• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
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Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D



I mean, um, hi, my name's Fluttershy. And I don't have a kitchen. But um… everypony seems to think I do… So here's my story about the day when everypony suddenly realized it… I don't know why it happened all on one day, but it did.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 131 )

Wow, this was a nice light-hearted, first person slice-of-life tale. I laughed out loud quite literally a few times, the one time that sticks out in my mind most is when Twilight was explaining "pomp and circumstance" and Pinkie bounded off in her hoppy gait saying, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" I could totally hear her saying that! Nice job!

i feel the need to point out a scene in applebuck season where aj is getting soda. :unsuresweetie: i believe she's pulling it out of a fridge...i mean, unless i'm mistaken... :twilightblush:

though, all-in-all, i have to say that i enjoyed this, and agree that 'shy doesn't have a kitchen.

A rant fic that doesn't suck. Nice.

Sweet Apple Acres is a (family owned) business, and as such may have filed the kitchen as a business expense. Either way, the author is correct, at least in the fact that Fluttershy uses a wood stove. Anything else is up for debate.

...um...i kinda edited my comment after i posted it...also, it was at sugar cube corner... :fluttershysad: ...i already said i agree with the author...

This sounds like a good one shot.

1264734 lol ty!
1264764 I remember that, didn't have a chance to double check it myself. Even so... icebox/fridge ambiguity :rainbowwild:
1264766 I try! :twilightsmile:
1264772 Yes. Yes I did.

Thanks guys! Glad you like it! :yay:

The TV Trope "Schizo Tech" is prevalent in MLP.

Not so sure about refrigerators, but we do know that there is electricity, video technology, and video games there.

Iron Will outta nowhere! Nice little one-shot here, and pretty plausible. I've wondered about this briefly before, but not really enough to make any conclusions, so I just kinda go with it when people give Fluttershy a kitchen. In Stare Master, we do see a doorway leading to another room I don't think we've ever seen inside of, but the pans over her fireplace do suggest she at least doesn't have a stove.

As for the refrigerators, the box AJ got the soda from in Applebuck Season does kinda look like it has a big block of ice in the bottom, so I'd go along with the icebox idea. In fact one of my bigger gripes about season two in general was that they suddenly threw in a bunch of bits of technology that seemed too advanced for what season one established. I usually just assume they're magic-powered or something, though. I much prefer rustic Equestria, so it annoys me when fics randomly give the ponies cell phones and television and such. Some people seem to want to make Equestria into a semi-replica of our own modern world.

Firstly: great story, the running gag is nice and the consept is cute.
Secondly: Very well observed, Fluttershy appears to lack a kitchen. It makes me wonder where she prepares the food for the animals.
Then again: it's just a show, we should probably not be over-analizing it to this extend.

Oh, and thirdly: awesome image of confused fluttershy is awesome

:flutterrage: I DON'T HAVE A KITCHEN!!! ... oh sorry for yelling...

I like to think that electricity powers the town.

If you recall in The Mysterious Mare Do Well episode ponyville apparently has a hydroelectric dam... powered by TESLA TECH! So most appliances should have electricity.


i have to agree with you, there. :twilightsmile: besides, some of our technology isn't really suited for pony use. :derpytongue2:

"What if the technology is given to a single pony, and for comedic purposes? Also, what about when Vinyl Scratch was using her turntables during 'Suited For Success'?"

I'm pretty sure yoghurt doesn't come from expired milk, or at least directly.

Also, I see your point. This makes our other story a bit more realistic

1265448 But, magic.

Those could be towers with arcane circles suspended around them that look a lot like Tesla whatnots, and were made by a Unicorn named Tesla(insert pony pun here).

Haha, I totally agree. I dislike how some authors are incapable of going beyond the trappings of modern day life. Just putting refrigerators and whatnot in there because they cannot imagine any other kind of life than their modern, first world one.

Poor Fluttershy. I always thought her kitchen was hidden by a panel in her treehouse.

1265557 Holy buck for you to review the author should feel honored. 1265706 And I completely agree with that, I mean sure it's strange for use to not have cell phones or cars but then again they have hooves, so unless they were unicorns it would be very hard for them to use them...plus very odd to see a pony driving a car...unless that creature was Spike....which when then be bad ass.

