• Published 15th May 2021
  • 6,645 Views, 243 Comments

Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight - Joe Toon

Unconfident of being the new ruler of Equestria, Twilight seeks advice from who else; her selves.

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6: For Honour and Friendship

"Alright, I say I'll stick with Twilight for this one! You look like you'll need my awesome attitude to snap you out of being mopey this time."

It was about two days since Twilight last used the seal and since then she has told the rest of her friends everything over the past week; the seal, the pocket universe, the other versions of herself she encountered, and a potential threat of one of them roaming free across other dimensions.

"Y'sure 'bout that, RD?" Applejack raised an eyebrow, "I reckon this other Twilight sounds like trouble if we might meet her."

"I have to agree with Applejack, darling," Rarity added, "and I also fail to see the need to find other versions of yourself."

"You could meet a version of yourself that could be worse than the last one you met," Fluttershy added her concerns with fear, "What if you met a version of yourself that was Nightmare Moon? Or a changeling version of yourself? What if you were Tirek, or Chrysalis, or Cozy Glow, or..."

"Don't worry guys!" Pinkie Pie hopped in with her signature smile, "I have a very good feeling about who she'll be meeting. Maybe she'll meet a version of herself who becomes an author like A.K. Yearling, or a Super Hero like Mare-do-well, or a Knight like Shining Armour, or..."

"Alright, we get it Pinkie." Applejack interrupted the pink mare by shutting her muzzle with her hoof.

Twilight smiled, she indeed needed this. True, she did reconsider the purpose of meeting other versions of herself: What started out as a means of boosting her self-confidence as a leader now became a curiosity to see how she compares to other versions of herself. Although, her encounter with Twilight the Infinite did shake her resolve to pursue her curiosity.

"You and I are the same being; albeit from different realities. We probably even share a common interest, a common goal, a common cause."

Twilight grimaced at the memory and shook her head. I need to focus. I will never be her. I care too much to let that happen.

"Oh by the way, Twilight," Rarity interrupted her thoughts, "where is Spike?"

Twilight snapped back to reality, "Oh, right. He's overseeing the repairs to Canterlot."

"You mean from the attack those three left us to deal with?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, those were finished weeks ago. The repairs this time were from the aftermath of a debate between a yak and a minotaur."

Rainbow winced, "Yikes, I'd hate to be Spike right now."

"Okay Rainbow Dash, welcome to the pocket universe and we should be expecting to see me from Equis 35, so we should make our way into... Rainbow?"

Twilight looked around to see that her friend and companion have vanished. Did I leave her behind? Stricken with worry and panic, Twilight was about to reach for the seal until she heard a voice from above.

"Twilight! This place is AWESOOOOOOOOME!" The alicorn looked up to see Rainbow soaring into the sunless, yet bright empty sky and disappear into the blue void.

Her jaw dropped at the sight of the cyan pegasus vanishing from sight only to reappear from the ground as though she teleported out of nowhere.

"Wh-what the hay just happened?" Rainbow shared the same look of shock as she stared at Twilight, then to the ground, then the sky, then at Twilight again, "Did I just pop from the ground after flying to the sky?"

A number of questions and theories began running through Twilight's head. The sheer absurdity of what just happened left her an expression of bewildered shock that she began to utter incomprehensible ramblings about how all that was possible.

"Um Twilight?" Rainbow leaned forward and wave a hoof in front of the alicorn's face, "Equestria to Twilight, are you there?"

"RAINBOW!" Suddenly snapping out of her stupor, Twilight grabbed her friend close by the shoulders and with a manic expression began to rapid-fire a barrage of questions, "Are you fine? Are you in any pain? What did you see up there? Can you see anything past those mountains? Was there really no sun? What about the moon, or the stars? How high did you fly before coming back up? Did you feel anything when you teleported out of the ground? Tell me! ANSWER ME!"

"The only answers you should be giving would be tell me what you are doing, changeling?"

