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Star Sparkle

Hi I'm Star Sparkle, what's your name?


Stef thought he had it all, but after he woke up one day in the land of Equestria, that all changed.

Stranded in a forest with no friends and no hope in sight, he finds out quickly that he’ll need help if he ever dreams of getting home. Thankfully, the Princess’ top student is on the case! What will Twilight learn from her unlikely bond with this human? And could Stef learn that a life away from earth isn’t so bad after all?

Takes place parallel to the show, with some stories overlapping with its episodes.

Edited by: Luckyfanisaac

Up to the chapter In my room and from after Making Real Friends and onward are Proofread and re-written by Bookish Velvet

Cover-art by JennieOo https://www.deviantart.com/jennieoo Check her out if you're interested in having your own fan-art made, I can highly recommend her.

Chapters (68)
Comments ( 599 )

The pain stopped like it was only a small punch to my stomach and as I began to feel thirsty, I thought that I must have awakened from a dream and lay on the floor in my bedroom. As I felt the ground, it felt more like grass than a wooden floor ‘ Was I outside? ’ As I began to fear the worst, I opened my eyes and I saw the top of some trees and a blue sky ‘ Why am I outside, I was driving or was that a dream. ’ I looked around, but what surrounded me was not familiar to me, it wasn’t my property and my house was nowhere in sight, I was surrounded by trees. At least my body felt fine. I sat up on the grass, but I hear any type of civilisation ‘ Where am I? ’

I feel bad for being the bringer of bad news, but have you read through your story first to see if there were any mistakes that quite frankly make this confusing to read?

And there should be a question mark here: Why am I outside, I was driving or was that a dream?

Thank you for your notes Feynna, really appreciate them and I will edit and change them as they are found.

I guess I was writing myself blind, so I didn't see it. :-)

Well, it's kinda hard to get through that first chapter because to me it feels like a chore trying not to just close the window and forget this story like so many others. I would like for you to succeed with something you have obviously spent some time on, but please fix those mistakes first, it would make it a lot more likely that others continue to read past the first paragraph ;)

After 1 more break I was finally at the top, I sat down, [...]

Please, don't write the number and instead write the word, instead. It's... please, that's just... ugh.

Hours came and went, when finally I could make out a house of sorts, but as I got closer, my common sense came back and I froze in my tracks. Something didn’t make sense, the design of the houses looked to be hundreds of years old, but they still looked new, but nothing like that would ever be built today. I had to take a closer look at those who live there, before I walked into town and with the small open forest next to me, I decided to get closer and I sneaked myself the rest of the way.

So, after stumbling around like a buffoon, half dead and whatnot, that's how the mc reacts to civilization?
It's... amusing, so far. Weirdly amusing, take that as you will.

I have to ask, though... why is the chapter titled like that when the mc has no idea what Canterlot is yet? and do you mean twilight as in the time of day? Because if you mean Twilight Sparkle, that twilight in the title needs to be written with an uppercase.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm blind...

Then I heard a female voice as she asked ‘’ Are we close? ‘’

Okay, I have to point this out. I assumed it was some weird thing in the last chapter and thought nothing too wrong with it, but seeing the dialog be... well, the way it is, I have to ask why you chose to do this instead of writing it normally with quotation marks.

She had no time to react before I slammed it into the boulder as hard as I could, at least no breaking came from my fist and with my right arm in nature's bandage, the horse yelled angry and surprised ‘’ Why did you do that? ‘’

Yes, why ever would you do that, dear? Does the mc love self-mutilation? ;)

When I first began to write I was the most pleasing for my eyes as I read.

Why did the mc slam his hand into the rock? Because I do that if I hurt myself, I would normally punch something and yes it is ment to be seen as a bad thing to do, but I don't enjoy self-mutilation but I have a past with it.

