• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
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A Warning to Others


Sunset asked Wallflower on a date, and Wallflower is in a panic. What could the coolest girl at Canterlot High want with her? What do they have in common?

But it may not even matter, because Sunset is late and Wallflower suspects a trap.

Sweet and sour slice of life romance. T-rated for occasional profanity, jokes about spanking and mind control fetish, and mention of some films you definitely don’t want to Google. There isn't an archive warning for depression and negative self-talk, but there's lots of that. No self harm tho.

Wallflower's dress is based on this. Thanks to My Little Pastafarian for letting me use the design and for editing my description of it. Check out #ponymakeover on DA for more wonderful pony dress designs.

And thanks as always to Scoots for letting me constantly bug them with questions about how to word correctly.

Entry in Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest. Winner of Lord Camembert's Commendation for Excellence in Gay Giggles (Gayggles).

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

This was a perfect mix of sweet, weirdly interesting, angsty and funny. Great job!

All Wallflower’s tactics of mumbling and avoiding eye contact would fail because these people were friends with Fluttershy and already spoke fluent mumble.

:yay: "You merely adopted the mumble. I was born in it, molded by it."

Have you ever heard of Photoshop?

"I'm a magical unicorn from another universe, remember? Believe me, if I'd known someone actually understood your crazy electric blinky-boxes, I'd have snapped you up in a heartbeat."
"... Thanks?"
"Yeah, not sure how you should take that one either."

Right. Mind control fetish.

"Remember how I brainwashed our entire class to serve as my conquering teenage army? Not the original plan, for the record."
"Was that the Fall Formal? I didn't actually go."
"Ah. Yeah, it was."

Exquisite stuff from start to finish, especially Sunset's admission at the end. The two are more similar than Wallflower could ever believe. Thanks for this, and best of luck in the judging.

Fluttershy and already spoke fluent mumble

Fluttershy invented mumble rap :yay:

seventy-two DPI web images

For technical terms such as these, I'm sure the grammar gods will forgive you for using Arabic numerals.

“People like to talk about themselves. So if you get stuck for conversation ask her questions.”

Very true.

This is nice. A perfect mix of Wallflower angst and fuzzy slice-of-life humor. It reads like a coming-of-age story. I'm not sure if the references to porn stashes, strange kinks, graphic design, and AO3 toe the line of being out-of-character for Wallflower. But then again there's not much canon info about Wallflower so it's all fair game I guess.

I really liked this. Best of luck in the judging.

P.S. Who is Hailey?

Wow, this was something else. Would not be surprised if this placed highly.

mention of some films you definitely don’t want didn't need to Google


This was a really sweet story. You really showed the range of emotions that Wallflower was feeling so well! And I liked how you showed that Sunset was just as nervous and vulnerable as Wally felt. The sweet little comments and the closeness you showed between they was just wonderful. I loved it.

It's an interesting fic to be sure, but at times I kinda had to stretch my suspension of disbelief. Like Wallflower was a fair bit more confident than I remembered her being. It's just... fairly strange for me as a reader.


I disagree with your interpretation of her character, but that's okay. :twilightsmile:


The Guinea Pig films I've seen are pretty good. A lot of them are, surprisingly, all on Youtube except for Flower of Flesh and Blood.

Serbian Film? I'm not hard enough.

Human Centipede? My reaction was the same as Sunset's. :rainbowwild:


The Arabic numeral thing bugs me I might go back and fix that? But it also feels weird writing it out in that context. IDK. I don't remember going back and forth over this when I was writing but I sure am now.

I'm trying to express my theories on personal interpretations of characters, but my brain isn't working this morning, so I'm just going to say I thought these things through, they felt right to me, and if you don't agree that's completely fine. Also, Wallflower's one of those characters like Mac, Frazzle, Maud, and Fluttershy whom I over-identify with them to the point that I tend hijack them for my own purposes. :derpytongue2:

Hailey is my dog who died on Tuesday. I wanted to memorialize her, and since this was a fairly clean and decently written story by my standards, it felt like a good thing to do. I also put the dedication at the end so I didn't seem like I was trawling for sympathy votes.

Anyway thank you so much for the detailed feedback!


I'm feeling dumb not being able to do anything but say thank you to most of the comments. But THANK YOU!

All seven of them were hot, but Sunset? She was the best of the lot because she wasn’t just hot. She was a bad girl. She put on the sweet act to fit in with her friends, but Wallflower knew that people didn’t change. Sunset knew how to bring the hurt. Emotionally and physically.

By mlp standards.