Twilight released her grip on her friend after realising she had a large sword pointed at her throat from behind. As she turned around to face the owner of the blade, Twilight and Rainbow saw a unicorn clad in full plated armour from head to tail, covering most of her features (particularly the head due to the helmet). On her sat a small figure in chainmail armour and a helmet shaped like a dragon, covering the entire head. The unicorn held a longsword while her companion held out a shield with an emblem of a purple six-pointed star.

"Her lady asks you a question, changelings! I suggest that you answer her, or has your queen decided to dishonour her word of neutrality?"

Twilight blinked. She stared for a moment at the rider of the unicorn then to the unicorn who didn't lower her blade from her neck and back to the rider. "Spike? Is that you?"

"Y-you've heard of me?" the rider opened his helmet, revealing the young purple and green drake with a puzzled smile.

"Hey Spike," Rainbow gave the dragon an awed grin, "that's some awesome set of armour you're rocking there!"

The armoured unicorn stepped forward, lifted the sword from Twilight's neck and raised it on the pegasus' head, "You shall address me, knave! I am the one asking the questions and I won't ask again: What business do you have here, changelings?"

"Changeling?" the blue pegasus' expression scowled as she raised her wings in intimidation, "You've been calling us that since we've met! What gives? Can a changeling make a sonic-rainboom? I don't think so!"

A sound of a pin drop could be heard from the tense silence that followed. Then the armoured pony readied to swing her blade, "You have tainted my comrade-in-hoofs long enough by invoking her image with that frivolous behaviour. Lady Rainbow is the paragon of selfless loyalty; not some brash, uncouth braggart! For my friend's honour, prepare to taste my steel!"

Twilight jumped in and cast a shield spell protecting Rainbow Dash (and to an extent, herself) from the blade. She glared at the knight with defensive ferocity. She could have killed Rainbow, and without hesitation! "Look, I've been through this song and dance number for a while now so let me make it easy for all of us!" Twilight lowered her shield as a gesture of goodwill, straightened herself and continued, "Judging from the symbol on your shield and Spike on your back, your name is Twilight Sparkle, correct? We are not changeling, we are not from your world, and yes; you and I are different versions of the same pony."

The knight lowered her sword, "I would call you mad or desperate, but you stood there and protected your companion with determination and valour. A changeling would rather surrender their own kin than to stand between their attacker, and you clearly value your friend more than your own safety. If nothing else, anypony who honours their friendship above everything is of noble worth and is deserving of my respect."

The knight took off her helmet and revealed a familiar purple unicorn, aged with maturity and experience. She held a stern, stoic expression that radiated authority. She stared at the two of them and gave a salute by slamming her breastplate with her hoof, "I am Lady Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Countess Twilight Velvet and Sir Night Light, Grandmaster of the Order of Honour, Master of the Arcane Blade, Personal Bodyguard of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Bearer of the Grail of Unity, and a friend to all who values the virtue of Honour."

She looked back at her rider and gestured to him, "This is Spike the Small Scale. My ward and most faithful Squire. His stature maybe small but his noble deeds are larger than life."

The dragon gave a blush, "You honour me, my lady, but I am not worthy of such praise."

"Oh nonsense!" Lady Twilight scoffed with a smile, "Save your humility for somepony who can't see through you. I know how much you adore such high praise, especially the ones coming from Lady Rarity. Speaking of which, why haven't you courted her already? We all know you've fancied her."

"Lady Twilight, surely you jest! We know not if she even shares my affection."

Lady Twilight gave a hearty laugh, "Have you not seen the way she looks at you ever since you saved her from the Diamond Dog Bandits?" She turned to Twilight and Rainbow, "This drake charged headlong into a group of raiders who attacked Guildmaster Rarity's caravan, rescuing her life personally. She told me it was though a noble knight swept her off her hooves!"

While Spike was hiding his blushing face with his helmet, Twilight cleared her throat to catch everyone's attention, "I suppose it should be our turn to introduce ourselves. This is Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria, member of the Wonderbolts, and Bearer of the Element of Loyalty. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, ruler of Equestria and Bearer of the Element of Magic."

