• Published 7th Apr 2021
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness II - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - Season II

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Chapter 30 - A dragon's word is law

A dragon's word is law

It had recently fallen into darkness in that forest, next to the mountains that the dragons used to rest during their migration. A forest known to be the nesting place of the Equestrian phoenixes. A beautiful place, where even from afar, you could occasionally see the majestic magical birds, flying through the skies with their trails of fire. However, that night, instead of phoenixes flying through the night sky, there was a group of five young dragons who flew quickly from there. Completely scared as they quickly flapped their wings to return to the safety of the mountains.

Oblivious to that peculiar sight, another young dragon was also in the forest. A young cyan-skinned dragon, who was holding a small phoenix chick, while three other small chicks were on her shoulders, having fun, poking the dragon princess's cheeks.

“Stop poking my face or I swear I'll leave you here to your fate!” Ember shouted, blushing as she walked. Knowing in reality, that was a bluff since she wouldn’t dare leave those newborn chicks abandoned.

Moments before, when Ember was in the mountains and didn’t see Garble or his minions anywhere, she immediately assumed the worst and headed to the forest nearby. Once she arrived, she heard growling in the distance and headed in that direction. She was surprised by those little phoenix chicks, who flew towards her.

As soon as the little chicks saw Ember, they froze and hurriedly turned around to escape. But they did it so quickly that one of the little ones collided with a tree and fell to the ground. There, Ember rushed to approach the chick, while the little one just closed his eyes, thinking that this dragon would be as terrifying as the other three dragons that had scared them away from their nest. However, the phoenix chick was surprised to see that the dragoness gently took him in her claws and spoke softly to him.

Ember blushed at that moment, thinking that even though she tried, her voice didn't sound as tender as she expected, but it was the best she could do. No dragon spoke tenderly and she, of course, was no exception. However, she still tried her best. Seeing that the little chick must have been terrified and confused.

“Don't worry; I won't eat you,” Ember said, gently picking up the injured chick in her claws. I guess you're too small to fly alone at night. I knew it; Garble and the others must have come here to bother the phoenixes,” Ember added, looking away in annoyance. For a second, she forgot her soft voice and spoke harshly again, remembering the bully red dragon.

As soon as the other chicks saw that that dragon had no intention of harming them. They all flew to approach Ember as well. This is how the young dragon princess became, against her will, the transport of those chicks. Ember headed back to where she heard the dragons growled and the chicks were happy to be with their new protector.

"What the heck!?" Ember suddenly said, surprised, when suddenly her body began to glow. “Dad is calling us!?” Ember asked, confused, thinking out loud.

At that moment, another nearby light appeared between the trees. So, Ember started heading there.

Meanwhile, Dusk and his friends were so surprised to see Spike glowing that none of them heard the dragon princess approach there. It was only when Ember was fully in sight that everyone heard her and was surprised to see her there. Like Ember herself, who was shocked to see the little purple dragon with three ponies, and more importantly... The Princess of the Sun!?

“Princess Ember?” Spike asked surprised. After a long silence in which no one spoke, due to surprise.

“I told you not to call me princess!” Ember shouted in annoyance. Finally managing to react, thanks to her anger.

'Caaaw!' Everyone was distracted when the father and mother phoenix finally saw their chicks in the claws of a dragon, they screeched fiercely and set their wings on fire, lunging furiously at Ember.

With Ember taken completely by surprise, she couldn't even react when the phoenix was almost upon her, with their beaks open to begin their furious attack to defend their young. However, it was the chicks themselves that jumped in front of their parents, to prevent both phoenixes from hurting Ember.

The phoenixes stopped in mid-air in shock. While Ember, Spike and the ponies watched in amazement as the phoenix chicks chirped indignantly, defending Ember.

“Sorry, young dragon.” Celestia finally said, raising her voice when she saw that everyone was still surprised. “You were the one who saved those little chicks?”

Ember was even more shocked to see 'the fearsome Princess of the Sun,' as she was known in dragon legends, speaking directly to her. So she couldn't help but stutter a little.

“Y-Yes…” Ember answered timidly. Until she opened her eyes wide when she realized something very important... She couldn't appear weak! She was the daughter of the Dragon Lord! “I-It's not what you think! I saved them just because I felt like it! Not because I felt sorry for them!” Ember shouted in annoyance, pretending to be indignant, looking away.

That sudden change of attitude would have had a better impact, if it had not been for the fact that one of the chicks approached her cheek and caressed her with its small head. Causing Ember to blush and look even cuter next to the chick.

“Don't try to intimidate me, pony princess. I’m the one who will ask the questions!” Ember suddenly said, realizing her attempt to sound evil didn't work. “What are you doing here? Are all of you with that baby dragon?” Ember added, pointing at Spike.

"I'm not a baby!" Spike yelled in annoyance. Taking a step forward so Ember could see him properly.

It was only in that instant, as she pointed at Spike, that Ember saw her own claw and realized that her scales were still glowing. Just like little Spike, who was in front of her.

"What am I doing!? We must go!" Ember said scared. Raising her other claw so the chick it was holding would fly away and fly to its siblings, back to its parents. “My father is calling us!”

"Your father?" Spike asked confused.

“Ugh! I almost forgot it. You don’t know anything about dragons because you weren’t raised as one.” Ember said, looking away in frustration. “When a dragon's scales shine, it’s because the Dragon Lord summons us. It’s something that cannot be avoided, and it’s very rare that it happens. So, something very important must have happened for my father to summon all the dragons.”

“Oh… Uh… I…” Spike murmured nervously. Glancing sideways at Celestia and Dusk, not entirely sure what to do.

On any other occasion, Spike would have preferred to return home to Dusk and his friends. However, for some strange reason, Spike felt like he had to obey Ember. It was something strange he felt inside. As soon as it started to shine, he felt like someone was really calling him and he had to go somewhere.

“I see… You’re the daughter of the Dragon Lord Torch.” Celestia said, narrowing her eyes slightly. Meanwhile, Ember stood firm when she saw that the Princess of the Sun was looking at her. Trying her best not to be intimidated by Celestia. “Ember, I would be very grateful if you took Spike with you.”

"What!?" Dusk, Rarity and Rainbow Dash shouted at the same time.

“The Dragon Lord already saw Spike, and I think that's why he summoned all the dragons.” Celestia responded, speaking calmly to reassure Dusk and his friends. “The worst thing Spike could do is ignore the call of his race.”

“But…” Dusk murmured fearfully. Lowering his gaze as he remembered how Garble and the others teased and abused Spike.

“Don’t worry, Dusk. I’ll go too, to protect him.” Celestia added, with a reassuring smile.

"What!?" This time it was Ember's turn to scream in surprise. “I… I don't think that's a good idea.” Ember added, putting on a worried look.

“She won't go alone. I’ll go too!” Dusk said, taking a step forward, with a firm look.

“That's even worse!” Ember shouted worriedly. “I know this is Equestria, but we're not at a resort. We dragons don't get together with the ponies to drink tea, or whatever you do at your meetings.”

“Dusk, I think it's best if you leave this to me.” Celestia added, touching Dusk gently. “This is a delicate matter, and as the young dragon princess says, it’s best that the Dragon Lord doesn’t see you or your friends hanging around here.”

Understanding his teacher's wise words, Dusk lowered his head in resignation. Then Ember took Spike in her arms, opened her wings and flew away. While Spike just gave them a sad goodbye smile as he flew away from everyone.

“Go back to Ponyville. I’ll make sure to take care of Spike.” Celestia said with a small smile, also saying goodbye to her pet, Philomena. Then Celestia opened her wings and flew, following Ember and Spike.

“Wow… This got more complicated than I thought.” Rainbow Dash said, once she, Rarity and Dusk were alone. Breaking the awkward silence they remained in after Spike and Celestia left.

“It would be best if we returned home.” Rarity said, touching Dusk, seeing that he had remained silent, with his head lowered. “Spikey will be safe with the princess.”

“I know he will be safe…” Dusk said slowly. Raising his head and showing that he had a look full of determination. “But still, I’ll never abandon my brother!”

After a short flight, Ember and Spike arrived at the mountains where the other dragons were resting. There, all the dragons that had flown in the migration were already gathered. All shining, looking expectantly at their Dragon Lord, who remained silent, with his eyes closed, as if waiting for something. A particular scene, which looked even more impressive given that night had already fallen and there were several burning rocks lit, like bonfires, thanks to the fire of the dragons. Which provided a very ceremonial atmosphere.

Ember slowly landed near her father, where another dragon was also nearby. An ancient dragon, larger than Ember, but much smaller than the enormous Torch. But the most notable characteristic of that dragon was how wrinkled his face was and his bulging eyebrows, which covered his eyes. In addition, he carried with him a pile of old scrolls, which surrounded various parts of his legs and tail.

“You’re late for ‘the call’.” Torch finally spoke, slightly in a bad mood. Bringing his face closer to where Ember and Spike had landed.

"I'm sorry. I was… kind of busy.” Ember replied, glancing back nervously out of the corner of her eye.

“I wasn't saying that to you.” Torch said, moving his eyes slightly so his daughter could see that who he was talking to was the little purple dragon next to her. At that moment, Torch made a small growl inside his mouth, and instantly, all the dragons stopped glowing.

"What!?" Ember said confused, looking to her side. Surprised to see his father staring at little Spike. Who, for his part, remained trembling while the Dragon Lord looked at him intensely.

“I never thought this day would come.” The elder dragon said, named Graytusk. Approaching where Spike was, and looking at him carefully. After a few seconds, he looked back at Torch. “Are you sure you want to continue with this, my Dragon Lord? There is no way to verify that this baby dragon comes from where he says he comes from.”

“F-From Ponyville?” Spike muttered, trembling. Believing that the Dragon Lord would eat him for coming from a pony town.

“No... For coming from the egg you described.” Torch replied in a bad mood. “There must be a way to check your origin, without having to resort to those pesky ponies.”

“Hmm… Father. Actually…” Ember muttered, butting into the conversation. Pointing worriedly towards the night sky behind her. “There is someone who wants an audience with you.”

As soon as Torch looked up, he saw a white being radiating a faint light as it approached. The old dragon didn’t need to see the face of that being, because he immediately recognized it from afar. Growling when he saw that Celestia had come there. While the rest of the dragons, after turning to see, were left with their breathing stopped when they understood who was approaching.

“So, you came to see for yourself that I fulfill the promise made by my clan, isn't that right, Celestia?” Torch said grumpily, once Celestia was close enough.

