• Published 5th Feb 2022
  • 730 Views, 24 Comments

The Displaced Tournament of Power - Uncle Iroh

It's been roughly two years since the events of the Displaced Tournament Princess Elia had an idea to give back to the Displaced in kindness. Another tournament! But with nine universes of ten fighters each participating. This will be fun!

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The Art Of Haki, The Raging Flames, And The Ray of Light!

The Art of Haki, The Raging Flames, And The Ray of Light!


"TENTH COMMANDER SAKAZUKI "AKAINU" IS NOW ABLE TO PARTICIPATE!" Katakuri boomed throughout the arena, his voice shaking the arena itself. Back in the arena, several people were worried.

“Ah, fuck. Here comes the other salty sea-dog.” Berserker grunted out.

“Berserker, barring militant bantering for a moment, do you know anything about him?” Luna questioned as they found a good spot to hunker down for the time being.

“Last I remember; he’s an Admiral that ate a Devil Fruit which allows him to control magma. He wears a nice red suit with a Hawaiian shirt underneath, imprint of a rose on his left side complete with his uniform jacket over that and a cap.” Berserker described the man in question.

“So, how do we stop him?” Twilight asked nervously.

“…You don’t.” Everyone stared at him in disbelief. “I told you, we do not engage the Admirals. The only way we are ever going to knock them off is with everyone else working together.”

“Easier said than done.” Cerlis scoffed in annoyance.

“There are too many outliers and not all of us are willing to team up and take out the Commanders. Plus you don’t know everything about them, just that we need to steer clear of them.” Ionyx stated and Berserker nodded.

“Exactly. I don’t know how long we can keep avoiding them, but it’s inevitable-.”

A streak of light came across the sky before it turned sharply towards Berserker's group. Luckily Sellox and Verharai placed their Drop Shield Walls overhead, activating them to protect them from the impending assault…

...But the assault never happened, instead, they saw a 9'10 Knight with a giant sword on his back. "Hello, my friends, my name is Lord Twigo. And I rank as the 5th Commander of Katakuri's Army, a pleasure to meet you." Lord Twigo introduced himself.

“Uh, should we run?” Celestia questioned and felt tense.

“…What brings you out here, Lord Twigo?” Berserker asked the giant Knight.

"I'm here…" Lord Twigo unsheathed his great sword, wielding it with one hand, he then pointed it at Berserker and his group. "...To teach you about Haki!" Lord Twigo exclaimed with a wide grin.

Everyone looked upon him in confusion.

“…We accept.”

“Huh?!” Berserker’s group gasped at him in shock.

“Guys, in case you haven’t notice; we got fuck-all in the ways that matter. With Haki, we might just last a while longer. And since our good sir Knight is willing to teach us, let’s not waste this opportunity. No backstabbing, either. Am I clear?” Berserker demanded and his group nodded in agreement.

"As clear as a crystal, however, I am offended that you would suspect that of me. I am a Knight," Lord Twigo huffed.

“It wasn’t you I’m worried about, just my own. Either way, no funny business.” Berserker clarified before asking the Knight, “Quick question; how do you feel about training demons to use such an ability?” He motioned towards his Night Sentinels.

Lord Twigo guffawed, "I wouldn't mind at all! Not one bit, there are three types of Haki." Lord Twigo said, raising three fingers. "Armament, Observation, and Conqueror's, before going into this, does anyone have questions before I start?" Lord Twigo inquired.

Twilight raised her hand. “Uh, are they all versatile in their own way?”

Lord Twigo nodded, "Indeed they are, they can do a variety of things. The first one I'm going to teach you is Armament Haki." Lord Twigo turned to face them all. "This can coat your body in a protective and offensive color, like so." Lord Twigo's fist became jet black. "What do you think of it?"

“That’s certainly handy and I think it might breach through our own Invulnerability.” Captain Verharai commented as he and his fellow Defender observed the Knight’s Haki enhancement.

"You would be correct," Lord Twigo picked up his sword and held it whilst still having the Color of Armament. Which makes the sword become black. "You can also coat weapons, bullets, and actual energy with Haki." Lord Twigo showed a palm to them and his hand became light, he then pulled away. "Sorry, that would have blinded you." Lord Twigo then coats his light hand in Armament Haki, still glowing just as bright. "Tada!"

