• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Masked Brony

A rookie writer, animator, and voice actor...who just so happens to like My Little Pony.


In the beginning, there was nothing...

...but in the end, something magical happened.

This was just a small project that I worked on for school. We were tasked to create a story that was based on creation. (For example: How God created the world)

It's not supposed to be a masterpiece as the assignment was to create a Creation Story.

Since I used the wonderful world of MLP I decided to add it here. Hoped you enjoy it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Since I used the wonderful world of MLP I decided to add it here. Hoped you enjoy it.

I had no idea you were allowed to do that. I certainly never thought of doing that when I was in school! Please respond to this comment.

My school, at least this department, allows the students to have complete creative freedom (within reason). I've done quite a few projects using MLP.

Timid ol’ me is more impressed that you had the courage to do it.

Well, to be fair I was kinda riding an "I don't care" high when I came back from BronyCon and that kinda gave me the push I needed to take things serious.

This was pretty good. I honestly thought this was about Celestia making Equestria.

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