• Published 8th Jun 2021
  • 6,002 Views, 15 Comments

Goodbye Ponyville - DanishDash

A goodbye letter from the lonely human Anon, to his only pony friends in Ponyville.

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To My Friends - From Anon

My dearest friends.

By now you must have looked all around Ponyville for me, I know you well enough to know you have kicked in my door by now. I don't mind that, you're probably all in a panic, and it won't help when you read this letter.

I'm sorry I made you look for me, I'm sorry that I have worried you, and the more worries I will cause with this letter. So let me start off by saying that I'm fine, physically anyway. So you don't need to worry about that, although I know you will, you're all like that after all.

Also, don't worry, I've not left this note to you and then gone out to end myself in the Everfree. I'm alive, and I intend to stay that way until old age.

I've decided to move, or rather, I've decided to travel, see the world, maybe even find a place I belong. Ponyville is a great town, don't get me wrong, but I don't belong there. Let's be honest, I never did. It isn't just about this world, or that I am human, but the fact I've never been accepted into the town.

You guys have been so amazing, and you've all done so much for me. Sadly though, I can just see that whenever I am near, the whole peaceful dynamic of the town seems to shift. It is like the ponies and the peace is directly reacting to me. It sounds silly, I know, but humans are in general just chaotic creatures.

I can feel other ponies move away from me, and If I'm being honest with you guys, I think I'm doing the same thing. You are all so happy, and your problems seem so simple at times. I mean, not that these are not problems worth going into and solving, but I swear, if you had to deal with the shit we humans do, oh boy...

I guess that I'm just unused to the peace, and balance you all seem to have. The purpose you all have, the talents, and the life you live..

This is not your fault, at all, and there is nothing you could have said that would have changed my mind on this. I just need time, an opportunity to see what is out there, and if there maybe are others like me. Maybe not humans, but a place where I can feel accepted, and a place to maybe call home.

I know you're all probably angry and sad that I did not tell you this, that I did not say goodbye in person. For that, I'm sorry. The truth is tough, I'm a coward.

I could not get myself to face you all, and I fear that if I told you this that I would have been convinced not to go. Maybe that is an unfair assumption of your actions, I was just afraid I guess. This is my way of forcing myself to do this, letting you carry this with you, something I do not wish on you.

It's unfair, I know this.

I just hope you can all forgive me for being such a coward, and hopefully one day accept me back.

Please try to understand that I will always be your friend, even if you might not think of me as such anymore. I like to think you do, because your friendship has been the only light in my life.

I've never met anyone quite like you before. I've enjoyed hanging out with you, reading the many books in your library, and having study sessions. You might be kind of an egghead, but your passion and willingness to help has seen me through so much. Whenever I needed a pony to help me understand things, you were always there for me. I hope we can argue about our favorite authors again someday, no matter how wrong you are. Just kidding. Stay the way you are Twilight, thank you for being such a good friend and teacher.

Hey little guy. I'm sorry, I guess Robin the rogue will be going on his own quest for a while. Thank you for all the hours having fun and playing games. I've always felt a bond with you, Spike. You more than anyone understand what it can feel to be different. Your confidence and ability to see past it has amazed me time and time again. You're so strong, much more than I think you realize. Look after the girls for me, would you Spike? You will always be my brother in spirit, claw bump.

By the sun, Fluttershy, you have been so kind to me, so understanding and patient with me. I'm not sure where I could start with you, other than you have always managed to make me feel more like a pony than anyone else ever has. Spending time with you, drinking tea in your cottage and talking about animals has been pure bliss. You always made me forget the fact I was not a pony, and the time we spent together always brightened my day. There is so much light within you, Flutters. Please never lose that.

Do I really need to say it? Rarity, you lovely mare of fashion. Without you I would have spent my time in Equestria naked, so thank you for saving me. Thank you for the work you put in for my sake, thank you for your generosity and friendship. You're so passionate about your work, I don't have any doubt that one day every pony will be talking about your fashion. I just hope they will remember the pony being the clothes, because you are truly something special. I know it because I've had the chance to get to know you, so I hope you won't lose who you are when you become famous and rich. Thank you for everything.

I'm sure if any pony is fuming right now, it is you. You're probably just itching to go out and drag my sorry being back to Ponyville. You've always been good and gave me the kick I needed. When life gives you lemons, you throw them away and get a healthy apple instead, right? Whenever I was down, you were always there to give me that kick I needed to keep going. Perhaps that is why I finally have the courage to go out on my own like this. Hard work, and an attitude that will never let me give up, that is something I've gotten from you. Whenever I am down, or when I think about giving up, I will be thinking of you.

Pinkie Pie:
If I ever needed a good laugh, I could always come to you. I know you have been trying so bucking hard to make me a part of your world. I'm sorry it did little to help, but that was not your fault, and I don't want you to think so. You've done everything that was possible for a single pony, and more than that. You've embraced me as who I am, and you have done so much for me, trying to make me feel at home. Pinkie, whenever I could do nothing but feel sad and lost, you always helped me find my way back. Thank you for always making me smile, even now as I'm thinking about you. Thank you.

Rainbow Dash:
If Applejack wants to scold me and drag me back, I know you would want to beat me up, and then drag me back. You've always had my back, even when other ponies would not give me a shot. You're so driven, loyal, and a friend through and through. I'll miss our bro nights, miss wrestling with you, and argue about Daring Do, or who won what. You're so awesome, and I have no doubt the Wonderbolts will be 50% cooler when you finally join them. Keep fighting for that dream, Rainbow. Because I will smack your sporty flank if you don't. Stay awesome, Dashie.

Thank you all of you, thank you so much for accepting me. I'm sorry for leaving like this, sorry that I could not face you. I hope you will all understand, and wait for me. One day I'll be back, one day we'll be together again.

Until then, thank you all for being my friend.

Your friend, always.

Comments ( 15 )

okay ow my feels

Great one! *Sniff* I-I'm not crying!

Wow. This hit the heart.

This one did a number on my heart, in a good way.

So Am I alone in wanting a sequel to this

I can picture the sequel now, derpy crashing into anon wherever he is to deliver the mail.

Pretty cute letter that Anon sent.

When life gives you lemons, you throw them away and get a healthy apple instead, right?


Anon's letter stung me harder than I thought it would.

Excellent work!

Ok so I've read some very VERY good one-shot letters. I don't think this one is the best of them, but I do think it captures the spirit of MLP the best :)

Why does this remind me of that one song?

Thanks for including Spike, adding him and the final parts talking directly to each of the mane 6 made this so much deeper

Can we perhaps get a sequel of the 6 and spike reading the letter

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