“It's quite the opposite, Lord Dragon Torch.” Celestia said. Landing near Ember and Spike. “I came here to say that this is all a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding?” Torch asked, raising an eyebrow. Who seemed to be getting more upset by the second. “Do you deny that this baby dragon was born from the egg you were caring for?”

Celestia was silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"I cannot deny it. Indeed, Spike was born from 'that' egg.” Celestia responded, closing her eyes in slight regret. Knowing that the best option would have been to lie, but if Torch found out that she was lying, it could make things even worse. "But the promise the dragons made was for another purpose... Torch, I don't want you to believe-"

“Don't try to change my mind!” Torch snorted in annoyance. “The word of a Dragon Lord is law! And dragons always keep their promises! Without exception!"

Seeing that Torch was beginning to get angry, and that he refused to break his clan's promise even if it hurt him, Celestia decided to stay silent for a few seconds, so that Torch would calm down. Thinking that before continuing talking, she had to find a way for Torch to put his pride aside for a moment. Otherwise... she could lose Spike forever.

“Listen, dragons! Let’s go back to the Dragon Land right now!” Torch shouted, speaking loudly for everyone to hear. Instantly, all the dragons began to murmur in confusion, since it was normal for the migration to continue during the day, not at night.

“Father, why is this so sudden?” Ember asked, just as confused as everyone.

“Because tomorrow, at this same time, there will be a new Dragon Lord.” Torch said, frowning slightly.

"What!?" Ember and all the dragons shouted at the same time. Everyone is in shock. Meanwhile, Celestia closed her eyes with regret. Realizing that she couldn't change Torch's mind as easily as she wanted.

In a few minutes, all the dragons were ready to resume their journey. Time that Celestia took advantage of to try to change Torch's mind. At the same time, Ember also filled her father with questions, trying to understand the reason for that abrupt decision. However, the stubbornness of a dragon could be infinite, and Torch continued ignoring both his daughter and the Sun Princess, since his decision had already been made.

Once all the dragons were ready, they opened their wings together and began the last leg of their journey towards their home, Dragon Land.

This time, it was Celestia who offered to take Spike since the little dragon didn't have wings yet. Something that Torch looked at with displeasure, since he didn't want a pony to step on his lands. However, as soon as Torch looked at Celestia to complain, this time it was Celestia's turn to glare at him. Showing that she could also be just as stubborn as him, if the occasion required it. And there was no way she was going to walk away from Spike that easily.

Thus, dozens of dragons began their flight under the moonlight. Led by Torch and Ember in the lead, while almost at the end, were Celestia, Spike and some straggling dragons, who flew slower than the others, like old Graytusk.

“Hmm… Princess…” Spike muttered fearful, on Celestia's back. As she and the dragons began to fly over the sea of Equestria. “What was all that...? What is happening!?" Spike shouted, terrified and confused. Without understanding anything of what was happening.

Celestia flew in silence for a few seconds, until she finally turned her head to look at the baby dragon.

“Spike, I know I told you that one day I found your abandoned egg and took care of it until Dusk Shine managed to open it. But… that’s not the whole story.” Celestia said looking worriedly at Spike. “When you were born, I hoped to tell you the whole truth, but as the years went by… I began to think that perhaps it would be best if you never knew.” Celestia added, looking away with sad eyes.

This time it was Spike's turn to remain silent for a few seconds. Until he looked up and had a very serious look.

“This is the moment… Tell me the truth.” Spike said with determination in his eyes. Feeling for the first time in his life, that he had to know his past, before continuing to look towards the future. Meanwhile, Celestia looked up again and smiled at him with a sad look.

“Thousands of years ago, when I was still just a filly, Equestria was on the brink of destruction. It was a dark time, when many of the ancient kingdoms fell... It was thanks to the union of Queen Amore, Starswirl, and several of the ponies' former allies, that that threat was stopped. A victory that brought with it many sacrifices…” Celestia said, beginning to remember the past. “After that dark time, came an era of peace, but Starswirl realized that if another similar threat attacked us, it could be the end of our species. That is why he began to look for new allies. And when I got my cutie mark, he knew exactly who would be a powerful ally for Equestria: the dragons... Even at that time, there were very few ancient dragons left. Those fearsome dragons that were even bigger and scarier than Dragon Lord Torch himself…”

“Bigger than Torch…!?” Spike screamed in terror. “Th-Those dragons still exist...?” Spike asked, shivering at the thought of a dragon scarier and bigger than Torch.

“The dragons that lived in the First Era of this world dispersed and died in solitude long ago. However, a new class of dragons had already begun to form at that time.” Celestia continued speaking, narrowing her eyes as she remembered the past. “Smaller dragons, who grew according to their greed and ego, but who also understood the value of life better and, therefore, were less violent. They began to be the majority, and in them, Starswirl saw an opportunity... Despite being less wild, there is something that every dragon respects above all, and that is their ancestral laws. One of those laws is to venerate 'the eternal flame'.”

“The eternal flame...?” Spike asked confused, until he realized something important. Then he turned and looked down, to see Celestia's flank. And finally he understood. "Is the sun! What dragons worship the most is the sun! That's why Starswirl waited until you got your cutie mark to approach the dragons!”

“Starswirl couldn't know that Luna and I were destined to move the moon and the sun. However, when he saw it, he understood that my cutie mark could help us get closer to the dragons.” Celestia added with a sad look. “Still, he underestimated the dragons' aversion to ponies… That time, Starswirl and I headed to the place the dragons call the 'Withered Heath', the ancestral birthplace of the dragons.”

“The ancestral birthplace of dragons? Where is that!?" Spike asked excitedly. Feeling like he was learning more about his race in one day than he had learned in his entire life.

“Unfortunately that place no longer exists. Even I didn’t know it.” Celestia responded with a sad look, as she knew it wasn't the answer Spike was expecting. “It was beyond the Northern Mountains. That is the reason for the migration of dragons. They must cross all of Equestria, since their ancestral home was to the North of Equestria and the current Dragon Lands are to the South.”

“Oh… It's a pity.” Spike said, sorry that he couldn't know the birthplace of his ancestors. “But… The mountains of the North? Why would the birthplace of dragons be such a cold place? We dragons are supposed to love heat.” Spike asked confused. An answer that took a while to come, since Celestia remained silent for a while, slightly tense at that question.

“The dragons blame the ponies for freezing their ancestral home.” Celestia responded, with a voice devoid of emotion.

"What!? That can't be… Ponies would never do something like that!” Spike said in disbelief. However, seeing that Celestia kept her eyes straight ahead, without answering him, made doubts begin to grow in him. “The… The ponies didn't do that… right?”

"I don't know. That happened long before my era.” Celestia answered sincerely. “But what I do know is that in the First Era, there was a lot of barbarism. A time when death was commonplace and dragons crossed the skies hunting ponies. However, 'something' happened that made the dragons stop hunting ponies. Something that scared them so much that it ended that barbaric tradition.”

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. With Celestia keeping a serious look, thinking about how lucky she had been to not be born in that time of chaos. And Spike, who kept a frightened look, imagining what a war between ponies and dragons must have been like. Which caused him to feel chills.

"When we sought to approach the dragons, Starswirl and I arrived at their frozen ancestral home, seeking to form an alliance with them... When we arrived at those lands, the first thing we both saw was a group of young dragons playing." Celestia continued telling her story. “Those dragons rolled ancient fossilized dragon eggs and made them explode, throwing them from above and crashing them to the ground. Ancient eggs that never opened, that were left in that ancestral cradle, when it froze... At that moment, when they were about to break the smallest of the eggs that were there, I noticed that although that egg was fossilized, there was still something of magic in it. So I saved it, before those dragons smashed it to the ground.”

“W-Wait a second!” Spike shouted scared. Fearing where Celestia was going with that story. “That happened when you were just a filly! Maybe… You're not saying…”

“Spike, you're just a baby dragon. But the reality is, your egg is older than me.” Celestia responded, with a small serene smile. Knowing that she had to calm Spike down after that shocking revelation.

Spike stood with his mouth open, frozen, for many seconds. While Celestia was left flying in silence. Knowing that the little baby dragon needed time to digest all this new information.

“Starswirl tried to dialogue with the Dragon Lord of that time. Showing him that I was capable of moving the Sun at will.” Celestia continued telling her story, after having been silent for a long time. “That had the effect Starswirl had hoped for, and earned me the respect of most of the dragons. But it also generated an unexpected effect... The dragons despised the council of unicorns that managed to move the Sun at will for the first time, and that hatred towards ponies prevented them from seeing me as a pony. The only way they would accept me would be if I was not a pony, and to do so, I had to show that although on the outside I looked like a pony, on the inside I had the soul of a dragon. And to do this, I had to break the egg that I had saved before meeting the Dragon Lord.”

“My egg…” Spike whispered, perfectly understanding Celestia's dilemma. Since he himself had experienced it a few hours before in front of Garble. Killing an innocent being to be accepted into a group.

“I told the Dragon Lord that I couldn’t kill an innocent, that it was against my nature, and even against Ancient Magic itself!” Celestia continued speaking, getting a little emotional as she remembered that sad event from her childhood. “However, the Dragon Lord sneered and told me that that egg was not alive. That the fossilized eggs were just exploding rocks, with nothing inside... I tried to explain to him that that egg still had some magic, but all the dragons made fun of me. Saying that I was the perfect example of how stupid and weak we ponies were... It was at that moment, when everyone made fun of me, the Dragon Lord swore as a final mockery towards me and Starswirl... He said that the dragons would happily accept an alliance with the ponies, even more so! He swore that the Dragon Lord himself would leave his throne... but that would happen, only the day I managed to hatch that egg. And that was the last great mockery of the dragons towards the ponies, which forever broke any attempt at an alliance between both races..."

“After failing in our mission, Starswirl worked day and night on the small fossilized egg, feeling, as I did, that the egg did have a strange magic in it. However, the years passed, and neither Starswirl nor I managed to revive that egg. The Dragon Lord was right. That was a dead egg, a lifeless rock… Or so I thought, until one day, a young foal finally managed to hatch that egg.”

