• Member Since 16th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago




The Shattered Isles, a world literally torn apart from it's power source, Aether, and the behemoths that consume it. Humanity gas made their stand on these homes, and the only thing standing between them and disaster are Slayers; people who specialize in hunting behemoths, even turning the behemoths' body parts into armor and weapons. But now, a small group of Creatures from another world, lost and trying to get back to their home, must become Slayers themselves, or be trapped forever.

Based on the game, Dauntless, which is free to play, and I've been playing it ever since my brother told me to try it a few months ago. Co-written and edited by FrostTheWolf, a friend and another Dauntless player.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 52 )

You have no idea how long I have been looking for a good Dauntless crossover fic, and it even features the young 6! 10/10 so far, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna kill a Riftstalker.

I'm killing a RiftStalker right now as I type this, lol!

I had a fun time getting my Riftstalker set, kept having others drop out, or refuse to use revives when downed

I don’t play this game as much as I would like, as my brother is playing fortnite all day on the Xbox, but it’s really fun. I wonder how they will react to all the other behemoths. Especially the boreus, with all it’s annoying minions. Can’t wait for more to come out. Great story so far.

Side note: I personally think the boreus is over powered. The behemoth itself is fine, but it has WAY too many minions. You’re too busy fighting minions, you never damage the actual behemoth. I realize that’s what the minions are there for. It explains that in the little info box before the fight, but it still has to many. Just had to say something about it.

Glad to be helping out with this one as the Student Six go through the Shattered Isles. :pinkiehappy:

You know, usually these types of stories I don't find appealing. However, I was genuinely surprised by how well-written this story is. Think I'll stick around for a while.

And I hope to keep it well-written.

Not gonna lie, I would love to know what Smolder's reaction would be to seeing a Malkarion. Or to know that one of her friends had fought and killed a dragon?

Oh god cells, luckily for them they aren't impossible to understand and are only a bit confusing at first. Wonder which one will become the medic of the group.

Sandbar after battling with Nayzaga

oof, I feel that. I feel everything to do with that.

Mostly for both Escalations. 3 if the next escalation is Umbral theme.

It is confirmed to be umbral. And the art that the Dauntless Twitter has been posting looks pretty nice. Can't wait to see more about this legendary umbral behemoth other than its eyes.

Got a pic? And I think it's going to be a spider.

Not sure of what so have both.

Umbral Escalation: Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3

Legendary Umbral Behemoth: yeet
And I should mention that this is all we have seen/heard for this one. We don't even have a dev name to go off of.

I'm not 100% sure on this but I don't think the normal Skarn has the Beyblade move. Pretty sure that only the Rockfall Skarn can do that, but I have no real way of checking due to the current downtime for the new season.

Speaking of which, can't wait to see how you use Thrax and the Umbral Escalation in the future. A whole lotta potential with that, and Umbral Aether in general tbh.

Skullforge, Whistling Blade, Avenging Overdrive = Broken
We like Iceborne
Also can't wait for more.
Also also, I wonder if you could introduce Ohdough and Xanny Phantom as cameos or as actual characters that would interact with the (for this case) Slayer 6. Because, you know, they're like really great at giving tips and advice. So maybe like, in the story, they're "high rank" slayers, that help out other slayer by giving them advice and such.
Also also also, do you plan on adding a bit of lore from other battle passes, like the egyptian one, about the desert slayers or something, and the new Void Runner lores or something???

Fuck the Nayzaga, absolute bane of my exsistance.
- The Russian Badger

I am planning on adding random slayers to join the others instead of the usual 3 teams, though it'll be more like "Oh,a ninja that acts serious" or "A pirate that always talks with a 'yar' added at the end of their sentence". And I might try to add some of the lore from the game, though the hunt passes might be more like "I've got a new costume".

And I kindly disagree, Russian Badger. F##k the Tempest Stormclaw.

Oh, ok I see....
Either way I enjoyed the story, and hope to see more from this soon, also I was planning on making a Dauntless story myself, but not focused on the slayers but more on the behemoths in equestrea.

Ps. The Russian Badger is a youtube R6 content creator who tested out Dauntless, and fought trials Nayzaga, thus he said "fuck the nayzaga"

But for me personally, fuck Kharaback, nobody enjoys not seeing the monster.

I'm not really familiar with the game But from what I heard on YouTube it's a shooting game or combat something Which I'm not really a big fan of those but it sounds pretty interesting I guess But what the young six that got my attention a little bit

It's actually a Monster Hunter clone. And there's only one real ranged weapon while, with the other weapons might have a shooting option, but are mostly physical.

The pictures does give a pretty good idea what these are because I'm pretty lost because I don't played this game at all But this is pretty interesting so far

Dauntless is a third person action game where you and three others get to fight monsters called 'Behemoths'. How you fight depends on the equipment you have, but I'll let this explain a bit more.

