• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,944 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Difference Between Luck and Skull

"You want me to do what?"

"Paint a portrait of me, duh."

With three new animals in the group, two of which now living in the human household, things have become livelier. Fortunately, the two pets were pretty calm, with Mohou being quite well-behaved and Storm being nocturnal and calm. The two have even been a help with the humans as Mohou was very friendly with everyone, other pets included, and Storm pretty much dubbed himself the night guard and helper similar to Owlicious. The two have settled down into the house within two weeks, but now a new guest has arrived to talk to Huston, but their conversation wasn't going far.


"I don't get why this is so hard." Rainbow claimed.

"Because this is something I don't get often." Huston admitted. "Sure, I've been asked to do portraits of people, but it was usually for groups or a friend, never for the same person who asked. Besides, what do you even need it for?"

"So I can give it to my fan club, duh." Rainbow said matter-of-factly, earning a facepalm from the artist.

"I'm sorry, your fan club?" He asked, peaking his eyes from behind his hand.

"Yep." As the two talked, the other humans watched from the sidelines.

"Have you noticed that Rainbow's been getting more... cocky, lately." Cali asked, eyebrow raised.

"I didn't want to say anything, but she has." Jasmine admitted, Storm hanging off her arm. The two then glanced over to Xavier, who sighed.

"She really has been getting cockier as of late." Xavier sighed. "She's never been like this."

"I guess the things she's been doing managed to do that." Cali mused, thinking back to the things that have been happening within the week.

Three days ago

The humans were all chilling around the park, mostly watching Huston work on his first piece of art.

"Wow, you really are good." Cali admitted.

"Hm, you flatter me, miss Cali." Huston smiled. "This is just a start to what I can do though. I'm just getting warmed up after such a long time"

"Hmm, makes sense." Cali admitted. After a bit longer of watching Huston, they all heard something.

"Help! Help!" Stopping, the group looked up to hear cries for help.

"Who was that?" Jasmine asked. The looked around for a bit to find the source when they spotted a well, another cry coming from it

"Over there." Xavier yelled while pointing. The humans then ran over to the well to see if they could try and help, but when they did, something colorful flew past them and into the well. "W-Was that Rainbow?" After a bit of waiting, others began to crowd around the well, curious as to what was going on. Once a decent crowd managed to form, the pony shot out from the well again, proving that it was Rainbow, but she was also carrying a small foal with her. When she landed and let the foal down, the crowd save for the humans began to cheer for Rainbow.

"Wow. What's with this crowd?" Rainbow admitted. "Uh, thanks, everypony. It was really no big deal."

"To me it was! You're my hero, Rainbow Dash!" The foal yelled out, happy to be saved. This prompted the crowd to cheer again, leaving Rainbow to blush before flying away, the humans watching.

The Next Day

Now the humans were walking through town, most notably the marketplace to go grocery shopping.

"You guys really didn't have to come along to help." Xaiver said with a hesitant smile. "I can do this myself."

"Well, I wanted to look around for some new ingredients." Cali said with crossed arms and a smirk. "I think y'all would like some new things."

"And I want to help since I'm not contributing much right now." Huston admitted.

"I just came for moral support." Jasmine giggled, getting a head shake from Xavier.

"Well, thanks guys." As the group was looking around the market, they heard a very loud scream. The group were shocked to hear it, but soon began to run to the source. When they got there, they saw that Rainbow was speeding down a steep hill after a baby carriage, this carriage was rolling towards a cliff at very high speed. Rainbow managed to catch up to the carriage and grip onto it before planting her back hooves onto the ground to slow them down. It was close as the carriage almost fell off the cliff, but it managed to stop right before that. Once it did stop, many ponies who were at the bottom of the cliff watching in stressed silence began to cheer out for her. Rainbow looked down to look at them and smiled before waving. She stopped however as she looked into the stroller, and gasped.

"Oh no! There's something wrong with the baby!" She cried, prompting gasps from the crowd. "She's not cheering for everypony's favorite hero, Rainbow Dash!" She then took the baby out to show that it was okay, prompting more cheering from the crowd, but the humans weren't too impressed at how she was acting as she flew back up the hill to give the baby back. When she did make it up, there were ponies with cameras already there, ready to take her photo. Rainbow took the opportunity as she tossed the baby haphazardly back to the mother who thankfully caught them and began to pose for the cameras.