“Wow…” Spike whispered, feeling a chill at finally discovering his past. After that, Spike remained silent for several seconds. With a thoughtful look as he digested all that information. Putting it in order, to see if nothing was missed. “There is something I don't understand… Why didn't I know about this before? I mean, if that promise that the Dragon Lord said as a mockery was fulfilled, wouldn't it have been easier to immediately go with the current Dragon Lord, to form the promised alliance? Or perhaps, you thought the dragons had forgotten that promise?” Spike asked, remembering that if that promise was made when Celestia got her cutie mark, it must have been thousands of years ago, before most of today's dragons were born.

“Dragons are not good at remembering things from the past. For this reason, only one dragon in each generation is responsible for keeping its records. Since others think that reading is a waste of time.” Celestia responded. Looking askance at old Graytusk, the old dragon flying not far from them, who always carried dozens of scrolls with him. “However, if there is one thing dragons never forget, it’s a promise. Their word is law, for all eternity.” Celestia was silent for a few seconds, and then looked worriedly at Spike. “Reminding them of the promise means that the dragons will be allies of the ponies from now on. But that means… that you’ll have to stay with them.”

“Stay with the dragons...? Forever!?" Spike shouted dazedly.

“According to their laws, young dragons cannot leave the Dragon Lands until they’re adults and can fend for themselves.” Celestia said, looking forward again. But maintaining her sad and worried look, with a slight shine in her eyes. Doing everything possible not to shed a tear.

"Stay with the dragons... until I'm an adult..." Spike muttered in shock. Trembling at the idea that the meeting he had with Dusk and his friends just a few hours ago could be the last time he would see them. “B-But that's not fair! If we talk to the Dragon Lord, I'm sure-” At that moment, Spike stopped talking.

For a second, Spike was about to say that they should try to convince Torch to let him return to Ponyville. But he quickly realized that would be useless. Just as Celestia said, for dragons, their word is law, and they don’t break break it for anything in the world. Even Torch was giving up his throne to fulfill a promise he himself hadn't made! Of course, changing his mind would be impossible.

At that moment, Spike looked at Celestia and saw how sad the alicorn's gaze was, even though she was trying to look firm. Then Spike understood how much Celestia was willing to sacrifice for him. She saw the birth of Spike and knew that with that, she could form her long-awaited alliance with the dragons to keep Equestria safe. However, she didn't because she ended up becoming fond of Spike. Deciding that she wanted Spike to grow up happy with Dusk and his family, instead of using him as a simple bargaining chip.

Spike moved closer to Celestia's neck, and hugged her tenderly. While Celestia simply closed her eyes and finally released the tear she had tried to hide. Knowing that she couldn't hide Spike from his race anymore. And if they both wanted to avoid breaking that old promise, one that could trigger a war, they both had to accept it.

While Celestia continued flying, near her, a little below, another clumsy dragon flew. A dragon that was actually three ponies dressed up in a bad dragon suit.

Hours before, Dusk and his friends had put on the 'Crackle' suit again, and thanks to Rainbow Dash's wings, they were able to fly while Dusk kept them stable in the air, thanks to his magic. Meanwhile, Rarity finally used the rumor-listening spell, which she had learned to gossip with the flower girls of Ponyville, and thus listen from afar to what Celestia and Spike were talking about. In this way, the three ponies were able to find out about that revealing conversation. A revelation that made them almost fall into the water, due to surprise.

After a long journey, all the dragons, including Celestia and three exhausted ponies in costume, arrived on the shores of the Dragon Land. There, there were several dozen dragons waiting. Everyone was very confused when they saw their Dragon Lord and their other brothers and sisters arrive in the middle of the night.

Most of the dragons that had stayed in the Dragon Lands were those that were too old or too young to fly in the great migration. Plus a few other great dragons who stayed to protect their home. There, everyone gathered near the Dragon Lord as soon as he landed. Filling Ember with questions since they didn’t have enough courage to ask their fearsome Lord why they had all returned before the migration and why the Dragon Lord summoned them with 'the call,' making them shine for a few minutes.

Before Ember could begin to answer the questions, a clamor of shock and horror began to rise among the youngest of the dragons. Surprised to see that along with her brothers, the only pony that everyone knew from legends also landed... the powerful and fearsome Princess of the Sun.

“Wow… I think we're just in time.” Celestia said calmly, once she landed. Looking up at the night sky and noticing that it was time to 'do her job.'

After Spike got off her back, Celestia calmly closed her eyes and began to use her magic. In a few seconds, the sky began to turn purple and pink at one end. Getting clearer and clearer, until the Sun began to appear from an orange sky from the distance of the sea horizon. Rising slowly until it appears completely in the sky and completely dyes the sky with the beautiful sky blue of the day.

That was part of Celestia's daily routine. Something she had done for hundreds of thousands of days. As for the dragons, they had also seen the sunrise hundreds of times. However, seeing Celestia in front of their eyes, raising the enormous star of incandescent fire, made several young dragons flee from there in fright.

“Never face the Sun or the Death!” Several frightened dragons echoed as they fled. Something that caught Spike's attention a lot. Who noticed that it seemed like a motto that all dragons knew.

"Every dragon! Gather here!” Torch shouted angrily, seeing that some dragons had started to run away in fear. “Today, an Era ends! My clan, has protected our race for over a thousand years. My ancestors have carried the responsibility of caring for our race since the ancient dragons became extinct. However, fulfilling the promise made by the Dragon Lords before me, today, I cease to be your Dragon Lord!”

A great clamor began to grow among all the dragons. All confused, surprised, some afraid, and a few others, very intrigued and excited. Different emotions that filled that land in just seconds. Well, as Torch said, in effect, an Era was ending.

“B-But Great Torch… If you will no longer be our Dragon Lord… Who will be?” A timid dragon asked, who mustered up the courage to ask that question in front of the huge dragon.

“If my clan will no longer be the guardian of the dragons, we’ll have to return to the old ways…” Torch said, looking down at his side. There was old Graytusk, carrying with him a long, old wooden box. Upon opening it, everyone could see that inside was a kind of purple rock scepter, with a huge red rock crystal that shined, on top.

“This is the 'Bloodstone Scepter'.” Old Graytusk said. “The symbol of power of our people, which has been passed down from generation to generation among the Dragon Lords. Going all the way back to the First Dragon Lord.”

“Only the Dragon Lord is allowed to touch it, because once a dragon touches it, the scepter makes it one with all other dragons… His word becomes law.” Torch said, taking the scepter, which between his huge claws, looked very small. As soon as Torch took it, the red rock on the scepter glowed, and all the dragons present felt a kind of small electric shock. Feeling that they were somehow connected to said scepter. “I hadn't touched it since my father named me his successor… It's a mighty relic.” Torch added, raising it, closing one eye, and putting the scepter in line with his vision and a volcano, which was on an island, off the coast where they were.

After taking aim, Torch suddenly stretched out his claw and threw the scepter towards that volcano. All before the shocked gaze of all the other dragons, who were left with their mouths open. Unable to believe that Torch had just thrown away such an important relic for the dragons.

“Heh! Do you want to know who will be the next Dragon Lord? My throne is yours for the taking, but you have to find it first! All the power of a Dragon Lord is hidden there... In that volcano! Whoever brings the scepter back to me will be crowned as the new Dragon Lord!” Torch shouted with a sly smile, looking at all the dragons. “I’ll not have favorites nor will I prevent anyone from competing. All the young dragons who accompanied me on this migration will compete equally for the right to the throne!” Then Torch lowered his gaze and looked at Celestia, with a more serious look. “Only the next Dragon Lord will decide the future of my race.” Torch added, with a defiant tone. Knowing that he must fulfill his ancestors' promise, but what kind of alliance ponies and dragons would have, would be something that only a true dragon would decide... The next Dragon Lord!

The dragons were shocked for a few seconds... Was what Torch said true? Whoever found that scepter would be the next Dragon Lord!? That sounded crazy, but... the word of a Dragon Lord was law. And that meant...

After coming out of their stupor, the dragons began to look at each other, until one stepped forward. Instantly, everyone began to run frantically towards the shore of the coast that looked towards that volcano. The first dragons to reach the cliff opened their wings and jumped to fly in that direction.

Those first dragons to fly smiled as they thought they had the advantage. However, barely two seconds had passed, when two enormous sea serpents emerged from the water, biting and hitting those dragons, who immediately fell into the water. Meanwhile, all the other dragons that had reached the edge of the cliff stopped dead in their tracks just before jumping.

"HAHAHA! Did you think it would be so simple?” Torch laughed, watching with delight as the young dragons that had fallen into the water, swam away in terror from the sea serpents that wanted to devour them. “Have you forgotten? That volcano is where our eggs hatch. It’s a place full of death traps to ward off anyone who approaches before the hatching date.”

The dragons widened their eyes in surprise as they remembered what Torch told them. Finally realizing that this challenge wouldn’t be as easy as they thought. Since all of them had contributed with those traps, so that reaching the center of the volcano was impossible at that time of year.

The more cunning dragons ran back to their caves. Realizing that they would need their armor to be able to avoid all the traps. Meanwhile, others stayed trying to cross the sea as they were, so as not to waste time.

“It's a very peculiar way you have to choose your successor.” Celestia said with a certain look of concern. Raising an eyebrow and glancing at Torch. “Aren't you afraid that if you leave it to chance, the next Dragon Lord might be someone who isn't a good leader?” Celestia asked. Realizing that this competition could be a real danger for Equestria. Since Torch's clan had kept peace for centuries with the ponies. But if some reckless leader arrived, it could cause that balance to be broken.

"You wouldn’t understand. A dragon must be strong, and only the strongest can be called a true leader.” Torch replied, with a small growl. Thinking that only brute force was required to earn the respect of his peers.

"Father! I won’t let you down.” Ember suddenly said. Who had been the first dragon to realize the danger, and had gone to look for her armor. Which was made of golden metal, with a helmet that completely covered her head. “I never wanted to be called a princess, or have the throne thanks to my father. Now, I’ll finally be able to prove myself worthy of becoming a true Dragon Lord!”

"What are you talking about? You’ll not compete!” Torch said, growling and looking seriously at his daughter.

"What!? Why!?" Ember shouted, surprised and annoyed. Taking off her helmet to look at her father's face.

“You’re too young… Even if you managed to reach the scepter before everyone, no one would ever respect you as their new Dragon Lord.” Torch responded, telling her the second reason why he didn't want his daughter to participate in this dangerous challenge. Since the first reason was because he didn't want her to get hurt. But of course, his pride would never allow him to say that. “A true dragon must be strong. The strongest of all! Strong enough to get past all the deadly traps that surround that volcano.”