Spike and Lady Twilight gasped after hearing her title before kneeling to the ground with a humbling bow. "Forgive us, your majesty! We have pointed our blades at you and your companion. We accept whatever punishment you sentence us!"

"I-it's alright! There's no need for all that!" Twilight was taken aback from the sudden shift of tone, "After all, we were the ones who brought you here."

"And to what honour do we have that you grace us with your visit?"

"More of curiosity than anything, really." Twilight gave a sheepish grin as she rubbed the back of her head. She then proceeded to mention her reason for seeking advice as well as her previous encounters of herself.

Lady Twilight puffed her *chest (*Yes, we know we can't see it because of the armour) and slammed her breastplate with a hoof, "Well in that case, we shall answer all your questions, your majesty! We shall impart with you any wisdom we can offer."

At this point, Rainbow Dash could hardly contain herself any longer and in a speed that would rival Pinkie Pie asked, "First off, What's it like being a Knight?! That is so awesome! Second, how awesome am I in your world. No wait, scratch that. What about the rest of us? What's your world like? Do the Wonderbolts exist? Did I make it to the Wonderbolts? Do you defeat monsters and villains and other stuff?"

"Woah, slow down there Rainbow! One at a time."

"'Tis alright, your majesty," She gave a courteous bow to Twilight and then turns to Rainbow with a polite smile, "Being a Knight for Equestria is considered to be everypony's dream. It's hard training, challenging work; but for an honourable cause it is all worth it. As for a version of yourself, Lady Rainbow Dash was the boldest and most disciplined of our order. Started out as a Squire for the Wonderbolt Knights, she joined the Order of Honour after she became Bearer of the Grail of Devotion."

The cyan pegasus' eyes sparkled as she gave a quiet squee, "That is so Awesome."

Lady Twilight continued, "As for the rest of our order, there was Lady Applejack who was the Baroness of Ponyville and Bearer of the Grail of Fellowship; Lady Rarity who was Guildmaster of the armour and weapons production and was also the Bearer of the Grail of Perseverance (not to mention seeker of a potential suitor out of my Squire); Lady Fluttershy who was part of the Children of the Fey before joining our order after she became Bearer of the Grail of Mercy; and then there was Lady Pinkie Pie who was Princess Cadenza's Spymaster and Court Jester before joining our order after she became the Bearer of the Grail of Wisdom."

"What are these Grails you speak of?" Twilight asked, "They sound similar to the Elements of Harmony."

"The Grails of Honour are the most sacred relics of our world and only appear to those who quest for them and are deemed of noble worth. Queen Celestia and Queen Luna commissioned the Order of Honour when it was discovered that all six Grails were found. "A once in a thousand years event," as they put it. Each Grail grants the bearer invincibility and strength, along with other unique abilities from each individual Grail. For instance," Lady Twilight held out a golden goblet with a symbol of a purple six-pointed star in front of them as she scooped water from the river and drank from it. Immediately, her eyes glowed white as her entire body was enveloped by a purple aura.

She continued speaking with a vibrant voice that seemed to echo, "The Grail of Unity strengthens the morale of the levies that are under my command."

A thought came as it puzzled Twilight. She turned to address her concern to her counterpart, "Is there any reason why you have levies, knights and soldiers?"

"Twilight, why wouldn't they have knights?" Rainbow interjected, "I'm mean, sure it's kind of old school but last I checked, Knights are awesome!"

"Rainbow, I'm not sure if you've noticed but our Equestria has not had a mobilized army in hundreds of years. That fact that they seem to have local forces at the ready suggests that they are prepared for war."

Rainbow's eyes widened at this as she slowly turned her head to the Knight.

Before anyone could say anything else, Spike gave the explanation, "Why that's simple, for three generations now, Equestria has been engaged in a series of Friendship Crusades against King Sombra's Crystal Empire."


"Aye lass," Lady Twilight continued with a somber nod, "Roughly a hundred years ago, King Sombra overthrew the rulers of the Crystal Empire and declared himself ruler. Initially, we did nothing considering we were rivals to the Crystal Ponies for centuries, but after we heard the oppressive rule of Sombra we had to act. The Princess gave him an ultimatum to grant freedom to his subjects and embrace the way of Harmony and Honour; he of course refused. And so the Friendship Crusades began."

