• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Undome Tinwe

Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you/Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.


This story is a sequel to The Persistence of Love

Twilight, Cadance, and Discord go fishing in order to remember their loved ones.

Second-place finalist in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Bi Pride contest.

An entry into the Pride and Positivity event. Please consider donating to help those in need:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )


this story is everything i ever wanted out of exploring what it means for these inexplicably immortal characters to love. the section in the middle made my heart explode the first time i ever read it, and i have been dead ever since. the most saccharine of sweet to properly murder me with, thank you.

Ahhhh this is so fucking good I love this!!! I never thought my original TwiCord after Twilight becomes princess idea for Wish would lead to an amazing story and two even more amazing sequels!

I don’t even have words for how much I absolutely love this, thank you and I hope you keep writing this poly <3


If you think a story has to be rated mature in order to be good... then quite frankly I think that says more about your own age than it does the author's :U

It's absolutely wrong to think that stories have to have the big bad m-rating in order to have any quality. Some of the best stories I've ever read in a variety of genres are not mature. The tag doesn't have as much value as you seem to be giving it lol. Mature fics can be good yes, but a fic does not have to be mature to be good. It's foolish (and a bit immature) to judge it as such, imo.


Does it make you feel powerful to tear down other's work when you are incapable of producing anything of value yourself?



Bold words from somebody who very clearly is not embodying the "Friendship is Magic" ideal.

Funny. I don’t see you writing any stories yourself. In fact, I doubt you’d even be able to put together a string of sentences long enough to even make a story half as good as this one. Although that would be quite an accomplishment seeing the quality of this fic. You’d be lucky to ever write anything a fraction as good as this one. Substance, real substance, is not about how many words you write, it’s about the quality of those words. And you must have a pretty bad perception of what good quality means if you’re hating on this fic for no reason other than “it’s short”.


Well, what's the interest here? Do you seriously think such a comment is an amazing work of art? At least you could have written your criticism broadly and in more detail, so that it could be read with interest. And such comments of 54 words are worth even less than nothing!

Read the description, it is a speedwrite. It was written in under an hour and posted in hopes of helping people. That's the interest here. Stories like this has helped me and many like me become better people. Please do use this opportunity to do likewise.

Also do consider donating to the causes the story raises awareness for.

10877221, 10877239, 10877247

Have you three ever considered the possibility that maybe, this story isn't for you? It's not exactly an uncommon idea, much less a profound one, though there's a chance that you guys haven't been introduced to that idea yet. There's always a first time.

Likewise, have you three every considered that maybe you can use that energy to actually contribute to something on the site? You know, maybe make something you want to read instead of policing the work of others? I know it can be hard. No one ever said it's easy in the first place. Not that you three would know anything about it, however.

At this point, I would've asked if you guys could imagine coming up and writing something of this quality in the short span of an hour, but judging from the collective breadth of experience shared between you three, I fear things may be lost in translation. So I guess all I can offer is the following:

You're not needed here. Take your condescension elsewhere.

Wow. Can you please keep writing these three? Just... please? Forever?

Honestly the tiny tidbits of world-building are solid gold. You have such a talent for implication and subtlety here.

This was such a joy to read.


My old joke is that "mature content" for some reason means sex and violence rather than anything to do with actual maturity. My new joke is to just drop a lengthy quote from CS Lewis:

Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

TL;DR: Stories like this one are the real "mature content".

:moustache: From the land of disposable males.

Insert heart attack meme here.

My heart...help.


Likewise, have you three [...] considered that maybe you can use that energy to actually contribute to something on the site? You know, maybe make something you want to read instead of policing the work of others? I know it can be hard. No one ever said it's easy in the first place.

THIS seems like one of the more constructive suggestions made in this comment section.

But seriously, Undome, would it be ok with you for me to write an a sequel, an AU, a parody, a...who even knows what until I've done it, somehow referring back to your story?

I didn't read the original (now deleted) comments, so I can't promise to address any of their concerns.

Sure! Please let me know if you do.

This is a great concept, and it's fascinating seeing them react to their old memories like that. I love this way of handling the "Twilight outlives her friends" thing, and it's nice seeing these three bounce off each other.

Also, this is the first time I've seen comments straight up get erased, without even a "this comment was deleted".

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