“Being strong doesn't mean having a head full of muscles!” Ember shouted furiously. “I may lose to other dragons in a silly tail wrestling, but I assure you that my spirit and my inner fire is the strongest of all those here! I am fast, intelligent and a born leader. That's what our people need to grow! Not just some fool who thinks that being strong means hitting harder than the other guy!” Ember shouted furiously. All under the annoyed gaze of his father, who just remained silent.

Another one who stayed to watch that discussion attentively was Celestia. Who listened with interest to Ember's speech, seeing the fire in her eyes, and understood that that young dragon, indeed, was someone 'truly strong'. And not only that, but, although not even the young dragon realized it, she also had another quality that she didn’t value, which was very important in a leader. A quality that Celestia saw in Ember when the dragon took care of the phoenix chicks.

“If you'll excuse my intrusion, Lord Dragon Torch…” Celestia said, speaking calmly, as if pretending to remember something. “I seem to remember that you said that you wouldn’t have favorites in this competition, nor would you prevent anyone from competing... That all the dragons who accompanied you in the migration would compete equally for the right to the throne.” Celestia said, repeating almost word for word what Torch had said in his previous speech.

Both Torch and Ember widened their eyes in surprise. And then radically change your attitude. Torch putting on a furious look while Ember put on a happy look.

"It's true! Those were your words, father!" Ember shouted with a triumphant smile. Looking at her father with a defiant look. “A Dragon Lord always keeps his word… So not even you will stop me from competing!” Ember shouted, putting her helmet back on and quickly flying towards the cliff, where the other dragons were jumping from.

"If a violent dragon becomes a Dragon Lord, it could be dangerous for all of Equestria." Celestia thought, smiling as she watched Ember walk away. “But that dragon… Maybe she is our best option to keep peace between ponies and dragons.

As Celestia looked hopefully at Torch's daughter, the great Dragon Lord glared at Celestia. Hating that that pony used her own words against him, to allow his daughter to participate in that dangerous competition.

“The word of a Dragon Lord is law…” Torch said angrily, looking towards Celestia and Spike. “And my words were that all the young dragons who accompanied me on this migration would compete for the throne… That includes the little dragon.” Torch added, looking at Celestia with an evil smile. She decided to take revenge on Celestia, forcing the little baby dragon she protected so much to participate in that deadly competition.

Both Spike and Celestia were surprised by that decision. Spike putting on a fearful look, looking towards the ravine and seeing how the sea serpents attacked the dragons that were flying through the sea. While Celestia looked at Torch and understood that this was the Dragon Lord's revenge, and from his look, it would be impossible to change his mind. For, as he himself said, the word of a Dragon Lord was law.

“Listen Spike… You’re a dragon, and as such, you must obey what the Dragon Lord says.” Celestia said, crouching down to speak to Spike. And without Spike or Torch noticing, Celestia subtly used her magic to surround Spike with an almost invisible magical aura. “You can't fly, so you'll have to swim to that volcano.”

“Do you want me to swim there!?” Spike shouted in terror. “The snakes will eat me!”

“Sea serpents only attack those who fly. If you swim, you’ll be fine.” Celestia lied, to reassure Spike. “Swim to the other shore and wait until the competition ends. You’ll have already passed the first test, and that will be enough to comply with the Dragon Lord's order.” Celestia added, giving Spike a reassuring smile, then standing up and giving Torch an annoyed sidelong glance.

Spike looked shocked, then looked down and began to sweat. He had no escape, and both Torch and Celestia told him that he had to compete. What other option did he have!? Finally, Spike swallowed, deciding to trust Celestia, and slowly approached the island's ravine.

A few moments before, after several dragons had returned to take their combat armor, three ponies dressed as dragons stood watching fearfully as several dragons jumped from the cliff, only to be hit or bitten by the enormous sea serpents... Dusk and his friends had been pushed to the edge of the ravine after the stampede of dragons pushed them. There, the three were forced to stay without being able to go back, since there were so many dragons gathered, that it was impossible for them to walk.

After trembling with fear for several minutes, being surrounded by dozens of dragons, the three ponies were finally able to breathe again when the ravine became clearer, after several dragons jumped into flight. At that moment, the smartest thing would have been to back away and hide. However, instead, the three ponies stood frozen, with a fearful look, looking at each other.

As the dragons gathered to jump, several of them excitedly shared their ideas, saying what would be the first thing they would do upon becoming the new Dragon Lord. There, the ponies could hear how several of those young dragons joked about making burps the new official greeting, or having each dragon pay a new tribute of gems to the new Dragon Lord. However, there were also more adventurous comments, about expanding dragon territory, or flying to steal Equestria; Even a few laughed sinisterly at the idea of returning to the old customs of eating ponies.

It can't be... The peace of all Equestria may depend on this absurd competition!” Dusk thought terrified. Knowing that a war against the dragons could be the end of pony life as they knew it.

“We must make sure that none of those violent dragons become the new Dragon Lord…” Dusk murmured. Knowing that intervening in that competition could itself mean an act of war against the dragons. But even so, the risk was necessary to preserve peace.

"Are you kidding? How do you intend to do that!?” Rainbow Dash asked, almost panicking.

“Even if we could do something, we don't know which dragon would be the best to be the new Dragon Lord.” Rarity said scared. Understanding what was at stake.

Suddenly Dusk and company stopped whispering when a small dragon passed by them, approaching the edge of the ravine. It was little Spike. He had been so focused and nervous as he approached the edge that he didn't even look to his side or realize that his friends were there in costume.

"Is that magic…?" Dusk thought confused. Noticing that a very subtle aura surrounded Spike's body.

Before the ponies could say anything to Spike, the little baby dragon closed his eyes, gave a big sigh, stretched his claws forward, and jumped off the ravine, plummeting toward the sea. Immediately Dusk and company approached the edge to see if Spike was okay. Breathing a sigh of relief when they saw that the little dragon came out of the water and began to swim towards the volcano island.

“The sea serpents are going to eat Spike!” Rarity screamed in terror. Ready to come out of the costume to jump and save Spike.

“Wait… Look carefully.” Dusk said narrowing his eyes. Watching Spike carefully as he swam. “The serpents are not attacking him.” Dusk added, noticing that the huge sea serpents kept peeking out and attacking every time a dragon flew over them. However, none of them had come out to attack Spike, who had been swimming for quite some time.

“Why don't they attack him?” Rainbow Dash asked, relieved but confused. A question that didn’t have an immediate answer, since Dusk remained silent for a few seconds, looking at Spike attentively with a thoughtful look.

"I already have it! That's the magical aura that surrounded Spike!” Dusk finally said, opening his eyes in surprise. Discovering the trick Spike used. “Sea serpents attack dragons when they see their shadows flying over the water. But someone put a spell on Spike to hide his shadow. And not only that, I guess a camouflage spell is activated on the part of his body that is submerged underwater. Thus, it’s invisible to the sea serpents that see it from below… Such advanced magic, leaving such a subtle aura… There is only one pony capable of doing that!” Dusk said, moving to look back and see his teacher in the distance, who was still chatting with Torch in the distance.

“Are you saying that Princess Celestia is helping Spike in the competition?” Rarity asked in surprise, who also saw where Dusk was looking.

“Yes… It’s strange that the princess interferes with other kingdoms, but if she is helping Spike, it’s surely because she knows the risk that all of Equestria will have if a dangerous dragon takes the throne.” Dusk responded.

“So... What do we do now?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The princess's magic can help Spike hide from the sea serpents, but what about what's inside the volcano? I don’t think this is the only test that the Dragon Lord put in the competition.”

“Yeah, I don't think so either…” Dusk said with a thoughtful look. Then he raised his head and put on a look full of determination. “We’ll follow Spike and make sure he wins, for the good of Equestria.”

Dusk told his friends his plan, and in a few seconds, the three of them jumped in their Crackle costume from the ravine. There, just before they fell, Rainbow Dash used her wings to keep them in the air, almost touching the water. Dusk then used his magic to do the same spell that Celestia used to hide Spike's shadow. Dusk knew that it would be more difficult to use a camouflage spell at the same time, just like Celestia used, but as long as they stayed in the air, it would be enough to hide their shadow.

After moving a little over the water, the three ponies breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that their plan was working, and just like what happened to Spike, the sea serpents didn’t come out to attack them. Thus, Rainbow Dash did her best to keep them all in the air and fly quickly to get closer to Spike as soon as possible, who had already advanced more than halfway.

When the ponies were close to catching up with Spike, Dusk was distracted when the light from a reflection bothered his eye. The stallion looked up and saw that that reflection was that of golden armor. One carried by a young dragon, who fell into the sea after a sea serpent hit her in the air.

Ember fell hard against the water, becoming unconscious. Sinking rapidly, due to the weight of her own armor. Not far from where she fell, was Spike. Who, seeing she fall and sink, hurried to change course to go there.

Spike took a deep breath and quickly dove under. While Dusk and his friends also rushed to fly to where the baby dragon submerged. The ponies waited above the water for several seconds, waiting for Spike to come back out. Until finally, when the three were about to discard their costumes to jump into the water, Spike resurfaced, bringing with him an unconscious Ember, who kept her armor but had lost her helmet.

“Ember! Wake up!" Spike yelled. Who gave his all to keep both himself and Ember afloat.

When Spike felt that his strength was no longer enough, an impulse lifted him slightly from the water, and made him open his eyes in surprise.

“Don’t worry Spike! We’re with you!" Dusk said. Who stayed behind Spike. Using her magic to help Spike keep Ember afloat.

“Dusk! Girls! What are you doing here!?" Spike shouted happily, but also very surprised.

Before Dusk could respond, the stallion was distracted when he saw a shadow appear under the water. Getting bigger and darker.

"Watch out!" Dusk shouted. Using his magic to give himself momentum and push Spike and Ember. Then, the head of a huge sea serpent peeked out of the water. Reaching out to bite the tail of the ponies' costume. Which they couldn't escape in time after saving Spike.

Seeing that the sea serpent was fiercely biting its prey, the three ponies jumped out of their costume in terror, all three falling into the water.

“Swim!!” Dusk shouted in terror. Seeing that the huge sea serpent was still distracted by eating the 'Crackle' costume.

Without wasting any time, the ponies and Spike began to swim quickly. With Dusk using his magic to push everyone, so that they swam with more momentum. Knowing that he couldn't teleport to the shore, since his magic wouldn't work well on Ember and Spike, being dragons. Fortunately, the shore of the volcano island was not far away, and after an exhausting swim at full speed, everyone reached the shore of the volcano island safely.

