• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,927 Views, 76 Comments

World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

One Way or Another

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the late progress. Real life do hits me hard now. But don't worry, the others will be out soon too!!

"And what's that picture thing on your butt?" Reed asked out of his curiosity.

After having a quick tour around the base — officially led by Parker — the group finally rested next to an M4 Sherman tank since there were no spots left for them to rest on. Then again, being as polite as they could, Reed borrowed a simple bench from nowhere for the ponies to sit on before he rested himself next to Parker. The ponies sat on the bench as comfortable as they could, all except Rainbow and Spike. Both of them were too distracted by the tank in front of them. Rainbow curiously flew here and there, examining each part of the tank. Spike however, casually sat on the main gun of the Sherman. His legs danced back and forth as he admired the dark green beast.

"Oh, on our flank," Twilight corrected, "And this is our cutie mark."

"Cutie mark?" Parker crossed his arms with his back rested against the tank while leaning his head a bit for Twilight's explanation.

Twilight nodded her head. "Cutie marks are a symbol of our talent and they are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others. It often represents the true meaning of ourselves."

Reed made a silent 'o' with his mouth while Parker slowly processed her words. "So basically," he started, "Cutie marks represent something about yourself that you are both very skilled at and really like to do." The ponies nod in unison.

"Like Princess Luna here," Twilight began as she moved a bit slightly to reveal Luna's cutie mark, "She's the Princess of the Night. Meaning she controls the night in our world as she raises and lowers the moon. Not only that, making sure that none of the ponies are having a nightmare is part of her duty too."

"Whoa hold that thought," Reed said, "Did you just say that Princess Luna can control the moon? Like, the big ass chunk of rock in the night sky itself?"

Pinkie suddenly appeared in his vision, making the Private reeled back a bit. "Of course she can, silly. She's the Princess of the Night after all. Princess Celestia, her sister and our ruler too, the Princess of the Sun. Therefore, she controls the Sun because the Sun can't go on itself without magic unlike your world here and-"

"Okay, I get it!" Reed said as he pulled Pinkie into a hug, her back on his stomach. "I swear you ponies are adorable in some ways. But really though, controlling the goddamn moon? Feels like a fucking God."

Luna smirked at his reaction. "I certainly have no doubt of doing so in here. But apparently magic doesn't exist in your world, so I believe it is not possible to control with even a combined magic of two alicorns."

"But what do you mean by the nightmare part?" Parker asked.

"I can enter the dream world to aid their nightmares," Luna answered, "To change the nightmare to a better dream so they will have a good night rest for the following day."

Reed let out a sigh with a slight chuckle. "Your world doesn't make any sense." Parker gave him a look that could melt his spine.

"We could say the same to your world," Rainbow hovered herself next to Reed, "I mean, seriously? No magic? How can you guys manage to do stuff without it?"

"Well, we may don't live with magic; nor can we fly or do anything extraordinary naturally," Parker said, "But, I guess not having such special natural gifts is what makes us so advanced. We don’t have that luxury, so we strive to do better and adapt, to become great at something or everything, and build and create things that allow us to do the seemingly impossible."

"Like this thing right here!" Spike exclaimed while patting the gun of the tank.

"Though, what is that thing dear?" Rarity asked curiously.

"This baby?" Parker said as he patted the side of the tank twice. "It's called a tank. Specifically an M4 Sherman. The one that Spike is sitting on is the main gun. Its 75 mm gun can wipe out mobs of soldiers, destroy parts of buildings, even other tanks." Spike looked down at the main gun, making a silent 'o' while Parker continued to explain. "This beast is a medium tank, and the armor of our side which helps us through almost every offensive to open the path for our allies. And boy, we got thousands of 'em. The Krauts have the tougher one though and it's called the Tiger tank. But with them outnumbered by us, I believe we can easily kick their asses back to the Reign."

"So it's a war machine?" Applejack simply asked.

"One hundred points to Applejack."

