• Member Since 4th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


Missions and Bearer responsibilities can mean spending a lot of time away from loved ones, and that's one of the reasons Rainbow has brought Tank (the most awesome pet ever!) along with her to the Trottingham fair. Sure, she'll be stuck at the Meet A Wonderbolt booth for the whole weekend while the rest of the team actually does stuff, but at least she'll have company. And since being at the booth gives her the chance to sleep in, Tank can just use his rotor to go out and grab her some breakfast. Besides, even if something happens to go wrong along the way like, say, having the rotor leaking glow, it'll all work out. Ponyville's perfectly used to this sort of thing.

This isn't Ponyville.

And Trottingham's residents can be a little... off.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 62 )

Tank was a world champion at blinking. It was possible to study every aspect of his style as if it was taking place in slow motion, mostly because it was.

Gummy ain't bad at it :pinkiehappy:

A small nitpick I sometimes have is that your narrative voice makes your characters sound weird. The Scrubs pair especially sound just-- off. But by Celestia their voices sound perfect.

Clearly the Triptych Continuum version of Trade Ya

Twilight was at that fair. Or is this a different fair?

So many references to British comedies! I was grinning like an idiot the entire time, but that 'Benny Hill' reference had me on the floor.

nopony who worked at Fawlty Stables could remember where their reservation was.

Too bad they got the Basil pony instead of the Sybil pony.

Amazing what Rainbow will do to get a quantum of solace. At least it didn't make the sky fall.

Cordon and Knobby

Do I perceive a Discworld reference? I think I do.

Edit: So many references. I take it Estee is a fan of british comedy?

There's a whole Ministry devoted to those silly trots, after all.

Heh! Delightful bit of Britain there. Although this being a crackfick, a distinct lack of cameos by characters who might actually be useful. (I understand that down on the marsh end of Trottignham, they have an Earth Pony who can not only walk with, but talk with the animals).

He was a Tortoise On A Mission. He was licensed to pay up to seven bits. Other creatures might have seen the scrambling ponies and decided it was their view to a kill, but the upcoming food carts were for his eyes only. So he kept going forward, and they shifted the Royale Casino tent, made plans to reschedule the pegasi's new exhibition sport of Thunderball, and hoped that things would be over before Moon raked across the sky.

I have no words. :ajbemused:

Fawlty Stables

My first thought was: because of course there is.

My second thought was: but why not Faulty Towers? (Faulty Basil, proprietor)

My third thought was: this implies the existence of Pony Barcelona, Pony Spain, and possibly pony paella. And what war don't they talk about?

So many British references! Monty Python, Discworld, James Bond, Fawlty Towers, Scrubs, (not sure I got them all...)!

And a Goosed! reference! ... Now wondering about other cities' histories with Crystal Geese. And how the festival will change once it's discovered that they're extinct again!

Dear reader, if you're reading these comments and dunno what's referencing what, PM me or something.


She was at the very start of her journey. He would live for more than a century, and be with her all the way.

They both had time.


Tank is so good! ... So, I guess Rainbow was at the festival by the time sparks were sent up... Not 100% sure on the timeline, but that's not important. What's important is Tank's Awesomeness!

Does Knobby had a nice little piece of paper he carries around, declaring that he really is a fully sapient pony?


That is just perfect...

Why do I suspect that the local Teleport Gatehouses look like this:

Except for one that is never in the same place twice, and is bigger on the inside...

With the device, did nopony suggest turning it off, and turning it back on again?

Congratulations. And curse you fo so many funny British references .

He wouldn't stop. He didn't even really look around. There were ponies doing things, but that wasn't important because none of them were his pony. He was a Tortoise On A Mission. He was licensed to pay up to seven bits. Other creatures might have seen the scrambling ponies and decided it was their view to a kill, but the upcoming food carts were for his eyes only. So he kept going forward, and they shifted the Royale Casino tent, made plans to reschedule the pegasi's new exhibition sport of Thunderball, and hoped that things would be over before Moon raked across the sky.