Caugh..! Caugh..! Ember coughed. Waking up and spitting out the water she had swallowed when she fell. Then she slowly opened her eyes and saw Spike and three ponies in surprise. Everyone was lying on the sand, breathing hard as they tried to catch their breath. “What… What happened…?”

The last thing Ember remembered was flying over the sea, until a red shadow hit her head on. Then she heard the roar of a sea serpent, which she only partially managed to avoid, hitting her and causing everything to go cloudy.

“Are... Are you okay? Pri… Ember.” Spike asked, breathing heavily. Remembering at the last second that the young dragoness didn't like being called a princess.

“You… You saved me?” Ember asked confused. Believing she saw the little dragon diving to look for her at the bottom of the sea. But without being sure, since it was the last thing she remembered before falling unconscious. “Why would you do something like that?”

"Why?" Spike repeated, not understanding why she was asking that question, which had an obvious answer.

“If I fall, I’m one less competitor for the throne. Why are you saving a rival?” Ember asked again confused. Then she looked behind Spike and saw the three ponies, who had already recovered and were approaching them. “I get it… I almost forgot. You were raised by ponies. You don’t understand how important this competition is.” Ember added, looking with some contempt at the ponies that approached Spike.

"Hey! We helped Spike save your life!” Rainbow Dash said, very upset seeing Ember's look. “Don't think that-” Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped talking when Spike raised a claw in front of her mouth. Then she looked at her dragon friend and saw that the little dragon remained serious, staring at Ember.

“It's true that I was raised by ponies, but that's not why I saved you. I did it because that's the right thing to do! Being a pony or a dragon, what does it matter? Being evil doesn’t mean being strong.” Spike said seriously, something that really surprised Ember. Since it reminded her of what she had told her father minutes before, about being truly strong. “I know how important this competition is for all dragons. But, even if I won, what kind of Dragon Lord would I be if I let another dragon die, just for my own benefit?” Spike added, leaving Ember very shocked. Just like Dusk, who saw how mature his little brother was at that moment.

Ember slowly lowered her gaze and looked at her claws. For an instant, she remembered the night before, when those sharp claws, instead of hurting, helped hold a small phoenix chick... She had not even explained why she sometimes acted that way. For some reason, she hated it when Garble or other dragons abused the weaker ones. Pity and compassion were weaknesses that a dragon should not have. But then... Why did she have them? Did that make her weak? Is that why her father didn't want her to be the next Dragon Lord?

"Watch out!" Dusk suddenly shouted. Making Ember snap out of her thoughts. Then everyone looked up, and managed to avoid at the last second a huge rock that almost fell on them all.

The three ponies and two dragons looked up and saw dozens of rocks flying through the air. Launched by creatures called 'slingtails', which were large, hard-skinned creatures, similar to dragons, but dumber, more robust and wingless. Which had large pointed tails, which they used to pick up rocks and throw them at intruders, as if they were catapults.

After that huge rock fell, everyone heard a scream that got closer and closer. Then everyone saw a young red dragon fall, crashing into the sand, with a large rock on top of him, crushing him. It was Garble, who fell very close to where Spike and the others were.

As soon as Dusk saw Garble fall, he immediately used an invisibility spell. Realizing that they no longer had the 'Crackle' disguise to hide themselves.

"Uh!? Is that you, Spike?” Garble said weakly, surprised to open his eyes after the blow and see Spike there, next to Ember. Then Garble tried to move the huge stone on top of his chest, but it was too heavy to move alone. “Help me, Spike.”

Spike immediately took a step closer, but was stopped in his tracks by Ember, who grabbed his arm.

"What are you trying to do? Were you going to help him? It’s Garble!” Ember said annoyed. “That fool won't hesitate to stab you in the back if he gets the chance. Leave him alone."

Cough! Cough… Help me.” Garble said melodramatically. Looking with a pleading look at Spike. “Please… Little bro.”

At that moment Spike thoughtfully lowered his gaze, removed Ember's claw from him and looked at her, full of determination.

“Garble may be a bully, but he can change. And I can’t leave him if I have the chance to help him.” Spike said. Finally approaching Garble and helping him move the huge rock, until finally the young red dragon was freed.

“Huff… Thanks buddy. I owe you one." Garble said standing up. Giving Spike a big smile. One that changed suddenly, putting on an evil smile. "Yeah, sure." Garble said mockingly. Raising his claw to give Spike a big scratch and take advantage of taking him out of the competition.

The change in attitude took everyone by surprise, except Ember. Who moved quickly and stopped Garble just before he delivered a deadly stab at Spike.

“I knew it was a mistake to take you out from under that rock!” Ember said. Using all her strength to stop Garble's claw with her own claws. “That red shadow I saw when I was flying… It was you who hit me! Isn't it!?" Ember shouted furiously.

“This competition is not for the weak, princess.” Garble said with a cruel smile, using his own strength to try to lower his claw and finish his attack on Spike. “You and that little dragon are too weak to be here.”

At that instant, Garble moved his tail to hit the sand. Throwing it directly into Ember's eyes, who was partially blinded. Which gave Garble the opportunity to take advantage and be able to get rid of two of his competitors in an instant. However, Garble suddenly stopped his plan, freezing for a second as he realized something.

"What's that?" Garble said, sniffing heavily with his nose. “Why does it smell so much like pony in here?” Garble added, slightly nervous. Looking around. Thinking for a moment that the Sun Princess would appear again to finish her job, and send him to the Sun to charred to death.

After a few seconds, while Ember rubbed her eyes to try to see again, Garble verified that Celestia wasn’t there. Then he sniffed strongly again and slowly advanced towards where the ponies were, which he still couldn't see due to Dusk's spell.

Neither Dusk nor his friends moved a single muscle. Knowing that if they did, Dusk's spell would disappear. They knew that if Garble continued to approach, he would discover them, and they would have no choice but to fight. However, at that moment there were several dragons flying over the volcano. And if the other dragons also saw that there were ponies in that place, Dusk and his friends would be in even greater danger.

“The pony smell is from my armor!” Ember shouted. Who partially managed to open one eye and ran to get in Garble's way. “A few months ago, I stole this armor from a chest kept by a pony ship.” Ember lied, so that Garble would focus on her again. Getting into a fighting stance. “I've beaten you in fights before, Garble. Even with one eye, I’ll be able to beat you.” Ember added, baring her fangs at Garble and looking at him with a fierce glare.

For a moment, Garble considered the situation. Ember was vulnerable, and Spike would be easy to get rid of. However, it might take some time, and in that competition there was no second place. He couldn't waste time.

"Whatever... We'll leave this fight for another time, little princess." Garble said mockingly. Opening his wings and flying away from there.

“Ember! Are you okay?" Spike asked scared. Running towards where the dragon was. “You saved me and my friends… Why did you do it?” Spike asked surprised.

"I don’t know." Ember said, looking away annoyed. Putting on a confused look as she felt a struggle inside her. Not knowing why she sometimes acted impulsively, just as she had. Acting in a way that would embarrass her father… with compassion.

“Another rock!” Dusk suddenly shouted. Noticing another huge rock falling in their direction. Then everyone looked up and moved to avoid it. Except for Ember, who only partially saw out of one eye, and couldn't see clearly where the rock was falling from. So this time it was Dusk's turn to help, who pushed her to save her from being crushed at the last second.

Ember looked at Dusk in surprise. Then she opened her mouth to thank, but those words couldn't come out of her mouth, especially if she was going to say them to a pony. So Ember just looked away and blushed, embarrassed at being saved by a pony and not being able to thank him.

“This is bad… I won't be able to fly and avoid the rocks like this.” Ember said rubbing her eyes. Noticing that little by little her eyesight was improving, but it would be several minutes until she could see normally again.

"I could help you." Spike said, thinking of a brilliant idea. Immediately noticing that the proud Ember wouldn’t like help, so he quickly changed his speech. “I mean, work as a team. You can fly and get to the inside of the volcano faster, and I can be your eyes and guide you in the air, until you fully recover. It’s a win-win for both of us.”

Ember was silent for a few seconds, until finally she gave a big sigh of resignation.

“Ugh… Okay... I guess I have no choice.” Ember said reluctantly. Spreading her wings and crouching down so Spike could climb onto her back.

Before climbing on top of Ember, Spike turned to look at Dusk and his friends.

“Dusk…” Spike said weakly, but with a look full of determination. "I think you shouldn’t-"

“I know…” Dusk interrupted, guessing what his little brother was thinking. “This is a test for dragons, and you don't want to compete by cheating... Don't worry, we won't interfere anymore.” Dusk added, giving his brother an affectionate smile.

After saying goodbye to Dusk, Spike gave Rarity and Rainbow Dash a big hug, promising them that he would be fine. Then Spike climbed onto Ember's back, and they both took flight, flying straight towards the ferocious slingtails.

“Are you sure he'll be okay on his own?” Rarity asked Dusk, very worried.

“Spike has matured more than I even realized. I’m sure that he’ll pass this test.” Dusk said with a proud smile. “Besides… Spike was right when he said we were prejudiced, saying that all dragons were wild.” Dusk added, remembering what Spike said when he ran away from home. Looking up at Ember. “Besides Spike, there are also other kind-hearted dragons.” Dusk finished saying with a smile. Lighting up her horn and using her teleportation to leave that island with his friends. Trusting that his little brother was in good hands.

For their part, Ember and Spike flew around the volcano while dozens of rocks were thrown into the air. Spike had the mission to warn when a rock was heading towards them, so that Ember could dodge it; At the same time, he had to find the entrance to the interior of the volcano, since entering through the upper crater was suicide, as it was full of deadly traps that couldn’t be avoided.

As they flew, Ember continued rubbing her eyes. Trying to remove all the sand that was clouding her vision. Starting to see better little by little. However, being careful to clean her eyes made her sometimes take a long time to react to Spike's rock warnings. So finally Ember decided to close her eyes completely and blindly follow Spike's instructions. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life. However, for some reason, she felt like for the first time she could trust someone one hundred percent. Spike wasn't like other dragons, and maybe... maybe that was a good thing.

Finally Spike saw the entrance through a cave and guided Ember towards it. Once they landed, Ember blinked several times, releasing several tears that she could accumulate while keeping her eyes closed, and finally she was able to open both eyes enough to begin to see on her own.

