• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 5,183 Views, 51 Comments

Five Years Of Struggle - Jest

The Everfree Hive rises high above the landscape, leaving much of the forest in shadow. With her city thriving, and her changelings growing in number Chrysalis aims higher still. Unfortunately for her, Celestia has other plans.

  • ...

White Queen Takes Black Queen

Chrysalis stood at the edge of her balcony, head held high as she gazed out over her new kingdom. It wasn't much to look at, admittedly, being that it was in the middle of the densest woodland in Equestria. Still, it had come a long way, and now sported over a dozen changeling constructed buildings, including the tower she was standing in.

The central hive was as intimidating as it was tall, though the former queen had made sure not to make it too intimidating. Instead of the enormous pillar of black stone that Chrysalis had first envisioned, the actual thing had far less gargoyles and needless spikes. It also wasn't constructed by the same changeling who had built her last lair, as he had been insistent that it should look like an enormous beehive.

Chrysalis didn't want to look like the villain after all. At least not until her plan had reached fruition that was. After that point all would know she was a villain though it would hardly even matter.

“Good morning my lady,” offered a quiet feminine voice.

“Ahh Cracked Carapace. How are you on this fine morning?” Chrysalis replied without turning around.

“Wonderful my lady. Are you ready for your briefing?” asked the hesitant voice of Cracked Carapace.

“I think we shall do so from the balcony today. I am in a charitable mood and wish to enjoy the moment as it were,” Chrysalis replied.

“Oh um. Absolutely,” the female changeling replied, hastily trotting up next to her queen and looking out over her mistresses’ barony. “Oh my. We are very high up.”

“The view is worth the vertigo is it not?” Chrysalis replied.

As the former queen waited for the drone to respond, she glanced down at the fairly nondescript changeling. She sported the same dull eyes, black chitin and dark blue back as the rest of her drones did. The only minor difference was that she was a little taller, and had far fewer holes in her than she had only a few years earlier. That last observation was true for the majority of Chrysalis’ underlings, especially those who had more important duties and thus earned a greater share of love.

“I suppose,” murmured the drone.

“Tell me. What is going on in the world outside of Equestria,” Chrysalis encouraged, her gaze going to the distant horizon and past the many pony settlements that dotted the landscape.

“Um it's well… not good,” muttered Cracked Carapace. “Gerry Mander’s speaking tour has drawn immense crowds, and a few more authoritarian foreign governments have signalled some support for the oaf.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “That fool will be dead in a matter of months. How he's even survived these past few years is beyond me given how large that bloated sack of beans has gotten.”

“Yes, his survival is something of a mystery,” remarked the drone.

“These governments haven't put into place any anti changeling measures have they?” Chrysalis asked.

“Not yet, but sentiment is growing abroad and there are rumours that there are elements within the northern arctic treaty organization that are pushing for full changeling expulsion,” Cracked Carapace exclaimed.

“Oh C.C. I can call you that right?” Chrysalis asked.

“Actually that's kind of a thing that only this guy I like does and I would appreciate it if-”

“I don't care,” Chrysalis interrupted. “Just like how I don't care about this silly little treaty they have. Those fools wouldn't dare oppose Celestia and risk losing trade with Equestria.”

“Yes but if they solidify ties among member states and work on their self-reliance they may eventually prove to be a problem,” Cracked Carapace added.

“Pfft,” Chrysalis scoffed. “Maybe in fifty years that will be a problem, but by then the entire scenario will be irrelevant as our total victory will be all but assured.”

Cracked Carapace blinked. “What are you talking about my lady?”

“Nothing. Continue,” Chrysalis declared, waving her hoof in a ‘please continue before I smack you’ kind of way.

The drone pulled out a peice of paper and cleared her throat. “Your partnership with Frothy Mug has continued to pay dividends and by now almost his entire company is being run by changelings.”

“Excellent. As soon as we take over his beet burger king empire we will have all the capital we require to expand into other industries,” Chrysalis continued, a crooked grin crossing her face. “Next stop Disneyland, and then the whole of Disneyworld!”

