• Member Since 21st Nov, 2015
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"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation that outlaws Russia forever. The bombing will begin in five minutes." Ronald Reagan



My name is Sasha, I was told my parents were a human woman and a Male Toydarian. I never got to meet them after I was inducted to the Jedi order as a toddler. I was a quick study ascending past the other younglings even being appointed as a padawan and put under a Master sooner than most. I was happy training under him he was patient and deeply explained the value of keeping one's emotions under control, then the clones turned on us along with Master Skywalker. When I escaped I took my Master's starfighter and ran: I don't know where I am or how I got here but I intend to make the best of it, my name is Sasha and I've been adopted.

(Pre-season one)

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 53 )

I'm enjoying this story so far, keep up the awesome work.

aren't all that intimate in the first place

You meant 'intimidating' I'm assuming.?
Not sure why she doesn't want to tell Celestia about what happened. It makes her look like a runaway. Also, the Mynock comment seems out of character for a Jedi padawan. I've no doubt her master would have scolded her for her lack of tact.

Thanks for the catch, I'm blaming most of this on the fact I'm writing on a cellphone. As for her not telling Celestia, she's scared.


Further adding on, I believe you forgot that although she's a padawan she is still 11 and more likely to make blatant observations like that.

Not a huge difference between the force and Equestrian Magic. The force is an energy field created by living things that can be found in abundance throughout the galaxy. Equestrian magic is a form of energy that is created by all living things in Equestria. Ponies are unique in their ability to harness this energy. Sure, draw on too much of their own life energy and they pay the price, but to a force wielder they would not see what the ponies can do in terms of magic, they would see what the ponies can do in terms of being able to use the force. Such as AJ's ability to buck a tree without harming the bark but still causing the apples to fall out. The pegasi ability to not only manipulate weather but to actually live in the clouds. And then there is the unicorn ability to focus that life energy in ways that would astound any force wielder.

this is one great story!thank you for this fine read.

"I didn't lie Princess, a Jedi's lightsaber is a symbol of peace and balance, it is only to be used as a weapon when we have no other choice like at that time, I have used my saber a total of two times since I've been here, both to save my life or the lives of others," I stood up and turned to leave, .

So what she said was true, from a certain point of view.

Just out of curiosity I thought I'd look up whether or not a Force User could generate any sort of light via the force, ad the answer was yes. At least within the expanded {legends} canon. It manifests in different ways, either as a defensive effect or as an offensive effect, and used specifically to target dark side energy.
Do with this what you will. :twilightsmile:

I had also looked at that but decided to stick with mainly non-legend powers; even then Force light is a power that has to be taught and Sahsa is more of a Guardian than a Consular which is why she uses, not explained well, Makashi for lightsaber combat. I hinted at it with her curved hilt.

Before I read this, I must know: How can a twi'lek be borne to two non-twi'lek parents?

Implied she was adopted as an infant, then handed to the Jedi order.

thanks for a most enjoyable story and chapters.

but on another note, what was the color of the Lightsaber hilt? Or is it the same as the image?

Yes it's mentioned earlier she had a black cortosis hilt for her saber with a magenta blade.

I'm glad to see Sasha is okay.

But I hope she can fix her Lightsaber and Shift will return in this story

Very nice with that sword design! Where did the idea for how it looks come from?

I guess watching stuff on the witcher.

One: you are using vivisect wrong. The word means to perform a dissection of a live animal. I'm going to assume the word you should be using is 'gut' as in she gutted her victim.

Two: you've crossed into gore. Please either label the novel as containing gore or consider rewriting.

I am aware of what vivisect means I chose it to suggest a near surgical quick precision in the move as I view gutting (of a live creature) to be slower and more brutal.

Also Thank you for pointing out the gore tag, it probably should have been added sooner.

good lord the run on sentences are strong with this one! the only problem really... just try to use more punctuation and try not to have big blocks of text to make it less difficult to follow. other than that this is pretty good!

