• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen June 10th


Epileptic-autistic eldest of four, artist, creative, and horse crazy girl who is obsessed with entertainment media and history among other things.


It was a normal rodeo in town sort of day in Appleloosa, one I came to watch with Applejack when I met him. I fell head over hooves for him and he for me. Now we go to every rodeo together, inseparable, someday down the line to tie the knot and have a family together, a happy life together at last after all the pain, suffering, and loss I’ve been through. I need this, I need this happy ending.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 33 )

That description is a mood

This is good. Keep up the good work! I don't have a boyfriend irl either. :(

Then what are Jack and I to you? :C

I'm telling Jack about this blasphemy. You'll hear from our lawyers.

Interesting idea, but slow the pacing down a bit.

I may not have read this story yet, but I'm definitely sure that the comments written were just meant to confuse the author.

And you’d be right. I’m confused by the comments and the amount of downvotes even on this story.

I think I know why so many people disliked your story, and I think it's because of how it's set up. You see from what I know, love stories mainly focuses on how a couple got together. Some have it as the first act of the story (i.e Twilight, Romeo and Juliet, etc.), some have it as a subplot. Your story however has the main couple fall in love immediately after meeting. That removes the illusion that it can happen to anyone else. The first chapter sucked, and as they all say, "the first expression makes up for everything".

If however people disliked this story because of your short description, then that's just dumb. That's the whole point of love stories and fanfics. to experience something we won't experience, or something we haven't yet to experience. If they disliked your story for being honest in the description, then why are they even reading fanfics to begin with?

Sorry if this comment is too long, I tend to write my explanation when answering something.

It’s 100% for the description, I hecking swear.

It most likely is. Hypocrisy really is a female dog.

“Yeah, my sister and brothers, mom, aunt, uncle, cousins, grandparents, I don’t know when they’ll come to visit, it never lines up,” I sigh.

“Why didn’t ya mention your paw?” AJ inquires.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I respond beginning to cry.

I've spent some time after following your account reading some of your blogs and some of your stories, and I can't help but notice that your OC's father is alive in her story and backstories. And since your OC is a reflection to yourself, I can only deduce that your real life father died between the time you wrote your OC's character sheet blog, and this story. In which case, if it's true, I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

It is true. Last year, daddy took his life. Early this month October 2nd was the one year mark and November 4th is gonna be hecking hard because that’s his birthday.

I'm so sorry for bringing up this touchy subject, and you have my condolences.

Why does this story have so many dislikes? I mean, it can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

Y'know, this and the previous two chapters can be considered as one chapter if you merge them together.

Yeah, I’ll consider it. Thanks for the advice.

This site has a population largely in the same situation as the OP. The story might be absolutely stellar, but people don't like to be reminded of a truth too close to home.

Word. When I preach at my local Laundromat they just give me weird looks.

I don't know why! :raritydespair:

Comment posted by A Mule with no mane deleted Apr 23rd, 2021

"I don't have a boyfriend in real life btw..."

Oh, honey, no...no, you can't...come across as THAT desperate, no...please, change your short description, for your own sake, please.

Updated. Meant to weeks ago honestly. Thanks for reminding me.

I must confess, my eye was drawn to this story because of the like/dislike ratio. As I have only recently started to browse this site, I hadn't come across anything like that yet. And the author seems puzzled by the amount of dislikes. Of course, I can't speak for everybody else and I can't claim to know exactly why so many readers dislike it, but what I can say is that the story suffers from most, if not all, of the typical problems of stories like these.

Original characters, especially self-inserts, are tricky creatures to deal with. They can be great, even wonderful, and many writers have proved this in this fandom and others. But it's often too easy to lose sight of the fact that a self-insert is, above all, a character. Characters have to be built. You see, for you, the main character is probably the most interesting and fascinating pony there is, because she's a representation of you. But we, readers, don't know you. We know nothing about you. At the very least, when you publish a story like this, you have to assume that nobody knows a single thing about the main character. If there's a prior story that establishes this character, then that should be pointed out as a prequel. This is not the case here, so, when the story seems to assume that I already empathise and understand the main character, it makes a big mistake.