But there was something between us, not love of course, she was a pony, I was a human, it was something else, something I couldn’t explain, but I felt it when I was around her, when she said ‘Don’t worry’ when she, well, found out that I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for 33 hours and when she said my wound was serious. I couldn't place this feeling anywhere.

How about concern? Heck, I would be pretty creeped out if anyone could just walk past me if I were bleeding from the head and starving to death...

I... is everything okay? I hate to ask this, but I'm getting bad vibes here.

A past with self-harm? Just asking out of concern, but I'm notorious for assuming the worst, so... yeah...

It's in the past, don't worry :-) This story was actually created because of that past.

Thanks for your concern, but I promise I'm fine.

That's... well, good to hear that it is in the past. You said English isn't your first language, may I ask what your mother tongue is?

Huh, we're like... almost neighbors. I'm from Germany ;)

Huh, how about that neighbor.

I know it's a wired question, but why are you helping me with my story?
I mean I knew I wrote it in the Author Note and you also said before that you wanted my story to succeed.
I guess I'm just curious if there was other reasons.

Mostly because that's what I want to see happen with my own stories. Seeing a lot of other stories (not necessarily here on fimfiction, but other websites also), I sometimes have to wonder why people like some of the things that just... are not worthy of such praise. I know it's petty to think like that and while I would argue that I don't care about being petty (because saying otherwise would be, quite frankly, a lie), I also won't say they don't deserve it (even though they totally don't). So, seeing you struggle with a few things here and there, I feel a bit reminded of my own first (very) wobbly attempts at writing. While I have improved greatly, I'm not about to hold it over other people's heads. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I have only pointed a few things out that, *ahem*, irked me, so it isn't like I have been overly helpful. I'm too lazy to go into greater detail on all the mistakes I find. And I have a few more chapters that I still need to read, we'll see if I become insane with my nitpicking then ;)

Well, if it’s only nitpicking, then it can’t be too bad.

But if you’ll get any questions, feel free to ask, thou I have left many things as setups and even with all the chapters I’ve released, I still haven’t reached the first big payoff.

You also metioned before that a human can’t survive without food for 33 hours, if we have water, we can survive about a mouth without food, but only 2 days at best without water and I never bleed hard from my head.

A month is highly unlikely, an average person would get lucky to have that long. Starvation depends on whether or not the body was in a good state at the start of the 'no food available here' situation. While yes, 33 hours isn't much and would be no problem, my statement was more of an exaggeration (or just a thought about 'What if people just thought: Huh, that hooman is starving, let's move on like nothing is wrong'). Although, hunger pangs are enough to drive me insane, so I'm not the best person to talk with about these things.

Well, I did a bit more research about this because I got curious. The human body can apparently survive quite a long time with proper hydration, but applying it to this situation here I still would doubt the mc would survive 30-48 days without food at all because if you can't find edible food, what's the chance you have access to clean water? I certainly have no idea how to survive in the wild beyond: find shelter, find a river that isn't slow-moving, and find fruits or nuts. Heck, if worst comes to worst, insects are aplenty in forests and I'd rather take my chances with those as disgusting as the thought is than starve, and I'm a vegetarian, so that has to say something... whether that's good or not isn't the important question. Survival is more important to me than my morals... although I would cry the entire time to resort to those means.

There were also 2 smaller buckets, one was empty and the other one was ¾ filled with water and with a sponge in it and my heart began beating faster, of what I feared she was planning to do with that sponge.

The first thing that I'd think about is cleaning the friggin' wound, not getting naked and steamy (although my inner pervert would probably whisper darkly in the back of my head that, yes, hot and steamy would be great...)

The moral of the story: Fear the horsey with the sponge!

I know what you mean, I did some research on this before I started writing and found out mostly the same.

But when I said 33 hours in the story, that doesn’t necessarily mean 33 hours.
I didn’t know what time it was when I arrived in Equestria, so it can easily be under 30 hours maybe even less.