"There just aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe Rainbow Dash's awesomeness." They heard Scootaloo say in admiration, but the humans had other ideas.

"I can think of a few." Xavier said deadpanned.

"And I bet 'modest' isn't one." Cali added before the humans turned to go back to shopping.

The next day

"You think something will happen today as well?" Cali asked.

"For once, yes." Xavier sighed. Once again, the humans were walking around town, this time just killing some time.

"Well, hopefully it isn't too dangerous." Huston mused. He was proven wrong though as they heard some cracking nearby and panicked voices. Looking over to where the noise was, they saw that it at the retirement home, the balcony of the home was breaking with multiple elderly on it, gripping onto the railing in panic. "Why did I have to speak!?"

"Never fear, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash is here!" Rainbow Dash announced from above just as the balcony snapped off the building. The rainbow maned pegasus flew in, directly below the falling platform and catching it, allowing the ponies on it to fall safely and slowly to the ground before putting it down, saving the elderly. When she did however, a large majority of the crowd was cheering save for our heroes, all of their cheering making Rainbow grin wider. "I can't hear you!" She yelled out as she flew up to the sky, instigating more cheering. As she was being praised, out heroes all joined up.

"Call me silly, but this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head." Twilight commented.

"No need to beat around the bush, Sparkle." Cali added.

"You may be right, silly." Pinkie agreed, oblivious to the figure of speech as many of the group looked at her with deadpan looks.

Present Time

"I'll admit, that might be the reason." Xaiver said.

"You would think that after saving Equestria multiple times would be enough praise." Cali said pinching her nose.

"Well, I'll pay you when you finish it." Rainbow said before walking to the door. "I need to get to Sugar Cube Corner. My fans are there waiting for me." Before any of them could react, Rainbow flew out of the house.

"She really is into this." Jasmine said as she put Storm onto her staff to hang.

"Yeah, too into it." Xaiver added with a scowl. "I say we follow."

"Why would we do that?" Cali asked, crossing her arms.

"So we can get a better idea of how to 'knock her down a peg' I would assume?" Huston asked.

"Exactly, let's go." Xaiver led the charge, the others following along to Sugar Cube Corner. Once there, they entered to find that there was a crowd surrounding a stage, the pegasus in question on it, wearing sunglasses (Inside, how cliché)

"And then, I zoomed into the well! I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger's my middle name. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash."

"Since when?" Cali asked, Xavier shrugged at her ridiculousness.

"Thinking back on it, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day." Rainbow thought.

"Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since." The humans heard Applejack say. Looking over, they saw her and the others, so they decided to join up with them.

"Agreed." Xavier agreed.

"She's going a bit far with this, huh?" Jasmine noted before being grabbed by Rainbow.

"Hey Jas. How'd you like to be immortalized as my friend?" Dash asked, much to her confusion.

"Immorta-what?" She asked, only to be bombarded by multiple flashed of cameras, scaring her as she struggled to get out. She would have stayed much longer if Cali didn't help. It was then that Huston noticed Spike dressed up like a reporter, writing things down on a notepad.

"Spike, why are you dressed as a reporter?" He asked. "Also, why are you taking notes?"

"I've been hoof-picked by Rainbow Dash herself, to write her autobiography!" He replied, earning some confused looks from the group and a facepalm from Xavier.

"Umm, autobiographies are supposed to be written by the pony they are about." Twilight mentioned, grabbing Rainbow's attention.

"Maybe for your normal, run-of-the-mill ponies. But I'm far too busy saving lives to stop and write." Rainbow explained. "That's why I hired Spike as my ghost writer."

"Spike's a ghost?! AHHHHH!" Pinkie screamed before running away, confusing the entire venue.

"...Anyway..." Rainbow turned back to them, a smug look on her face. "Spike here writes down everything I say. Don't you, Spike?"

"Don't...you...Spike. Got it!" Spike winked after writing down everything in his notepad.

"Oh brother..." Cali commented as she was comforting Jasmine.

"This way, I can stay focused on performing those acts of bravery that nopony else has the guys to perform." Rainbow said as she walked over to some foals. "Yep! It takes guts. But it also takes brains." Rainbow smirked before being surrounded by small fillies, eager to get a picture of her. "And sometimes a big lunch and a nap. Being a hero is surely not for everypony, but I'm up to the challenge."

