• Member Since 24th Jun, 2020
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Yuri Fanatic

Just a mediocre writer and yuri fanatic. Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/yuri_fanatic


Silver Spoon. Derived from the phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth," which implies being born into wealth, privilege, and now being a pony too apparently.

I opened a Ko-Fi! Mainly because people wanted to donate in order to support me. It should help motivate me to write more in theory. I'll use whatever is donated to help commission more art for my fic.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 1182 )

Great start so far, I'll follow this with great interest.

I'm always a sucker for stories where a human winds up as a canon character - I've enjoyed everything you've written, and this is no exception.

Thanks for the interest!

Thank you for reading my prologue!
More will eventually come.

Seems interesting thus far. I'll be following this story and see where it goes. Silver Spoon is an interesting choice for a HIE story.

I just hope that it doesn't die like other stories of this nature.

I’ll make no promises. Only that I’ll try my best!

Interesting. Interesting. I await more.

Scoobydoo and Sweaty Balls are jerks in this story?!

Maybe they started it, but Diamond Tiara took it too far.

Same. Whenever the protagonist worries about what happened to the original character, I always think "YOU are Silver Spoon!"

Please never say those words in that context ever again

Random story name is long, views please.

Could just be Silver Spoon with a primate's memories? :moustache:

This premise is hitting a lot of good beats for me! Well done. I can't wait to see what else you bring to the table!

Was a really fun read, Diamond Tiara being happy and kind is a nice change of pace compared to how she is in the show and other fics.

Makes me wonder what'll happen to her in the future, as well as if Scoots and Sweetiebelle will get caught out for their dickishness


Very interesting start and a bit different from what is normally out there.

One typo here though:

However, the nurse that was in front of "it" (who was deeply in thought) must have reached the end of her patience. With a gentle smile that wouldn’t accept, "no," for an answer, she shoved the spoon in her hand into "its" mouth.

Ah thank you, and nice catch!

Didn't expect much at first but i couldn't stop reading, i really liked it so imma put it in my tracking library to know when the next chapter's out lol
I can already think of it being a slightly different world than the one depictured in the show or perhaps it's just that the cmc weren't as innocent as we thought cuz, well they're children and obviously even 'nice' children can be mean sometimes.
In a way it adds more depth than just having pure good and bad characters so it's nice.

(I also really liked Scootaloo being mean when DT and SS talked about their parents, since she rarely sees her own she's probably jealous and can't admit it or sth)
Anyway, keep up the good work UwU

I smiled a lil with Scoobydoo but you Killed me instantaneously with "Sweaty Balls"
No mercy

now we just need one for applebloom. but she hasent done aything yet in this story so hopefully we wont

Scooby doo’s sweaty balls are in this story?

Well Scooby’s sweaty balls ain’t got nothing on Mr.Krabs Big Meaty Claws.

Very interesting. I think it actually makes a little bit of sense that Scoot and Sweetie act this way. It's already known that the Crusaders are loud, blusterous, fairly crass, and tend to have lower finesse. It's not a super wonder to think that they would make a few comments that are received rather unwell before they get better with social niceties; and by that point DT has already equipped a metaphorical Greatsword and started defending someone who she, to a large extent leads, and is allies with (which is in line with her Cutie Mark being about leadership). I'm pretty excited to see how this story develops! Seeing the way our MC and her compatriot combat the brazen comments of the CMC, and eventually morph into semi-baddies, will be very cool (or could, I suppose. Something entirely different could happen). Either way, this is really cool! :pinkiehappy:

"After friendship, the best magic is proper cutlery placement"
-The Princess of magic

Great start so far... Though, being a human, I wonder whether he'll take advantage of it or not. He, with the right time, materials, and help could probably advance Equestria into an industrial age like our own. If he wanted, he could probably create firearms as well. Though let's hope there isn't a need to in the first place.

Oh wait, before becoming a pony, was the human male of female? I don't think the story said. If male, they must've been one hell of a shock... Too bad we time skipped well pasted that. I can imagine his surprise. Then again, that's assuming he was male before then. I'll just keep saying male because male human protagonists seem to be more common on fimficiton.

Opening is a bit rough, but I was in tune with the story by midway through the chapter. Good deal of potential here, but I'd be wary of the usual pitfalls with this kind of story. You already have some railroading going on, and nobody wants to read yet another story where a protagonist gets helplessly carried along with exactly the same happenings we've all seen and read about hundreds of times.