And remember, first person narrator is an unreliable narrator. ;)

Sure, but then again, there's no knowing how long the mc was unconscious for, and then the next question would be when was the last time they ate on Earth? How much time has passed since their arrival in Equestria? With these in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if the time was even longer than one or two days.

That is why I decided to publish my story to get more perspectives on my story, see holes I missed.

Though I would in the future return to just before I came to Equestria.

A look of horror hit her like a rock before I smiled and gave out a small laugh, Twilight reluckly chuckled before saying ‘’ Hey, that’s not funny. ‘’

I'm confused... pretty sure it's not luckily. Did you mean reluctantly?

With a small laugh Twilight said ‘’ That’s easy to explain, princess Celestia uses her magic to raise and lower the sun and princess Luna do the same with the moon. ‘’

The title is written with uppercase at the start, so it is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and Princess Feynna. :P

um is the eye color connected with the emotions changes?

The house looked towards me and said ‘’ Now we wait until I get a response . ‘’ I nodded but only got more pain in my arm, I shut my eyes, as I tried to get the pain to go away.

This should that be horse?

‘’ In my world I was out driving on a normal public road when all of a sudden, I thought I had crashed. Then I woke up here, in what I now know to be Equestria. I saw a trail of smoke in the sky of which Twilight said belonged to a dragon, but later in the day the smoke was gone and I saw a hill in the distance and I walked towards it and with the help of the moonlight I spotted a cave and slept the rest of the night. The next morning I went to the top of the hill and spotted, which I now know to be Ponyville and it was on my way down from the hill, an avalanche happened, causing my to sprain my arm, as I didn’t want to be hit by another rock, one that would have landed on my head, but I had to keep walking. As I got closer to the town, but not knowing who lived there, I decided it would be best to do a little bit of spying from inside the forest. But then I heard 2 voices and when I found out that one of them was a dragon that talked, I panicked and hit my head on a branch above me. When I later woke up, I knew I had been spotted and I decided to stay and wait. A short time later Twilight came and found me and on the train ride here, she mended my wound and made sure I got something to drink and eat. ‘’

Okay, I guess now would be a good time to summarize a few of my issues with the story so far seeing that the mc is recounting what happened...

1. Comparing to how the mc woke up and reacted, what you describe here doesn't really... make sense, I suppose. If I thought I just crashed, I would friggin' freak-out and not just assume that I was 'dreaming it up'. I don't personally remember dreams (sometimes I think I'm incapable of it, but rationally I know I must be dreaming at some points in the night), so I can't validate how much one can believe what they have been dreaming to be true, but I know you should probably be able to tell whether it was a dream after the fact.

2. Generally, I would assume that moonlight isn't quite enough to spot a cave in the middle of the night. Finding a cave in the first place is something I don't think you would just do and certainly not on a hill. I have no idea how you define a hill, but a mountain and a hill are not exactly close to each other in terms of scope. I'm not an expert, so don't take my word on it.

3. Same thing as number two, I don't think an avalanche happens on hills. Even then, you'd need to be somewhere where that is an actual risk. I would have to research this a bit more to know the actual technicalities behind avalanches, but so far I feel fairly confident to say what happened (with the conditions like they are: hill and 'a huge' sneeze) was a bit... well, ridiculous. I don't know if it's just me or not, but it's really bugging me. Besides things like the 'e' missing from 'happened', but that is nitpicking

4. The thing with the spying. I know I mentioned this already, but why the fluffy unicorn would the mc feel the need to spy on a settlement (even if it looks like the dark ages or whatever)? To me, it feels like some weird plot device that shouldn't be there like that. Have the mc spot colorful horses from a distance and then decide they need to spy on them out of curiosity, but not because of the architecture.

5. If I knew I had been spotted by weird colorful aliens (even though I would be the alien there), I dunno if I would stay there and assume they won't come running with pitchforks and whatever. Sure, I have knowledge of MLP, so I wouldn't react like that, but that isn't the point here. I hope this makes sense and I'm not just rambling...

