• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
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Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!



Luna and Celestia's fight took a rather different turn from in most universes. Instead of assuming a corrupted form, Luna took those who supported her and left for the moon, where she and her followers still live a thousand years later. But sooner or later, worlds must collide, and when the ponies of the moon meet the ponies of Equestria, the sisters' conflict won't be so easy to resolve.

First in the Worlds-verse, and a part of the greater The Powers That Be multiverse.

Featured on 4/15/2021

Co-written with Anon e Mouse Jr.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 499 )

Huh. The Lunar Republic is giving me some 'Luna is a Harsh Mistress' Vibes... Good.

I like how you avoid naming Celestia's student at first. Since I didn't read the tags, I was surprised to learn it was Sunset because the scene seemed so close-to-canon. While roleswapping Twilight and Sunset is common, here it makes thematic sense.

I'll be following, but I hope this isn't gonna be a Luna good/smart Celestia bad/dumb fic.

A pretty interesting concept so far, with pretty much dividing ponykind for generations! I totally enjoyed your Diplomatic series so I'm looking forward to how this tale goes! :twilightsmile:

Interesting, looking forward to seeing how this differs from The thousand year change.

yes very pog story start

Yeah, that was a good concept. I'd forgotten till the end it was all basically a vision.

Anyway, good start so far.

This is the OG but damn 2013 time really flies.

will there be some mlp comic element in this?

nothing extreme but interesting stuff like nightmares trying to negotiate with luna for a home? or did celestia try to visit or did her vision stop her?
are there more elements on the moon then just twilight? be awesome if it was three for three

here's hoping the moon ponies don't turn out to be overpowered techno wizards that can do no wrong this time around

Yeah, it went a bit too far that way.



I always do strive for a good does of realism in my stories, so hopefully I will not run into that trap.

Without spoiling anything... let's just say that neither side is entirely in the right, and both sisters have their own agendas that will not be one to one. 

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

ooh another one of these, been a while.

the last two I really liked... one turned into a bloodbath and then a crap plothole ending and the other... went dead for some reason.


the last two I really liked... one turned into a bloodbath and then a crap plothole ending

If you're talking about the Doa-verse, editing and revisions on that one is one of our projects.

and the other... went dead for some reason.

Which one was that?

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

10771290 Also hoping this one doesn't turn into a grimdark nightmare where hundreds of thousands of ponies get slaughtered in a pointless war because the heroes on both sides fail at the final hurdle, and only after the moon ponies have mucked up beyond all recovery do they think 'Hmm, maybe using a planetary anti-magic weapon on a world where millions of pegasi are reliant on magic to keep them flying might not be the best idea ever.'

Don't get me wrong, I liked the Thousand Year Change to start with, but the only thing that kept me reading towards the end was that it was all just a simulation, as I understood it.

I see there's a violence tag, but no tragedy, so maybe this will have a slightly better outcome? Here's hoping.

To be fair, it IS called out in-story, but yeah.

I think the whole point of that story was to show just how stupid it was for neither side to actually bother to communicate.

1000 year change and Night and Day.

Ah... right. Darthvalgaav's story, and Jay David's (which I've actually read; I was disappointed in him cancelling it too).

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

REALLY good start to this story. Definitely looks intriguing. I'm guessing Twilight's (and Shining's too by default as they ARE siblings) ancestors were among the ponies that travelled with Luna to the moon. but, anyway, certainly respected the work that went into the dialogues (Sunset with Spike and Celestia, Twilight with Luna and Moondancer) as well as the mentions of just how the moon ponies have evolved. Here's hoping that Celestia and Luna WILL eventually come to an understanding at the very least.

Anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-ups are all wonderfully done and I'm definitely curious enough to see where this will be going.

Yeah. That would be quite appropriately thematic to have three Element Bearers from Equestria proper and three Element Bearers from the moon.

this reminds me of an old story... thousand year change. Very good read. Did you take inspiration from it?

I realized the similarities before opening it, and this has the potential to be even better.:pinkiehappy:


there is a few but I hope to make it my own with Anon.

Hmmm.... this fic has The Thousand Year Change vibe to it... is that were you got inspiration?