The ponies were about to ask more but they were interrupted by the unnatural noise coming from the sky. It was a strange, droning noise. All of them turned their heads to the sky behind them, the paratroopers followed their direction. The noise echoed louder and louder until it changed into a roar. Just then, three flying aircraft swung into view from behind the tree lines. The ponies stared in shock and awe as the flying machines flew past them. The paratroopers just watched with smirks on their faces as the planes flew by and disappeared from their sight.

Rainbow was the first one who broke the silence. "What are those?" Her jaw dropped slightly.

"Did I mention those flying machines before?" Parker stupidly asked.

The ponies shook their heads slowly. Parker could only chuckle at their reactions. "Well, basically they are planes. Those are P-47 Thunderbolts. They're specifically called fighters. Means they can fly with high acceleration and agile maneuverability. Typically the plane was used as a heavily armed fighter, carrying more or less eight 50 caliber machine guns. However, it could be fitted with a considerable bomb-load, meaning it could be use as a tactical fighter-bomber. They also can be used as reconnaissance and to escort our bombers."

"Bombers?" Spike asked.

It was Reed's turn to speak. "It's a big ass plane. They're really slow as fuck, unlike those fighters before. You just have to store shit tons of bombs in it before flying to the enemy's strategic cities or coordinated targets and give 'em hell." The ponies seemed to be processing his words. But Reed wanted them to learn on their own. "You'll know it once you see it."

"Umm, Parker?" Fluttershy asked quietly but managed to be heard by the Sergeant.

Turning his head to her, Parker replied, "Yes Fluttershy?"

"If you don't mind me asking… umm… do we have to be in the… you know…"

"Frontline?" Reed finished her sentence. Which elicited a slight whimper and a nod from the yellow pegasus.

"Y-yes…" She stammered.

Parker sighed as he pondered in his own thoughts. He couldn't risk the lives of the ponies and Spike to be in the line of fire. Then again, Blake said these ponies have to stay close with him. He had a point though, Parker doubt anyone else other than him would take good care of them. They only focused on one thing, that is to end the war before Christmas. He knew better that the others could care less about extraterrestrial beings. But bringing them into the line of fire? That was something that Parker didn't like to think about. These ponies have absolutely no idea how cruel and bloody it would be. All except Luna. The image of her being a Princess must at least know a thing or two about war. Or maybe more. But if the ponies didn't come with him, what would happen to them? Of course he knew they didn't trust him and the army completely but at least they needed some familiar faces to keep them feel safe. Keeping them believing that the paratroopers wanted nothing more than their safety. If they stay back, who knows they might go and wander around without telling them and end up in the hands of the enemy and use them against the Allies. Wait.

Use them against the Allies?

Parker thought even harder as some things crossed his mind.

Are we using them?

Now you're just a big FUCKING IDIOT. Bringing them to the frontline doesn't mean we're using them you douche

But they're not from here

God definitely screwed up a bit when He made me for you. Maybe even sleepy

And I don't even know why you bother

We're protecting them and we all fucking know who's the cold blooded murderer here. I really wanna rip his mustache and put it as one of my medals on my uniform

You have a uniform?

That doesn't matter. The point is, Hitler is a maniac. And we're the good guys

They don't know that

Then make them earn our trust. Proof them that we want nothing more than to help them


Only one way to find out and you know it

There's always more than-

You know it's one way or another you half chewed pencil

Parker blinked his eyes several times. He's definitely gonna go crazy with his brain. Taking a deep breath, Parker asked the question, "Are you guys ready?"

The ponies stared at him rather unexpectedly and mostly fear. Parker let them have their time to think about the answer when a familiar voice called out.

"Well I'll be darned. Never thought I will be seeing you here again, Sarge."

Parker turned his head around and sure enough he wasn't hallucinating things. Two paratroopers walked towards him which he knew very well. The two walked to him with smile of relief on their faces, as did Parker.

