• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


Lightning Dust told herself that she was happy as a mailmare. That she was safe, and nothing would hurt her. Then, she met a mare named Derpy and a team called the Rebounds.

An entry for the Reunions roleswap contest. Edited by the fabulous Mushroom. Cover art by the fantastic Snow Quill.

Edit: First place winner in the Reunions contest!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 6 )

Twilight again gestured first to the machine then to the clouds above, and Lightning turned to say something to Rainbow. A swirling twinge of uneasiness, much like the hurricane wind itself, began to swim through Lightning’s stomach.

Do you mean Derpy turned to say something to Rainbow? Lightning's too far away to hear what they're saying, if I'm reading the surrounding text correctly.

“H-Here,” a voice called weekly from nearby.

"Weekly" should be "weakly."

Other than that, fantastic story. The emotion Lightning feels is palpable in every chapter, from the almost trapped sense of frustration early on to the adrenaline of taking on the storm. Also, this Derpy is best pony, change my mind.

This was really interesting. I went in thinking that Derpy's Rebounds would be like the Washouts, but what it actually was makes a lot more sense for her character. The great thing about this role swap in general was how everyone still felt right despite their different paths in life, and it made sense for Lightning Dust to injure herself and fear flying.

So lightning dust wasn't just whisked off forever at the end of The Washouts, she was critically injured and nearly died. also she has dreams/nightmares about killing herself did i read that right?

looking go so far, lightning always seemed like a character who deserved better to me. (more specifically better writing)

wow my other comment was way off, great story!

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