When we create characters, they have to seduce the reader. We have to introduce the characters in a way that the reader wants (or needs) to know more about them. This is tricky, and there are a million different ways to do it right, and no perfect formula. However, we are not introduced neither to the main character nor to her love interest. She's just there. We're supposed to care that she's in love with somepony, but we don't know anything about them. We just happen to see that AJ and Apple Bloom are her "pals" (but why? Again, is there a prequel?), AJ automatically knows that she's in love with Cowboy, and promptly decides to set them up, no persuasion necessary. But that isn't even a set up: "Cowboy, this is Creativa, have fun." If AJ really wanted those two to have a chance, that's... a quite unenthusiastic attempt. In any other story, it would seem that she doesn't care about any of these two, or is even making things awkward on purpose. But here, she acts like that because the story requires those two to fall in love, so AJ doesn't even need to try.

And so, they have an interaction that doesn't suggest any kind of affinity between them whatsoever (Cowboy can't wait to meet the siblings of a mare he just barely met? Why?), and, one paragraph later, they're officially dating. We're given no idea of how it happened, which is the single most important element of this kind of story. If the relationship between these two was just a small part of a bigger story, it would be excusable to skim over it a little, but this is their love story, and we just don't find out how it happened. Again, it's like the story simply demands that they be in love, or, better yet, like the author demands them to be in love; and, since one of the characters is a self-insert of the author, this is a big red flag: the author is just giving herself a boyfriend as if she deserves it by birthright. So we really have to ask the question: are we really being told a story? If we're not allowed to learn how this relationship came to be, are we gonna learn anything at all about these characters, who they are, how they feel and what they want?

The answer over the next few chapters is, no. We're thrown into these tiny, episodic chapters that don't really reveal much about what's going on. The story throws names and characters at us, without even letting us know who they are (again, is there a prequel?). Chapter 3 oddly enough talks a lot about Applejack's family, which doesn't seem to tie into anything. The interactions between the main characters are... laconic, at best, and again, we don't get to experience how they feel. We don't really feel anything that's going on; we're told that things happen, but we're not shown how they happen. Remember the maxim, "Show, don't tell"? We're getting the opposite here.

The most glaring example of this, however, is regarding Cowboy's sister. He wants to avoid her, but we're given no reason why. She meets her boyfriend, and immediately suspects something's wrong (again, no proper reason why). But he immediately turns out to be right; the story says it's "as predicted", but by whom? Certainly not by me: I could've easily assumed, for example, that Cowboy was being overprotective of his sister. Was it predicted by Cowboy? Well, why didn't he do anything? Anyway, we barely get to know how he feels about this; he just immediately finds a better boyfriend for his sister. In the end, this incident doesn't let us learn anything about his feelings or his relationship with his family, but it seems to be there to show us that he knows what's best and he can fix anypony's problem. Yet, wasn't he the one who kept getting into physical fights with somepony else because of rodeo problems? Notice that this could be a very interesting character development (he is protective of his family but troublesome with other ponies), but the story seems blissfully unaware of this contradiction.

This is how far as I've went in this story as of now. I just felt the need to point out to you that, perhaps, these could be the reasons for all those dislikes. People came here expecting a story, but they get a flurry of rushed events that don't seem to connect properly, led by characters with no motivation and no development, and we don't seem to be learning anything about any of them. See, it's totally okay to write stories to play out personal fantasies (arguably, that's why we write stories to begin with), but we have to remember that readers are dedicating their time into the story, and when it feels like this investment doesn't pay off, it can be very frustrating. Art is a cruel mistress; she can reward us, but she can also punish us. I'm taking my time to write all this because I believe that there's always something to learn from every experience in life. I learnt a lot from my own mistakes, whether in writing or in music, so I'm just hoping to pass along what I have learnt. I don't know if you'll care, but, well, I'm just making a stab.

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