“So, I could potentially increase my weapon damage further even with Quad-Damage enabled?” Dyrux wondered while looking at his Chaingun.

"Indeed, my friend, you can. You can also make an invisible wall too," Lord Twigo shot a beam of light behind him, and appeared in front of the beam of light, showing his palm. The beam of light exploded on nothing and Lord Twigo walked through the smoke. "Tada!"

“That’s incredible.” Twilight complimented as her mind began to race. “What about Observation?” For now, she would settle to learning that Haki skill.

"I was just about to get to that, Twilight, are you sure you don't have future sight?" Lord Twigo jokes, "Observation Haki is the act of Haki that makes you aware of things around you. That is how Fujitora can see even though he's blind, you can counter, block, or anything for that matter if you have this. it doesn't matter if you're deaf, blind, or all of the above. if you have Observation Haki, it doesn't matter."

“Oh my gosh, that’s so amazing!” Twilight squealed and Krimzon nodded his head.

"I know right?!" Lord Twigo said, giddy as a dog. "You can use it for anything, a book is falling? Got it. Can't find your dragon assistant? He's in his room, it's SO perfect!"

“Sounds like the perfect tool to find those who do not wish to be found.” Luna said sternly before Berserker placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Easy, Luna.”

"With Observation Haki done, there is one last one…" Lord Twigo closed his eyes, "Conqueror's Haki, only one out of one hundred million can be born with such Haki."

“Wait, then does that mean it’s more powerful than the other two?” Celestia inquired fearfully.

"You would be correct, my friend, those with weaker wills…" Suddenly, five of Deltorix's Golems sprouted up from the earth behind him, ready to bring their claws upon him. Lord Twigo turned around, his eyes open, he then flared his Conqueror's Haki and the Golems froze in place. The Conqueror's Haki affected the earth around him, making the ground shake and crack, some of Berserker's group felt light headed and their legs weak. The Golems then turned back to regular earth and fell. "...Crumble under the user's willpower!"

The Equestrians fell to their knees while the Night Sentinels were barely holding themselves up. Berserker, while he could feel the weight of it, didn’t seem to be having any issues. “Hm, the Conqueror's Will made manifest.” He quoted.

"Indeed, as you can see, it can also affect the land around you. That is the shockwaves, there are two other people who have this Haki. 9th Commander, Douglas Bullet, and 10th Commander, Sakazuki "Akainu". And both of them have Advanced forms of Haki, Fujitora has it too." Lord Twigo informed.

“Hah…hah…I-I can see why you wanted to stay away from them.” Celestia panted out before she and the other Princesses shakily got back up on their hooves. “My only question is; why was Berserker not affected by it?”

"He has stronger willpower, he's determined to complete his goal, he's not willing to give up. I know for a fact that if Lucifer himself approached Berserker, he would reply 'bring it' and face him if it came down to it." Lord Twigo said, pointing at Berserker.

“You’re goddamn right.” Berserker growled with both fists clenched tightly at the mere mention of the Devil himself.

"Now, the Advanced forms of Haki are intense, really powerful. The Enhanced form of Armament is called Ryuo Haki which can literally destroy your internal organs. That's right, going past your durability and destroying you from the inside." Lord Twigo said.

“Well…it wouldn’t be the first time, only we’re doing it to ourselves just to obtain it.” Verharai snorted in amusement with some of the other Night Sentinels chuckling a little.

"The next Advanced form of Haki is called Future Sight. It allows you to see a few seconds into the future. Is that man going to brutally assault a dog? Not on my watch, stop it before it even happens. But, you have to be absolutely calm to use it." Lord Twigo said, putting emphasis on 'calm.'

“Precognition.” Twilight whispered.

"The last one is Advanced Conqueror's Haki, it can affect the weather around you, make thunderstorms, split the clouds themselves! And you can coat your will into your fists or weapon." Lord Twigo educated, "I, however, have none of these Advanced forms of Haki. The only one who has it all is Akainu."

Everyone turned to Berserker and awaited his reply. “…It’s inevitable, we might end up dealing with him either way. That said, are we going to get this training montage going or not?”