Twilight shook her head in disbelief, "But, couldn't Pri... I mean, Queen Celestia and Queen Luna do something about it? Like, I don't know; oust him from power?"

"Why would the Ladies of the Sun and Moon interfere with our affairs? Their domain is the Everfree, not Equestria. Besides, they already volunteered to adjudicate the Crusades to ensure the rules are not to be dishonoured."

"But still... A War?" Twilight gave a sorrowful look at her counterpart. "How many ponies died in your crusades for honour?"

"Died?" A look of surprise and shock came to the Knight. A moment of pause came as she thought about it, then came a smirk followed by a hearty laugh. "Died? Your majesty, nopony is killed in our Crusades! That's just dishonourable!"

A look of shock and confusion came to both Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"It's called the Friendship Crusades for a reason," the Knight continued, "Seeing the risk of losing countless lives in the conflict, Princess Cadenza and King Sombra agreed that both sides shall honour the rule of no killing in the crusades. The rules of engagement are to render the enemies unconscious until one side wins on the field. The victor can either mind control or release mind control from the prisoners to add them to their numbers. The Crusades take up once a year for three moons, by the end of the Crusade the captured territories of both sides will become the established lands until the next year. If either of our capitals are captured by the end of each Crusade however, they automatically win the conflict and the Friendship Crusades will be officially over."

Rainbow gawked in disbelief, "So, basically it's a game?"

"It's more than just a game lass, it's a long game. You see, Princess Cadenza knew that if she were to truly win against King Sombra she had to have him embrace the idea of Chivalry. As each Crusade passes, the more Sombra slowly opens up to honourable ideals. In fact, for the past five years he no longer mind controls his prisoners and from the captured territories we've taken, the crystal ponies tell us that he has slowly revoked many of his ruthless edicts."

"That's... Actually amazing," Twilight mused, "To think you would reform a tyrant like Sombra by appealing his war-like nature."

"Indeed your highness. King Sombra has in more than one occasion expressed his thrill and excitement for the Crusades. He once mentioned how he would wish it would go on forever." The Knight then gave a twisted expression resembling a sheepish smile, "However, currently he has captured our Capital of Canterlot and we are currently trying to reclaim it. And we only have five days left til the end of our Crusade so this might be the Last of the Friendship Crusades."

"Yikes!" Rainbow exclaimed, "That just stinks."

"Have you thought about taking the secret passageway?" Twilight suggested.

"Secret Passageway?"

"Do you have underground crystal mines underneath Canterlot?"

"Yes, but they are long abandoned."

"If you follow through the mines, it will lead up to a tunnel directly to Canterlot Castle itself. I remember the last time I was there with Cadence during the Wedding."

The Familiar beeping sounded and Twilight gave a groan, "Well, it seems we are out of time."

"What, already?" Rainbow rolled her eyes, "It was just getting good!"

Lady Twilight gave a knowing smirk, "I understand how you feel, but no matter! Thank you for the information, your majesty. It has been an honour." She and Spike gave a bow.

"I hope to see you again," Twilight waved as the light enveloped them all.

"Lady Twilight, what are your orders?"

The Knight looked around her fellow Knights of her Order of Honour, "Drink up Sisters, Brothers, Comrades! We shall make our way into the Crystal Caverns from bellow Canterlot itself. By tomorrow, WE SHALL RECLAIM CANTERLOT! FOR HONOUR! FOR FRIENDSHIP!"

Author's Note:

G'day all.
Sorry this took a while to post due to me just starting classes (as well as getting caught up with reading and listening to fanfics from the community).
I wrote this chapter because I thought, Why has no one made a Knight's/Crusaders Fic on MLP yet? I know that this statement isn't accurate but I honestly can't find fun from those fics in this website.

If anyone out there wants to take this chapter as a template to have some fun with MLP: Honour is Magic please feel free to do so.