Besides the multitude of grammar/spelling errors, those are the points I feel like could be looked at and whether or not you agree with me, be corrected. So far, the story isn't the worst one I have read and that's saying a lot coming from me. I have a guilty pleasure of reading really sh*tty things so I feel better about my own stuff... Your story isn't as bad as you might think with how much I'm criticizing things that might make it look like it's worse than it is. It's just easier to point out all the stuff that bothers me, I'm not perfect... sorry.

‘’ Oh no, sorry. I forgot to tell you. I have to make sure your wound have not gotten worse. ‘’ She said rather hastily.

I know I haven't gone senile yet, but hasn't Celestia already checked the wounds? Or even healed them?
Also, missing indicator for plural: >>make sure your wounds have not gotten worse<<
or if you just mean the single wound: >>make sure your wound has not gotten worse<<

‘’ Because it is day now, the princesses can’t empty the hallways without it looking suspicious, so you’ll have to hide in my saddlebag again. ‘’

What? I... I can't even begin to describe how ridiculous that is. And have I missed something? I think I would remember something so... absurd the first time around. I'd like to hear the thoughts behind writing that, I can't even begin to grasp how you came up with that one.

[...] it has been done on other creatures though, creatures who wanted to become ponies, but due to the transformation itself, all their lives ended. At first it was suspected to be a flaw in the spell, but no flaw was ever found, so by accepting this, you will be risking your life and know this, all other creatures died due to the transformation itself.

Contradictory statement if I have ever seen one. If every transformation ended with the 'test subjects' dead, has the spell ever been successful in the first place? I mean, if you want pony corpses instead, it's pretty successful...

So, Princess Celestia is essentially telling him: I'mma kill ya because magic science is bad. We know from the show that the spell is possible (although I don't quite remember how long it lasted... would have to rewatch that breezie episode), so why is this spell going to kill every other creature and probably not the mc (because Deus Ex Machina)?

[...] what greeted me was about 10 pancakes and syrup in what looks to be a gravy boat.

Sure... ten pancakes... I don't know how large those are, for all I know they are really tiny, but even a portion of medium-sized pancakes aren't more than 4 typically. A tower of pancakes, on the other hand? You'll get fat, my dear. If you don't throw them up, that is...

Aside from that, my only issue with this chapter is the blatant disregard for the multitude of warnings about that spell that apparently kills the subject.

... and that saddlebag thing.

I woke up with my first thought ‘ What? What happened? ’ Then I remembered ‘ I'm, I’m alive, did it work? ’ But I couldn't feel anything different about myself. I tried to take the blanket off of me, but nothing happened, my arms didn’t move and I couldn't even feel them. As I began to slightly panic I tried to move my legs, but nothing happened, but before I panicked, I felt the blanket and mattress on my body, but only another place in my brain ‘ Of course, if I have a pony body now and I try to move it like a human body, that won’t work at all. ’ So I tried to locate where in my brain I felt the mattress.

The assistant turned to look at the woman next to her, a clipboard in her hand. "Oh, hey, look! Deus Ex Machina was a full success, Ma'am! We can begin preliminary testing phases on the test subject now, Doctor Feynna! Let's see if motor-control is still intact."

"What do you propose we do, my lovely assistant?" the mad scientist asked.

"How about licking the brain? Will it taste like chocolate?" she replied and the woman gave her a confused glance.

"Why would it taste like chocolate? And what has that got to do with anything relating motor-control functions?" she asked and the assistant giggled in return. Sometimes she wondered who the true mad scientist was among them.

"I read one of those philosophical texts you enjoy so much," the assistant replied. "Something about perception or so. If you eat chocolate and someone were to lick your brain to find out how chocolate tastes for you, would they actually taste chocolate?"

"That's ridiculous," Doctor Feynna replied with a deadpan expression. "And I'm still left wondering how you came to this analogy in the first place, you utter nutcase."