"We can, however, Haki become stronger in the heat of battle. Luffy fought giant monsters for two years and look at him now. For Observation, eyes shut, and for Armament, put your heart into your attacks! Now all of you, come at me!" Lord Twigo challenged doing a bring it gesture.

Krimzon grabbed a hold of Twilight and went high above in the trees. “It’d be best if we do it out of the way. You focus on their battle, I’ll watch out for-.”

Lord Twigo appeared behind Krimzon and Twilight, upside down. "Speed is weight, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Lord Twigo's foot glowed yellow and he slammed his foot into both of them and they were sent spiralling down. And by the time they crashed, Lord Twigo was already back down to the earth.

Berserker was annoyed, but didn’t go for the attack. Instead, everyone else made their move on the Knight. Ionyx, Cerlis and Luna went on the offensive in close combat, while Celestia and Dyrux covered them from long range, with Verharai and Sellox defending those two. Luna would try to slash at Lord Twigo with her Scythe, only to get parried and having Ionyx come in to block the Great Sword’s counterattack with his shield.

He had to dig his heels into the ground and hold out against the kinetic force behind the swing. Luna came at the Knight from above, while Cerlis zipped right behind him with knives in her hands and aimed for the weak points in his armor.

Lord Twigo had seen this coming and defended his weak points with Armament Haki. Just as Cerlis and Luna were about to hit him, Lord Twigo quickly sheathed his Great Sword.Lord Twigo caught their weapons, coating his hands with Armament Haki. He then pulled the weapons close, making them come close to him, and despite being pelted by projectiles, he stood strong. Lord Twigo grabbed their necks and raised them high, using Armament Haki to increase the damage he was about to do. He then chokeslammed both of them into the ground, making a small crater.

“Oh, shi-!” Ionyx found himself flying through the air after the Knight kicked him and crashed onto Twilight and Krimzon.

Seeing this, Celestia and Dyrux were pouring into Lord Twigo, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. Not even the Defenders could block his attacks in time and were knocked down. From there, the other two were dispatched quickly until all that remained standing was Berserker.

"...Was I… Too hard? Because I feel like they would actually do what I told them. Fight with all your heart, be aware of your surroundings, and all of the ten yards." Lord Twigo looked at the beaten up group.

“Fighting Hellspawn is one thing. Fighting against Displaced people from across the Multiverse is another thing. I mean, we’re not anime characters and try to jump over all of the sharks. So, yeah! You were too hard!” Berserker answered with a shake of his head. “Were you expecting instant results?”

"I was expecting effort." Lord Twigo shook his head, "Okay, everyone look right here Berserker will show you how it's done. Berserker, let's fight with fists, I won't use my Devil Fruit, just my raw strength." Lord Twigo sheathed his blade and got in a fighting stance.

Berserker nodded and got into position while everyone groaned before sitting up to watch. The Marine made the first move, getting in close and throwing his left fist. Lord Twigo threw his left fist out as well and the two clashed fists. Berserker changed things up a bit, instead of blocking Lord Twigo’s attacks, he decided to just punch them out of the way. They were the only things keeping him from getting closer and really giving it to the Knight.

Lord Twigo then dodged one of the punches, taking his feet off the ground and leaning to the side. He laced his palm on the arena floor and twirled around to deliver a horizontal axe kick to Berserker's ribs. Acting fast, he ducked under it and performed a low sweeping kick to knock the Knight off balance.

Lord Twigo pushed himself up with his palm, and twirled around so that he was upside down. He then flipped above Berserker and coated his feet in Armament Haki. He then brought both of his feet down upon Berserker. Barely having time to react, the Marine rolled out of the way and was almost blown away when the Knight hit the ground where he was last. A small crater being made from the impact.

“Do you see what he is doing?” Lord Twigo asked the recovering group, “He’s predicting where I’m gonna punch, how I’m going to do it, and when I’m doing it. That is Observation Haki at the basic level, though you aren’t expert enough to use it on the fly, you impress me, Berserker!” Lord Twigo praised.

“Thanks! That was exhilarating!” Berserker let out a chuckle when he got back up. “Alright, come on, up you get!” He barked at his team, to which they quickly obeyed and lined up. “Let’s do this again, one at a time!” Teaming up on Lord Twigo didn’t work so well. Going in one by one may solve some things.