"Has she forgotten that we help her save the day as well?" Xaiver asked, the rest of the group nodding to agree.

"Now if you excuse me, I have some more rescuing to do." Rainbow then flew out of the shop with many of her supporters following after her.

"She's going WAY to far with this." Xavier growled.

"Question." Huston began, his hand raised. "How easy is it for miss Rainbow to drop something like this?"

"Next to impossible." Xaiver answered. "Once she gets something into her head, she's impossible to reason with. Which is a reason as to why I want to make a plan to knock her down a bit."

"Even though she's your friend?" Jasmine asked with a concerned look, many of the girls copying her look.

"Especially because." Xavier finished.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Pinkie said getting in between the group, shocking them all.

"Pinkie! We don't need a party!" Xaiver yelled out, shocked at Pinkie's sudden appearance. "That will only encourage her!"

"No, it's even better than a party!" Pinkie denied, confusing the group. "Alright, here's the plan." As Pinkie was laying out the plan, they were being watched. Watched by the same figure from the park, and they were quite interested in what they were saying.

"This plan is stupid."

The group was now at Rarity's shop, looking at something that was involved in Pinkie's plan. This plan was to become the hero themselves to prove a point. Of course, they would have to hide their identities, so a costume was made. Two of them in fact. One of them was for a pony, but the other one was for a human. They both had dark violet and navy blue in their color pallet, and they both had masks that covered the entire face, large, brimmed hats, and capes. How Rarity managed to make them is such a short time baffled them, but that wasn't the point as of yet as they all looked at the costumes.

"But you agreed to it from the start!" Pinkie said, sounding upset.

"I know I did, but I never said any of us humans would become one." Xavier added. "Besides, why would you make one for us?"

"I just thought that we could share our jobs is all." Rarity mentioned.

"Yeah, no." Xavier immediately shot down. "It's too conspicuous for a human-shaped hero to be running around. Besides, I can't keep up with Dash."

"Same, no way can I keep up with her." Cali agreed, Jasmine nodding as well.

"Sorry, I can't as well." Huston finished. "Besides, it's like Xavier said. It's too conspicuous for us to go as well."

"That being said, if you girls want to run around with the costume, be my guest." Xavier shrugged, the girls nodding.

"We should see what Dash is doing right now though." Twilight suggested, the group nodding and starting to file out of the shop.

"You go ahead, I'll stay with the costumes so they're ready." Rarity said. When the group left however, none of them noticed that the figure from before was looking through the window as they were leaving, their eyes locked onto the costumes.


The group was now watching Rainbow surrounded by a crowd, a single file line in front of her. She was now signing autographs for her fan club. As she was, the group was all looking at her with disapproving eyes.

"She just finished doing that questionnaire thing, right?" Cali asked, clearly annoyed at Rainbow's bloated ego.

"Yep." Xavier simply answered with a shake of his head.

"Guys! Problem!" The group looked over to the voice that was power whispering to them, and they saw Rarity in an alley gesturing them to come, and she seemed panicked. They all went over to her, confused.

"Miss Rarity? Is something wrong?" Huston asked.

"The costumes are gone!" She said panicked, shocking the group.

"What! How?!" Twilight asked in a shocked tone.

"Well, I was dusting off the costumes when I heard something from upstairs. When I went up, I saw that Opal was growling at the window. When I calmed her down and went back downstairs, they were gone!" Rarity explained.

"Great, now what." Xaiver asked, pinching his nose. The conversation would have continued if not for-

"HHEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!" The group was interrupted by a cry for help. As they left the alley, they saw that a hot air balloon was falling quickly to the earth, a pony inside.

"Ah crap!" Xavier cried out. She looked over to Rainbow to hope she would help, but she was still signing autographs. "RAINBOW!! COME ON!!!"

"Hey, I've got a good ten seconds to spare. Just a couple more." Rainbow defended as she finished signing the current copy. When she did, she put down the pen she was using and took flight towards the balloon, but she wasn't going her full speed and posing a bunch.

"The tension is unbearable." Spike narrated. "Will Rainbow Dash make it on time?"