For this story to work, there has to be something that actually happens beyond "and there was a human in pony body doing all of exactly the same things that the pony did without the human involved." For example, nobody wants to read about your human-on-a-pony-body protagonist sitting uselessly in the crowd watching Nightmare Moon show up, and doing absolutely nothing except think to herself about how she knew it would happen while the mane six go off to do exactly what the show had them do. And that's not improved by having him/her tag along to watch them do exactly what the show had them do, either.

For this story to work, something has to happen other than "and then the show proceeded like normal, except my character was there watching it happen."

So the question becomes, what "something else" will this story feature? Plenty of possibilities. Given the CMC in the story tag, and the several references to the signifiance of wealth, I suppose the obvious path for this story to take would be to examine the nature of social class interaction. Diamond apparently didn't know what apple bucking was, whereas it's a huge part of Applebloom's life. It's easy to see how people with fundamentally different frames of references might have a difficult time relating to each other. Even if Diamond is well-intentioned, how can she reasonably expect to be friends with somepony who extolls to her the virtues of hard work? "Work is what the staff do. Why in the world would you want to do that?" And that works both ways. How can Applebloom even respect Diamond Tiara, let alone be friends with her, when Diamond considers the foundational basis of the Apple family to be beneath her? It's popular to cast the Rich family as villains, but there are two sides to the story here.

Given how friendly your Diamond Tiara is, how accomodating she is to Silver, how genuinely she seems to want to make new friends while still remaining loyal to her first friend, I'm fairly confidant you won't be falling into that particular pitfall. But then what becomes of this? Do you reverse the roles and make the CMC the villains? Do you play both sides, and show both as genuinely sympathetic but doomed by circumstances of birth to be antagonistic with each other? Do you give up the antagonism and have them all be friends riding a bumpy road together?

And what of your protagonist? What's to be his role in all of this? He knows the show. He knows Diamond is an extremely minor character. It would be reasonable for him to want to gravitate towards the more significant characters, but even if he doesn't it seems unlikely that he'd be eager to actively antagonize them or laugh along Diamond Tiara when she does. Will she even be able to be mean to them when her only friend is telling her to be nice? So what then becomes of Diamond? If Silver joins the CMC, does a Diamond scorned become angry, bitter and vengeful? Or does your protagonist try to play peacemaker? If so, why would he fail? Diamond seems well intentioned and eager for friendship. Maybe he doesn't fail, and they all try to be friends, but they legitimately can't because they lack any common basis when Diamond wants to do extravagant, expensive things that the others really can't afford and because they can't, they justify it to themselves with the sour grapes of imagining it to be shallow and excessive?

If so, what of Sweetie Belle? She probably can relate and understand and afford the things Silver and Diamond might be inclined to do, and Rarity has a vested interest in raising her to be able to walk in those circles. Does she then become the diplomatic party instead of your protagonist? Do Applebloom and Scootaloo team up in rivalry against Diamond, while Silver and Sweetie share camaraderie as the well-intentioned neutral parties who just want everypony to get along?

There are so many interesting stories that this might become. I'm not asking for spoilers, but I do ask that you, as the author, ask yourself these questions when deciding in which direction to take this story.

Ugh... What's the point of having adult reincarnation if their reactions would still be that of a young sheltered girl?
And on the matter of cutiemarks. It will be quite dissapointing if they really be the same as in canon (especially MC's). Logically MC should already be a person starkly different from canon!Silver Spoon. It is simply improbable that MC will have the same talent as canon!Silver. I don't understand why MC does not understand it. And why MC does not understand that Tiara can find another talent just via butterfly effect not mentioning active meddling by MC. The only possible reason for it to happen is some really heavy fate bullshit. Though...
Reincarnation barely if at all demonstrates any charactiristics of a grown adult and really comes off just as canon!Silver just with human memories lightly sprinkled on top. So I guess it is possible for MC to find the same talent with only difference in inner monolouge mentioning how it is so different from human expirience.

a new cmc with silver dimond and applebloom insted could be interesting. also with that grouping of only earth ponies you could explore earth pony magic

I need to stop reading good stories that only have one chapter! Looking forward to the next one.

I like this chapter. Definitely will track this. Great job :)

To be totally honest, the first bit felt like a bit of a slog ... but I'm afraid I couldn't say why. I can't point to one particular sentence and say "here's where the story should start" or "this sentence adds nothing." But once we got to the schoolhouse, I was enraptured. Narrative bias is a cool conundrum to introduce here, and you hint at it nicely with Spoon's views on Scootaloo.