Anyhow, he'd more or less promised to bring Rainbow some food. Given his word, as it were.
And his word was his bond.

Oh man, that was so British... perfect. Guessing who is doing a cameo is half the fun. Tank is a real trooper here, he deserves that prize.

It would be nice to see a Mane six, oh pardon, MI-6 doing a mission in Trottingham in their usual chaotic manner.

And the Protocean turtle should be featured again. With coconuts. In Ponyville.

Estee? I want you to know that I could actually feel the enormous, shit-eating grin on your face from every single reference, shout-out and joke you threw in here. And Gods help me, I felt the shame burning when I got them all.

This was a thing of terrible beauty. Thank you.

She's one of the few writers on here that can get away with it.

A missed opportunity to title this "The Tortoise a'Fair".

He was a Tortoise On A Mission. He was licensed to pay up to seven bits. Other creatures might have seen the scrambling ponies and decided it was their view to a kill, but the upcoming food carts were for his eyes only. So he kept going forward, and they shifted the Royale Casino tent, made plans to reschedule the pegasi's new exhibition sport of Thunderball, and hoped that things would be over before Moon raked across the sky.

Dash awakens to a martini (shaken, not stirred), an Aston Martin, and a gorgeous mare who wants to kill her finds herself incredibly attracted to her...

This was a massive pile-up of puns, references, and general silliness... but it had a coherent story going on, with the Chekov's Tortoise Ability established early on, and used at the climax. Tank truly is the best pet! :rainbowkiss:🐢

So, is it just me, or Are the vets a reference to James Herriot? If So Kudos, That's a Comparatively obscure shout out to a Series of books I loved as a kid (And also a couple of movies I Haven't seen)

I'm surprised Trotter's independent traders didn't make an appearance. They seem to be named for this story.

I have a new favourite Estee story. This references ALL my favourite things. I can see you enjoyed writing this, it’s evident in every turn of phrase and each beautifully converted reference. Absolutely smashing stuff.

Well, from a native of the place: Very, very well done.

Well, let's see... On a first read:

  • Writing to the Times
  • Terry Pratchett's Diskworld
  • All Creatures Great and Small
  • Fawlty Towers
  • Benny Hill
  • Monty Python (Holy Grail, Ministry of Silly Walks, and a particularly good post Parrot Sketch)
  • James Bond (possibly guest starring the National Lottery by describing Thunderball as a game - but I admit that one is a gamble)
  • And I'm fairly sure "They both had time" is the closing sentance of a book, but I'm buggered if I can remember which one.
  • EDIT: And, of course, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

I have this theory that every pony in Ponyville has been klonked on the head by Tank falling out of the sky, because Rainbow Dash keeps forgetting to charge his little propeller thingie. In my head canon, there’s been concussions, holes in roofs, and all kinds of destruction that’s been caused due to shelled animal dropping from a great height like a turtle shaped canon ball.


Nah, Rainbow Dash would never forget to care for Tank's wellbeing. Ponies passing underneath Rainbow Dash's house would be struck by falling cushions, takeout containers, unwanted dishwater, insufficiently engaging Thaumic Fiction novels, newspapers that posted non-flattering articles and/or photographs of Rainbow Dash, evidence of her losing a bet to any of the other Bearers, half-eaten and long-forgotten sandwiches, long-deceased potted plants, that makeup kit that she refuses to admit she bought and experimented with that one time, Hearth's Warming Gifts that she didn't remember to get enchanted to stay aloft on her cloud, and occasionally even Rainbow Dash herself. But never Tank.

Agreed. She even got up promptly when Tank needed fed. She likely wouldn't even do that for herself.


Now, there was that one time that insane militant Alicorn Cultist named Brother Vorbis was supposedly done in by a falling tortoise, but nopony can prove that was Tank. The fact that Celestia was the one who enchanted his rotor-harness shortly before this happened is probably just a coincidence.