"Guess who's back from the dead." Parker said as he pulled Glenn to a hug while patting his back multiple times. He then did the same to Andrew.

Both Glenn and Andrew were with them when they were doing reconnaissance. How were they still alive and well, Parker wouldn't have to know; nor did he care. He was just glad that some of his squad were safe. Though, it didn't help once he realized that he wasn't there to help them. Instead of making sure that his squad were okay, he — along with Reed and Wade — fled from the bombardment zone to save their lives.

"And there we thought that you were dead." Andrew retorted as he ended the hug.

"And here we are, holding our grudges to not kick you right on your ass." Glenn said with a smirk but there was a hint of annoyance in his voice which everyone could clearly hear.

Parker realized what he meant as his relief smile turned into a sad and mournful one. Still managing to smile, he said, "Yeah, sorry about leaving you. I really thought y'all didn't make it out from that hell hole. I was lucky enough to find Wade and Reed are still-"

"Hey ass licker." The ponies flinched from the vulgar language as they turned their eyes to the voice. The paratroopers did the same. "We were dead already when those Krauts dropped their shit ton of payload onto us, alright?" Reed put Pinkie down before he walked towards Glenn until his face was inches away from Glenn's. The ponies could feel the tension rise.

"Talk like that to the Sergeant again. Or I'm gonna have to put my feet in the place where it isn't supposed to be."

"Knock it off, Reed," Parker barked, shooting a glare at Reed, "We don't want the ponies to see us like the bad guys." That caught Luna's attention.

"Oh, I'd like to see you try." Glenn smirked even more.

"Quit your ass for fucks sake, Glenn," Andrew said as he gave Glenn an annoying look, "Is that your first fucking impression when we found out they're alive? And especially in front of our guests?" Glenn looked at his fellow survivor before surrendering himself. Giving a glare that Glenn swore it could melt his weapon, Reed walked back to his place. Leaning against the tank, he crossed his arms. The ponies were uncomfortably quiet all the time. Even Rainbow Dash had landed next to Reed.

"You sure don't like that guy, huh?" Rainbow asked quietly.

Reed shrugged. "You'll get used to it, Rainbow. It takes one asshole to know the others." Rainbow suppressed a giggle.

"Dash." Rainbow corrected.

"Gotcha." Reed smiled genuinely, looking her way.

Andrew shook his head with a sigh. "Anyways, we were all scattered after that ambush, of course we doubt that the rest of us are still alive."

"Hold that thought," Glenn cut them, "So, those are the ponies everyone's talking about?" He looked behind Parker.

"They are." Parker said before turning around. He motioned Andrew and Glenn to follow him. "Gentlemen, I'd like you to introduce the ponies that visited our world."

"Visited?" Andrew asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Supposed to be," Twilight smiled sheepishly, "We weren't planning on staying here for a quite long time but your world tells otherwise."

"That can be explained later." Andrew said, not wanting to process any of the things they had been through. Not in his state of mind begging him for a rest. "I'm Andrew. This is Glenn, the unending bastard." Glenn shot a glance at Andrew before nodding with a smile.

"Twilight Sparkle," Twilight replied, "You can call me Twilight. These are my friends." She gestured to the rest of the ponies. "Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna, and Rainbow Dash." Before Andrew could respond, something clicked in her mind. "Oh, and there's Spike over… there…" Her voice trailed off as she saw Spike inspecting the .50 caliber machine gun the Sherman tank had on top of its turret.

"Spike?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

"Parker, what is this?" He asked curiously.

Everyone turned their attention to the little dragon, curiously inspecting the machine gun. His claw, though, made its naughty way to the trigger. Parker's eyes widened as the purple little dragon slowly — very slowly — pulled the trigger.

"Spike, NO!!!" He called out.