Chrysalis cackled madly, lightning flashing in the distance.

“Haha very funny my lady,” Cracked Carapace remarked.

“I was not speaking in jest. It's called the happiest place in Equestria after all. Imagine all the love we could gather there!” Chrysalis exclaimed.

Cracked Carapace cleared her throat. “Apologies my lady. I should not have doubted you.”

“No you shouldn't. Now please, continue,” Chrysalis encouraged.

“One moment,” replied the drone, who began flipping through her notes.

As she waited for her assistant to find the necessary papers, Chrysalis felt her gaze once more drawn to her tiny barony. The many small buildings that dotted the still heavily forested area stuck out quite a bit, their purpose obvious even at a glance.

There was a large apartment to house all the non-changelings who lived and worked around the hive. There was a grocery store set up to feed all those non-changelings, then there was a movie theatre to entertain those same people. Chrysalis frowned, only now realizing just how much of her growing kingdom was devoted to making things comfortable for ponies.

In fact it looked like an entire district of such structures was cropping up under her nose, with numerous other buildings in the middle of construction. Earth ponies trotted down Chrysalis’ long streets, pegasi flitted through her sky while unicorns aided in construction with their magic. There were hardly any changelings even visible, though Chrysalis knew that was because they were working in the mines, or were clear cutting forest.

Even with her view marred by so many bright colors, Chrysalis couldn't help but smile pridefully. After all, her city may not be beautiful quite yet but Chrysalis saw what others could not. For she saw not the present, but the future.

The circular city would expand beyond its meagre borders, the central hive would grow larger as their population grew. The wedge shaped city blocks extending from the hive would fill with structures made from the stone and wood gathered right in the everfree. All while Chrysalis would continue to dig deep into the earth, expanding her capital into the many caves below.

“Ahh here we are,” Cracked Carapace began, startling Chrysalis from her reverie. “The lumber mill is now working at peak capacity. The quarry isn't quite there yet, but its production has increased by fifteen percent. Work on the outer walls is continuing at the speed you projected, and-”

“Silence,” Chrysalis interrupted. “What is the news from Canterlot? Has Celestia finally set any new laws into motion which would hinder our efforts?”

Cracked Carapace blinked. “Um, no?”

Chrysalis tapped a hoof against the balcony as she stared off into the distance. “What is that mare waiting for?”

“Um, if I may be so bold my lady, but maybe she doesn't intend on stabbing you in the back after all?” Cracked Carapace began, growing bolder by the second. “Furthermore it seems as though Celestia may never turn against you considering she is quite infatuated with you.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Her feelings are false. Conjured purely to keep me off balance.”

“And that hoof massage she gave you the last time she was here?” Cracked Carapace asked.

“A show of dominance,” Chrysalis declared, subtly turning away from the drone so that her underling wouldn't see her blushing face.

“And that time you went to dinner together?” pressed the assistant.

“A diplomatic meeting, nothing more,” Chrysalis replied.

“What about the time where you two-”

“Enough C.C. We are not dating!” Chrysalis shrieked.

Cracked Carapace held up her hooves in defence. “I never meant to indicate that you were my lady. Please accept my humblest apologies.”

Chrysalis snorted. “Whatever. Just don't mention the hoof thing around others okay? That was supposed to be private.”

“I don't see why you would think that. Your moaning was loud enough that…”

Chrysalis glared at the drone.

“Shutting up now,” Cracked muttered.

Chrysalis cleared her throat. “And what about the steel mill? Is it finally ready?”

“Barring any unforeseen disasters we should be capable of producing the arms and armor you requested within a month’s time,” Cracked Carapace replied. “Though I’m curious as to why you would bother, my lady. The defence forces are already well equipped from donations sent by the royal guard.”

“You don't need to worry about that,” Chrysalis quickly replied.

“Y-yes. My lady,” Cracked Carapace murmured, ducking into a hasty bow.

