• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Pithy Statement


Rainbow Dash comes home for the start of her mid-semester break from college to find herself sitting in her living room talking to her girlfriend. Things get weirder from there.

For FanOfMostEverything's A Most Delightful Ponidox contest!

Coverart used with permission from the great Xan-gelX.

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

Cute and heartwarming. Love it! :raritywink:

And now I'm wondering if Rainbow's time powers have an effect on the watch she's wearing?

Gee, Derpy, how come your mom lets you have TWO Rainbow Dashes? :rainbowlaugh:

Derpy got an ass so fine, it turned Rainbow gay twice :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, though: reading this have me some ideas for my own entry. Well done!

10439893 2 out of 2 Rainbow's agree that Derpy is fit! :derpytongue2:

10439866 Gotta catch 'em all!

10439491 My headcanon on it, from observation of the music video, is that her time speed can be up to 15x normal speed, so she can do 15 seconds of stuff per one second and in order for her to move at all she has to speed up anything she's carrying (to bypass air resistance etc).

10439487 Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Oh, just to be clear: what's the meaning of Derpy's last line? Is she saying that the three of them are now in a poly-ship, or is she saying they're just friends (I.e., "Girlfriends" in the more-casual sense)? Given the context, I would assume the former, but Pony Rainbow didn't seem entirely enthusiastic about the idea...

10440009 Rainy is warm to the idea, but I was trying to portray that things are not all "let's be poly" and have everything just work out. Such relationships take a LOT of understanding, trust, and communication.

We both like pushing ourselves, but you're a total bookworm too! What's up with that?

Where is this coming from? There's been little to nothing to indicate human Dash having a more scholastic bent. (Well, beyond attending college.) Of course, it's clear that the Dashes have some pre-story history. Why would the pony go to another universe after a messy breakup rather than a Ponyville friend otherwise? (Aside from the prompt demanding it. :derpytongue2:)

it surprised me how much Rainbow didn't ogle either of us in the open shower.

She's still getting accustomed to human oglables. She's familiar with butts; the rest is new territory, to say nothing of nudity not being a big deal for her. Heck, her Equestria might be one with dress clubs. (Like strip clubs, but in the other direction.)

Applejack has a thing for it, and I let her talk me into trying it once.

She doesn't raise those pigs just to hunt truffles.

It took a second for my brain to process and remind me that she was a pony. Clothes weren't required for them.

(cue flashback to why they stopped having sleepovers at Sunset's apartment)

Ah. I was wondering where Flash was in this. I personally prefer Flashderp to Sunflash, but I'm just happy he's found happiness.

We helped her get used to this world and she helped us see who our real friends are.

"No offense."

Thirdly, every stallion I've dated knows not to speak about our private dalliances or I will ruin them.

:duck: Socially, financially, physically... It all depends on what they say.

A great comfort fic, though it could use a bit more background to explain how it got to the opening scenario. Still, I'm always up for Best Human being Best Human, and the interaction between the Dashes was quite well done. I especially love how by the end, pony Dash's new relationship is the polar opposite of hers with Wing Flare: all emotional care and support without a sexual component. Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.


We both like pushing ourselves, but you're a total bookworm too! What's up with that?

There actually was some indication that Rainbow isn't a complete dunce in the graduation scene. She got an A-. Then there's the fact that she can literally fudge intelligence by slowing time. What better way to sit a 3 hr exam than to spend 8 hours doing it?

it surprised me how much Rainbow didn't ogle either of us in the open shower.

Actually made me think hard about this scene. Ponies don't take clothes off to look good, they put them on. Rainbow Dash (pony) too shares a locker room at Wonderbolts HQ, so I presumed that a group shower there wasn't out of the question. Seeing people naked? That's normal. Seeing them dressed up in ways that push bits of them out and accentuate strength or curves? That's nice.

I personally prefer Flashderp to Sunflash

Next week I'll be starting on the SBPS sequel—which has FlashDerp.

Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Oh gods that rhyme :rainbowlaugh:

It took a careful pump of the gas and a quick tug on the parking brake—or turning brake as she liked to call it—and spun the back of the car around in a full three-sixty doughnut while steering the front wheels into the lines perfectly. When the car finally stopped moving, it was parked with a precision that boggles the mind.

Miss Yukari is that you? Well, better you since your car probably isn't dented to hell and back.

nice work.

Derpy looking at everyone in the room at the same time:
"These belong to me!"
*puts wings over the rainbows*

This is quite adorable. A bit strange at times, but adorable!

Okay, one thing to get out of the way:

It wasn't just that she liked cars that could go fast, she built cars that could go fast.

Unintentional third-person line in an otherwise first-person story?

I'm a sucker for Derpy, and thus relationships that include her, honestly. No, it doesn't have anything to do with FoME. This is no exception. I do think it'd be a better piece if there were more context given as to why pony-Dash would skip all her equine friends and go straight for the mirror. There's… well, I could say more about the rest of the story, but every time I look at it, what I would say comes back to this lack of context – a foundation for the rest, if you will – early on. Of course, personally, I know I like a well-justified premise, no matter how absurd.


Unintentional third-person line in an otherwise first-person story?

Nope, she was referring to Derpy there, the "her" of the previous paragraph.

I like the subtle physical differences between the two Rainbows, such as the human one being more muscular. You could've called this oneshot "Over Two Rainbows"!

...On second thoughts, maybe not.

10451240 Hey, I at least worked the ending into the chapter title as a pun.

O boy i need more

This is cute as heck and I love it and deep-down want an epilogue and it's great and I thank you for writing it!

Have a wonderful, shimmering future :)

Really nice. I like the world you set up for Rainy and Derpy.

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