Sandbar is very protective when it comes to his friends mostly yona

I love the mulan reference nicely done there lol

I like the idea of the different seasons being different clans, but thanks to the lore the new "Void Runners" are extinct, all thanks to Thrax

Actually Smolder, Gallus, Ocelleus and Sober Stream will have distinct movement advantage being able to do swoops and dives and fly by attacks. Smolder also have the advantage of her fire breath

(Getting ready to change things)

Only set I still need in game I the newest Umbral set. Also dunno if Blaze Infused behemoths count as Blaze and Shadow Touched count as Umbral beheamoths. The Blaze Infused ones are really burtal, the freaking Blaze Gnasher hops and causes and explosions and can summon fireballs! Almost as bad as the Shrow with his powers to plunge the field in Shadow and make Umbral Eather clones!

I actually got the Thrax armor set, and the infused behemoths do count.

My self I love the Unique repeaters, sticky bombs and dash function are awesome. Also the Uber Umbral sword The Hunger!

Don't you dare touch my lore, it's the only thing thats actually stable in this world.

Just cause it got the majority doesn't mean they all died, just need a recruitment drive!

"Well, name's Jessie," she began. "And he's James. We're both part of one of the many clans in Ramsgate. Just call us the-"

Jessie and James I can't stop thinking of team rocket

Following that came what appeared to be a loud warcry, followed by a swarm of overwhelming testosterone as men and women arrived, barely wearing clothes, charging into the center, and utterly beating each other up with fire bursting everywhere.

"... I think you can answer that yourself."

"Hey! Now this feels homey!"

Gallus fainted.
I don't blame him that's a little Over whelming lol 😆

I just realized I did that. Should've probably added a pokemon joke.

Especially since I'm basing them off The Orks from Warhammer 40k

Hmm very interesting that you making those monsters that gorgar made which is pretty cool and scary Even though I'm still not familiarize with some of the game

Interesting story so far, and still excited to see when the young 6 get to the Umbral Depths. Also, not to rush you on that or anything, but Terra Escalation was recently announced and, if Phoenix Labs' pattern holds up, we'll be seeing it after the next hunt pass.

I hope you try it one day. Free to play on about every console and PC.

I heard about that and the Free to explore islands. Was kinda hoping that if I get fast enough, I can have people create their own escalations. (I.E., the Elemental theme, the 3 changed behemoths for that escalation, and an original Keystone for them)

Speaking of the 3 changed behemoths, any predictions for the new Terra Charged behemoths we'd see in there? Personally I'm betting on a Terra-ized Embermane as one. The animations would work for him throwing stones or summoning spikes.

Perhaps Terra Valomyr? Make the shield around itself one giant boulder and rolls around in it?

it seems the most he can do is have two monsters together at a time. Any more and not only will there not be any survivors to bow to him, but also the monsters will fight each other to the death.

So it's basically the escalation mechanic where you can fight 2 different behemoths after fighting one, right?? Also can't wait to see what you're going to do with the Overgrowth, Hunted Shadows, and Searing Talons Hunt pass armor skins. Because, you know, the clan system your doing and stuff...... Yeah.

Just a somewhat good reason on why you don't battle an entire squad of behemoths at once. But if you're curious,future spoilers:
Overgrowth/Farslayers may join when Yona and Sandbar to battle the Koshai, and may act similar to the wood elves from The Lord of the rings/Hobbit.
Hunted Shadows will definitely join Ocellus and Silversteam when hunting the Rift Stalker, with Castlevania music playing.
Searing Talons will definitely be like the Assassins from Assassins Creed, and it's where the first Slayer came from

Humm jumping right to the void event... Though it is the only real plot the game has had. The adding of raids, monthly "events" had little real plot to them.

I wonder would Hector and Tank get along?

Glad to see that Fortuna helped you out :raritywink:

With the Terra Escalation rolling around, I thought it'd be time I finally get to this. Good chapter as always, but jumping straight to the new Ramsgate from their last set of adventures without warning seems a bit jarring to me.

Believe me, I was taken back with the new Ramsgate myself.

So lemme guess Grogar is still around and making more Behemoths. Also we now the Elemental Varriants . Flame Gnasher, Flame Quilshot, Flame Razikiri, Umbral Drask, Umbral Nyzaga, Terra Embermane and Terra Charnogg. Flame Quilshot is the most annoying to me, digging around the area and launching exploding spines that light you on fire. And 50% of players don't know dodge rolling helps extinguish you. Maybe in a fight vs a flame Behemoth one of the Young six gets lit up and is good to roll to put it out.

I love dauntless, and I am excited to see where this goes.

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