"Are you kidding? No she isn't!" Huston cried, his usually calm demeanor falling as everyone watched tensely. It wasn't until Huston noticed something on the rooves of the houses. "Huh, wait? WHO IS THAT!?" The entire town heard his call, turning to where he was looking, and all looked in equal shock. Hopping from roof to roof was a figure, stopping for a brief moment to look at the balloon. When they stopped, it allowed the town to get a good look at them, shocking them all to see that it was a human-like figure. Looking at them, they were wearing the costume that Rarity made, hiding many of their aspects. What they could see was that this figure was quite toned, but still on the thinner side, and was about in the middle of heights with the humans. There were things that were different about the costume, and that was that there was a metal bat strapped onto the figure's back and the face mask was removed and replaced with what appeared to be a mask covering the top of their face, it looking like a skull. The figure didn't take long to look at the situation before jumping around again. After some jumps, the figure took one big jump to the balloon, flipping towards it. When the figure made it, they grabbed the pony inside with a graceful flip as Rainbow slammed into the popped balloon. The figure landed onto their legs, holding the pony in a bridal style as the balloon and Rainbow crashed into a tree.

"Ye okay there, lassie?" The figure spoke in a male voice. It was quite deep and was clearly Scottish.

"U-um, yes. I am. Thank you." The pony said as the hero put her down.

"Good, wouldn't want ye's ta be a pancake, now would we's?" The figure spoke, a lighthearted feeling to him despite his voice. "I'd love ta stick 'round, but I gotta bounce. See ya's." After speaking, the man ran off and hopped onto a building, taking one last moment to turn away and give a salute with a grin, hopping away after.

"Who the hell was that?" Cali asked.

"They came out of nowhere!" A pony added.

"Correct." They all heard Mayor Mare say. "A new hero has entered Ponyville. A mysterious figure with a mask of a skull. I dub this new masked hero, 'Skull Crush'." The town cheered at the hero's title, all but our heroes, Rainbow included.

"Skull Crush, huh. Well that guy would do well to stay outta my way! Ponyville's only got room for one hero, and that hero is me!" Rainbow growled as she walked away. As she was, the others were going over what they saw.

"You saw that, right?" Xaiver questioned, the group nodding. "Yep, they had the costume."

"Who are they though?" Jasmine asked.

The Next Day

It's been less than a day since Skull made his presence known, and he's already stirred up the town with ponies talking all about him, but a few weren't. Those who weren't were our heroes, all of them trying to figure out who he was, though for different reasons. Rainbow was trying to figure out who he was to stop him from taking her glory. The others were trying because they were confused at who he was. After all, he was no doubt a human. It was now morning, and once again something happened. This time, a large carriage was out of control, rolling down the hill the baby carriage did a few days ago. As the ponies inside were screaming, Rainbow flew up next to it, clearing her throat.

“Never fear, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow-”

“Excuse me, uh, do you think you could skip your catchphrase and just hurry up and save us!” One of the ponies in the cart shouted.

“Ugh, fine! Picky, picky.” Rainbow rolled her eyes before flying in front of the cart in attempt to stop it, but she wasn't strong enough as she was thrown off. As she was recovering, she looked up to see something she didn't expect. Once again, Skull Crush was on the case of taking her glory, but he was running up the hill, shoulder down like he was about to tackle the carriage. This look was exactly his plan as he rammed the carriage, barely flinching as he held his ground surprisingly well against the large weight as he grit his teeth. It was a close call, but he managed to stop the carriage before it rolled off the cliff, but a few inches but he stopped it as he stood up and rubbed his shoulder where he impacted the carriage. The ponies inside cheered as they got out of the carriage.

"Thank you, Skull Crush!" A pony said, happy to be saved.

"No problem, lad. Glad ay could help." Skull said. "Ay hate to leave, but duty calls. See ya." With that, he hopped off the cliff, scaring the watchers. But when they looked over the cliff, they saw that he was running off, safe and sound. As the ponies watched him in admiration, Rainbow growled at his display.


Later in the day, another incident occurred, this one even more dangerous. This one was at a construction site of a new structure in town. As the ponies were working, the crane that was moving materials somehow managed to malfunction, causing the machine to start smoking and spinning wildly. This of course notified Rainbow who was flying overhead, flying down as the cable of the crane began to tear. She of course stopped mid-air and began to speak instead of immediately starting the rescue.

