• Member Since 3rd May, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Time to write some fanfiction! Yay! If you have any thoughts comment! I find reading them fun!


After Rainbow Dash was busy bragging about her new and exotic marefriend Spitfire put in motion a bad plan to show her up at the Wonderbolts event later. Despite deciding not to go through with her admittedly childish plan, Minuette is not so easily dissuaded from the plan. Even if she didn't know about it.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 34 )

Two small things

Spitfire wondered absently if Minuette would have been impossible to scare off the mare if she was in her normal jacked and sunglasses.


"Well fooey on acting your age, that's no fun!"


All that I really enjoyed this. It was really short and cute, and I'll be following this to see where it goes.

Also: compunction. New word. I like it.

Fooey is also an acceptable spelling of phooey (though less common.) So fooey (phooey) on you! :D

You definitely know how to keep me interested. But sure what that last line was about and I definitely want to know

Muhahaha! Well you'll still have to wait until tomorrow! :D

Оооо... Их отношение друг к другу выглядит забавным)
Извините, но я пишу русском. Надеюсь это не принесёт много хлопот

перевод из гугла

Very cute little story. Odd couple are always real fun to read.

Thought the story would have longer 🤔
But still really good

Adorable story I loved it

There are a few too many spelling things for me to really enjoy this story. Which is a shame, because other than that it's a really interesting pairing.

oh my gosh your word counts.

You may need some help.

Or maybe I do.

Hehe, I just started doing it because I found it funny. If you look back at earlier stuff (and a few other things here and there) I don't do it all the time.

Matching dresses?
Or Complimentary dresses?

Matching implies they'll be wearing the same thing. Like a uniform.
Complimentary means they look like a set, but they're each individual pieces.

though I suppose Minuette might not know that.

this was cute and I want more.
not enough Spitfire romance, honestly...

Though I would recommend re-reading your last two chapters, at least.
many many mistakes (Typos, autocorrect errors, etc) Easily found with a read through.
too many to list.

Never! New stories must be forged ahead with! Never look back, never surrender!

waaaaaiiiiitttt a minute.....

if your avatar is Flitter.....


Quite adorable. Nice cute fic for some good feels. And I will reiterate the mistakes, but it seems fixing them has sailed.

I enjoyed it!

Well as much as you "reiterate" you didn't say any. :D

Meant what you said to sk1lls, but there are no mistakes, just happy acididents. :ajsmug:

Nice story thus far Jhoira! Thank you! I have a few things to note before trudging along.
I really enjoy Minuette's little antics and her innocent (Or maybe, faux-innocent?) behavior de-stoning Spitfire's cold behavior, good job there!

A bit odd how Spitfire thinks the best way to find somepony is through a cafe. Don't you normally meet people first AND then do the cafe?

The focus on her career she hadn't really had a serious relationship
And probably bribe them with tickets or something. Then tomorrow was to put at least some effort into finding a possible life partner.

Aaah, I guess I can see the problem then. Good characterization!

"Oh, now don't be silly! Hot chocolate is everyone's style! It's delicious."

Of all of the languages, Minuette here chose to speak the truth.

Minute froze with her last sip of hot chocolate halfway to her lips and raised an eyebrow at Spitfire.


Grammatical errors
She blinked as the pungent drink [wafting] up at her (Wafted)
Spitfire chuckled to herself at that thought, perhaps she was giving herself [to] much credit. (Too)
"Oh! Is your friend's friend is [Rianbow] Dash?" (Rainbow)

Ha! Jhoira I gotta say, although this relationship is not the "cutest" of them all, I am having one hell of a laugh with these two! Nice work!
Found a fitting song for this chapter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo_tGzIhWR0&list=PLC2JRJDXgYZBGi8ZPivERDM5sZndIiUB4

She made a mental note that Minuette responded far better to firmness than wishy-washy

Hmm! It's nice to see that Spitfire still includes part of her personal trainer analysis off work. I find it both funny and endearing that she's analyzing her this way

"Even I think this one is ridiculous." Spitfire nodded in agreement


Minuette waved a hoof. "Please, it's not like I'm a kid I'm the one who started this, so if anything I'm the one who's too young for you, not you being too old for me."

Spitfire frowned in confusion. "What does that change?"

"Everything. It changes you from a creepy older mare going after some young blood to me, the young love-struck mare going after a venerable experienced older mare."

Spitfire snorted. "Hey! I"m not that much older than you!"

Minuette raised an eyebrow. "Really? I couldn't tell with how you're acting like I'm trying to put the moves on Princess Celestia right now."

Holy SMOKES. Someone get Spitfire some platsul for this 2nd-degree burn!

I'd just skip it myself. Waste of [resourced]."
I mean I couldn't leave our brave Wonderbolt commander without a pretty [mar] to impress all her work friends could I???"
[Mnuette] giggled and shook her head
Minuette [gigged] again and Spitfire rolled her eyes.

Minuette gave a most mischievous grin. "Well since you said that this is a probationary relationship I'm scoping out other options."

The GALL on this woman

Minuette nodded, grinning widely. "Yep! You have the second prettiest marefriend here!"

Spitfire let out a small chuckle at that. She didn't even feel the urge to correct that they weren't actually marefriends. Even under Minuette's version, this was a test run. But being the second prettiest was an amusing turn of expectations so Spitfire couldn't help but ask. "And who has the prettiest one? Rainbow Dash?" Though come to think of it she's not seen rainbow Dash yet...

"I do."

:heart: Oh goodness me!

Minuette snorted. "What? You think I'm gonna hold some balance of tit for tat over your head? That'd be a pretty short freaking relationship!"

Wholesome 100%

Not your most adorable fic Jhoira, but definitely the one that got the most laughs out of me thus far! I really liked it!

Spitfire chuckled and nodded. "Ok, maybe I [have] your maturity a little too much credit, didn't I?"


I thoroughly enjoyed this one, Jhoira. I was afraid at first this might veer into Manic Pixie Dream Girl territory, but you kept it fun and light while making both characters real. I shouldn't doubt your skill there.

You shouldn't. *Makes I'm watching you fingers at.*

That's where you're mistaken. All of my fics are my most adorable fics. :D

Ooo I love how Minuette just completely blitzkrieged Spitfires defense and had her backpedaling the whole chapter, that was brilliant!

Jhoira would have to disagree with the astute Falk and say this is a very cute couple, plus I actually want to see Spitfire in a dress. :twilightblush:

Way to build this up and rip the rug from underneath me with a "I'm sorry" line.

You had me going there at the end of that last chapter but way to pull it around and give us that happy ending. Your odd pairings definitely lead to addicting stories.

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