I am quite interested in this so far. Though I wonder at the rapid technological advancement the Lunar Republic has undergone. Perhaps magic alone was simply not enough to sustain a livable colony and they turned to science and industry, rapid progress fueled by the need to not only survive, but thrive. Could it be a mix of both science and technology?

Nevertheless, it seems that the worship of Night and Day are the only differences, but also Science and Magic, Progress and Tradition.

I will be honest, I look forward more to the clash of culture and attitudes more than anything else, and I will keep a close eye on this fic.

Hope to see more!

this is so cool this can go in so many ways i hope it show magic and science being epic partners!

there had to have been some ponies who went around on daring adventures around the planet then equestrian lands the moon had to have some old magic short cuts or artifacts of travel so some ponies had to have made a few trips between the moon and world but thanks to the hint about crusaders aka avengers about made it seem risky but it would be an answer for new blood for the colony fresh ideas and inspirations or need for exotic material not found in asteroids also gives a chance for finding more like mind cousins or nox ponies in hiding or outcasts.
maybe there actually a teleport circle or a ritual of travel a thing chance for some secret trade rings or mystic ways of looking around for information but more audio then sight maybe they trade with other places? maybe luna or lunar ponies do dream walking for ponies on eraqus that need a better life? she or others could give instruction on how to be summon to the moon but avengers make it a dangerous thing for that risky new life but it would add to rumors or lore adds to celestia frustration's maybe the moon has other races then just ponies only? be interesting thing that set the story apart from others!

I'm kind of hoping for mlp moon has air but the tertium dome more for protection against the dangers of fast little asteroids breaking bones or killing and low gravity and temperature being a problem.
I'm looking forward to the history for that lunar home 1000 years has to have some history how did they do the first dome if science was so little back then? and there had to have been some hiccups like flames act weird in low gravity did Luna have to have held it all together at first with magic taxing her health till ponies figured out tougher glass and better space magics??? did they do magic in turns recharging a shield? did Luna have to teleport and steal resources for survival? where there surprises and disasters unexpected on the moon to solve? do the crusader ponies have a few ways to track moon ponies?

This a slight copy of another fic The Thousand Year Change, well, at least the idea I guess the author was inspire by that other fic, I really hope is not a copy and things turn out different than the other one.

Oh, believe me... Evilhumour may have been inspired by The Thousand Year Change, but our take on the concept is going to be very different.

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Definitely enjoyed Sunset and Twilight's reflections on their cultures (in addition to, in Sunset's case, the forbidden hallway AND on the surprising degree of self-control she had with Blueblood, despite the latter being so darned annoying) as well as Sunset's dialogue with Cadance and Twilight's dialogue with Vinyl (especially since Vinyl DID provide some good reasons for wanting to go).

Anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all pretty well done and I'm definitely looking forward to more of this.

Interesting ....

I thinks these "avengers" are going to be a problem, and I wouldn't be surprised if the MoonPonies are accused of being spies from a hostile power when they get found out.

Loving more info into these 2 established cultures, I fear those *avengers* that got mentioned may become a source of conflict when the 2 groups finally meet! :ajbemused:

pog, yes yes yes very pog very yes pog yes very

Good sentence structure, easy to follow. Interesting so far. Let's see where this goes.

10772438 You certainly have my attention. I'm hoping this is the fic I wanted 'Thousand Year Change' to be.

I wish we could get more description of the Moon life. For instance, I can't even tell where are the cities on the moon? Which side of the moon are they facing? If they are on the planetside would the ponies below not be able to see their distance relatives with telescopes? A thousand years on the moon would likely also create different genetic differences between them as well. Subtle, but they would be there. (Like all the Lunars having thestral serpent like eyes.)

As long as it doesn't end in, "It was all just a dream!" like the other fic under this premise, it'll be 10/10.

Oh god I need more of this! You've got me hooked!

With that kind of advance either Equestria is lazy and apathetic to a nightmarish degree or Celestia is a quasi Luddite Whois actively stonewalling progress...or both.

Well Captain America is obviously doomed if Cadence is on the job. Unlike Stark she won’t let ego and politics get in the way.