Ah yes thank you! Choosing a direction to go with the story has always been a pain in the arse. Although there comes the concern whether or not Anon wants to stay with the cannon or not, like with many other stories. It’s true that deviating from the cannon makes a far interesting story, yet the more the timeline deviates, the more their knowledge of the cannon becomes weaker and unreliable. Is that something Anon wants? Would they want to railroad everything into canon to preserve their powers of pseudo-omnipotence? Or slowly lose it as they change the story into a different direction? I believe this decision is the hardest for it’s something I’m stuck on.

Cutie marks are generally really fate bullshit in the first place. Not to mention their nature of actually granting proficiency in whatever skill that pony comes across.

My version of cannon!Silverspoon would have been a nervous wreck with piles of insecurities that Diamond Tiara takes advantage of. Not to mention the social pressures and expectations that comes with being a Silver. This time around, MC has the mind of a fully matured adult, willing to put aside whatever foalish things that will inevitably happen, and having the skills and mindset necessary to flourish in the royal business.

As of right now however, MC finds himself in a very limited situation. He’s not allowed to go outside to interact with anyone, aside from Diamond Tiara’s influence and school which has just started. The first years of MC was simply gathering information about this world by raiding the library. Don’t worry, next time skip we’ll have SilverSpoon figuring stuff out.

Yeah I was kinda experimenting with the first part, especially when it comes to heavy reflections of one’s self. I do tend to carry away with rambling a lot so I apologize. Characterization should never interfere with the story’s pacing. I really need to work on that.

Comment posted by Yuri Fanatic deleted Mar 23rd, 2021

Jerking Scooby Doo's Sweaty Balls?!

I mean, take this for what it is: a reader's opinion. I'll read this story regardless. One nitpick question: should the word in the story's title be Silverware or Silverwear?

Cutlery is more usually known as silverware.
Ah gotcha. Nice catch!


the concern whether or not Anon wants to stay with the cannon or not, like with many other stories.

It's a popular trope, but I think the reason for it is Status Quo is God. That is, as part of the rules of television syndication, television shows have historically been written so that they can be shown in any order. Which means everything mostly has to stay the same. Even more generally, "stay the course" helps companies to make money. Coke changed their formula, everybody hated it. Gina Carano was removed from the Mandalorian, viewership instantly dropped. Most companies aren't actually good at what they do. There are simply enough companies throwing darts at the board, that some get lucky and make a hit. But since they don't know how to make a great hit, if they change anything, odds are good they're going to mess up the good thing.

As a result, we've been trained all our lives to think of stories as essentially unchanging, and they tend to remain that way until the audience gets burned out on watching the same thing over and over for years.

In real life, pretty much nobody in your protagonist's position would "want to stay with canon," and since we've all been reading stories about a human put into a pony doing absolutely nothing but "stay the course" we've already burned out on that.

deviating from the cannon makes a far interesting story,

I'm glad you see it that way. And I, for one, would prefer to read an interesting story! :raritywink:

the more the timeline deviates, the more their knowledge of the cannon becomes weaker and unreliable. Is that something Anon wants?

Why wouldn't it be? What good is the knowledge if he's not going to do anything with it? You put gasoline in your car so you can go somewhere, not to feel good about having a full tank in a car you never drive. Advance knowledge gives him power. If he doesn't use it, then what does it even matter? If he chooses to maintain the status quo, even if it's because he's afraid of breaking the timeline or some nonsense like that, in that case, why would this story even exist? "I'm a human in Silver Spoon's body and I do everything just like Silver Spoon does" isn't all that much different from "humans don't exist and I'm regular ol' Silver Spoon doing all the same things I was going to do anyway."

I'm not trying to argue or be difficult...but please, I've seen this one particular mistake made so many times, and so has everyone else on fimfiction. As a reader who likes your story, I'm just asking that you please not make this one mistake.

this decision is the hardest for it’s something I’m stuck on.

Well, ok. That's fair. So rather than just me complaining about something you haven't even done yet, let me try to be helpful. What might he choose to do?

Well, lots of things. Just because you don't want to go left, doesn't mean you have to go right instead. There's always forward and backwards and up and down and staying where you but turning around to face the other way and going backwards. There are so many options with this setup, and any of them would be more interesting than simply staying the course.