“I can't believe it… We really did it!” Ember said surprised. Still rubbing her eyes and looking at Spike. "Umm... I guess I should say... t-t-t... t-tha... thank.. you…" Ember added, looking away embarrassed. Since it was very difficult for her to say the word thank you, feeling that thanking someone meant being indebted to that someone.

"Don’t worry! That’s what friends are for!" Spike said smiling. Starting to walk into the cave. Meanwhile, Ember had a surprised look, and looked away awkwardly before continuing on her way following Spike. Mentally repeating the word 'friend' over and over again, feeling confused about it.

Inside the cavern, Ember and Spike were surprised to see that a few dragons had already made it there. But many had been stranded right there, trapped by the traps. Walls that closed and trapped those who approached, explosions of fire that charred anyone who dared to pass by, sharp crystals that could cut the hard scales of a dragon, and sharp stalactites that fell unexpectedly if you were not careful. At least a dozen dragons were trapped or injured in that area. Competitors who could no longer continue competing, if it weren't for Spike. Who again came to help them.

“Did you not learn anything from what happened with Garble?!” Ember shouted, surprised and annoyed, seeing that Spike was once again running to help others. “Dragons don't help each other!”

“Of course they can!” Spike shouted as he tried to push a wall that had trapped another young dragon who was all dizzy. “Garble is a bully, but that doesn't mean our entire race is evil... You and I are proof that a dragon can be good! And we can also use our strength to protect and help others.” Spike said, giving his all to push that rock wall.

Ember stayed still for a few seconds, with a restless look. As if she had a big debate going on in her mind. Until finally she growled in annoyance and walked over to Spike to help him. Thus, both dragons helped the rest of the injured dragons that were in that cavern. Where they had several very disparate reactions. Some dragons looked at them with strange looks and then simply ran away. Other dragons remained motionless, not knowing how to react. And others pushed them without saying anything and continued their race towards the scepter. However, what surprised Ember the most was that a few dragons smiled, put their pride aside, and thanked them both for their help. Which made a pleasant feeling fill the dragon's heart.

Finally, they both passed the large cavern and reached a part of the volcano where there were dozens of paths. A large labyrinth where you had to choose a route, without knowing the destination or what other dangers there would be there.

“Which route should we choose?” Spike asked fearfully. Without knowing what to do. While Ember stayed silent for a few seconds. Always thinking a little before acting, because if there was something that characterized her, it was that she was one of the smartest dragons in her tribe.

“The Bloodstone Scepter... It’s a scepter that was inherited from the first Dragon Lord... That means it wasn’t made in these lands.” Ember muttered, thinking out loud. “The current Dragon Land is an area of volcanic rocks… It means that the scepter might smell like a different rock from all the ones here.”

“The Withered Heath... the birthplace of dragons, was north of Equestria.” Spike said with a thoughtful look. Remembering the story Celestia told him. “That means the scepter must be the rock that smells most like the gems of Equestria!”

"That makes sense. But we’re in the middle of a volcano. The smell of sulfur is too strong to differentiate odors.” Ember said, sighing in resignation.

“I don't know, I have quite a bit of experience sniffing out Equestrian gems. After all, I grew up there.” Spike said proudly, beginning to sniff the entrance to the different paths, to see if he discovered anything. “Even sometimes, I help Rarity look for a certain special type of gem.”

“Do you help the ponies look for gems?” Ember asked, confused and a little upset. “That's not… Like you're her pet?”

"Of course not. I help her look for gems for her dresses, and I keep the ones that are broken, but taste just as good.” Spike responded without stopping sniffing. Not noticing the uncomfortable expression Ember had. “I'm not a pet, I'm her friend. I'm friends with everyone in Ponyville. Even though I'm a dragon, everyone treats me like I'm just another pony... They're all very kind! You should go someday.” Spike added, stopping suddenly when his nose caught a faint familiar scent. “I think that's it! That road smells a little like the mountains of Equestria.” Spike said pointing towards one of the paths.

“So you have hundreds of friends… That means I'm nothing special, just one of hundreds.” Ember said, looking down at the ground with an annoyed look.

"What? Of course not. Every friend is special.” Spike said confused. Nervous seeing Ember's annoyed look.

“I was surprised that you used the word friendship so lightly, that's the problem with ponies! They trick you with this thing called friendship, so that you do jobs for them. Just like you tricked me into flying with you!” Ember said very upset, as if for a moment she had had an internal struggle again, but this time, her pride and stubbornness as a dragon won. “I almost fell into the trap of friendship… You don't even realize that your friends are using you!”

“My friends don't use me! I do good things for them because I want to make them happy. That's what friends do!” Spike yelled, worried for Ember.

"Enough! There are no friends in this competition! There will only be one winner, one scepter and one Dragon Lord.” Ember shouted in annoyance. “From now on, everyone will go their own way, this's the dragon way!”

“You… You don't think we're friends?” Spike asked with great pity, looking scared at Ember. To which Ember responded by looking away and remaining silent for a few seconds. Then she squeezed her eyes tight, and growled in annoyance.

“Maybe if this were ‘Ponyland’, but here, it's Dragon Land.” Ember said passing by Spike and spreading her wings. “There are no friends here.” Ember added, flying away from there. Leaving poor Spike with his heart hurt.

“Well… It was worth the wait,” a male voice suddenly said, surprising Spike and making him turn around. However, it was too late. A red tail hit him hard and slammed him into a wall.

Spike opened his eyes in pain and saw that the one who had attacked him by surprise was Garble. Who smiled evilly, looking at the path where Ember had flown.

“All this time I have walked in circles through this labyrinth, always arriving back where I started.” Garble said, looking at Spike and smiling. “Just when I was going to try again, you guys came along and found the answer. It was lucky that you worked as a team, until Ember broke your heart, Hahaha! Remember, dwarf, we’re dragons, and we have no friends.” Garble added mockingly. Spreading his wings and entering the same path Ember had entered.

Slowly Spike stood up, his back sore after the blow. And then he put on a look full of determination.

“You're wrong… She's not like you!” Spike yelled. Rushing to run and follow Garble.

After a long walk, in which Spike gave his all to run at full speed. Spike arrived at what appeared to be the center of the volcano. An open place, at the bottom of which was a huge lake of glowing lava. In the center of everything, there was a large red crystal, where the Bloodstone scepter had been stuck. You reached there by a thin rock path, where if you fell, you ran the risk of crashing into that lava that shone incandescently, like Spike had never seen before. A lava that seemed much hotter and deadlier than the ones Spike and the other dragons jumped into in Equestria the previous day.

Despite the imposing view, what caught Spike's attention the most was the rock path, where there were two young dragons fighting on equal terms. Both holding the shoulders, trying to push the other to make it fall. One was the savage Grable, who smiled sinisterly, feeling that he was slowly pushing his rival. And the other was Ember, who kept her fierce gaze, sweating when she saw that even if it was just a little, Garble had a little more strength than her in that fight.

“Ember!” Spike shouted without thinking twice. Running towards where the two dragons were, gaining momentum and jumping forward to hit Garble in the stomach with his head. Who fell to the ground from the surprising blow.

“Spike!?” Ember said. Very surprised to see that the little dragon had helped her.

“Go get the scepter! I’ll stop Garble!” Spike yelled, seeing that Garble had a furious look and started to get up again.

If Spike had learned anything, it was that it was obvious that he would never beat Garble by force. So he would have to use what he had to his advantage, something he did have just as strong as Garble. And even if he couldn't beat him, at least he would buy time.

Spike again gained momentum to launch himself headlong into Garble. Something the red dragon anticipated this time. Putting his claws forward to stop Spike's impact. However, at the last second, Spike raised his head, opened his jaw wide, and bit down with all his might on Garble's arm.

“GAAAHHH!” Garble yelled in panic. Flailing his arm in pain as Spike put all his strength into his mouth, not to let go of his grip.

“Gruuunng Embegg! “Ggo gegt theg hecgtegg!” 'Run Ember! Go get the scepter!' Was what Spike shouted, his mouth full of Garble's arm. Seeing that despite his scream, Ember had been paralyzed for a second. Still shocked to see the little dragon sacrifice himself to help her.

After coming out of her surprise, Ember turned to see the scepter, and began to run towards it. However, she only managed to take a few steps before stopping. She lowered her gaze in confusion, looking at the ground as she heard Garble curse, shaking Spike to let go… The scepter was there! In front of her! What did Spike matter? She had said it herself, a dragon has no friends.

"Damn dwarf!" Garble shouted angrily. Using all his strength to pull Spike by the tail. Until finally Spike's teeth couldn't take it anymore and Garble was able to pull him out of his arm.

While holding Spike by the tail, who was totally exhausted with his mouth open and in pain, Garble glared at him and slowly approached the edge of the road. Holding Spike over the huge volcanic lava lake.

“This is the last time you get in my way, Spike… Now you'll learn how important it’s for a dragon to have its wings, hehe…” Garble sneered sinisterly, glaring at Spike as he held him in the air. “See that lava lake? None of the dragons on this island bathe there, because that lava melts everything it touches. Well, I guess you'll see for yourself… Good riddance, little bro.”

"Leave him alone!" Ember yelled suddenly. This time she was the one who attacked Garble. Causing the three dragons to fall to the ground. With Spike on one side and Ember on top of Garble, using all of her weight to keep the abusive red dragon from getting to his feet.

“Ember! You…” Spike said, confused and still dizzy. Feeling like he could barely stand up.

“You’re a fool! You won't be able to stop Garble on your own!” Ember shouted, struggling with Garble. “Go get the scepter! I’ll stop him!”

“Ember…” Spike said weakly. Knowing what Ember was sacrificing to help him.

“Just go!!” Ember shouted at the top of her lungs. Who was giving her all to prevent Garble from getting up.

Knowing that he couldn't waste Ember's sacrifice, Spike put on a serious look and ran towards the scepter.

"No! What are you doing!?" Garble shouted in horror, using all his strength to try to get Ember off of him. “Are you going to hand over the throne to that baby dragon!? He's not a real dragon! He’s a weakling!!” Garble shouted in panic, seeing that Spike had almost reached the scepter.

“You're wrong... He's no weakling... He's more of a dragon than you can ever be!” Ember growled, struggling. “Besides… If I have to choose between a bully fool like you and him… I WOULD RATHER MY FRIEND WIN!” Ember shouted furiously, with such force that she finally managed to completely immobilize Garble. A scream full of emotion, because, that shout was full of anger against Garble, for showing Spike the worst of dragons; with guilt against herself, for taking so long to understand what true friendship was; with relief, finally managing to change her paradigm on how a true dragon should act; and mainly, with pride, by admitting that she finally had a true friend to trust.