Bottom line is that you got my respect dear friend for thinking of somethnig a lot of us may have not even noticed, also...please caplize the t in your pen namme....um, if that's ok with you:fluttershyouch:

The point's isn't technology. Ponies would use stuff like how they already use stuff. Drive a car? It's not impossible to rearrange the gas pedals and stuff to make it relatively easy to use for a pony physique.

The point is the lack of imagination. Our ancestors weren't stupid (not any more than we are in general), they just didn't have access to stuff we have (like, say, infrastructure and knowledge to make cheap electronics). They didn't have toasters, so they made toast with the fireplace. They didn't have cell phones, so they just talked face-to-face almost all the time (and thus word-of-mouth became a surprisingly fast information system). They didn't have TV or even radios, so they entertained each other. These all seem inanely obvious, but surprisingly many people have a hard time imagining what this actually meant.

The world the ponies inhabit is a fantasy world. This should not mean a super-magical version of a medieval world. It means that how the world works is made up as the stories in it are told and what rules is made is entirely up to the storyteller. It should not mean that we are stuck to ripping off Tolkien.

1265021 So clooooooose!!! :twilightangry2:
1265308 I went and looked at that... and it did look a lot like a modern refrigerator... but... big block of ice in the bottom? Even so, if anyone were to own an electric refrigerator during a time when ice is prevalent, a bakery would certainly be a good candidate. idk :trixieshiftleft:
1265312 Thank you! And how would one define over-analyzing for a show that has spawned so many fanfictions, that the fanfictions have fanfictions...? lol food for thought. Get it? FOOD? For thought? Oh, c'mon! :unsuresweetie:
1265448 Good point. Did you know that Hoover Damn was opened in 1936? Think back, how many houses had electric refrigerators in '36? Maybe a few.
1265557 Apparently I'm to be honored by your commenting here. I'll be checking out your page :yay:
1265560 Oh Rarity's just benig a drama queen!
1265587 Magic does interfere with everything. Who knows? Could be a hydroelectic dam, or a hydroarcane dam. lol
1265706 My point exactly, kind sir and/or madam. Hence this fic. :pinkiehappy:
1265940 Thank you! I try. Sometimes even I don't know what's going on inside my head. And um... does the lower case t bother you that much? I made it that way on purpose... not sure why. Also funny you should note that it's my pen name, because that's exactly what it is. Not my usual internet alias, not that I'm hiding or anything. I'm ashamed of nothing! My car has a cutie mark for chrissakes.
1265999 Ooooooo kay then. That was probably all a response, but hey I think mlp is perfect the way it is. I'm just sticking to canon as best as I can. 'course it doesn't help that it has a few dif writers lol. Probably where the inconsistencies come from.

...um...i don't know if you'd like what i have to offer... :twilightblush:

"He's still not sure he deserves the attention for his story, dude. Oh, and he tends to not comment on many stories. Like, only on three, total, not including his own."

1266492 Honestly...yes, I guess it because when it comes to proper grammer and spelling English I have to nicpick everything and people writing amazing stories but not having the first letter of their pen name really annoys me for some reason...just wish I knew why. Also brohoof for the cutie mark...what kind?

1266661 It's a red Chrysler LeBaron convertible, with Big Mac's apple on both quarter panels. Simple magnets I had printed and cut out the shape. I figured red = Big Mac. Funny you should mention that, my car's name and in inside joke spawned my pen name. Pic of my car

I feel you on the nitpicking part (it's niTpick btw, while we're at it :raritywink: ). Not about my name lol, but I see where you're coming from, everything else is perfect, yet there's just one tiny little blemish. Glad to know you value my work so highly. Have you read any of my others?

1266720 DDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNN....that's a really sick car and the Big Mac cutie mark makes it 20% more bad ass.

And makes sense.

Damn, talk about an epic fail :rainbowlaugh: my bad. But you make a vaild point :ajsmug: and I believe so, otherwise how would I not know you published a new story:rainbowhuh: :yay: I'm hoping if you ever have the chance you will take a look at my own work I have published, I have respect for you my brother, keep writing, I'll be watching and reviewing, always.

