• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.



This story is a sequel to In From The Cold

You'd have thought that being in space on a planet you'd long-believed to be dead and gone but which turned out to in fact have been kept tidy by the weirdo alien you also believed to be dead and gone would be exciting.

And in many ways it is, but in many ways it's also just more work to do and more boxes to tick, but that's being in charge.

Still, Jack did suggest going and getting lunch and Twilight did say yes, she's just got some things to finish up first.

And Jack, surely, has experience of waiting?


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

“It was a dirty joke, yes. Not even an especially dirty one,” he said.

Very dirty, considering Jack is now the dirt. And the rest of the planet.

I had to go back and re-read the last two chapters of In From the Cold to catch myself up with where this was. This one honestly didn't feel sad. It opened with Jack in despair at his situation, but he still took what action he could and so didn't come across as your average last-member-of-the-species lone survivor would. There is, of course, the lingering possibility that he's still alone on the planet and this is another dream which, while somewhat terrifying in an existential manner, doesn't feel like it necessitates the "sad" tag. Going on alone forever, up to and past the heat death of the universe trillions of years later, is probably the worst fate that it is possible to have.

You think that's air they're breathing now?

Whatever you do, don't tell Twilight what she's eating. Especially in the form of a dirty joke.

Mean technically he's not the planet, he's just...

...taking up a lot of the planet.

I've given this whole thing far more thought than it deserves.

Well, yes. Jack said he "snagged" a comet at some point and so had an example of water to duplicate, and water is a really handy source of oxygen on celestial bodies. What with this being the future, being able to turn water into breathable air and also clean-burning fuel for fuel-cells would be pretty easy. One of the biggest hurdles that we currently face (as if we're actually doing this) in the field of terraforming is finding water or ice on another planet to start with, as transporting it there ourselves would be obscenely prohibitive.

How dare you snub my Matrix reference with science.

I liked it, I’m glad we’re still doing Jack.

Most of my life is spent doing Jack.

Or at least that's what it feels like...

he basically the turtle from disk world at this point

Just gotta keep on keeping on, every man Jack of us.

Yay, Jack’s back!

Last one out was heartbreaking. This one has just a bit of sad. but it's only a memory, and has a hug. I'd say you are ok with the tags as they are now.

“ They let you run a planet?!”

I got very strong Doctor Who vibes from this. :)

something something stamina something something lewd. (work is melting my brain...help)

I know the feeling of running on empty.

What with all the doing Jack.

If you know what I mean.


C'mon Twilight, before you showed back up he hardly haf anything worth waiting on. No expectation of something he couldn't get immefiately. After all, he made those plants from scratch.

The only thing he couldn't make from scratch was love.

*romantic comedy music plays*

Glad to see Jack again. He's a bit rattled but all things considered looks like things are finally going alright for him.

"Two thousand centuries after the Krell civilization vanished we may have finally found the answer. Monsters, John, Monsters from the MLP"


Ive read through the Jack saga so many times ive lost count at this point. Still hoping for some continuation in the future, but a fine piece regardless

“They let you run a planet?!”

They let you be a planet?

This was sad and good. Mostly good, especially the end.

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