“And what about the reproductive incentives? Is the order ready to be delivered?” Chrysalis continued.

The drone nodded. “You have but to give the word my lady and the hive shall experience a population boom the likes of which we haven't seen in generations.”

“Excellent, excellent,” Chrysalis whispered to herself, hooves steepled before her. “With our people outfitted, and the ranks of my army swelling with well fed recruits our victory is all but assured.”

“Yes I suppose the monsters of the forest wouldn't stand a chance then,” Cracked Carapace added.

“Bless your naive little heart,” Chrysalis exclaimed, patting the drone atop the head.

“Um, what?” asked the assistant.

“Don't worry about it,” Chrysalis replied, gesturing towards the exit to her royal apartment. “Now then. Let us continue this conversation on the way to the mill. I wish to inspect it myself before it goes into operation.”

“Oh uh, absolutely my lady,” exclaimed the drone.

Together the villain and her foolish underling trotted through the relatively small and sparsely furnished private abode. The former queen was thoroughly unbothered by the state of her humble living space. She had the regular amenities at least, and she didn't much care for the lavish look of Celestia’s home, or that of the nobility. Which were so grand in comparison as to make Chrysalis look downright destitute in comparison.

She definitely, definitely didn't care nor did she need to remind herself of this fact each night she went to sleep.

Chrysalis didn't concern herself with such worries at that moment however, and merely trotted out the door and into the hallway beyond. There stood no guards, as none were necessary, only the occasional maid or builder darkened the hall with their presence. All of whom bowed to the ex queen, giving their ruler the customary greeting before continuing on with their assigned duties.

“Would you like to use the elevator, my lady?” offered Cracked Carapace as the pair reached the end of the hall.

There a door leading to a long winding stairwell that traversed the entire length of the towering hive waited on their left. While on the right there was a vast empty shaft barred by a bronze fence attached to the wall.

“I suppose…” Chrysalis muttered somewhat hesitantly.

“Are you afraid, my lady?” Cracked Carapace asked.

Chrysalis snorted. “You better watch your accusations young lady or your name is going to become a lot more literal. You got that?”

“Yes my lady!” Cracked Carapace quickly replied, bowing low to the ground.

“Good. Now how do we summon this infernal machine?” Chrysalis murmured.

“You press the button, my lady,” Cracked Carapace offered.

“Which one?” Chrysalis replied.

The drone looked from the single button available to Chrysalis and then back again.

“I uh… knew that,” Chrysalis murmured before reaching forward and presing the small red circle. “I was merely testing you.”

“Have you not ridden the elevator yet? Its been here for quite a while at this point,” inquired Chrysalis’ assistant.

“I have not,” Chrysalis reluctantly admitted.

“Oh it's just wonderful, and its operator is so handsome,” whispered Cracked Carapace.

“What now?” Chrysalis muttered.

The sound of a bell ringing loudly gripped the two changeling’s attention and prompted them both to turn towards the elevator. Which was now open, and had within it a smiling white earth pony, his hoof resting on the bronze fence.

“Ahh my lady. How good it is to finally see you,” offered the pony, who removed the tiny red and gold hat that sat atop his head in order to bow low to the ex queen.

“What did I tell you, total hottie?” whispered Cracked Carapace.

Chrysalis blinked, a little dumbfounded by the unicorn’s appearance, or more specifically his enormous moustache. Sticking out from his face by several centimetres, the carefully coiffed bunch of grey hair had been styled to perfection. It was also completely, and utterly ridiculous in Chrysalis’ opinion.

“I think less of you now,” Chrysalis announced to her assistant.

“W-what? But why?” asked the drone.

Chrysalis ignored Cracked Carapace’s confused reaction and stepped inside the steel cage with quick, hesitant steps.

“Ahh C.C, how wonderful to see you. I assume you are not here to spend the afternoon riding the elevator with me?” offered the pony.

“N-no. I’m here on official business,” Cracked Carapace muttered, hastily trotting in after Chrysalis.

