• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 215 Views, 1 Comments

Scroll of the Thorn of the Frozen Star - Sanxa

A long time ago, one kirin was chosen to save the grove from an ice wyrm. Original settings, characters and composition of Frozen Night.

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Thorn of the Frozen Star

Ivory was progressing slowly in the crystal cave.
It wasn't an easy task with the reflections.
As she began to despair, grimacing from the pain of her injuries, she saw the moon on a reflective wall.
Following the reflects through the few corners, she finally saw the exit.
A small smile, yet deformed by the pain.
She started to rush towards the exit, a warm smile growing on her face.

A ray ice smashed the ground before her.
Surprised, she closed her eyes, her four hooves trying to find balance as she slipped on the ice.
She grimaced, opening an eye and sitting, laying on the ground.
"Ivory Frost... I was waiting for you," smiled Zuriak, hanging on the crystal formations and walls, close to the exit.
Her ears tilted on her head, as she was looking for another issue.
"Don't hope for any other exit, Ivory, this is the only practical one for you. And its cut off."

Zuriak made himself comfortable, observing Ivory.
"So, should I waste more energy in this useless fight?"
She closed her eyes to calm her nerves, before reopening them and looking at Zuriak.
Her hears were low on her head, as she was thinking at her options.
None looked promising.
She was breathing heavily.
The cold mist coming out of Zuriak mouth was probably meaning that he was ready to shoot at any moment.

He smiled, but didn't laugh, looking at his kirin opponent. His voice echoed as he started to talk:
"When they told me to be wary of your kind, I admit that I may have underestimated you a little after our first encounter.
But you've barely scratched my scales, barely shook me.
Did you thought you had a chance against me? Seriously?
Oh, you can cry before your foolishness, little Ivory.
I am an ice wyrm, and I will take this land. That's all that matters.
I do not understand why your kind didn't want to leave. How stubborn can be your kind?
You said it yourself, my changes will not suit the kirins. Just leave.
Some of the other inhabitants, you animal friends, have already done that in the mountains.
I don't really care of your pathetic existence, or any others, when I have to seize MY territory.
You weren't a challenge, but I will use you to warn your village.
Ivory, I'm sad, you know... that you and your people made the wrong choice, leaving me none."
"We always have the choice..." she whimpered.

He paused, a claw tapping his lips.
Ivory had her eyes closed, tears running on her cheeks.
The tears were freezing on her cheeks.
"Oh, don't make me look like the bad guy. YOU decided to fight m..."

The sudden flash of white light reflected on the walls of the cavern.
Zuriak was blinded and recoiled, trying to protect himself from any attack.
As his sight came back, he saw that the kirin was not where she stood before.
A trail of flames led his attention beyond the exit.

The silhouette of flames was dark against the silver moon.
She leapt, flying in the air again.
With a roar, Zuriak launched himself behind her.
The flames around her silhouette decreased, only the ones on her hooves supporting her.
Zuriak didn't smile, but he knew that his victory was near.

As disgusting as it was, this time, he was determined to finish the job. He used the vaccuum created by Ivory flames to gain speed.
His jaws opened and slamed.
Something was wrong.
There was no kirin in his mouth, no blood, no flesh... only hot air.
At least, he didn't have to get this awful taste...
His eyes glimpsed a glow above his head.

Ivory felt the danger and propulsed herself higher, with a burst of her frustration, despite her tiredness.
He slammed his jaws where he tought she were.
Her horn illuminated, and a ray of fire hit him in the head.
With his momentum, the ice wyrm continued to flew a little more, and he finally crashed on the side of a mountain, above a ravine.

Exhausted, Ivory guided herself through her own fall and speed over the rock formation.
When her hooves reached it, her flames melted in the steaming snow.
She grimaced, then looked at the stunned wyrm.
Her attention was hooked by the red glow above her, painting the dark clouds.
She saw that their cover had be broken, letting a ring opening, where a red star was shining stronger than all others.

She closed her tired eyes, her body still.
The wind of the blizzard was bringing snow around the unconscious body of Zuriak and the motionless body of Ivory.
The snow was warm against her body.
The marking shined green, and could be seen from far away.

Suddenly, a red column of energy fell on Ivory.
Her eyes opened, white beacons because of the energy that was running through her body.
The red, jagged and thorny red ray was shot towards the ice wyrm.

Zuriak opened his eyes, raising his head.
His eyes widened, and he attempted to stand up.
He saw the energy coming, wrapping around him.
He was trapped in a red ice prison in a silent roar.
His eyes were locked on the ridge of the ravine.
There stood no Ivory Frost.

She was fending through the air.
She felt the familiar warmth of the sun on her body and opened her eyes.
The dark clouds were dispersing in a circle, and the strong sun was shining stronger than ever.
She closed her eyes, tired.
She was flying.
She was falling.
She smiled.
She protected the grove.
She protected her kin.

The squirrel looked outside.
The sun was high.
There was no wind.
A sound of something falling.
Snow was flying.
He climbed on a tree and observed.
In the center of a pile of snow rested a kirin in her last sleep.