"You say the most beautiful things," the assistant sighed dreamily and the eyelid of Doctor Feynna twitched in annoyance. "I suppose I just wondered about how the test subject would regain their motor-control and somehow went on a tangent there."

Hope you enjoyed that, couldn't help myself there. Short story short: How would one be able to locate their sensations and/or motor-control functions within the brain when moving/feeling is a) not done by consciously thinking about it and b) you can't look into your brain like that. Besides, moving shouldn't suddenly be a completely foreign thing because of a different body, it is still a four-limbed body (tail not counting for this, because it isn't like you'll confuse the thing above your butt for a leg). Your foreleg should still feel roughly the same as your arm, just with different joints.

Twilight levitated a piece of paper over to the princesses and after princess Celestia had read it she formally said ‘’ Then it is decided, Star Sparkle, now adopted daughter of Twilight Velvet and Night Light, little sister of Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. Welcome to Equestria. ‘’

Nice that Twilight's parents aren't even asked before making this decision. I mean, I'm pretty sure with Twilight asking her parents that they wouldn't have anything against it, but still...

Also, I have noticed for the umpteenth time now that you have written weird as wired. It's really wired, you know? ;)

Definitely surprised by that, I asked ‘’ Really? I look unik? ‘’

*Snickers loudly* Yes... yes, you look very... unik. xD

I would be laughing at me, too, if I were a brightly colored and overly saturated pink pony in a world where all ponies have pastel colors, instead. I'd suggest drawing the cover yourself, but I know not everyone is artistic in that regard. Pony Creator (or whatever it was called again) isn't the best tool to use for such purposes, although if you insist on using it, see if you can't make those colors a bit less... bright. Look at some of the colors within the show and go from there, the color scheme isn't too bad. There are a lot worse options to go with. Although I would recommend making the mane color contrast slightly more with the fur color (just my opinion, it's fine if you want it like that).

‘’ Who’s Pinkie Pie? ‘’

Your worst nightmare.

I walked towards her and inside the room on the right and left side were more bookshelves with some of the books was definitely for a younger audience, as some of the titles implied, the few I could see was ’ What is 1+1? ’, ‘ What Is Magic ’ and ‘ Make Your First Light ’, [...]

Wow... 1+1... really demeaning there, Twilight. I understand the magic books and the one about the history of their kingdom she gives Star, but basic math? Come on...

‘’ Yes, for the moment your bedtime is between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm. ‘’

<sarcasm> Yay, you only need to sleep for thirty minutes a day, Star! Isn't that great?! You can stay up all night and drink coffee to your heart's content and before you know it, you are addicted to caffeine! </sarcasm>

‘ Great, like a child, I have a bedtime. ’ But thinking back to the rules I wondered before asking ‘’ Will I still get grounded, even if no other pony knew I broke a rule-> -> . <- <- ‘’

I mean, on one hand, it would be your own fault to get grounded like a little child, but on the other... are such rules even necessary for an adult in a filly's body? They should know how to behave themselves already. Disciplinary measures aren't needed anymore. Also, question mark for questions, simple really.

More calm I then asked ‘’ Is it so no one else finds out, that I’m not from this world? ‘’

The first thing I would assume would be that Star was altered with an age spell, not that Celestia, Lulu, etc. transformed an alien into a pony. But what do I know, people always find ways to rationalize the craziest conspiracy theories.

She had a weird look on her face, as she looked at me, before she sternly said ‘’ Star… It’s rude to interrupt while others are speaking and if you really need to say something and it’s not an emergency, then I want you to raise your front hoof. Do we have a deal? ‘’

Are we in school now, too? Wow, Twilight, what a great sister you are.

‘’ Deal. But do I have to go to school at some point? ‘’ I asked as I ate the last of my breakfast.

It would look more weird and out of place for Star to not go to school. At least homeschool her, Twilight.

