• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.



“The sidewalks are empty,/The bars and cafes too./The streetlights only changing,/'Cause they ain't got nothing better to do.” -Benjamin Gibbard, ‘Life In Quarantine’

Sequel: “Life In Quarantine 2: Friends

With the lockdown in place, the girls of Canterlot High are trying to their best to keep themselves busy and stay sane as they stay in quarantine. Thankfully, they each have their cell phones.

UPDATE 7/29/2020: Reformatted, edited, and reposted after taken down due to issues.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

This was nice. I hope that the format of the story doesn't go against the site's rules but even so I like the way you made this story! Sunset's texts coming in on the right was a good touch too.

Very cute - and very well-formatted! I particularly sympathize with the stir-crazy Rainbow Dash. Good to see that even in the isekai that is Equestria Girls, people still adapt and life goes on, albeit with more masks and hand sanitizer. :ajsmug:

I like it! I hope the mods don't banhammer it.

If they do, drop it as a blog.



Okay, now I’m getting a bit worried. I know it’s not exactly a normal fic, but I’ve seen other sort of stuff that’s not what you would expect for a fanfic (heck, I did two ‘document’ fics recently).

I think I’ll back it up elsewhere to be safe now.

I think you'll be fine. It's already been a few hours and mods are pretty benevolent if there's a good intention.

Backing it up is better safe than sorry though!

Already done (complete with the formatting since that was the really hard part).

I just thought a text group chat idea would be fun and interesting, so I hope it doesn’t get one anyone’s bad side.

Hahaaa!:rainbowlaugh: The time and battery of the cover picture! Beautiful!

WOAH Dude this is incredibly inventive use of the fimfic site formatting. I've never seen a fic do this before. The feature is well deserved for that alone!

Oh my gosh this story is featured? Oh geez, I’m honored! I’m really glad folks like this idea and the format I used!

This was a nice little read, nothing exciting, just friends talking (or rather texting), but lovely none the less.

Cheers, and keep up the good work.


even if they go agsinst it, uou can always post it in s blog

Rainbow Dash Especially since their ain’t a cure yet


This was a cute story, I really liked it. Assuming we don’t all die within the next few months, I’d be really interested in seeing a sequel set after life goes back to normal.

And the beat goes on. Very nice

This was good. Too bad there’s no sequel.

This is really good. Nice work.
I can relate to them being stuck in quarantine. I live in New York and we're in Phase 4. Gyms still ain't reopen but we at least are showing that we are leading in the right direction.
Hope everyone's okay.

Oh hey dude! Haven’t seen ya in ages!

Yeah, this idea came to mind when I was chatting with friends and I felt we could all relate to this band of amigos.

Hope y’all are doing okay over there!

I am doing just fine. Taking it one day at a time. Also, I have started working on a new project: Equestria Girls Lupinranger vs. Patranger.

Awesome! Glad to see you’re still writing as well!

This was nice. It's exactly what I'd expect the seven of them to be doing during quarantine.

This was a nice little story. However, I am curious as to why we didn’t see Sunset magic text Princess Twilight?🤔

I can appreciate Sunset sticking it out in the human world, since Equestria is a hop, skip, and trot away, but is staying for her friends and avoiding the risk getting ponies infected. Princess Twilight wouldn't want her to come unless she is 100% clear, and wouldn't want her to abandon her friends.

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