“A shame. You seem to be the only one willing to listen all about the wonders of the elevator,” exclaimed the pony in an almost reverent tone. “Now then my lady. Where would you like to go?”

“Level negative five,” Chrysalis replied.

“Most excellent,” he declared, cranking a large lever and hitting several buttons. “Now as this is your first time gracing my carriage with your presence I should warn you that it moves rather quickly. Please do not panic. Just sit back, and enjoy the ride.”

“Oh isn't he dreamy?” whispered Cracked Carapace. “I could listen to him talk about elevators all day.”

Chrysalis sighed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just get on with it already before I… I don't even have the energy to insult you. Just go.”

“As you wish my lady,” exclaimed the pony who threw another lever and caused the entire elevator to shudder into motion. “Next stop-”

Whatever he was about to say was cut off when Chrysalis began to shreik as if someone had set her mane aflame. Not only did she scream like some sort of prepubescent bug monster, but she also began to fly around the tight compartment, bumping into the walls like a moth. Further muddying my otherwise amazing metaphor.

“Ahh my ears!” yelled the pony.

“My lady please restrain yourself!” Cracked Carapace shouted.

But alas, Chrysalis heard neither of them, as she continued to screech and fly around like an enraged bee caught in some poor sap's sleeve.

The elevator door opened to reveal one embarrassed changeling, one confused drone, and one very frazzled pony.

“This is your stop,” offered the earth pony shakily, his hoof struggling to pull the fence open.

“Thank you,” whispered Cracked Carapace.

“Err yes, thank you,” murmured Chrysalis who hastily trotted out of the elevator. “And I would appreciate it if you didn't mention what happened here today.”

“I’m sorry you're going to have to speak up!” yelled the earth pony.

“I said thank you and then I told you not to tell anyone what happened here today!” Chrysalis shouted back.

“Why would I tell everyone about the hat in here?” bellowed the pony.

“Oh forget it,” Chrysalis muttered, turning to the drone.

Bring this oaf to the healers then make sure he doesn't tell anyone about what happened in that elevator. Chrysalis menatlly commanded.

Don't be embarrassed, my lady. Everyone’s first ride is a little shaky. Cracked Carapace replied with a frown. Though most don't screech loud enough to shatter eardrums and fly around the room like an angry hornet, bumping into-

Thank you Cracked, now could you please just go! Chrysalis commanded.

Yes my lady! Replied the drone before hastily turning back around and reentering the elevator.

Chrysalis put both of them firmly out of her mind, and without waiting a second longer, teleported directly into the steel mill. There she stood amidst the enormous machines and gigantic buckets used to transport the molten metal. Or at least it would anyway, as the mill had yet to produce anything but headaches and stress for the former queen.

“It's to be expected I suppose,” muttered the changeling. “Noone said building something so massive underground would be easy.”

Glancing about the long catwalks, and numerous levers, dials and exhaust tubes Chrysalis couldn't help but feel a familiar sense of pride stir in her chest. She would soon have the numbers, and the equipment necessary to create an army greater than any Equestria had seen. All while hiding under the noses of the nobility, and Celestia herself.

Why it was enough to make Chrysalis leap into the air, a song already worming its way past her lips.

“Soon everything is going to be perfect. Nothing can get in my way again. Everypony will finally bow down, and say I’m the greatest around. What they don't know is that this was my plan the entire time!” Chrysalis sang, the changeling flitting about the mill.

The former queen caught a pole and swung around its length, her hoof extended outwards. “This time it's going to be perfect. This time nothing will stop my plans. Instead of singing songs the ponies shall be my thralls, and I will hold the world in my hands!”

The queen cackled as she sprung from one bucket to another, singing all the while. “I could care less about Celestia. Of her nasty cake I will no longer partake. Every vow I’ve uttered has been a lie!”

“No matter the weather I will not stand with these fools. Our two kingdoms will never come together,” Chrysalis sneered as she rode one of the enormous buckets until it clanged to rest and she leapt onto a steel walkway. “The truth is I’ve been lying all along!”

