" She asked.

"Look closely, there's an image embedded in each one." Sunny told her.

Phyllis adjusted her glasses and leaned in towards the box. As she crossed the specific angle, she saw the image of a small purple dragon helping put together some kind of broken statue in a ballroom in the gem on the right, her eyes widening in surprise. She then looked over to the one in the middle, and saw the same dragon, along with four ponies on a boat, with a large sea creature in the background. Lastly, she looked at the one on the left side of the case. It seemed to be a... Sporting field of some kind. It was a cheerleading squad, and some of the cheer squad were not ponies.

"Incredible... Was this how they took pictures back then?" Phyllis asked, looking back up at Sunny.

"I don't think they're photographs. I think they're memories, enchanted into the individual gems. We've got two hundred and twenty of them, and each one is unique, so please treat them with the utmost care." Sunny replied.

Phyllis nodded in understanding.

"Absolutely, but, what would you like me to do with them?" She asked.

"In order to keep the gems, and the memories inside them, as safe as possible for an untold number of museum patrons, I'm wondering if you could design a... Projector, of sorts, to display the image contained in the gem up on a wall display or screen."

Phyllis took her words to heart before looking back down at the gems in question, putting a hoof to her chin in thought.

"Hm. I can give Facet down on Seaside Drive a call. In order to be absolutely safe, I think it will be best if we start with replicas that can take a few dings. Sunny, I'll get R&D started on this right away, and we'll give it our absolute best shot. I'll let you know as soon as we have something concrete."

Sunny smiled at her.

"Thank you so much, Phyllis. So... So how's Sprout?"

The mother's face became a bit more somber at the question.

"Oh, well... Well, he's trying. He really is. I've got to give him that. I realize it's going to take him a very long time to make up for what he did, and I think he realizes it too. I just hope he's prepared for how long it might take." She said, as she softly closed the oak case containing the gems.

"As long as he gives it genuine effort, I hope he's treated fairly. Well, I won't take up any more of your time, Ms. Cloverleaf. Thank you again."

Author's Note:

I love how my initial plans were to end this like, eight chapters ago.