• Published 4th Nov 2020
  • 6,184 Views, 560 Comments

The Emperor Preserves - Centurion Pike-Wall

"If a man dies that another should live, that man's spirit shall eat at the Emperor's table. B-but... what about me?"

  • ...

28~The Student

Author's Note:

Imperial Thought of the Day: Intellect is a mask for traitors

Anton looked over the fence, spotting two figures coming up the road towards the entrance. One was a purple unicorn, her mane combed back and perfectly straight. She walked somewhat slumped over, eyes half open and face limp.

What drew his attention was the small creature that walked next to her, holding a clipboard and a stylus in its clawed hands. It was short and somewhat fat, with purple and green scales and a line of spines running across its head and back. Unlike the unicorn, it had a somewhat pleasant smile, and walked with a bit of energy.

Anton shrugged, and began to hoist the log over the fence. The log sailed over the fence, falling in front of the unicorn and the lizard thing. The unicorn gave a yelp, stepping back with widened eyes. "Sorry", Anton said. "Thought you were paying attention."

"She's a bit distracted", the lizard replied. "Do you know where we can find... uh... Applejack?"

"Probably in the compound", Anton said, flicking his head that way. "It's the Apple Family Reunion, so she's probably finishing some things up."

The unicorn had recovered, clearing her throat and giving him a neutral smile. "Thank you, uh...?"

"Aquila", Anton said, hopping over the fence. "I work for the Apples."

"Twilight Sparkle", the unicorn said. "This is Spike, my assistant."

"Woah?", Spike said, looking at Antons belt. "Is that a sword?"

Anton nodded. "I mostly use it as a machete, clearing brush and stuff. But, yes; it is a fully functional sword."

"Focus, Spike", Twilight said. "Thank you again, Aquila."

"I'm going the same way", Anton said, grabbing the branch in his aura. "It's not like I'm dragging this thing into town."

He lead the three into the central courtyard of the property, which was strangely empty. The reunion had been staged at Sweet Apple Acres one time when he had been here, and it had been packed. As they reached the middle, the front door of the main house slammed shut. As their eyes turned to look in that direction, they saw Bright Macintosh coming down the stairs. "Howdy, Aquila!", Bright Mac said, heading towards them with a limp. "And who're yer friends here?"

"Oh, uh, hehe", Twilight stuttered. "We're not friends, we-I'm sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm overseeing the arrangements for the Summer Sun Celebration. I'm looking for Applejack; she's in charge of the food preparations?"

"Of course", Bright Mac said, offering a hoof. "Name's Bright Mac. Ah'm Applejack's father. She's just knockin' down a few of the ripe ones. Should be right over there."

As Twilight thanked Bright Mac, Anton went around the house towards the big pile of firewood. He unsheathed his knife and began to shave the bark off the branch, tossing it over the fence. When the bark was stripped away, he put the knife back and removed his sword. After a few heavy blows and the branch was cut up, before being tossed onto the pile.

As he finished up, he heard a soft metallic clanging, followed by a cry of "Soup's on, everypony!" He sighed, putting his blade back and heading back out.

As if by sorcery, all of the visiting Apple Family members had appeared, arranged around the tables that had some of the food laid out on them. Specifically, they were focused around a circular table, with Twilight Sparkle and Spike sitting at it. Even from here, he could hear the enthusiastic introductions Applejack was giving her family members, running through the names as fast as that witch Pinkie Pie.

"Apple Cinnamon Crisp", she said, pausing to catch her breath. "Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Up'n'attem, Granny Smith. We got guests."

The old mare stood up from a rocking chair propped beneath a tree, muttering and shaking the sleep from her eyes. Applejack kept her smile, saying, "Why, ah'd say yer already part of the family."

Twilight spit out an apple that had, at some point, been shoved into her mouth, and let out a nervous laugh. "Ok, well. I can see that the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way."

"Aren't you gonna stay fer brunch?", Apple Bloom asked. Even from where he stood, he could tell she was giving Twilight the "Puppy Eyes", as Big Mac had called them.

"Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do", Twilight said, and was met with a loud sigh from the Apple Family. She looked around, before slumping over even more. "Fine."

This time, her reaction was met with a loud cheer and the stomping of hooves. The apple family began to move aside the foods specifically made for the celebration, giving way to stews, salads, and simply apples. Anton walked over to the table the newcomers were at, sitting down next to them and the Apple Siblings.

As he did so, Apple Bloom said, "Hey, Cousin!"

Twilight asked, "Cousin? I thought you worked for them?"

Applejack sighed, looking at Anton with a disapproving look. "Really, Aquila? Come on; yer more than just a worker!"

"Keeping things simple", Anton said. "No point in spilling the whole relationship to a complete stranger."

"He's got a point, AJ", Big Mac said.

"Whatever", Applejack said, spooning stew out to all of them. "So, what're some things ya like ta do?"

"Reading", Twilight answered simply. "I'm... Well, I like books."

"Almost too much", Spike said. "I can barely get her out of the tower unless I get a request or orders from the Princess."

"Your menial is a sharp one", Anton said, eating a spoonful of stew.

Both of them looked at him, confusion plastered on both of their faces. "What's that supposed to mean?", Twilight asked.

"Menial?", Spike asked.

"'It is not in my mind to ask questions that cannot be answered'", he began, eating another spoonful of stew as he paused. "'That is the soul standing upon the vacillation. You search for wisdom-'"

"'But achieve only a stasis of will!'", Apple Bloom finished, her beaming smile turning to confusion. "Wait, wah does that mean again?"

"It means that spending all your time with your no-muzzle in a book will achieve nothing. You can only achieve through a clear mind and heart filled with conviction", Anton said, to which Apple Bloom nodded thoughtfully.

"That is the single most wrong statement I've ever heard!", Twilight said. "There's nothing wrong with knowing everything there is on a subject. You never know when that information could be useful!"

"'A small mind is a tidy mind'", Anton quoted.

Twilight glared at him. "What are you talking about!? Are you-"

"Offering you some Pie!", Applejack cut in, a forced smile on her face. "Sure am! Nothing like a good pie to take yer mind off yer troubles and change the course of the conversation."

The two of them shut up, Anton shrugging and taking a piece of the pie. Twilight took one as well, giving him a quick glare before starting to eat her slice. Big Mac grabbed Aquila by the shoulder, flashing him a look that said 'Stop, please'. Anton nodded, returning to his slice of pie, only occasionally exchanging glares with Twilight.