Definitely reminds me of The Thousand Year Change. While I wouldn't mind it was similar, I hope this doesn't turn out to be a bleached and redressed copycat. That'd be a crying shame.

Well, one thing this storyvhas ove TTYC is that it feels more organic and slightly(?) less focused on the Princesses. Why do I foresee an approaching meeting between Celestia's personal study and Luna's precious student? Would definitely be interesting. That is perhaps the one true fault of the other story, it focused too heavily on the Princesses and the consequences of their bickering, not the lowborn ponies we ACTUALLY wanted to read about.

Oh and that reminds me, if there's ONE thing I ABSOLUTELY approve of, it's that you've brought Sunset Shimmer into the story! Not sure if she's gonna be or become a wicked mare she initially was in canon when the secret of the Lunar ponies become known, but since she's apparently playing Twilight's role, I'm not too concerned. It would be a nice change of pace for her to play.

Before I leave, I just thought I'd leave this. If you're willing, I'd truly love to help you brainstorm for plot arcs, characters, and whatnot. Just send me a PM and we can get started whenever you're ready.

Until next time...

"Thanks Sunset," Spike said as the two of them headed off to meet with the Princess of Equestria. "You know I've been looking forward to that."

Yo that threw me off so bad I thought it was and error. I literally scrolled up to check if you’d used Twilights name or not.

So Celestia looked into other universes to get info?

Alone again, Celestia sighed. It was days like these that she really wished Luna had been able to see things her way, so they could have stayed together as co-rulers all these years and that Luna hadn't acted so rashly that night..

Ah, so she takes no fault. This is going to be interesting.

I kind of wish the main threat wasn't discord and blueblood like it was in The Thousand Year Change but something else instead of what being hinted at like isn't there a storm king or others then just are stone chimera, slighted moon pony and a racist prince causing trouble deeper troubles?
I wonder if the prince and his nobles got other things to help them this round? I could see a certain umbra pony might wanting to help or artifacts of powers or spells being a bother.
a little sad but I think discord should of been more of a unpredictable element as the avatar as chaos... but maybe he different then The Thousand Year Change discord


I never said it was them, just that they are aware that Discord's return is something that is imminent

Yeah. This was another well-done chapter. Greatly appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up, once again. Definitely understood Celestia's reflections on Blueblood and the circumstances that forced Flash into a position he was not suited for (as well as the acknowledgement that the potential for abuse of a national registry outweighs the potential usefulness), though I admit that the balancing act of Celestia admitting that she misses Luna and not acknowledging her share of the blame for the falling out IS a rather difficult one. As for Luna and her council, that was a pretty good scene too (especially with the notes on the progress of the preparations, Velvet's Mama Bear reactions to both of her children going on such a potentially dangerous mission and Luna's silent acknowledgement that this is going to be very difficult, but necessary in order to minimize Discord's threat [though I guess the reason they don't just destroy Discord's statue is because it would not do any good to do so {i.e. Discord being an "as long as there is chaos", sort and would probably have an easier time escaping from the Infernal Realms than he would the statue}]).

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

Smeh, I’ll give it a chapter or two more.

Anyway, it feels like none of these canon cutouts actually have any personality of their own; and adding random canon characters into a setting where they shouldn’t exist does not help the monotone rhetoric. Additionally, The internal monologues are a bit hamfisted in trying to repeatedly get the “ohh how foolish ‘character name’ is! If only!!!”

Now as for the more subjective stuff; I don’t really like that these 1000 year separated cultures are pining for each other “just cause” when they probably wouldn’t give a single frack about each other. Hell, they wouldn’t even speak the same language. Not to mention that throwing people down into a unknown and possibly hostile environment completely blind is just the absolute height of stupidly and reeks of authorial rail-roading ex machina.

Anyway, I’ll hang around a little more but so far this is looking to be a poorly executed fiction that rushes from point A to E.

It's not that far fetched, the middle ages only ended around 500 years ago. A permanent moon colony has been already possible with our current technology. A space station around the moon is planned for the near future, along with a small semi-permanent outpost in 2024+. So I'd say we're doing a lot better tech wise compared to the lunar republic.

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