“That is exactly what I was thinking, Berserker, one on one can help a lot. By the end, each of you can probably coat your knuckles in Armament Haki, but with Berserker, I wager up to his forearms.” Lord Twigo crossed his arms.

“Let’s hope so. Okay, who’s up first?”


(At the exact moment Katakuri makes his announcement)

Jackson was resting to get back his strength before hearing the announcement.

"TENTH COMMANDER SAKAZUKI "AKAINU" IS NOW ABLE TO PARTICIPATE!" After hearing that he thought to himself. "So the big dog’s finally come out to play, huh?" Jackson thought before hearing his group call out his name.

"JACKY, ARE YOU OKAY!!!" Jackson's Rainbow Dash yelled before crashing into him.

"I was before you crashed into me RD, so please get.off.me," Jackson said, while trying not to yell at her.

"So, my king, what do we do now?" Kakashi asked while looking around the forest.

"We wait for the outcome Kakashi, right now we are low on both ki, chakra, and magic," Jackson said, already knowing they were tired.

"So for now keep low and wait for them to come to us," Jackson finished before looking to the right. "And it seems the others are going to do the same," Jackson said, while noticing everyone else were waiting to see what would happen.

Ed was overseeing the recently ousted Spike, “There ya go kid,” he remarks as he backs off.

“You’ll still be shaking but not like you’re gonna be fighting anymore. Later,” he salutes and phases out only to phase back in next to Katkuri, “What’d I miss other than lava boy getting the all clear?”

“Well, Necrozma is stronger, Lord Twigo is teaching an entire squad Haki, Arkham and Kyle are closing in on Team B, Sora and his group are going to be confronted by mysterious hooded figures, and Akainu is just sitting there and waiting.” Katakuri said, “Those are the main things.”

Ed snaps and a holo-display pops up with the where about of all the fighter on it, “Gotta say I didn’t think my little brother would pull a whole forrest out of his ass,” he strokes his chin, “His magic power has certainly grown since the last time I saw him. Looks like shinigami boy broke off from the group to pursue his own gains. He’s headed straight for Akainu. Thoughts?” He looks over his shoulder.

“What?!” Katakuri focussed in on Ichigo, , “He’s gonna turn the arena into Hell.” Using Future Sight he predicted what Ichigo was going to do, he then leaned back, relaxed.

“Oh fuck.” Elia said worriedly, “This is bad for everyone.”

“I don’t think so,” Ed shrugs. “I read his thoughts. The only opponent Ichigo wants is Zabuza. Of course if any gets in his way then lord help them. His power is on par with all of your Commanders. If Asta was here then there'd be a real party hehe.” He looks hard at the screen, “Hmmm…. If you’re going to make a move now would be the time.”

“It’s not Akinu’s style to fight now, he’d rather wait until someone comes to him, he’s a patient guy. Last time you were here, he was the 6th Commander, now he shot up the ranks to the top.” Katakuri said, “He’s quite the talented man, and I can’t wait to see him in action.”
“Ichigo may surprise you too,” Ed said mischievously. “I bet they’d be more than a match for each other but they won’t fight. They’re more men of… respect and authority, even though the orange haired one is a total jackass.”

“Yeah, now that I think about it, we have a lot of tall people on our team.” Katakuri said, looking at the ten foot Magma Admiral.

“Tall men, tall creatures,” Ed shrugs as the display cuts out. “We’re all displaced so whatever we are and how we look doesn’t really matter. As long as we have a bit of fun, what's the difference between everyone here, other than powers and ability?” he took a seat next to the others, “Popcorn?” He offers.

“N-no thanks,” Katakuri said, waving Ed off. “I don’t eat in public.” Katakuri then looked out to the arena, glancing at Arkham and Kyle.

They were almost closing in on…

Team Horny!

Things are heating up! Kyle and Arkham fight against Team Horny, but what's this? A Luna has come to fight them. Kyle's PTSD resurfaces, what can he do?! Meanwhile, things are heating up between Noel and Sol! What will happen? Find out NEXT TIME ON THE DISPLACED TOURNAMENT!