Before the scepter, Spike's eyes shone as he saw that magnificent rock, which was the symbol of power in dragons. Then he stretched out his claw, and with all his strength he pulled on the scepter, until he managed to detach it from the crystal in which it had been stuck. Causing Spike's eyes to glow and wild red magic to surround his body for an instant. Then, Spike raised the scepter high and a great wave of wild, red magic spread across the island, covering the Dragon Land completely. Causing, just like when Torch made 'the call', all the dragons felt magically connected for an instant. Feeling a chill that made all the dragons paralyze for a second and understand something even if they didn't see it with their own eyes... there was a new Dragon Lord.

“It can't be true…” Garble said in disbelief. Finally getting up, after Ember got off of him. Walking slowly towards where Spike was. “Are you really the new Dragon Lord!? You!?" Garble repeated, as if he couldn't believe it.

“Kneel before your new Lord.” Ember said smiling. Kneeling down to make a small bow. “Dragon Lord Spike!”

Garble watched in shock as Ember knelt. Then he looked back at Spike, who for some reason looked very serious, looking him straight in the eyes.

Not even Spike himself understood it, but when he touched the scepter, he felt filled with confidence and power. As if he suddenly realized that he was carrying the weight of dozens of generations of honorable Dragon Lords. Something that filled him with pride, and made all his fears disappear for a moment. Truly feeling like the master of all dragons.

“Kneel…” Spike said seriously, with a strong, firm voice. Pointing his scepter at Garble. With his eyes briefly glowing with red flame. Same magical flame that had surrounded him when he touched the scepter, and that had touched every dragon that was in those lands.

Seeing the scepter, and seeing Spike's fierce gaze, who maintained that penetrating magical flame, the opposite happened to Garble than Spike did. All his pride and courage disappeared. Feeling small and insignificant before his Dragon Lord. Garble didn't know what magic was working on him, and he couldn't deny it either. He simply couldn’t disobey the bearer of that scepter… It was as if before him, there was not just Spike, but all the ancient and powerful Dragon Lords who came before him.

Garble slowly lowered his head and reluctantly sank to one knee, just like Ember. While Spike, seeing Garble subdued so easily, with just one word from him, made him open his eyes in surprise, and all that overflowing power and pride he felt for a second disappeared. Going back to being the usual Spike.

“I… I am the new Dragon Lord!?” Spike shouted in surprise and disbelief. Returning to speaking like the young baby dragon he was.

"That's how it is." Ember smiled. Approaching Spike. Meanwhile, Garble also opened his eyes in surprise when he saw that all that power he felt inside Spike disappeared. As if everything had been an illusion. And again he saw that the new Dragon Lord was just a baby.

“You’re not worthy of the power of the scepter… You’re not worthy of being the Dragon Lord!” Garble shouted angrily.

Then Spike put on a serious look again and pointed the scepter at Garble again. That made Garble immediately paralyze with fear. He didn't want to feel that feeling of feeling small and insignificant again. Especially not if it was in front of Spike.

“You must obey the Dragon Lord.” Spike said, speaking normally, but looking seriously at Garble. “And your Dragon Lord commands you to return home and ask forgiveness of every dragon to whom you have been a bully.”

"What!? A true dragon never apologizes.” Garble growled.

“The word of the Dragon Lord is law.” Ember said smiling. “Perhaps this way you’ll learn that being a true dragon doesn’t mean physically hurting others, nor hurting their feelings.”

“Dragons have no feelings!” Garble shouted frustrated and furious.

“Of course they have them. Hmm… Actually, maybe you should write it down so you don't forget…” Spike said with a thoughtful look and then looking at Garble with a mischievous smile. “I order you to write a poem, where you express your true feelings.”

Garble stood with his mouth open and an incredulous look on his face for several seconds. As if someone had frozen him.

“It's a joke, right?” Garble asked nervously.

“Of course it isn't. The word of a Dragon Lord is law.” Spike replied smiling. “Who knows, you might like it.”

For a second, Garble thought about running away, and even thought about launching himself and attacking Spike, seeing that he was mocking him. However, as soon as he had that thought, the red gem on the scepter glowed dimly, and for an instant, Garble remembered that terrifying feeling of panic that the magic of the scepter had made him feel. That sent a shiver down the red dragon's spine.

“A-As you ordered… my Dragon Lord…” Garble said helplessly, clenching his teeth angrily. Spreading his wings and flying back the way he had come. Deciding to leave as soon as possible, before Spike gave him another ridiculous order.

As soon as Garble disappeared, Spike and Ember looked at each other and both burst into laughter. They couldn't stop laughing after seeing the ferocious Garble being bullied so easily. But the truth was that Garble had no choice, every dragon knew that the word of a Dragon Lord was law.

“Okay, enough laughing.” Ember said wiping away a tear of laughter. “We must return to proclaim your official coronation.”

"Oh yeah! About that…” Spike said. Approaching Ember and placing the scepter in her claws. “I don't think it’ll be necessary.” Spike added with a smile.

As soon as Spike passed the scepter to Ember, a new wave of red magic surrounded Ember. And just as with Spike, a new shockwave of red magic flew away from the scepter.

"What? What did you do!?" Ember shouted in shock. Just as the sparkle of magic in her eyes disappeared. “Only a Dragon Lord can take the scepter!” Ember added scared. Stretching out her claw to try to give Spike the scepter back.

"I already know it. That's why I gave it to you. You must be the next Dragon Lord.” Spike said, rejecting the scepter.

“Spike, you already touched the scepter! The magic of our race runs in you now! You can’t give it back!” Ember shouted almost in panic, feeling that Spike didn't understand the seriousness of the situation.

“I understand it, I felt it too when I touched the scepter.” Spike said looking at his claw. Remembering the powerful sensation of feeling stronger and bigger than any other dragon. “But I feel like that feeling faded when I gave you the scepter… That magic may run through me, but whoever possesses the scepter will always be the true and absolute leader of the dragons.” Spike added smiling. Feeling that in part he was glad to have removed all that power from him. “Besides, your father said it: Whoever finds the scepter and brings it back will be crowned Dragon Lord. The competition is not over yet.”

Ember stared at the scepter for several seconds. With a look full of indecision.

"Are you sure about this?" Ember asked, looking uncertainly at Spike.

“I still have a lot to learn about dragons. Until two days ago I didn't even know that one day I would grow wings!” Spike laughed, then putting on a more melancholy look. “Besides, I cannot rule for a hundred or more years. After all, I have a family that I must return to at some point.” Spike added with a tender smile. Remembering 'his real family'.

“I… I'm not sure about this…” Ember said worriedly, looking at the scepter in her claws. “I always wanted to be the next Dragon Lord, but now, after this competition… I don't even know how I should lead the dragons!”

“When we met and you saw that I followed Garble, you said to be careful who I choose as a role model.” Spike said, approaching Ember and touching her gently. “Now I know who I should follow as an example. And it shouldn't just be me, but all the dragons! You’ll be able to unite the dragons, and with your guidance, they’ll be able to realize that working together makes us stronger, and that we must use that strength with wisdom, and not cruelty.”

After Spike's speech, Ember looked at the scepter again, but this time her gaze changed to one full of determination. A fire shone in her eyes as she finally accepted her fate.

After a quick flight back, Ember and Spike returned to Dragon Land. Where most of the dragons had also returned from the competition, feeling that magical chill in their bodies. All the other dragons that had not participated in the competition also joined there. In addition to Celestia, who was still at Torch's side.

“There's Spike!” Rarity shouted full of excitement. Magically appearing out of nowhere, waving from the ground to Spike, who was approaching alongside Ember.

“Rarity, no!” Dusk shouted, who along with Rainbow Dash also moved to silence Rarity. And as they moved, like the white unicorn, the invisibility spell on them also vanished.

Several minutes earlier, when Dusk and his friends returned to the Dragon Land, Dusk immediately used an invisibility spell. Since by teleporting from so far away, Dusk couldn’t calculate well and they reappeared in an esplanade surrounded by dozens of dragons. And there they remained motionless under Dusk's spell, knowing that if they moved, they would be discovered. Fortunately, although the dragons smelled a pony smell near where the three ponies appeared, none of the dragons gave it importance, as they attributed that smell to Celestia present there. However, when Rarity moved with the excitement of seeing her beloved Spikey-Wikey again, the three ponies were completely exposed. Being seen by dozens of dragons. Those who were left with their mouths open when they saw that between them, there were three small ponies.

Celestia was as surprised as the rest of the dragons to see Dusk and his friends appear there. But her quick mind made her immediately use her magic to teleport the three ponies next to her. Partially covering them with her ethereal mane, as if trying to hide them from the eyes of all the dragons.

“What are those ponies doing here?” Torch said growling. Watching Dusk and his friends with displeasure.

“They're Spike's friends.” Ember suddenly said, finally landing next to her father, next to Spike. “And any friend of my friend is safe in my kingdom.”

"Your kingdom? Hohohoho!” Torch laughed loudly. With a certain pride, but also with a certain mockery. “I see you have returned with the scepter. And like I said, whoever returned with the scepter would become the next Dragon Lord. But do you really think you’re worthy of being the next Dragon Lord?” Torch growled, glaring with displeasure at her daughter. “I've always said it: a true dragon must be strong, and you still-”

"SILENCE!" Ember shouted in annoyance, flying quickly in front of her father's face and pointing the scepter at his face. Causing Torch, for the first time in years, to pull his face back in fear. Both because of her daughter's fierce gaze, and because of the intense red glow of the gem on the scepter. “I am strong, and I have shown it in this competition. I am the most worthy to carry this scepter and to lead our race.”

“Oh! So you think? Well, we’ll see what our race says…” Torch growled, looking seriously at his daughter, and then turning to look at the other dragons. “Do you think this insignificant dragon can be as big and imposing as me one day? Do you think this young dragon is worthy of being your new leader?”

At Torch's question, all the dragons began to whisper among themselves, looking at each other, not knowing what to answer. Deep down, everyone knew and felt that Ember was the rightful Dragon Lord holding the scepter. That chill they felt, it had told them. However, Torch also generated the same feeling as a former bearer of the scepter. They both had that magic running through their bodies. It was as if two bosses were arguing, and asked to choose who was the best.

