• Member Since 7th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen Saturday



What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?
Commander Shepard wakes up on an alien world of colorful pony's, how will the Commander cope with her new environment?

And a of course check out the original creator

Any art used by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/144/Wanderer+D

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 10 )

yay, more pony shephard shenanigans

I hate to be a negative Nelly here but Kevlar doesn’t do that well against bladed weapons. and (I think) heavy projectiles like Crossbow Bolts and arrows that have broad heads on them, they might do well against Bodkin points, (armor piercing arrows) but I don’t have much information on it

Kevlar is better suited to Low mass high-impact Projectiles

I also don’t know how well Kevlar is against heat(energy such as a magic laser beam)

Grantit any amor is better than no armor, even a heavy sweatshirt can stop a blade relatively well compared to no clothing at all.

Good work so far on the story

Within theory she could create chitin plates out of steel and biopics should be enough to strengthen it so blade and most magic won’t make a big deal for her

But anyway looking forward to more😋😋

We've had kevlar clothes that are anti-slash for over 10 years. You can even buy gloves and clothing that are 100% kevlar that is made specifically for that purpose. Considering the way she used biotics to strengthen it I don't think she'll have issues especially if strategic areas are strengthened more than others.

Chapter 3 and dating shenanigans are already involved for fucks sake.

I don't even know how to start writing this mini review.
It all starts so abruptly and briefly that there is a feeling of understatement. There is clearly a lack of dialogues, descriptions of the environment and other details. Some chapters can be simply combined for volume. About Shepord's meeting with Rainbow Dash, well, to be honest, it turned out just like in Sparta, quickly and concisely. But as soon as the topic of joining the security began, my compliments. The moment of awakening, although a cliché, awakens nastolgiya. Waking up at 6:00 or earlier is already a habit.
In general, I hope that the fick has already written plot branches for future chapters, in general there is nothing that cannot be fixed.

lets see what happens next form hear

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