Then Sunset had started texting her. Just about the yearbook, at first, which is why Sunset even had her number. But in between Wallflower having to explain shockingly basic stuff like why seventy-two DPI web images weren’t going to work in a print book, Sunset had asked her other things. How was your day, what’re you doing after school, do you have any pets, how about this weather, doesn’t Vice Principal Luna have a cute butt for an old lady, bullshit like that. Wallflower never let on how much getting these texts brightened her day, or tried to make it anything more than friendly chit-chat.

Wow, is this the difference between boys texting and girls texting or are they just weird?

Relatively little of Wallflower’s endless misery was due to her mother, to the point where when Wallflower slipped and referred to the person she was going on a date with as ‘her’ mom hadn’t even acted surprised. How did she know? Wallflower wasn’t out! She’d never talked about anybody she thought was cute! Was mom psychic? Had she been going through Wallflower’s porn partition while she was at school?

Wow, it’s always the quiet ones.

One discarded half-idea I had for a story was Sunset desperately trying to confirm the object of her affections (Trixie, but Wallflower totally works too) was NOT in the gym when Sunset turned into a demon. Because she's operating under a hard moral rule that if you have ever mind-controlled someone, then they are just off the table as a potential sexual partner for the rest of time. You've just given up that privilege.

But this story shows that could go a totally different way, huh?


I have to respect your interpretation of Sunset's integrity.

Across the street, two college girls walked by holding hands. Cold claws of envy wrapped around Wallflower’s heart like the claws of a xenomorph.

I have a story where Wallflower doesn’t get an Aliens reference, so this story is automatically disqualified for violating my headcanon.

Gotta admit I'm hella impressed you write musky smut and heartfelt teen romance like this awesomely at the same time!

Congrats on Lord Camembert’s judge award on the contest!

I don’t like how perfectly you just called me out. Wallflower is way too good as a character that I identify with, i feel stalked.
Except for the scary movies. I tend to scare myself a lot, I’m pretty sure I’d die if i saw a relatively scary movie.


Ha! We must be very similar, because I completely hijacked Wallflower for my own ends. And got away with it! :trollestia:

I like scary movies; they somehow help me with my Fluttershy-level anxiety issues.

I think the way Wallflower is portrayed in this is unique to a fair number of takes I've seen on the site, all the while totally working for a depiction of her and being super enjoyable. Liked it a lot, grats on the special judge placing.


Thanks! I wanna come back to this ship; there's something really charming about it. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

oh my god, this was so good :D

“We can do just a little evil sometimes. As a treat.”


There was a nice, short(ish) story I read and commented on yesterday, involving Twilight. The title eludes me, though. I find myself sitting here, think about what I said there, and how it also applies here. In a rather uncomfortable way, I can relate to Wallflower. Tearing herself apart. Talking herself down. Twisting distrust, never daring to enjoy anything good because it is, or will inevitably be, turning sour. And just like in that story with Twilight, I am... glad. Glad how things turn out for Wallflower. Because there's still... hope for her. She obviously has some issues - deeply rooted, serious issues. And I suspect, Sunset - having had a similar trajectory and generally being (emotionally) smart - at least suspects what she's getting herself into.
This isn't a battle you win once, in a glorious burst of flame. It's a tedious, gnawing affair, sapping you of strength and energy, that you'll have to deal with over and over and over again. But she might be able to 'win', in a way. There's still hope.
I like that.

And the two of them do make a cute couple. Would sail with the SS WallSet (or SunBlush? Does this even have a name?) any day.

Thank you.


And the two of them do make a cute couple. Would sail with the SS WallSet (or SunBlush? Does this even have a name?) any day.

SunFlower! 🌻❤️

Lucky for you, my friends and I held a contest for SunFlower fics last year, and this story was one of the winners. If you're interested in more SunFlower you should totally check out the other winners and the rest of the contest entries 🙏

I also cannot recommend highly enough the Sunflower Gardens series by I-A-M. Easily the best collective story on the site imo

Uhhh, recommendations. Why thank you! I've looked through them and indeed picked some for my 'read later'-shelf. :twilightsmile:

No one even looked at her. Which was good, because she looked stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. Looking stupid for the already out-of-her-league girl who was almost twenty minutes late and so was probably going to stand her up.


Even Fluttershy and Twilight were cooler than Wallflower was. She was like Fluttershy and Twilight’s bastard child, come out so wrong they’d tossed her in a dumpster and pretended she’d never existed.

damn burn on Fluttershy and Twilight! and honestly, even Wallflower doing that shows so much more courage than i could have ever had at her age or possibly any age. i’m proud of her!