As far as modern convenience, she DOES have lamps and a radiator...

1268694 Washing technology would probably develop slowly in a society where nudity is normal :rainbowlaugh:

:pinkiegasp:I figured that the reason was that not all of Fluttershy's house was ever shown, either that or she just had a kitchenette.

It's an interesting premise to be sure. But I believe at the very least she has a kitchenette. Here's why.


Off to the left of her fireplace/stove is a door we have seen in two episodes, Stare Master and Putting your hoof down. In putting your hoof down she manages to cut and arrange a special salad for Angel Bunny. This argues for several things. She has a refrigerator. At the start of that episode she gives him a normal salad that is not wilted. She does this in a matter of moments which tells me she did not travel to the market or go to her garden to get the ingredients. She has to have knives and a cutting board, which likely means a counter. Now while she likely does make her soups in the stove in the living room, she could in fact have an oven in the kitchenette which I have more or less just shown you has to exist for these facts to make sense. But let's say she does not bake. At the very least she needs a place to store utensils and a place to keep a refrigerator to avoid her vegetables wilting. Good story though.

1272356 At least you're thinking about this like I am! I still doubt electric refrigerators are common, or that she has one. And I did give her a 'food room' with a sink, counter, and cabinets. I see your point about the salad being refrigerated, but who knows? Then again, the show's writers take a lot of liberties with (what they would undoubtedly consider) mundane things like these. Even the house itself. I don't know where you got that drawing of her house, but if you pay attention in the show you'll notice the room doesn't follow that diagram 100%. There are scenes that show the hearth being next to the seating instead of against the adjacent wall like in this diagram, etc.

We're all probably overthinking things here, but my main point was that a lot of writers simply don't think about these things as deeply as we are right now, like this guy said -> 1265706

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the story, I might disagree with you, but like I said, at least you're putting as much thought into it as I am! :yay:

1272700 Well that brings us to another problem with the show sadly, consistency. :rainbowlaugh: The library has been shown to have numerous layout changes and just things that are flat out wrong. As for the drawing its an artist's floor plan on dA done from viewing various parts of her home. You're correct, that door does disappear at times, but the one over by her stairs does not. For myself, when I write out a scene I study the environs of the location pretty thoroughly. I do in fact have Shy going off to the kitchen to brew tea. I believe that she at the least has a hotplate that she uses for small things like that. I will agree with you that no scene in Shy's cottage takes place in a kitchen, but I would argue that the accumulated evidence for something to prepare food in outweighs the lack of evidence. But that's actually the beauty of fanfiction. That which is not expressly canon can be made up without risking the ire of the readers. We have set characterization of certain characters, and ready made locations that readers are familiar with, but whatever is off camera can be made up as needed.

1272777 "but I would argue that the accumulated evidence for something to prepare food in outweighs the lack of evidence."

^ Like I said, a food room. lol. Pretty sure she'd have a tea kettle stashed somewhere. But very well said sir. :raritywink:

A note on technology: what a lot of bronies make in terms of a mistake, is that technological development is not linear. As long as a few key inventions are made, new inventions are mostly spurred by need and the invention having a marked desire. For example, in a world where there are plenty of alternatives to a candle (including ones that do not ignite flammable gas), few are interested in the light-bulb or flashlight.

1273748 Very true, and I touched on that in the rant chapter. Pony needs are different (necessity is the mother of invention!) Plus they have magic so that just screws everything up!

..Fluttershy does have a kitchen.

With the power of magic. :fluttershysad:

Facehoof with all 4 hoofs? Yeah, that would be real funny..... poor Fluttershy. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Lol I never expected Fluttershy to think in such ways. You made her seem really funny:rainbowlaugh:

This was a deliciously funny fic! I love how Fluttershy has a sort of mean internal monologue, kind of reminds me of "Freeman's Mind"
Oh man, the clop chop! LOL!:rainbowlaugh:
Your gonna love my nuts!:rainbowlaugh:

You know, its fics like this that spark indepth discussion and debate on something mundane in a fantasy world that makes me really like this fandom and the internet as a whole.:twilightsmile:
If I hadn't graduated from my undergrad and was a bit more ballsy, then I would totally do an academic paper on MLP character analysis.:twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh:

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