The queen conjured forth an ethereal pony with magic, dancing with the illusion as she sang. “Oh this time it's going to be perfect. I’ll achieve the dream I’ve dreamt of since I was small. Everypony I’ll soon control. Every stallion, mare and foal. Who says a girl can't really have it all?”

Chrysalis twisted the pony in her hoof before kicking him from the ledge, leaving the changeling alone, laughing maniacally.

Or at least she had assumed she was alone, as her cackling was interrupted by the sound of clapping hooves. Spinning in place, Chrysalis was shocked to find that Celestia was sitting in a dark corner and was now applauding the changeling.

“Bravo! Encore!” Celestia shouted.

“Do not patronize me!” Chrysalis shouted, horn glowing brightly.

“Oh but I mean every word,” Celestia replied. “Though it is rather derivative don't you think?”

“I don't know what your talking about,” Chrysalis muttered.

“What, couldn't think of another song so you had to rework the one you sang before your failed invasion of Canterlot?” Celestia teased.

Chrysalis hissed angrily. “How are you here? My security forces should have stopped anyone from finding out about my little project.”

“Changelings aren't the only ones with information networks you know,” Celestia replied, reaching over and sipping on some fruity beverage topped with a tiny, rather adorable, umbrella.

“Impossible. Nopony is allowed down here,” Chrysalis retorted.

“Who says it was a pony?” Celestia pointed out.

Chrysalis’s horn flickered as doubt roiled in her heart. “You’re bluffing. My changelings would never betray me.”

“With trust comes love, and haven't you received plenty of love recently?” Celestia asked. “Is it really so hard to believe a few of your changelings might view their neighbors and friends as more than just food?”

Chrysalis’ jaw clenched tight. “Yes.”

Celestia shook her head. “Oh Chrysalis. You are so short sighted. You remind me of myself before I met you.”

“Enough talk. Die!” Chrysalis screeched, launching a beam of magic.

Celestia casually blocked the shot with a quickly conjured shield before throwing her empty cup at her opponent. Startled by the sudden attack, Chrysalis awkwardly caught the glassware before getting blindsided by a stun bolt. The former queen barely even had the chance to react before Celestia was atop her, hoof pressed against the changeling’s chest.

“My organization has penetrated every layer of your hive,” Celestia declared. “A drone doesn't fart in these halls without me knowing about it.”

Chrysalis snorted. “Then by telling me you’ll have doomed them all.”

“Careful now Chrysalis. Such a threat could earn you up to five years in prison,” Celestia exclaimed.

“That was merely a statement of fact and not a threat,” Chrysalis scoffed.

“Well this is,” Celestia declared.

Chrysalis expected to be hit by some kind of spell, or perhaps the alicorn’s strong, yet soft and alluring hooves. She did not expect for the pony’s lips to press against her own, nor would she have guessed that a wave of love would hit her a second later. Buffeted by the raw emotion, Chrysalis could only lay there as she struggled to consume it all.

By then the changeling had built up a slight resistance to Celestia’s powerful emotions, and quickly pushed her away. Chrysalis then hastily wiped her lips before standing on her own four hooves, and glared at Celestia with all the malice she could muster. Which wasn't much given how embarrassed she was, but the changeling tried anyway. Bless her heart.

“Why are you here?” Chrysalis asked.

“Why, I’m here to help you. Isn't it obvious?” Celestia replied without missing a beat.

“Help me do what?” Chrysalis demanded.

“Take over Equestria of course,” Celestia explained as she got down on one knee.

“What are you…” Chrysalis’ words, and fury died before they could even fully manifest.

The alicorn used her magic to retrieve a small black box from under her lawn chair which when opened revealed a ring. Made primarily of gold and with a large emerald set within it, the jewelry was as detailed as it was no doubt expensive.

“Chrysalis. Would you marry me?” Celestia whispered.

Author's Note:

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