At that moment our eyes met, she flew over to me and with her shy timed voice she said in a little state of panic ‘’ Hi… Øhm… have you seen a little white bunny, if you are not too busy I mean, oh I’m so sorry I didn't see that you were reading, I’m sorry, I- I’ll just go now. ‘’

I'm sorry, what?

Also, question marks aren't evil, you know?

Slowly she came back and asked ‘’ A-are you sure, I don’t wish to disturb you. ‘’

...or are they?

Fluttershy then said as she grabbed something from her saddlebag ‘’ And if you see Angle, give him a carrot and say that you’ll help him back to me. ‘’ Spike then took our carrot and we went on our way.

As much as that cretin of a bunny deserves to be defamed like that, you should still write his name how it is actually spelled. Or rename that devil creature Angle instead, I honestly don't care, dear. ;D

After we had walked for about 10 minutes, I saw a small 2 story cottage with grass as it’s roof and several birdhouses, there was also a thin tree with a couple of bird nests and even more birdhouses. On that left from the tree was a small bridge over the small river that separated us and the cottage, under the bridge there was a small hole, to where I guess some sort of animal must live, there was maybe a dusin of bunnies running around and even closer to the house there was more bunny holes.

There are a few more mistakes in that paragraph and I suggest reading through it again. The 'dusin' spelling error wasn't the first time I have seen it in your story, so I would also suggest looking through the previous chapters, I don't exactly remember where it was.

As we crossed the bridge, a couple of birds flew over to Fluttershy and landed on her mane or flew in front of her face as they pipped [...]

I... don't think you meant that word, dear.

She held me again with her wing and said ‘’ The bear is my friend and is called Harry, he didn’t mean to scare you, he was just calling for me the moment you stepped outside. ‘’ Still afraid, I was reluctant to go and just lowered my head, Fluttershy then gave me a nuzzle before she asked ‘’ If I promise it’s safe, would you then go with me? ‘’ I thought before I nodded weakly, we rose to our hooves and walked back to the kitchen.

Sure, Flutters. He was calling out for you by roaring right into the face of a little filly...

After he left, I looked at Fluttershy who giggled as she saw me and said, ‘’ Hehe… He likes you, now let’s go back inside and get you cleaned up before I walk you home. ‘’

I feel like I'm missing something here... What was the point of the Harry the Bear scene?

‘’ Hehe, I guess you're right, that was also why I wanted you to go out with me, after you were scared. ‘’ I became embarrassed by that fact so much that I also felt my blood going to my head and Fluttershy commented ‘’ You don’t need to be embarrassed, I think many fillies your age would be even more afraid if a bear was roaring at them too, but you were very brave to go outside again. ‘’

Fluttershy does know that Star was an adult, right?

As she dried me more she asked ‘’ Are you afraid of bears? ‘’

After getting roared at by one of them? Heck, I would develop a phobia right after that.

The mc was desperation to go home again, but maybe I wasn't clear on that in the story.
Celestia didn't tell Twilight that she was the element of magic, so all in all, she knows more than she's telling.

About hiding in the saddlebag again: I hope I have read your comment correctly.
I hid in her saddlebag the first time from where she met me to the train and from the train to the castle.

The mc was passed out for quite a while, so it's implied that she went to her parents and told them, with permission from Celestia, but I could be more clear on why they aren't there.

As she came closer she answered ‘’ It was my friends, who told me that for some reason, they found themselves turned into alicorns. ‘’

Really... Let me guess, Star turns into an alicorn, too, down the road? Although, now that I think about it, it would even make weirdly sense for that to happen. Celestia and Luna were behind Star's transformation into a pony, after all.

As we were in the bathroom Twilight said ‘’ By the way, Applejack have asked if you could help her tomorrow and after that Pinkie Pie have some sort of surprise for you. ‘’

Child labor, yay!