For example, Silver Spoon is the sidekick of an already very minor character. She's about as small of a step above nameless background pony as you can get. So, what if this minor, insignificant character goes on an intelligent, long-term-planning crusade to become a major force to be reckoned with? She has an adult mind in a child's body. Instead of "wasting" her time playing and making childhood mistakes and being caught up in the errors of youth, she might hypothetically focus on learning/doing/positioning herself for power later on. She's not a unicorn, but she still has earth pony magic. It would be reasonable for a human in her body to explore and experiment and try to find out what the potentials and limits of it are. Suppose she applies human knowledge of weight lifting and calisthenics and nutrition and martial arts bone conditioning to, starting from that early age, eventually train her body to become a earth magical powerhouse. If I were in her body, I would certainly at least attempt that. If Rainbow Dash can fly with wings too small by physics standards to allow her to fly, I see no particular reason why tiny little Silver Spoon can't become a physical powerhouse to rival Big Macintosh or a steampunk/hammerspace genius like Pinkie Pie, also both earth ponies. She could become a hero of Equestria, or become a general, or future trainer of the Royal Guard's finest. Or she could "invent" MMA style cage matches and be a perpetual thorn in the side of both her father and the nobility in general. She could become a villain. She could be anything.

Or, suppose she applies herself to her position in life. She's been born into a rich family, no doubt expecting her to work in the family business. Suppose she embraces that? She's certainly in a position to. With all of her knowledge of human technology, she could single-hoofedly change the course of all of Equestrian society. Her father has already mentioned his involvement in railroads and the recent development of electricity. That puts her in a good position to become the next Andrew Carnegie or Thomas Edison. That's a hard story to tell, but it's a very interesting one if you can pull it off. Or she could go the technological route. Equestria already has electricity, but his glimpse into Earth's future offers all sorts of insights into what can be done with it.

What if she embraces the expected themes of the world, and goes for "friendship is magic"? Suppose she pushes hard to be friends with Sweetie Bell, sticking with her loyally through all hardships. That puts her in Rarity's good graces...doubly so because Rarity is already motivated to make connections and Silver's family is rich and important. There are lots of directions that could go in, from your protagonist being content to being the indispensable helper who brings greatness to Rarity and rides on her coat tails into success along with her. Or she could use that in to ingratiate herself to the ponies who will eventually become saviors of all Equestria, thereby giving herself a direct connection to royalty. Or this story could become a high-society game of political connections and marriage and backstabbing and drama.

For that matter, if she wants a direct connection to royalty, she has a trump card she can play right now without taking the long route through Sweetie Bell and Rarity. Suppose she writes a letter to Celestia, telling her that Twilight has to be sent to Ponyville in order to save Luna. Oh, what a delightful can of worms that would unleash. Not only does that nicely tie into show canon by explaining something that that never made much sense, it also absolutely draws the focus of the supreme goddess of the sun wanting to know why this random little filly knows about things that (before it was retconned in the show) nopony should know about. Remember, in season 1 it was a revelation that Luna even existed. If random filly shows up and says "hey, that pony that nobody but you even knows exists, here's how you get her back" absolutely Celestia is going to be interesting in hearing about that. And if it turns out that Silver is right, then she forever establishes her position as a Very Important Pony in both the Court of the Sun, and the future Court of the Moon, for crucial contributions to Luna's redemption and return to grace.

I could go on. There are so many directions this premise can potentially go in. But I see that CMC tag...and it worries me.

If you want to tell a simple slice of life story, that's fine too. Silver doesn't have to become a major historical figure. Again, my previous post I pointed out lots of options for simple friendship stories.

I don't mean to be difficult. Again, I'm pre-emptively complaining about a mistake you haven't made. Just please don't make that one mistake. Tell a story about something. Anything, just not "I'm a human in a pony doing absolutely nothing different from what the pony did without me." You have a concrete foundation a mile wide. Please, build something grander than a tent.


Advance knowledge gives him power. If he doesn't use it, then what does it even matter? If he chooses to maintain the status quo, even if it's because he's afraid of breaking the timeline or some nonsense like that, in that case, why would this story even exist?

That's been on my mind for some time. Many times I questioned myself if the new protag doesn't decide to take advantage of his pseudo-omnipotence, then why have a reincarnation story at all? All you'd have is a Silver Spoon with a little more hindsight if anything.

She has an adult mind in a child's body. Instead of "wasting" her time playing and making childhood mistakes and being caught up in the errors of youth, she might hypothetically focus on learning/doing/positioning herself for power later on.

