• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago



My Twilight Facade through the eyes of the REAL Twilight Sparkle. Unable to take any action, unable to read, terrified, and trying to understand the situation she finds herself in.

This is more of a "Reading the Book" or "Reaction Video" than an actual story, given Twilight lacks any actual agency.

Posted with permission from axelsempai.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 33 )

lol, I like seeing how Twilight reacts to Twiliclone's antics, especially her nerdy asides. This'll be good.

I especially can't wait to see how she reacts to later events.

Also looking forward to future reactions. I mean, I have a vague idea how a number of them will probably go, but after Twilight concluded that Nightmare Moon was controlling her, without my planning that, I realized that I really don't know what will happen in the future.

Kinda yes and Kinda no. I don't think I've seen any story with this exact premise, and for good reason. Having a single character, with literally zero agency kinda ruins any possible Conflict you might otherwise use to drive a story. This leaves you with Humor, Awesome, or Interest as driving forces, and that is the same limitation that makes Gary Stu type stories fail so badly.

But, I read a lot that are similar. Animorphs was a large inspiration, both the mind control reaction, and the <internal monologue tags.>
Other stories.
My Voice in a Head is probably the most obvious one. Aside from having communication, the Protagonist/POV character is in pretty much the same situation as Twilight is here.
Dash of Humanity, another Two persons in 1 body, and the kind of loss of control.
Dark Horse — A Five Score Tale From The Dresden Files, if only in that Fluttershy is in almost the EXACT same position as Twilight is, no control, no communication (or maybe a little, as a subconscious) and still gets to explode into a massive rant at one point.

A Dramatic Reading and A Sensational Story. Both as the "Reading the Book", and reactions to it.
Meta, the absolute best Metafiction I've ever seen, taking "Reading the Book" up to 11, and actually making a plot and serious conflict out of it.

You could also point at literally any Reaction Video and it would be a similar concept.
That probably got away from me. I wrote this like a year ago, and honestly didn't think this was very good. I just sent it to Axelsempai because I was tired a few nights ago and thought "Why not, worse possibility is he hates it." But, positive reaction, permission to post, and here we are. And after the positive reaction, I have the second chapter planned out, so there's that.

Well, this is going right into the favorites. And really, only ONE chapter? With all the others posted this should practically write itself!

Well, admittedly, this is literally the first story I ever published, and maybe the third I ever wrote. It requires a surprising about of research, to determine what Twilight should know, compared to the human, and includes rewatching the show.

The only reason I am able to do it at all is that it practically writes itself. I need all the help I can get.

Just found this one after rereading a bit of Twilight Facade, and have to say I'm enjoying it, I like Twilight's reaction to what is happening but I admit I want to see Twilight's reaction to the I hate Magic Phase the SI goes through

I would comment, have you collab with the creator of My Twilight Facade? Would admit this is very interesting.

I’ll admit. I kinda wanna see more. I hope you haven’t abandoned this fic. But given that it hasn’t been updated since last year when it was first published…


That is unexpected. I've never seen such idea. I mean when canon character acts as a "voice".

Was about to read since I adore the thought of getting Twilight's perspective on everything (even if the later chapters in the original story really started dragging on), but then I noticed this hasn't been updated in two years, so probably going to just wait until at least a second chapter.

I hope more will come. The story that it’s based off already has a bunch of chapters out so hopefully this will get an update soon. I really like this fanfic and it gives an interesting perspective of this story.

good to see this continue but wow that last bit for twilight is some real fridge horror :raritycry:

I'm really glad to see this isn't dead. This was a great chapter!

This should be pretty good, though I'm going to assume it'll be hard to write. Having the lead character be unable to do anything will lead to troubles.

Oh man, I feel so bad for Twilight, now. The original story has a... rosier outlook on Twilight's plight, but this interpretation is kind of heartbreaking.

Too bad it's going to get worse. Much worse. :trollestia:

It was so worth the 2 year wait. Can't wait for the next one!:pinkiehappy:

It really couldn't have gone any other way. If we use the premise that Twilight is still conscious, then Celestia, who she practically worships, either failing to recognize the situation or leaving her is going to be a horrifying experience. That was the only part of the chapter that wrote itself.

I haven't actually read the story in at least 2 years, admittedly, but I thought that there was only a single hint as to Twilight's location/status, and that being the scrying spell pointing back at Twiclone when she scryed for herself or for Twilight. Hence the best case is that Twilight is, sort of, in a coma/mind stasis.

That is the main challenge. Also the main thing that makes it easy enough for me to maybe manage it. Just go through the story and think of how Twilight will react. Except I also need to reread the main story repeatedly, make notes, and determine how the magic system works, and what worldbuilding was done, since Twilight knows all of that already. Plus she needs to change over time, just from her experience.

Yea. I had the outline made pretty quickly, but it really just wasn't flowing, and I kinda gave up for a while. But, Occasional pokes made me try a few more times, and finally on Christmas I decided to try and finish it.

We will see. I absolutely want to continue, but I suspect I will have to change the format. Instead of literally going line to line, I am probably going to jump from scene to scene. My first outline of the next chapter has very little happening, so I don't think this format will work.

I'm glad to see this return, and it's worth the wait.

My only major criticism is that sometimes I get a little confused with Twilight's inner thoughts. We're already in her thoughts. There's no need for the arrows. <Otherwise, this will sometimes make the reader think they're reading the author's notes within the story.>

Other than that, Keep on writing! You can do it!

Those are less thoughts, and more her "Thinking out loud" sort of. It is emphasized differently to indicate that. As in those are what she would speak if she were able.

I am impressed that you got right back and did quite the following research and such. Basically you didn't quit and continue, which thanks for the big effort. Wish you luck with some of the others along with life and junk.

I hope you do choose to continue this story, it's quite interesting to see an idea from another story carried out in this fashion - but I know all too well how writer's block can inhibit even the best ideas -- I have quite a few unfinished stories myself.

Hopefully you can continue it.

this was neat. well done.

If You ever find Yourself plagued with doubts, just remember that High Guardian Spice was official.

Its only up from here.

in other news. Looking forward to next chapter.

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