"Never fear, your friendly neighbor– Whoa!" She began, only to be cut off by a flying log that was launched by the crane, the cable holding it snapping. This log's trajectory was pretty much perfect as it flew directly into the infrastructure of the building, causing it to shake and start falling apart. This of course sent many heavy building materials falling, and the workers were all in danger as they began to run around in panic from the impending doom. Most would help immediately, but Rainbow was trying to dodge the debris as well as she was trying to give her catchphrase. As she was struggling, everypony stopped when they heard something from the crane, worried that it was malfunctioning again. When they looked though, many were relieved (Rainbow was annoyed) that Skull Crush was there, standing on it as he leapt in to save them. Rainbow simply watched him though, thinking he wouldn't be able to dodge everything. Surprisingly though, he was, effortlessly as he dodged and weaved through the falling debris as if he knew where they were falling before they landed. She watched in annoyance as he picked up one worker after another and placed them in a safe place, at least before she noticed that there was one pony about to be crushed by a palette. She dove in and saved him, but she began to struggle at keeping up with all of the falling debris, placing him outside just as the building finally broke down. Looking over at Skull, she walked over to him smugly. "Well, Skull Crush or should I call you Slow Crush? You're gonna have to pick up the pace if you wanna compete with me, 'cause I move like lightning."

"Actually, he saved all of us! We own him our lives!" One of the workers exclaimed, which made Rainbow make an immediate frown and fell to the ground.

"Tah, was nothing." Skull spoke, a bit out of breath though. He then looked over at Rainbow, his eyes portraying annoyance. "Bu' tit would 'ave gone smoother though if someone din't waste time." Rainbow recovered from her shock as Skull began to run off, shocked that he would call her out like that. That shock however turned to anger as she growled at him.

Rainbow was now not taking any chances anymore.

She was now flying around town, trying to find a problem that even Skull couldn't fix. The fact that he was able to do things better than her and show her up really made her angry. As she was flying around the outskirts however, she flew past the dam and noticed that there was a small leak.

"If the dam breaks, the whole town will be flooded!" She exclaimed before smiling. "Looks like Ponyville needs a hero!" She then flew up to the crack in the dam and placed her hoof onto it, "stopping" the leak, though it was still leaking. "Easy peasy." She said, unaware to the fact that the crack was now growing under her press. "My game is officially back on. If only somepony were here to pat me on the back. Eh, guess I'll have to do it myself-" She then took her hoof off the dam and began to literally pat her back. Unfortunately, the crack she made managed to break enough of the dam to break a hole into it, blasting her with water and sending her into the river where she began to struggle from the rapid flow of water. She would have drown if it wasn't for her managing to grab something metal. When she recovered enough to see what she grabbed, she was shocked to see that Skull was there, reaching out with his metal bat to snag her. "YOU!?"

"Heh, that's a weird way ov sayin' 'thanks mate.'" Skull chuckled before swinging his bat back, flinging Rainbow backwards. Fortunately, she was able to start flying before she landed. "Jeez, yeez made a mess, huh?" Skull commented as he watched the flowing water, Rainbow looking offended at him.

"What!? You think I caused this?!" She exclaimed. "I'm the hero, not you!!"

"Please, ay saw what ye did." Skull said turning to her, his eyes giving a cold glare that actually scared Rainbow since it actually was even more scary than-

"What's going on!?" Xavier yelled as him, the other humans and the ponies ran over.

"No time ta talk. You, purple." Skull announced, pointing his bat to the group, more specifically at Twilight.


"Yes you. You think ye can patch that dam up?"

"What's this? The great Skull is asking for-"

"Help, yes." Skull cut Rainbow off, annoying her even more. "Ye think I's can patch that up myself?"

"Um, if I had enough stone I could."

"Good, ay'll go collect them." Skull said. "Ya'll better help if ye know what good." He said to the others, them looking at each other before nodding as they helped Skull collect rocks and stones to patch the dam. All but Rainbow who was still annoyed. It was some effort to do it, but the group managed to gather enough to patch the dam back up before any real damage could be done. The town was there watching as well, and once it was done they all cheered for Skull.

