• Published 9th Oct 2020
  • 2,017 Views, 16 Comments

Celestia Didn't Know (Luna Is Her Mother) - Mockingbirb

Luna tries to prove she's really Celestia's mother. Will she succeed? Contains at least one lawyer joke, but it's about EQUESTRIAN lawyers, so it's ok.

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A Shocking Revelation

"Celestia, there's something important you should know. It's not your fault, and you didn't do it."

"WHAT'S not my fault?" Celestia's shout echoed down the palace's hallways.

"That stuff about you banishing me to the moon? You've been blaming yourself for so many years, and it's not fair to you."

"Well, to be fair...I haven't been blaming ONLY myself. I do think Nightmare Moon had something to do with it, dear sister."

Luna chuckled bitterly. "I'm not your sister."

Celestia blinked a few times. "You think you're not my sister? Who do you think you are?"

Luna opened a briefcase and rummaged through it. She pulled out a thick stack of parchments, which she held out to Celestia.

Celestia went to sit upon a large, comfortable couch. She read for several hours, while Luna patiently waited nearby in an upholstered chair.

Finally Celestia rose from the couch. "Luna, this says it's a divorce decree, and that you're my mother."

"Didn't you ever wonder why you have so little memory of your real mother?"

"It's because our mother died when we were tiny foals."

"No, it's because I had the worst divorce lawyer ever! He lost my case so hard, the judge gave your father triple-strength full custody. I wasn't even allowed to be your FORMER mother. He had a memory spell put on you, to make you forget I was ever your mother. Also, to further destroy the mother-child relationship, the spellcaster made you think that I had gone berserk, and that I'd tried to banish the sun forever so there would be no food and I would starve to death along with everypony else."

Celestia was so stunned, she collapsed onto her plot.

"Celly, even after a thousand years for some of it to wear off, you don't remember anything about this? That memory spell must have been very well-crafted."

Celestia admitted, "Really, I don't have all that much memory of a thousand years ago or more."

"WHAT?" Luna exclaimed. "Didn't you ever wonder why your memory of your earlier life is so...lacking?"

"It's natural for memories to fade over time. And it's been a long time."

"You're an alicorn, Celestia! You're supposed to be more durable than that. I'll PROVE that an alicorn's memory is supposed to last better than you seem to think. Let's go to the Canterlot Library."

"The library? What are you going to do, recite Dew Wee Decimal codes at me?"

"Come on, put up or shut up." Luna reached up to grab Celestia's ear between her teeth, and led Celestia out of the royal palace.

As Luna dragged Celestia along, the pale alicorn felt a strange familiarity in the experience. As if long-repressed memories were trying to come to light.

This was very strange. Or was it? Surely it would all turn out to have a logical explanation.