Nah, Rainbow Dash would never forget to care for Tank's wellbeing. Ponies passing underneath Rainbow Dash's house would be struck by falling cushions, takeout containers, unwanted dishwater, insufficiently engaging Thaumic Fiction novels, newspapers that posted non-flattering articles and/or photographs of Rainbow Dash, evidence of her losing a bet to any of the other Bearers, half-eaten and long-forgotten sandwiches, long-deceased potted plants, that makeup kit that she refuses to admit she bought and experimented with that one time, Hearth's Warming Gifts that she didn't remember to get enchanted to stay aloft on her cloud, and occasionally even Rainbow Dash herself. But never Tank.


Cordon and Knobby

Oh no...

I See Where This Is Going.

It was the sort of voice which came with permanent capitals

And I'm automatically assuming this is pony!BRIAN BLESSED.





If we don't get the line "CORDON, HE'S ALIVE!" or something, I'm going to be dreadfully disappointed.



Speaking as A British Person, other than the shocking lack of old stallions going down hills in bathtubs, I can attest that this was a 100% accurate representation.

Especially the part about the saxophones.

I don't know what you were worried about, Estee...

Why I can't I favourite this twice?

(You have no idea how much I needed this much of a laugh right about now, Estee - in all seriousness, thank you.)


I would like to point out something that was observed years and years ago on my local ponythread.

Northern Spy is a sort of apple.

(Yes, i DID compile a thorough list of his adventures, and correctly interpolate what the chorus of seaponies that follow him around sing and no, I'm not afraid to go and dig it out.)

"there was a thing as a disadvantageous recessive"
"there was such a thing as a disadvantageous recessive"?

Oh, excellent. :D

I wonder if he's ever bet on Flitter winning a race while trying to keep it a secret from his wife.

how Python-esque

The occupant of the Solar Throne wasn't exactly known for enchantments.

Anyone's bound to pick up a few hobbies given a millennium, even when they have to look after a country whose population constantly teeters on the brink of falling into their own collective navels.

And to Rainbow, the sheer speed of the miracle's assembly suggested it was something the Princess had done before.

There's an intriguing question. Who's needed something like this in the past? Yes, a pet tortoise is a possibility, but far from the only one.

Oh! Dash got into the 'Bolts at this point! Awesome! I just hope her first show leaves her with a bit more dignity here than in the baseline.

Fawlty Stables

Oh. I may not know the specifics, but I recognize that name.

It also allowed her to do things like saying 'Barnyard Bargains' and know the tortoise would get there. So...

Note to self: Do not mix Rainbow Dash and Alexa/Google Home/et al.

-- east end? West. Maybe west. South? Doesn't matter. Fly until you see food. Pony food. Not tortoise food.

It will not end well.

It didn't bother him. Very little did. After all, he had a pony.

No matter what havoc may come from this, this bit is lovely.

The Trottingham fair had begun as a celebration of an ancient day when legendary ponies had driven Crystal Geese out of town. Security was mostly around because those ponies weren't, and somepony had better be prepared to act if the geese came back.

It's a lovely morning in the village. There is a horrible goose. But you, you will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done.
... Hang on, I think I got my notes mixed up at some point.

"Because," he regally concluded, "that is a Tortoise Of Destiny."

To be fair, these two are closely associated with chelonian beings of great import.

One, two, three. I'll go on three. Five is right out --

I think you're drifting into another sketch, as the polearm salesman said to the fighter.


I have no idea where this is going, but I am immediately concerned.
... That is not where I was expecting that to go, but bravo. Especially how you turned him into a Flying Grayson for an extra layer to the pun.

If you had shapely mares involved in a chase anywhere near Trottingham, the saxophone player just showed up.

Practically a law of physics there.

"Mommy, do you see that trot?" a filly asked. "Isn't it silly? That's the silliest trot --"
"-- SHUT UP!"