"Ay, thanks fer yer praise, but I didn't do it alone." He began as he swung his bat towards the group. "After all, ay could 'ave never done it myself if they didn't help. So give 'em some cheer too, ye here?" The crowd heard him loud and clear as they began to cheer for them, earning many different reactions from the group, mostly positivity and some embarrassment.

"HEY? WHERES MINE!?" Rainbow yelled out, clearly not part of the group as she was still up in the air. Her tantrum was cut short as Skull kicked up a pebble left behind like a ball and swung his bat to knock the pebble at her, hitting her with enough force to knock her off balance, but not hurt her.

"You should shut it if ay were you." Skull said in a dark tone. "You could have been the hero if ye just went and got someone who knew about dams, but instead ye went and made a bigger mess. Ye clearly have no idea what it takes ta be a hero, bub."

"What?! I do!"

"Oh really. Then tell me, what does it take?"

"Um... well..." Rainbow was caught in a bad spot, being called out for something in front of not only the town, but also in front of her closest friends.

"Tat's what ay thought." Skull said as he put his bat back onto his back. "Sorry lass, but yer not fit fer heroing. Ye'd better learn yer own place before you try to save someone else." With that, Skull walked off, leaving the town and our heroes to look at Rainbow. All the attention she had for once made her feel nervous, so she didn't waste time to fly off in shame.

The Next Day

Today was another day for new chances. Unfortunately, Rainbow for once wasn't feeling like herself today as she laid on a grey cloud in sadness. As she lied on the cloud, she watched all the townsfolk in merchandise focused on Skull Crush as he was the talk of the town. Normally she would be annoyed at them, but she wasn't feeling it after the man himself criticized her in front of the town.

"Hey Rainbow?" Rainbow heard the voice of her friend from below, calling to her.

"Not now, Xaiver..." Rainbow said in a melancholy voice. "I'm not in the mood for a lecture." There was a short silence between them, until Xaiver spoke again.

"Rarity made the costume Skull's wearing now."

"SHE WHAT!?" This caught Rainbow's attention as she flew in front of Xavier in a second. "SO YOU KNOW HIM!?"

"No, we don't." Xaiver said, a bit of guilt in his face. "But we did make it for a plan, so I feel like I should tell you." Rainbow, calmed down for a while, interested in what he had to say, so the two went over to a bench nearby. "You see, the costume was made by Rarity in hopes that we could teach you a lesson about your heroing. She even made one for ponies so the girls could join."

"Teach me a lesson?" Rainbow asked, clearly confused.

"Well, you're not exactly being the best hero."

"What?! Of course I am!" Rainbow defended.

"No, a real hero doesn't brag about saving lives." Xaiver gave a glare, but it wasn't as harsh as it normally was. "All this time you've been saving ponies, you've been taking in as much glory you could get without thinking about the true reason as to why saving lives is important. Tell me, what's more important? You getting your twelve minutes of fame or saving the lives of someone." Rainbow looked at him for a second, processing the information before looking down.

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"Listen, all of us want you to be a hero, Dash. But bragging about every save and looking for attention from it isn't the way to go. That's why Rarity made the costume, to try and teach you a lesson." Rainbow looked down for a bit before looking at him again.

"I guess you're right. And I guess I shouldn't get jealous if someone else comes along and takes the spotlight as well." Rainbow said, starting to get the idea.

"There you go. Now, can you promise me that you won't brag and take saving lives more seriously?"

"Yeah, I can do that." Rainbow promised.

"Good, now you can help us figure out who Skull really is." Xavier said, confusing Rainbow.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, Skull's one hundred percent human, that's a fact. We need to figure out who he is though, he might have answers."

"You might be right, but how?"

"Well, I got word from Scootaloo that Skull's getting a parade for him and he'll be there to start it off."

"Seriously?! I thought-"

"Before you say anything, apparently it was all the mayor's idea. Skull didn't come up with the idea." Xaiver explained, putting his hand up. "But if he's going to be there, we can catch him there. With all of us there, we could see who he is."

"You sure this will work?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, no matter how strong he is, he can't outrun ten of us. Now come on, let's go unmask a hero." Xaiver got up, getting a smirk from Rainbow.

"Oh I've been waiting for this." As the two went to town to catch Skull, the never noticed something behind them near a tree, watching and listening to them.

At Town

When they made it to where the parade was being held, the rest of the group was already there waiting for them and the event. Now that they all were there, their plan could unfold. It would start soon since Mayor Mare went up to the stage.