‘’ Dear Princess Celestia. As you requested, I have just been told by Twilight that I turned myself, her and her 5 friends into alicorns. On Spike I did an ageing spell, turning him into a full grown dragon with wings. I levitated all the books out of the shelves and transformed them all into different objects, everything from grass to golden plates and made small tornados with the objects. At the end of the teleportings, I levitated the library in mid air over Ponyville, while changing gravity itself inside the library. But in the beginning I made many bursts of wind and made a wooden door into water. But everything is back to normal now and tomorrow I will receive my first lesson in magic.

Oh, would you look at that...

In bed, I snuggled my head on Twilight’s chest as she began to read. I quickly found out that I didn’t even make it past 2 pages yesterday.


It's more if numbers are the same and she never told me she wanted me to read it, I just noticed the book.

Harry the bear was mostly there so show Fluttershy's strengths and set up that that spell have messed me up.
Yes she did know I was an adult, but since she addressed me like a filly, there have maybe been talks with Twilight that I havn't heard.

If I would become an alicorn, it will be after 1 mio, words.

They both gave me a sweet smile as the blue pony said ‘’ Isn't that sweet, I’m mrs. Cup Cake and this here is my husband mr. Carrot Cake and you must simply come by again another day and we will have a special ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ treat for you. ‘’

Mrs. and Mr. Cake and I'm starting to think you have something against question marks...

‘’ Bake cupcakes? ‘’ I questioned before I was dragged away.

The secret ingredient is the blood of innocent little fillies, mwhahahaha!

She gave me another empty cup and showed me where the sugar was, I went over and filled the cup and walked back to the bowl where Pinkie added in the bit of salt and I purred in the sugar.

My cat also purrs with sugar. *Snerk*

‘’ Definitely, I haven't had this fun in a very long time. ‘’ I said and I felt it. After I said the last goodbye, I took the string in my mouth and walked out of the building and as I could see the library from where I stood I walked back to Twilight, ready to get my prize, learning magic, I even ignored the looks I got from all the ponies.

this much fun

And I've got to ask, what the heck is going on with the stares? ._.

Her excitement could be heard as she said ‘’ Oh… I’m so proud of you and was it really that bad being a filly? ‘’

Twilight smiled as she said ‘’ Well, for being such a good filly today, are you ready to learn magic? ‘’

Being trans, I really have to say this: Fluffy Flying Unicorn (I won't actually swear, so take that statement and change it around a bit). Being in the wrong gender can be really devastating to a person and constantly hammering this in isn't good. So far it feels like Star is being forced into that gender without getting a say in it and the argument that being female now warrants such a thing is really insensitive. You aren't the only author that writes those types of things and most of the time I don't care that much, but come on... at least have the struggle to adjust and/or come to terms with that change more prominent in your story.

[...] I looked at my horn, it glowed a pink aura.[...]

What isn't pink on that pony? xD

As I was about to go to my room Spike spoke up ‘’ Star wait, I only said that I had a few to many, but not all of them, there are still two left. ‘’ He then went for the kitchen and came back, as he said, with 2 cupcakes and gave them to us, I held my hoof up and Spike placed the cupcake on it.

So, how many were in there, to begin with? ._.

She sighed again and said ‘’ Yeah, that’s maybe why some ponies had been looking at you weirdly, as most ponies do get a party, but Pinkie understood… But how come you want to know about Cutie Marks? ‘’

Really? That's the reason for the weird looks? And who wouldn't want to know about Cutie Marks, they are like what drives society in Equestria...

Twilight then stood up and as she pointed to her flank and a tattoo that I hadn’t noticed before as she said ‘’ A pony usually gets his or her Cutie Mark at around your age. But only when you find your hidden special talent, which makes you unique from everypony else. Just like Fluttershy, I too have a special talent, but mine is magic, symbolized by my 6 pointed magenta star. Pinkie Pie also has her Cutie Mark, which is 3 balloons, but that doesn't mean that her special talent is blowing up balloons, she has instead interpreted it to her cherry mood and her love for parties. So a Cutie Mark can be anything and it’s free to interpret. Do you understand what I’m saying? ‘’

A Cutie Mark isn't exactly hard to notice... The eye is typically drawn to things that stand out on a person and if you aren't exactly covering up your tattoo, you can bet people will stare at it for a little while at some point.

