• Member Since 29th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


The hoes call me the B-1 Lancer because I offer unimpressive low-level penetration but possess a world-class rear-aspect sight picture.


Out of milk for his late-night breakfast cereal, one Cloudsdale bachelor takes a short trip to the store. Along the way, he'll break an entire book's worth of traffic laws, take a several hour detour, and might save a life.

A slightly experimental one-shot about the pleasures of a late-night drive. (flight?)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

This was really cute, especially the interactions with Dash, that was a nice read

Good bit, knowledge and cunning beats out raw talent once again.

Also, I have Deja Vu stuck in my head now, so thanks for that.

Delightful stuff. Wonderfully immersive language and a great characterization for Dash at this point in her life. And I always love the idea of artificial jet streams as pegasus roads. Thank you for this.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes this sort of thing. To be honest, I was expecting a full-on street race with cars and such. But this was still great to read. Nice job!

First person to send me a video of them benching anything over 230 gets a free commission.

Alondro considers, "It's not as if I NEED these arm muscles afterward...." :pinkiecrazy:

This being Equestria, he needs a suitably epic soundtrack to play while he goes not-grocery shopping:

(Matt McFarland - Drifted)

Speed reviewed your speed story!

Have a gander: Boop!

While I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of Pegasus flight (Or the flight of birds thereof) it's a rather good fic even if I didn't get what a lot of it was beyond 'FAST MANUVEURING' and such else. All this talk of primaries and little odd wing words and I would have just said 'wings' and 'wingtips', har.

That's been me. Not the speed, or the prosthetic foreleg, or racing a cocky, prismatic, element-of-harmony to-be, but the feeling of going out to not just do that one thing that really doesn't need to be done right now, but going out to just be going out.


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