As much as I love seeing updates, don't feel like you have to update. It's OK to hold off until you have a little more.

Meh could have been worse.

Sasha meets baby Spike... Momlestia saves the day.

Begin cliche boss battle theme.

From a laser sword to a vibro blade.

Thank the maker she is finally home

Comment posted by Karnunnos deleted Dec 28th, 2020

Poor Sasha, I hope everything's okay.

You'll have to wait for the sequel to find out.

Oh. I didn't realize that was the end. Oh well, I can wait for the sequel

I felt this was a good ending area for it, and I have another project I'm working on. Star Wars again, but completely different and a little out of my comfort zone.

"The eggheads were right you are an alien, this is a nightmare," suddenly she snapped back to reality, she rushed forward and grabbed my shoulders, "Listen Sasha if you want a chance at a normal life here you need to not mention the fact you're an alien do you understand?" I nodded quickly pulling some of the blanket up higher towards my face, she smiled stepped back and flattened some of the bunched fabric in my blanket. "Now, Sasha on to the important things what is your species name and the significance of the tails on the side of your head?"


My name is Sasha, I was told my parents were a human woman and a Male Toydarian.

If Sasha is twi'lek, then shouldn't one of her parents be a twi'lek?

She was born out of wedlock and her mom married a Toydarian before her sensitivity, she wasn't told about both biological parents just the ones she has memories about.

I made my to my Master's starfighter setting up in the cockpit I began to start safety checks when the dropship came in forgoing the checks the blasters warmed up before discharging several pulses destroying the ship and providing a window to escape the planet. Upon exiting Coruscants atmosphere I entered a random string of coordinates and made my hyperspace jump the turbulence I experienced didn't feel right, neither did the light everything went dark before a multitude of color flashed across the viewport. I started to feel light-headed as I traveled, "Be safe Sasha," that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

You are susceptible to run-on sentences.

Better would be:
I made my to my Master's starfighter setting up in the cockpit. (period) I began to start safety checks when the dropship came in. (period) I forewent the checks to get the blasters warmed up before discharging several pulses, (comma) destroying the ship, (comma) and providing a window to escape the planet. Upon exiting Coruscants atmosphere, (comma) I entered a random string of coordinates and made my hyperspace jump. (period) The turbulence I experienced didn't feel right, neither did the light. (period) Everything went dark before a multitude of color flashed across the viewport. I started to feel light-headed as I traveled, "Be safe Sasha," that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Easy check for run-ons: Any sentence longer than two lines in your word-processor is probably too long and should be made into two or more sentences.

The run on sentences in this chapter were on purpose, to simulate a sense of urgency.

Instead, they made the sentences hard to read.

If you want to simulate fast action, then short rapid sentences does a much better job. Mixing up the subjects of the sentences, as if the speaker is panicked and jumping from subject to subject instead of concentrating on one thing, adds to that feeling of action.

This isn't just my POV. Professional writers will tell you the longer a sentence is, the longer it takes someone to understand the sentence. They can even get lost and have to re-read the sentence. Short sentences take far less concentration, and are read faster, making it seem as if the action is very fast.

From "How to Write Action Scenes That Thrill Your Readers" by Joslyn Chase, from a lecture given by the best-selling thriller writer James Rollins.

"White space is your friend during action scenes. Use terse sentences and short paragraphs. Increase the tempo, make it punchy. Keep your reader breathlessly turning pages. It's a good idea to vary the pace, too. Scene after scene at breakneck speed becomes tedious, and a predictable pattern of slow/fast/slow/fast is just as bad."

The head tentacles are called lekku just so you know and um you never specified what color sasha is , is she blue (my favorite twi'lek color) like Aayla Secura, green like oola or is she red like Darth talon?

I do say her color in the second chapter.

"I told you it was a pink creature, jumped out of that steel vessel that crashed in my backyard early this morning,

Also I am aware that they are called lekku it's referenced in a future chapter.

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