"Welcome to Ponyville's first, but surely not last, thank you parade, in honor of our city's greatest hero, Skull Crush." She said, moving away from a paper banner posted up. Nothing happened though, confusing the crowd as they waited for something to happen. That was when something fell from the sky and landed onto the stage before standing up, revealing Skull Crush.

"Ahahaha! How's THAT fer an entrance?!" He called out, getting the crowd to cheer out as he gave a thumbs up to the sky, the balloon and pony he saved up there. Once he did that, he went up to the podium that Mayor Mare was at and took the stage. "Ai just want to say, yer all too kind. I mean, a parade?" Skull began, getting cheers from the crowd. "Which makes it hard to say that, Ay'm retiring from being the hero." The crowd's cheering stopped and was replaced with confused and shocked gasps. "Now don't get me wrong, yer all great people. But I'm not fit for heroing. Ay'm not really interested in this kind of fame. I'd rather be known as being the greatest athlete in the world." Skull explained, the crowd in silent bewilderment. "But don't worry, cause I think yer all in good hands. After all, ye all got some heroes already in town." He pointed to our heroes, all of them shocked at everything he was doing and saying. "So, I'll be retiring for now. Oh, and before ai forget." Skull reached up and took his hat off, pulling down his hood and mask to reveal jet black hair and brown eyes. "My name's not Skull Crush. It's just Alexzander, but most just call me Alex." Skull, or Alex now, said. "With that, ay'm out. Take care everyone." Alex then began to walk of stage, but as he reached the stairs, the crowd began to cheer for him again, getting a smile from him as he left. After a bit of time, both Xaiver and Rainbow managed to break from the crowd and catch up to the human.

"Hey, wait!" Xavier called out, catching Alex's attention as he smiled at them.

"Ah, if it isn't the heroes of town." He said cockily, a smirk on his face as the two caught up.

"Why did you do that?" Rainbow asked, getting another smirk from Alex.

"To teach ye a lesson." Alex said, shocking the two. "Ay've actually been tailing ye lot since that tortoise thing. Ye lot really are interesting."

"Y-you were teaching her a lesson?"

"Yep. I heard yer plan from that pink one, and I decided to do things my way to teach ye. When I learned that ye did from yer conversation at the park I knew I did my job."

"But how did you do all those things?!" Rainbow asked.

"Years of training in sprots can do that to ye." Alex said proudly. "For saving the balloon pony, triple jump training. For that carriage, football players hit just as hard. And for the construction, ye got to observe the entire court and make predictions to make a game winning play." He spoke with confidence that felt inspiring.

"Okay, but why did you go through all that?" Xaiver asked.

"Cause Rainbow here needed to be taught a lesson." Alex explained. "As much as ay also like to brag, ay also know not to go overboard. Ay also know that to succeed, ye need a team and teamwork to win." Alex spoke, his voice was one of a leader. As the two looked at him in awe, the rest of the group caught up.

"There you are." Twilight said.

"Ay, it be the rest of ye." Alex greeted. "How ye doin'?"

"Enough talk! Where's the costume!?" Rarity asked agitated, catching many off guard.

"Ah don't worry about that, it's safe." Alex confirmed. "I can give it back, don't worry." This calmed Rarity down as he continued. "Welp, now that my heroing gig is up, ay may stick around for a while."

"Hmm, you could always live at my place, if you want." Xaiver asked.

"Ay could live with that. Now how's about we celebrate a new friendship with some food, eh?" Alex asked, the rest looking at each other before smiling.

"I think we can do that."

"Sweet, I'm starved." Alex said as he walked up to the group. Now that Alex is joining the group, their team has grown. Who knows what the athlete will bring, but he will sure to be someone who helps brings them even closer.

Author's Note:

Hope you like this twist, cause I sure did.
I wanted to change one of the episodes up a good bit since most of the others have been more or less similar. Why not change it with a brand-new human...
Alexander (Alex):
Strong, determined, and confident, Alex is all about any and all types of sports. He is always up for competition and fun, but knows where to draw the line. After all, a loyal team is needed to win a game, and unity is truly the key to success, at least in his eyes.
Also, if you want to know why he's Scottish, can you blame me for liking the accent?
I hope you enjoyed, koops out!

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