Reed could only turn his head around and stare at the sight. "Son of a-"

Three shots were fired before Spike jumped from the loud noise of the machine gun. His right leg slipped off from the tank as he lose his balance. And fell. Rainbow Dash, though, was directly below him. Spike closed his eyes as Rainbow was getting closer and closer. Meanwhile, Rainbow braced herself from the impact and to catch Spike as well. Except it never came. Spike could feel two hands wrapped around his barrel before slowly opening his eyes. Reed had caught him before he could land on Rainbow's back. The ponies had their breaths held after the shots were fired, but released it when they realized what they were doing. Spike chuckled sheepishly on Reed's hands.

Parker shook his head before chuckling lightly. "All right Private Troublemaker," he said as he picked Spike off from Reed and put him on his left shoulder, "You'll be no more than two inches away from Twilight and her friends after we're getting out of here and that's no negotiate."

Spike sat awkwardly as he fidgeted his claws. "Sorry."

"All good, Spike. No harm done."

"Spike," Luna began with a warm smile, "You shouldn't have messed with things you don't know. Especially when the said thing is completely out of our knowledge. And you know that." Spike nodded as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Hey, cheer up kid," Reed said with a grin, "With Parker, the next thing you know you'll be out there kicking asses with us."

"Hey, I'm not gonna brainwash someone." Parker retorted.

"You know better when I'm just trying to light up the mood, Sarge."

"And I know better not to put duct tape on your mouth 'cause you're the one who does that." Parker then turned to Spike. "And Spike, that is called a machine gun. It's basically a…"

His voice trailed off as Twilight smiled at the sight of Parker being so calm. Yet, she knew he had a lot of thoughts in his mind. She knew Applejack noticed it too. Whatever they were, he's definitely good at hiding it. Her mind wandered back to the question he had given to them earlier. Are you guys ready? The thought of it alone made her shudder. But the word war itself made her question why she's here. This wasn't according to the plan. Then again, the spell just brought her and her friends to another human race without even knowing what was happening behind it. Now that she realized it, she was gambling whether or not to go to this world. But curiosity got the best of her. And there they are, trapped in a world at war and forced to pick a side where she doesn't know which one is good or evil. She couldn't trust Parker and his friends. Not until she gained more information about the war they're in.

"Twilight?" A soft voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

Twilight shook her head lightly before turning to Fluttershy. "Yes Fluttershy?"

"About the frontline… umm… I think…"

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "You think?"

"I think we have to." She said nervously.

"Ah'm with ye," Applejack suddenly said, "Ah know he's hiding sumthin' and we don't know anythin' he's up to. But he's the only fella who took us in safe hooves. Unlike those critters back at the shack."

"I certainly agree with Applejack," Rarity added, "The least we can do is to be there and listen to him. But we have to, and must be cautious."

Closing her eyes, Twilight pondered for a moment. Sure they saw what Parker can do. He and his friends could easily outmatch them in any way. Are we afraid of them? That thought crossed her mind and Twilight couldn't be more confused. Parker didn't hurt them. Or not yet at least. But seeing him so friendly and calm, trying to make them feel welcome. Yet, he killed them. He killed those soldiers back in the forest. In front of their eyes. He didn't hesitate, he wasn't scared, he was determined. She could've sworn she saw him smiling when she pulled out that bayonet. Then again, he didn't hurt them. Instead, he took them in. Unlike those Germans/Krauts when they first saw Twilight and her friends. Okay, to be fair, if she found out a human walked into Ponyville before she knew what a human is she would've at least freaked out. But Parker was something else. She remembered the worry in his eyes when he pointed the gun at them. She remembered the way he calmed her down when she was having trouble sleeping. She remembered how he saved her life on that field. Twilight released the breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"Twilight," Luna's voice called out from her right, "Do you trust him?"

Do I trust him?

Opening her eyes, she looked at Parker. He was laughing alongside Spike, Reed, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Andrew and Glenn. She would even make an 'aww' when she saw Spike was being held by Parker in his one hand raised up and ran off to nowhere. Rainbow followed quickly behind.

Only one way to find out.

With a determined look, Twilight finally replied, "Yes."