The drift from Pratchett to Tolkien was exquisite. The shift to Fleming was equal parts shameless and fantastic.

All told, fantastic hilarity from start to finish. A few of the references escaped me, but it was still great fun. And Rainbow did come out of this better than she did "Newbie Dash." Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

About the only reference missing was to Last Of The Summer Wine.

In my head cannon, Tank is just... used to it. At this point, it's just instinct to pull into his shell when he drops, and his shell is... pretty damn invulnerable. There have been crashes, riccochets that make a pinball machine look tame, klonks on heads... etc... Tank's little shell has been responsible for a lot of destruction because Rainbow just... gets wrapped up in crap, and forgets to recharge that propeller thing. Tank would never get hurt because that shell is so damn strong... but the town on the other hand..... There have been reinforcements made to construction, and walking around town without a helmet when Dash is out with Tank, is an "At your own risk" activity. This is absolutely my head cannon. Rainbow loves the hell out of Tank... BUT... is just forgetful when it comes to that damn magical device.

This isn't marked as part of the Continuum.

It's not? :pinkiegasp:
Then I will move it to the Non Canon Folder.
Thanks for pointing that out :pinkiehappy:

It wasn't due to any latent talent or unsuspected surge of intellect. It was because Knobby had a snout which curved in three directions at once, withers which both understood and lived up to their vocabulary, tended to keep his spine somewhere around his belly and had combined being knock-kneed with four legs to musical effect. Genetically, there was such a thing as a disadvantageous recessive, and most researchers wouldn't have reasonably expected to find them all in one place.

That's rough :rainbowlaugh:

And after thinking about it for a while, I realized she liked things dead. Like my self-esteem. My hopes and dreams. Any chance I might have of getting through a day without wishing for death.

Sounds like my parents


In a sense, yes, though the more direct reference is most likely to the TV series All Creatures Great and Small, which I understand to have been based on his books.

In any case, wonderful bit of silliness. Though, given the name, I'm a little surprised the Trotters didn't put in an appearance, but that might have been a bit too obvious.

Wait, there was a Tolkien reference? Can you point it out?

And to Rainbow, the sheer speed of the miracle's assembly suggested it was something the Princess had done before.

Maybe Celestia had done something similar before? Her own pet tortoise (or a friend's), the records lost to time?

"Because," he regally concluded, "that is a Tortoise Of Destiny."

Rainbow would probably agree with Knobby on that point :pinkiehappy:

"Something enchanted on his back! Glowing like Sun, like her Sun!" And with a suddenly-deep, impassioned tone, "So whoever is so brave as to pull the rotor from that tortoise's shell -- shall become Princess Of Equestria!"


Tank for the win.:pinkiehappy:


So now it was just a matter of finding an eagle. But to get around the magic, they might need a giant eagle...

The vets had listened just long enough for the start of the debate on what the compensation was for rescuing adventurers out of nowhere and whether it went up based on how far they were carried, as expressed in broken coconuts. And then they gave up on the wisdom of the herd forever, although Hareiot did make silent plans to get a book or six out of it.

Well, that was a delightful batch of references carried by an adorably determined tortoise on a mission! I especially enjoyed the history of his rotor (and implications of destiny), the gathering crowds, and the ending heroics (with accompanying fireworks.) Nicely done!


I have this theory that every pony in Ponyville has been klonked on the head by Tank...

If you had shapely mares involved in a chase anywhere near Trottingham, the saxophone player just showed up.
"You still owe us forty bits on your last bill, Yakety!" Hareiot shouted after him.

oh, brother, a saxophone player NAMED "Yakety"?!

Ah. Subtle — I thought that was more All Creatures Great and Small (and the rest of the series).

Rainbow had researched tortoise care just as thoroughly as she'd once learned Wonderbolt history.