Oh she's definitely not going to waste time with melodramatic drama. She has the foresight of an adult human, foalish mistakes and whatever drama the CMC and DT will inevitably cook up will be at most a disinterest to her. However she will defend DT if necessary, and if routine banter get too annoying our MC might decide to finally do something about it. I like your idea of connecting with Sweetie Belle in order to mediate both sides into an uneasy truce or friendship. I have this other idea that involves perhaps Scootaloo understanding SS's lonely existence. Both their parents are hardly around and the only company they have are their own friends. The only difference is that Scootaloo also have her two aunts (and I guess Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna later on). SS having only one friend is arguably an even lonelier existence than Scootaloo's.

Suppose she writes a letter to Celestia, telling her that Twilight has to be sent to Ponyville in order to save Luna.

I had chalked that up to Celestia playing some kind of 4D chess and having some variant of true omnipotence that would allow her to set Twilight on a course to eventually substitute her for Royalty. All to get Luna back and going on a long-needed vacation to bond with her to make up that thousand years of absence. But having SS being this omnipotent resource for Celestia is an interesting twist on things.


She could become a hero of Equestria, or become a general, or future trainer of the Royal Guard's finest. Or she could "invent" MMA style cage matches and be a perpetual thorn in the side of both her father and the nobility in general. She could become a villain. She could be anything.

Playing politics is not exactly my strong suit. I think it would be a fair bit difficult trying to have this filly pave the way into Equestria's new future. Even so, I feel like that would be kinda leaving her social circle of DT and the CMC in the dust which I'd like to keep around. DT has many servants and can easily acquire a number of followers, but no one can easily replace a friend.

Or, suppose she applies herself to her position in life. She's been born into a rich family, no doubt expecting her to work in the family business. Suppose she embraces that? She's certainly in a position to. With all of her knowledge of human technology, she could single-hoofedly change the course of all of Equestrian society. Her father has already mentioned his involvement in railroads and the recent development of electricity. That puts her in a good position to become the next Andrew Carnegie or Thomas Edison.

That would be such a hard story to pull off. I'm no good with the specifics of technology or how it advances in the hell scape that is Equestria's inconsistent technology. Ponyville is a backwater town that just recently had access to a line of electricity, moving from the steam engine to the florescent lights age. However there's a time which Miss Cheerilee shows a picture of herself in the god damned 80's on the dance floor. Not to mention that the CMC bought an industrial hair drier later on. In the first season Applebloom also mentions that she takes bits or credit, implying that there are electronic transactions via credit cards. It's a can of worms I'm hesitant to go into.

If you want to tell a simple slice of life story, that's fine too. Silver doesn't have to become a major historical figure. Again, my previous post I pointed out lots of options for simple friendship stories.

This option is the most likely to happen. Anon's ambitions doesn't really lie in following his father's hoofsteps. All he's done so far was only for the sake of survival. It was the same in his past too, which I'll reveal later on in the story.

It would be nice if Silver Spoon makes friends with the CMC this time, despite the rocky start. It would make sense for him to try to change that part of canon.

I hope there earth pony magic for silver and diamond can do together!
There gotta be a few magics for silver to want to try or an artifact she can find to use or sell off for some capital heck the library has too have a few more secrets gimmiks then just that hidden book about the mirror pool!
silver got free range before twilight n spike drama filled saga start living in the library then tirek destroy that potential goldmine.

Is pinkie ability tone down in this? i feel the show gave her too much power for comedy purposes...

It does not feel as thought MC does not have aforementioned insecurities and actually gathering information and not simply enjoing reading with his mother. Pride with wich MC talks about being able to read also comes off as strange for it should not be some distingushible achievement but simply a restoration of a basic ability.
Fated cutiemarks is a level of predetermination that I am not comfortable with. What about free will and personal effort? Whole society is engineered by some invisible force to guarantee a certain number of certain talents. It is a part of some of mine grimdark crackpot theories about the world of Equestria.


Pride with wich MC talks about being able to read also comes off as strange for it should not be some distingushible achievement but simply a restoration of a basic ability.

It's MC being able to partially write again which they're proud of, and with their mouth nonetheless. Restoring a basic ability such as speaking and walking is, in their mind, monumental when it comes to being a semblance of "normal". Being unable to do anything is the worst feeling they've been constantly subjected from the years growing up. They can read books normally, which they take clear advantage of. It's just so happens that their mother happened to notice and decided to read books to them more fitting for a foal.

Fated cutiemarks is a level of predetermination that I am not comfortable with. What about free will and personal effort? Whole society is engineered by some invisible force to guarantee a certain number of certain talents. It is a part of some of mine grimdark crackpot theories about the world of Equestria.

Fate and free will is a funny thing. :moustache:

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