Anyway, once she’d get near their table, she’d lock up like a possum playing dead. Fun fact — possums don’t really ‘play dead’. They’re such pathetically stupid furry trash that when confronted by a predator they pass out and shit themselves. So the predator thinks ‘Wow, this ugly tree rat thing just died and had projectile diarrhea; there must be something wrong with it. No way am I eating that’.

And so, stupidity became a survival trait.

aww Wallflower would totally go out of her way to retain anecdotes that she can reach for to underscore her own low self-esteem and self-hatred. also relatable

Attention was bad; it led to mocking and beatings and loss of lunch money. Especially attention from Sunset fucking Shimmer the hot and nasty bitch queen.

so true

All Wallflower’s tactics of mumbling and avoiding eye contact would fail because these people were friends with Fluttershy and already spoke fluent mumble.

ehehe that is fun

Sometimes her and Sunset’s hips would touch. And Wallflower would treasure this moment in the deepest recesses of her heart (And in the filthiest reaches of her imagination) because ‘hips accidentally touching’ was the closest she’d ever get to Sunset Shimmer’s kind of perfection.

o, those accidental hip-touching moments!

And Wallflower really went for that. Because she hated herself, and she wanted to be hurt.

oh noooooo

How was your day, what’re you doing after school, do you have any pets, how about this weather, doesn’t Vice Principal Luna have a cute butt for an old lady, bullshit like that.

quite the diversity in conversation topics!

Sunset: Wally, I love you, but if you do not get me those spreads by the end of the week I will have to tie you down and spank you.

Sunset rizz

In a rush of unreasoning shame and self-loathing, she’d pulled one of her baggy sweaters over it. So now she had the skirts of a cute dress sticking out from under an ugly sweater and looked like a huge idiot in front of God and everybody in the whole town.

extremely Wallflower yes

Sunset: Sorry late. Frogging evil.

ah the troubles of autocorrect

Wallflower: If you don’t want to go on a date with me you could just say so and not run me around, you skanky biker-ass…

oof, so close to fucking all this up!

“Why did your autocorrect go to frogging? Frogging isn’t even a word.”

“Oh, it is. It’s awful. Ask Fluttershy about it if you ever have an hour and a half to kill.”

haha love the payoff for the earlier setup

“Oh. Wow. That seems like a big deal to me.” Great. Way to sound like a simp.

honestly that just sounds normal? it’s awesome that Sunset and her friends destroyed a trash monster! don’t try to be too cool, Wally!

Wallflower felt the anger rising again. Oh, don’t try to one-up me, missy. “Evil? Please. You were a Disney villain. Hey, remember that time when you needed to fake a photo and you had your minions cut and paste it together like a couple of kindergartners? Have you ever heard of Photoshop?”

ooh rightfully deserved burn on how bad the first movie was

“Fed Ex Logo guy.”

knowing and loving a specific graphic designer’s work enough to call him a genius really is a sign of being a genius graphic designer compared to the average, non-graphic-designer person!

Wouldn’t that be nice. Why hadn’t she used that dumb rock on herself?

oof, now that would be a story!

“Because I just sit there. Staring at the screen. Because I just don’t feel anything. And when I do feel something, it’s like razors inside my chest, and I can’t think about anything except how bad I feel and what a useless piece of trash I am. And if something good seems like it might happen to me. I do my best to shoot myself in the foot. Like… like with you. By standing on a street corner on a first date sobbing like a lunatic!” She rubbed her tears out of her eyes and flung her hands down as though she were trying to throw the tears away. “You deserve better.”

oof, what a contrast with the pew pew with the friendship lasers

Sunset smirked. “Sorry. I just think you’re brave, is all. Also, I like the bad girls. And I think you do, too.”

Wallflower looked away. “Maaaayyybeee. I thought you said I wasn’t evil.”

“We can do just a little evil sometimes. As a treat.”

aww, them bonding over how they’re both a little evil is fun!

A couple of hours later, they stepped out of the theater, Sunset trembling on Wallflower’s arm. “I have never known what true fear was until now.”

aww dang Sunset has a loooooong way to go before getting on Wallflower’s level!

Wallflower rose on her toes and pressed her lips softly against Sunset’s.

aww, lovely!

and my very slow quest to finally actually read the other SunFlower Contest entries one day eventually continues! well-deserved with the Judge Prize on this one. felt the gay panic for sure. and so real that Wallflower’s self-sabotage wouldn’t just end with the blast of a friendship beam


Wow, I was really bleeding on the page for this Wallflower story. This is usually a successful technique, but sometimes I look back and am embarrassed how much of my inner life I showed! :twilightblush:

aww i did have a feeling how oddly specific it was! but hey, that is what the character of Wallflower is best for

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