...There are 2 ways to read that. On the one hoof, she got the age right, but on the other, she didn't know that tortoises hybernate (technically torpor), nor did she realize a proper greenhouse environment can keep a tortoise from torporing.

There weren't any spells which could help: Twilight's wing-creation working didn't operate on shells, and the librarian only understood device enchantment as a casual experimenter who usually managed to find where most of the debris had landed.

Not sure if that's canonical but it's a rather accurate description of boot-strap science.

Fawlty Stables

Really must see this sometime! Perhaps another fic.

It could be said that the closed tent flap parted. There were ways in which rotor-induced shredding counted.

Totally counts. Not your fault if the customers give inadequate specifications.

labium superius oris

Actually had to look that one up.

I see we've transitioned from Pratchett to Adams here.

In the case of Cordon and Knobby, that would have been somepony else.

...This is Nobby Knobs and Sargent Colon from Discworld isn't it? Shoulda seen this coming. I have to say, except for the Python reference, this really SOUNDS like the Discworld characters, and that's most likely a compliment.

There were a few elderly ponies about, as official starting times only applied to those who both cared to wait and felt the rules applied to them . They tended to travel in pairs, and mostly watched the tortoise go by before beginning to groan about how in their day, a tortoise just meandered along without all of this modern glowing nonsense. For the most part, they had very little need to write the editor, especially as most of them were it.

There are a lot of problems with getting old. One of the renumerations you receive in exchange is that you can get away with very nearly anything, at least so long as you LOOK old. This is why dying ones hair away from gray or silver is often counter-productive.

"You know that rumor about how romancing the third vet judging the show is the best way to make sure your child's pet finishes first, because he'll break all ties between us in their favor?"

...And his name is Tryst. Of course. I assume these guys work at General Veterinary?

Must admit I was a bit confused by this at first and had to re-read it. Finally pieced together that HE was the third judge and was trying to get with various mothers. One assumes there are at least a few single parents, but it's quite possible they had no actual complaints.

"Carefully, Suede," Hareiot decided. "Very carefully. This is going to be tricky."

...Ok wait, are these two ponies a particular reference to something, or is it just they both have names of types of leather?

(And ideally, cotton candy, because the nausea which came from saying it would produce some interesting colors on the way out.)

I think this meant eating? I'm not prepared to immediately call it a typo, though, given the style of the rest of this. I may be missing a joke.

Tryst flew by again. Three rather shapely mares had joined the chase, along with an overweight elderly stallion who seemed to have joined just to watch them run from behind.

Oh there the mares are. Not sure who the stallion's supposed to be.

The hotel owner angrily strode away, and did so using what appeared to be three times the standard allotment of knees.

And there's Fawlty. Not sure why he's called Crease but nice to see him.

Not gonna quote for this next one but I had to look up what a Protocera was.

He wouldn't stop. He didn't even really look around. There were ponies doing things, but that wasn't important because none of them were his pony. He was a Tortoise On A Mission. He was licensed to pay up to seven bits. Other creatures might have seen the scrambling ponies and decided it was their view to a kill, but the upcoming food carts were for his eyes only. So he kept going forward, and they shifted the Royale Casino tent, made plans to reschedule the pegasi's new exhibition sport of Thunderball, and hoped that things would be over before Moon raked across the sky.

The view to a kill one feels forced but the others flow surprisingly naturally.

Now for questions I already found answers to in the comments but don't feel like re-writing things above!

Ah, still need to see that. 5th doctor Davidson was on that I understand, and his stories about it from conventions are amusing.

"Gamble". I see what you did there.

Anyway, most amusing.

Why is it that whenever I take the time to read one of Estee's stories, Rainbow always seems to be a major character? I mean, I'm certainly not complaining, I just can see the clear pattern here... :rainbowlaugh:

and nopony who worked at Fawlty Stables could remember where their reservation was.

But at least they did it very comically. :raritywink:

So...this was, all in all, rather British. I love it. :twilightsmile:

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