[...]I believe that you just got all 10 years of uncontrollable foal magic and a magical surge at the same time. ‘’

That argument would be valid if Star had been a unicorn since birth. I'd argue that it has got something to do with the nature of the transformation magic that Celestia, Luna, etc. pumped into Star.

As she looked around me and my head for anything I said ‘’ I fine, I was just bored. ‘’

Do you actually do that? If so, please stop with that. Being bored shouldn't make you want to hold your breath underwater...

He looked like a kid on his way to open a christmas present as he eagerly said ‘’ It's called Power Ponies, a team of 6 awesome super ponies that fight against criminals and this time Tentacle Tanner comes out of the ocean and wants to destroy the dam behind Maretropolis and flood the whole town. ‘’

All the jokes that could be made here... Seeing that this story isn't rated M, I won't make them but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Twilight gave me a smile and said ‘’ If you’re good tomorrow as well, then you’ll get another cookie. ‘’ But as I had to accept that, it was for some reason difficult and as Twilight looked at me, she continued ‘’ But I’m happy to know that you like it, as the recipe has been in the family for generations. Thought when Spike was a newborn I was still a filly and wasn't given the recipe, that was until a few days ago. As you’ll only get the recipe when you have somepony to make them too, only then will you learn it. ‘’

Again with the constant treatment of being a child. I would understand that if Twilight was actually Star's mother, but enforcing good behavior isn't necessary for an adult as they should know better how to behave. Ah, well...

I broke the silence as I asked ‘’ Isn't it weird that I have already met all of your friends? ‘’

Why would it be weird? I don't understand.

The mane and eyes ;-) But the colors are on purpurs.

Pinkie and I made 12, we ate two and I got the rest with me back home.

There is a reason for me becoming a unicorn filly, but much it is implied and also why I hadn't complained more.

The sentence by Mrs. Cake was more of a statement than a question, please correct me if I'm wrong. :-)

The stares from the ponies around town, I'm new and no party have been thrown by Pinkie, we as the reader knows from the show it's a tradition, but it will be explained soon.

So, what you're saying is that 80% of your color scheme is pink because reasons? I'd like to hear those, I can't even take you seriously until then. Using a dichromatic color scheme seems really... I dunno, lazy? It seems so out of place in Ponyland, most of the ponies have at least three different colors, not counting the Cutie Mark.

So, if Pinkie and Star ate two at the bakery and there were two cupcakes left after Spike was through with them, he must have a really large stomach for a baby dragon. Heck, I get nauseous after eating two or three donuts from Dunkin' Donuts already.

It's all well and good to imply things, but not for major things like a forced gender swap. Most people would freak the fluffy unicorn out if that happened to them. And don't give me the argument that 'because reasons' Star hasn't been freaking out so much... That's lazy and being lazy is my job.

I would rather message you in private to tell, as these comments are public and if I told you it could spoil many setups I've made.

I never really had anyone to tell these ideas to, so everything is coming from me, without feedback from anyone else.

Fluttershy have pink and yellow, Rarity have white and purple and Pinkie have two shades of pink.
That is if you're not counting the eye color.

I'm counting the eye color, that's the point. And I'm not holding it against you, I understand that without someone to talk to before making all these decisions, one can never be certain how others will react to those. Nothing is stopping you from sending me a pm to explain this ;)

The first thing I noticed was the air was very dry and warm, the room inside was all wooden, the floor, walls and ceiling, with a wooden bucket of coal, and metal bucket of water.

Bad idea for a sauna.

It felt like my heart stopped in a heartbeat as I asked ‘’ You want me to be a model in dresses? ‘’

And the child labor continues! Next stop: the coal mines! xD

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