Surprisingly, the first to speak and kneel was a small baby dragon that was near the group of ponies.

"The answer is no." Spike said kneeling, with his head bowed. An answer that left Ember frozen. “Ember won't be as big and imposing as you. But she’ll be a great leader. One that I’m willing to follow.” Spike added, lifting his head, smiling at Ember.

“I… I also think she’ll be a great leader.” Another dragon suddenly said, also kneeling. One that, when Ember saw it, recognized that it had been one of the dragons that she and Spike helped get out of the traps in the competition.

Just like that dragon, the first dragons to say 'I support her' and kneel were those dragons with whom Ember had been compassionate, and who saw in that strange gesture the greatness of a leader. From a few kneeling dragons, they grew to dozens and hundreds until every dragon in sight bowed before Ember. This caused Ember to tremble with excitement but put on a firm gaze to keep her figure proud.

“Hoahahaha!” Torch suddenly laughed. This time laughing without any mockery, but simply laughing as he felt full of pride. “The scepter can give you power, but the throne can only be given to you by your tribe. And that... you've earned it. Dragon Lord Ember.” Torch added, finally kneeling as well before his new leader: his headstrong and beloved daughter.

Seeing all of her subjects kneeling before her, including Spike's three friends and the Sun Princess herself, who also knelt out of respect, Ember puffed out her chest with pride and couldn't help but blow a little smoke from her nose at the feeling. That was the best moment of her life. She had finally achieved it, she was the new Dragon Lord, and not because she was a princess, but because she had earned it!

“Right. Now, your new Dragon Lord orders you… To celebrate!” Ember shouted. Accompanied by the uproar of all the dragons. Who ran to get their best food and drinks, and celebrate that once-in-a-lifetime event. The new Age of the new Dragon Lord.

As the festivities began, Ember landed next to Spike and thanked him for being the first to support her. Which Spike responded by giving him a big hug. Something that made Ember uncomfortable, who wasn’t used to displays of affection. But in the same way, she endured that hug from her little new friend.

“I have fulfilled my clan's promise.” Torch said seriously, moving his face closer to Spike and the ponies. “Now my daughter begins a new Era, far from the ties of old promises. And you, little dragon, have also earned a place among your own. From now on, you’ll live with us, your race.”

At that moment Spike looked at Celestia with a nervous look. One that was returned by Celestia with a sad smile. While Dusk and his friends looked worried.

“I… I appreciate you welcoming me.” Spike responded with a small bow. “And I’ll gladly accept to live with my race, as a loyal subject of the Dragon Lord Ember.”

“Spike, no!” Dusk shouted scared, trying to get closer to Spike. Being stopped by Celestia, who for some reason, seemed like she didn't want the ponies to leave her side. "Princess! I heard what you and Spike talked about, about how young dragons can't live outside of Dragon Land, but we can't let them force Spike to stay!”

“Dusk, they’re not forcing me… I want to stay.” Spike said with a sad smile. Something that left Dusk, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash in shock.

“W-What are you talking about?” Dusk stuttered nervously and scared. “You… Do you really think they’re your family? Do you think that you and I are not brothers?” Dusk asked on the verge of tears.

At that moment, Spike approached Dusk with a tender smile and gave him a strong blow on the side.

“Ouch!” Dusk said in pain, rubbing where Spike hit him.

“I’ve taught the dragons several things about compassion and friendship. But they also taught me not to be so cheesy, hehe.” Spike laughed. With his eyes shiny with tears. Showing Dusk that he did that to break the tension of the moment. Then Spike looked at Dusk with a tender look. “I'm sorry when I said you weren't my brother. You’re my family, Dusk, and you always will be.” Spike said smiling. “But now that I'm here, I want to learn a little more about dragons. There are still many things I don't know about myself, and I want to know them… I promise you that I’ll find a way to return home soon, but for now, I want to stay here a little longer and abide by the laws of my town.”

Dusk looked at his little brother in amazement. Surprised again by his maturity. Then they both gave each other a big, warm hug. Releasing small tears as they understood that they would be apart for a while, for the first time in their lives, but despite being separated, they would never stop being brothers. A hug that Rainbow Dash and Rarity quickly joined. The latter being the one who burst into tears, filling Spike with kisses and tears.

“I'll take good care of Spike.” Ember said, approaching Celestia. Who looked tenderly at that farewell scene. “And about the alliance of ponies and dragons... It’s not something I can guarantee yet, since I must convince my subjects. However, I’ll make sure that as a first step, we dragons start being friendlier to the ponies. And I think Spike will help us a lot with that.” Ember added. Smiling to see Spike surrounded by friends. Although Celestia's tail partially prevented her from seeing the ponies properly.

“I appreciate it, Dragon Lord Ember.” Celestia said smiling. Bowing her head slightly as a sign of respect.

After finishing saying goodbye, Celestia approached the three ponies, and using her powerful magic, the three teleported from the Dragon Land, and appeared in an instant on the outskirts of Ponyville.

“I know it all worked out in the end. But… I can’t feel happy.” Rainbow Dash said with a sad smile. Looking towards their beloved town and getting sad to think that they had left there in search of Spike, and in the same way, they had ended up returning without him.

"Yeah, I know." Dusk said, feeling an emptiness in his stomach. Happy to see that his brother had grown up, but sad to move away from him.

“This is not a farewell, but a see you soon. And like Spike himself said, when he's ready, he'll find a way to come back to us. And I'm sure he can find a way.” Celestia said smiling, trying to cheer up Dusk and his friends. “Remember, Dusk. You and Spike have a unique and unbreakable bond. Also…” At that moment Celestia brought her horn closer to Dusk's and a small green flame lit up for an instant at the tip of Dusk's horn. “From now on you’ll be able to write letters to each other whenever you want.”

"Uh? Is that the spell you use to receive letters from Spike!? I thought only an alicorn could withstand the magic of a dragon.” Dusk said surprised.

“Well… It's not just you who practice your spells, Dusk. I also train to improve mine daily.” Celestia responded with a mischievous smile. Then she remembered something and suddenly put on a more serious look. “Dusk, I want you to promise me that you’ll not approach the dragons again without telling me first.”

At that moment, Dusk opened his eyes wide as he remembered something that caught his attention in the final moments of his stay in Dragon Land... Since he and his friends appeared in front of the dragons, Celestia kept them by her side at all times, almost glued to her. As if she wanted to hide them from the sight of every dragon.

“Princess… Were you afraid that the dragons would attack us just because we were ponies?” Dusk asked unsure.

“I don't think the dragons would have attacked you for no reason. Even less, seeing that I was there.” Celestia responded with a small smile. Then opening her eyes and briefly looking at Dusk's flank. “But there are dangers from which it’s better to stay away…”

In the Dragon Land, night was already beginning to slowly fall, and the dragons were still celebrating their new Dragon Lord. However, at that moment, the protagonist of the celebration had moved away from the center of the celebration and was walking next to Spike. They both were walking along the coast of that enormous island.

“How about your first celebration as a real dragon?” Ember asked, smiling in amusement.

"It’s the best!" Spike said smiling. With his mouth full of emeralds and rubies, which Ember had agreed to share in gratitude to Spike for his help, and which were part of the enormous tribute that each dragon gave to their new Dragon Lord.

From the shore, both dragons saw in the distance the small island that had served as the center of the competition to elect the new Dragon Lord. An island that was slightly illuminated as night fell, thanks to the incandescent lava lakes that were in that great volcano.

“It's crazy that your father had all those traps ready on that volcano.” Spike said as he looked at the volcano.

“We all helped set those traps. Every year we renew and change them.” Ember responded. “Dragon eggs are hatched on that island. That is why it is full of traps, to prevent thieves from stealing them.”

“There are those who steal dragon eggs!?” Spike asked surprised and a little scared.

“Do you remember when I met you in the mountains of Equestria? We all thought you were one of the stolen eggs, but that wasn't the case. You turned out to be a much older and more important egg.” Ember replied, with a small sad smile. Then she looked at the horizon and put on a more serious look. “A few years ago, some dirty pirates came to our land from the East, and stole some eggs. That is why the eggs are now so protected.”

"Oh… That's a pity." Spike said, hanging his head with a sad and worried face. “I didn't know there were pirates in these waters.”

“There weren't any, nor are there any now. No being is foolish enough to approach our lands without risking being charred.” Ember replied, annoyed at the memory. Blowing smoke from her nose. “That dirty pirate was not normal… That 'storm' was not normal…” Ember added, averting her gaze worriedly.

“Hey, Spike!” A female voice suddenly shouted from afar. She was a young dragon who was only a little bigger than Spike. With orange scales, and light blue eyes.

“I think Smolder is calling you.” Ember said, pointing her gaze back.

"Yeah. She seems very interested in my stories about Equestria.” Spike said smiling. Saying goodbye to Ember and running towards where the young orange dragon was.

After Spike left, Ember flew towards one of the caves that were at the top of those lands. That was the home of old Graytusk, the only dragon scribe of those lands, charged with carrying the entire history of their race. And as such, that cave was the only one that, instead of storing large treasures of gold and gems, had several scrolls and books stored. Which was what that old dragon treasured most.

Upon entering, Ember saw that the old dragon was fast asleep. Always wrapped by dozens of old scrolls all over his body.

“Wake up old dragon!” Ember shouted. who, like his father, didn’t like to waste time. Causing the old dragon to jump in fright. “I came here to make sure you write my name on the scrolls of history. So that no one forgets that this day I became the new Dragon Lord.” Ember said proudly.

“Oh! Yes, yes. Of course, my venerable Dragon Lord.” The old dragon said. Rushing to find a book. The oldest book there was. "Here it is!" Graytusk said as he found what he was looking for.

The book that the old dragon took was so old that as soon as he opened it, several pages fell loose and fell to the ground.

“Hm? What is this?" Ember asked. Taking one of the pages that had fallen and seeing that a strange star had been drawn there.

“That… That… What was that…?” The dragon elder said. Scratching his head as he tried to rack his brain to remember. “Oh! I remember! That is the 'fade star,' the star that disappears. Symbol of terror, and enemy of dragons.”

For several seconds, Ember looked at that drawing, feeling the strange sensation that she had seen it before somewhere else. However, unable to remember, Ember gave up and returned the page to the old dragon. Without being able to remember that that same day, she had seen that strange six-pointed star on the flank of a certain lavender pony.

End of chapter 30

Author's Note:

Many thanks to 'Silveranon' for his great help:pinkiehappy: