• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 1,748 Views, 71 Comments

Colt Detective - DanishDash

The story of a young colt wanting to become a great detective. After his dad's murder, his uncle Time Turner comes and brings him to Ponyville. Depressed and lost he soon finds himself in the company of three annoying fillies and a world of mystery!

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Chapter 1: Cutie Mark What?

Morning came, but Chaser hadn't prepared the alarm clock.

Still, he was slowly coming around, somehow sensing he should wake up. The more he came to, sensing the world around him, he somehow felt some pony was looking at him. Opening his eyes, groaning a bit as he did so, he came face to face with a small unicorn filly, who looked directly into his eyes with a huge smile.

"Wha?!" Chaser's eyes shot open as he sat up, falling onto his back on the bed. The little filly giggled a bit. She was young, younger than Chaser, perhaps by five or six years between them. What was she doing in his room?

As if sensing his question the little filly gave him a big smile and a wave. "Hi, my name is Dinky, what's yours?"

"Uhm... Clue Chaser..." He responded, a little unsure how to react. Of course he knew who she was, his uncle had told him Derpy had a daughter, he was just a little out of it after the shock he got. "Nice to meet you too.." Chaser forced out, trying to give her a smile, but failed.

She however didn't seem to notice and simply nodded before turning her head. "Mooom! Clue Chaser is awake!" The filly called, and soon enough Chaser heard hoofsteps. In came his uncle and his marefriend, Ditzy.

"Good morning Clue Chaser."

"Ah, good morning lad! A bright day ahead of you I'm sure!"

The whole family was here, in his room, smiling at him. Chaser was not really used to this, he was used to getting up by himself, his dad sleeping on the couch, exhausted, before he made his own way to school. Now he suddenly had a whole family making their way into his room, wishing him good morning.

"Uhm, morning.." He said, still a bit confused, and really not sure how to react.

"We just wanted to wish you good morning." Derpy smiled. "Why don't you brush your teeth and come downstairs and have some breakfast with us?"

"Breakfast.." He said in a mumble, trying to remember when he last shared breakfast with anypony. He hadn't eaten with his dad for weeks, and now, he was gone. Chaser felt his eyes water slightly, and he was about to wipe them away fast when Derpy suddenly spoke again.

"We'll just be downstairs, come down when you're ready." She ushered the others out, and gently closed the door behind them, giving him time to recover.

Chaser was a bit surprised at her insight, she had not commented on his tears, to which he was grateful, and she was tactful enough to give him time to recover on his own. Still, he cursed at himself for allowing himself to cry here in front of them. Taking a deep breath, he wiped the tears away with his fore hoof. "Dammit.." He mumbled, then let out a sigh.

He couldn't stay in here all day, he needed to move and get his mind off things. He jumped out of bed, made sure it was nice and neat before he went to the bathroom to do all his morning routines. He brushed his teeth, combed his mane, and went back to his room for his saddlebags. As he got them, he cast a look at his black trilby. His dad had got him that, but it was one he wore because he wanted to be a detective. He wasn't sure about that dream anymore, and for just a moment he turned his back to it, not wanting to bring it along. He didn't manage to walk away however, he had just reached the door when he suddenly turned around, hurried over, put it on, and then went down the stairs.

At the breakfast table, Dinky was already consuming a nice morning muffin, and some oatmeal. Ditzy was doing the dishes, humming to herself a pleasant little tune, uncle Time Turner was nowhere to be seen however.

Dinky smiled when she saw her. "Ohhh, cool hat!" She exclaimed, already looking interested in what it was.

Ditzy was the next to notice, but she didn't comment on it, instead she just smiled at him. "We have muffins and cereal if you want some?"

"Mommy's muffins are the best in the world!" Dinky giggled, licking her lips and rubbed her stomach.

Chaser just shook his head. "Uhm, cereal will be fine, thank you.."

Ditzy smiled warmly, humming as she brought him his breakfast. Chaser muttered a thank you, still feeling out of place in this big house, and with these new ponies in his life. He still felt awkward, even though he had never really cared about his image. He wasn't a rude colt, or caring about social norms, but he never felt the pressure of other pony's approval or thoughts about him. Now however, he was uncomfortable, because he could tell they all pitied him.

Not Dinky, obviously, she had no idea why he was here, other than he was going to live here now. His uncle and Ditzy knew full well, and so tried to walk on eggshells around him. It was enough to make him want to scream, because it only reminded him of the fact he was alone.

The only reason he didn't lash out and voice his frustration was because it didn't come from a bad place, pity rarely did. But they were out of their comfort zone just as much as he was. He could understand that, even though it made him feel even more exposed, he wasn't gonna bash them for trying to do right by him.

Breakfast felt like it lasted a lifetime, but soon enough they were all out of the door. Turner was with them, talking about Ponyville, and the school. Ditzy mostly echoed what he said, but did give more in depth information. Chaser learned she was a mail mare, so she knew a lot about the town's details.

Much to his own annoyance, Chaser couldn't help but soak everything in. Everything Turner and Ditzy said, every impression he got, every detail he noted, it was all just absorbed into his mind for later use. He was thinking as a detective, or at least, how he imagined a detective would think. The more information he had, the better he could establish patterns, and reach deductions, but a part of him resented that part of himself now.

Dinky was just beaming, looking like she was so proud of having Clue Caser near. Since he had no siblings of his own, Chaser wasn't sure how to feel about it, it was all really strange and new to him. She wasn't his little sister, she wasn't even his cousin or related to him in any way. Still she seemed utterly fascinated by him, trotting right beside him, keep glancing up at him and looking over his reactions to things.

Chaser couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed, but he didn't say anything as she was around six years younger than him after all. Her eagerness didn't come from a bad place, just like the hidden pity from his uncle and his marefriend. While he felt like snapping and telling them off, he kept it buried deep inside him, and did his very best to be polite.

'Never let them see you weak..' Chaser thought to himself, refusing to let them see how destroyed he really was.

"And this is where we part." Said Ditzy, stopping in front of a pleasant and colorful building.

Dinky let out a cheer, nudging Chaser while pointing at the building. "That's my kindergarten!" She exclaimed proudly. Chaser just gave an acknowledging nod, something that didn't bother Dinky at all.

Ditzy though, while not bothered, saw Chaser was uncomfortable, and thus decided to move things along so Turner could take Chaser the rest of the way. "We have to go now, muffin."

"Kay!" She quickly hugged Time Turner. "Bye, daddy!"

The smile on Time Turner's face could only be described as one of pure joy. Chaser knew his uncle was not her real father, but he treated her as his daughter, and she responded in kind, something that he was immensely proud of. He leaned down, hugging his adoptive daughter. "You have a good day, filled with amazing learning!"

Dinky gave a nod. "I will!"

"Brilliant!" Turner smiled, giving her a squeeze.

Then Dinky turned to Chaser, somewhat startling him as she suddenly moved forward and hugged him as well. He stood there a bit stiffly, unsure how to react, or what to do. Dinky however didn't notice his hesitance, or the fact he didn't hug her back, she just stepped back and hurried back to her mother, waving at him.

"Bye, Clue Chaser!!"

Chaser waved back, though it was more out of embarrassed obligation. When Ditzy and Dinky had gone inside, Turner took Chaser down the road, towards the school house. Chaser didn't say anything, nor did his uncle, the two were still pretty much strangers to each other. Turner wished he had been there more for Chaser when his sister passed away, he should have made more of an effort. Hopefully he could make up for it now.

They arrived at school soon enough, it was still early, so students were still making their way inside the red building. Near the front door stood an adult mare, greeting each student as they slowly and unenthusiastically made their way inside.

The sight was foreign to Chaser, who looked at the building almost in amusement. His old school was made of bricks, and was certainly not as bright and colorful as this one. Moreover, the teachers did not bid every student good morning, if they were out and about, it was to get coffee, or to chase the foals into their classes faster. This place looked like it had come out of a storybook.

The reddish purple earth pony saw them, she smiled, and made her way over to them. Chaser noticed how her green eyes looked him over, but quickly avoided him when their eyes met for the briefest of seconds. The way she smiled, there was a hint of nervousness, which made Chaser suspect the mare knew of his circumstances.

"Good morning, Time Turner." The mare greeted.

His uncle bowed his head in greeting. "And a very good morning to you, Ms. Cheerilee."

The mare then looked at Chaser, smiling at him, though she seemed a little nervous, like if she said the wrong thing everything would collapse. "And this must be your nephew, Clue Chaser?"

Chaser gave a nod. "Morning, Ms. Cheerilee." He said, his tone flat and devoid of the usually bounciness of most ponies. The way Cheerilee reacted to his almost emotionless greeting gave credit to Chaser's theory. Cheerilee knew of the circumstances of his arrival in Ponyville.

"Morning, Clue Chaser. I'll be your teacher starting today, I hope you will get along with me and your new classmates." She spoke with such sincerity that Chaser was slightly surprised. At his old school his teachers, while well meaning, were overworked most of the time, and only seemed to survive thanks to coffee. "I know this must be a big change from the big city school, but I'm confident you will do well here."

Chaser inclined his head. "Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee."

His uncle smiled, gently patting Chaser on the back. "Capital! Well, if there is nothing else, I must be off." Looking at his nephew, he gave an unsure look. "Do you want me or Ditzy to pick you up after school?"

Chaser frowned. 'Pick me up? I'm not four!' Though Chaser, slightly annoyed, quickly suppressed the annoyance, knowing he was only trying to help. "No, I'll be fine on my own."

Turner nodded. "Okay, if you decide to stay out, just remember to be back in time for dinner."


"Alright, I hope you will have a great first day!" Turner grinned, then looked at Cheerilee. "You know how to reach me if you need anything. Have a good day."

Cheerilee nodded, saying goodbye to Turner before he left the two alone. Once they were, she looked at him with a kind smile. "Right then, how about we go in and say hello to your new classmates?"

Chaser just shrugged, and she took it as a sign of approval, if slightly reluctant. She led him inside, taking him down the hallway and towards the only door that was open. The hallway itself was empty of any foals who might linger, and the rest of the doors were closed, one leading to the bathroom, while another led to a closet.

As they got closer, they could hear the foals talking, doing what foals mostly did before it was time to start a lesson. That was not unknown to Chaser, it was the same at his old school. What differed however was the sudden change when Cheerilee walked in, they quieted down. Back in Manehatten, students would continue to talk and screw around until the teacher ordered them to sit and be quiet, here though, the foals did it as soon as they noticed Cheerilee.

Chaser followed Cheerilee inside, and as soon as the other foals saw him, he could sense them silently looking him over. There were a few whispers here and there, but otherwise the classroom was silent. The classroom was much like the building itself, colorful, and filled with much more character than his old classroom.

It was bigger, yet smaller. It was bigger in the sense that the room itself was bigger, but smaller when compared to the number of seats. There were sixteen seats, divided into four rows. There was plenty of room for more seats, and Chaser could easily imagine that if required, more seats could be added. To the student's left side was the wall facing the playground, three large windows letting in plenty of sunlight, though the window beside the front row was blocked by a table willed with painting supplies, a place Chaser noted to avoid as the table was quite messy. The rest of the classroom was neat and tidy though, but still had a more free atmosphere about it.

Chaser took it all in, every little impression, every little detail, he added it all to his mental library. Then Cheerilee's voice spoke, jolting Chaser from his spot by the door, and walked further inside and joined his new teacher's side. "Good morning class!"

"Good morning, Ms. Cheerilee!" Came the instant response.

"Today you will be getting a new classmate. Clue Chaser comes all the way from Manehatten, and has just moved to our little town." She turned, looking at Chaser expectantly. "Tell us a little about yourself."

Chaser didn't want to, but he knew the faster he got it over with, the faster they would move on. Letting out a sigh, he gave a small wave. "Hello, my name is Clue Chaser, I'm ten years old, and I've just moved to town. Nice to meet you all." It was as an unenthusiastic greeting as it could get, but Chaser simply didn't feel like getting into it. He wasn't happy, he didn't want to be here, he just wanted his dad.

'Don't let them see you cry, don't let them see you weak..' Chaser thought to himself, repeating a few times as thoughts of his dad made him want to cry, or lash out at the world. 'Be strong..'

A filly with a red mane and a pink bow, raised her hoof, and Cheerilee pointed at the filly, nodding. "Yes, Apple Bloom? Do you have a question for Clue Chaser?"

The filly nodded, she sat in the second row, one desk away from the middle window. "I just wanted to know if Clue Chaser likes apples?"

Chaser looked at Cheerilee, and she gave him a nod. Looking back at the filly, Chaser gave a shrug. "Yeah, I do." It was a strange question, but nothing horrible, or too personal.

Then another filly raised her hoof, she sat in the front row left from the first. Her coat was orange, and her mane was reddish purple, kind of like the coat of Cheerilee. "Yes, Scootaloo?"

"Do you like cool and extreme stuff?"

Another odd question, and a vague one at that. "I guess?"

Then a colt raised his hoof, before Cheerilee could acknowledge him, he blurted out. "Why did you move to Ponyville?"

It was a simple enough question, and Chaser had expected it to come up, just not yet. He noticed Cheerilee looking a little nervous, trying to figure out whether to stop it here, or let Chaser answer. Wanting to end this whole exercise, Chaser gave a short explanation that was true, but didn't tell the whole story.

"I moved here to live with my uncle."

Cheerilee quickly ended it after that, wanting to avoid the obvious follow-up question. "I think that will do for now, Chaser, why don't you take a seat next to Apple Bloom over there?"

Looking to the seat she indicated, Chaser made his way to the second row of student desks, and passed Apple Bloom. He placed his saddle-bags next to his new desk, and sat down. He was on Apple Bloom's left side, right next to the window, and right behind the filly called Scootaloo.

Both of the fillies look over at him, sending him friendly smiles. He just nodded back, looking up at Cheerilee as she continued the lesson. "Alright class, as you all know, I promised you a test today." The whole class groaned, and Cheerilee gave a small giggle. "I know, I know, but you have had a week to prepare for it."

She started giving out tests, which was only two pages, both having to do with math. Looking through the problems, Chaser saw no real challenge, and so did not worry or dread the test as the rest of the class clearly did. "Clue Chaser," Cheerilee suddenly said. "I know you haven't gone over these math problems with the rest of the class, but just do your best, and if you have problems or questions, feel free to ask me."

Chaser just shook his head. "No, I think I will be okay."

"Alright, then you may all begin."

The class all turned their attention to the sheets of papers in front of them. Tough now and again, Chaser would notice them look at him, or hear small whispers here and there. He just tuned them out, answering every question with ease. School work had never really been a problem for Chaser, his hero was adept at multiple subjects, so in hopes of one day being as good as Phillip Finder, Chaser had devoted himself to his studies and more beyond.

He finished the test before any other, and thus spent his time looking out the window, getting lost in his own thoughts, thinking of the events that had led him here. His dad's supposed suicide, the way the officers had dismissed him, and how his dad's own brother had agreed with them. It hurt him just thinking back on it, like a knife in the back getting twisted in the wound. There was nothing he could do, and now he was stuck in this town. What would happen to him now?

When the test was over, and every foal had given back their test sheets, it was time for the day's first recess. Every foal in the class sprang up, all of the hurrying outside to play. Chaser was the last one to leave, and only did so when most of his new classmates had left.

Once outside, he did his best to stay away, trotting over to a tree and sat down by himself. He didn't want to play with the others, and he didn't feel like talking to them either. It wasn't because he thought they were stupid, or less worth than him, but he just couldn't handle all of that right now.

Though his peace didn't last long, he'd barely gotten comfortable under the shadow of the tree before three fillies approached him. Two of them he knew as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, an earth filly and a Pegasus filly, but the third, a unicorn filly, was unknown to him. She was a unicorn, light grey coat, and two colors in her mane, grayish mulberry and light rose.

The three of them looked at him expectantly, all three smiling, looking excited. Looking back up at them, he sent them a flat look of disinterest. "Can I help you?"

"You have no cutie mark." Said the one known as Scootaloo.

Chaser raised an eyebrow. "So?"

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Sorry, that wasn't what we meant to say." She cut in, giving the Pegasus a scolding look. Then she smiled, looking at Chaser as she introduced herself, and her two friends. "I'm Apple Bloom, and this is Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle."

The unicorn raised her hoof in greeting, smiling somewhat shyly. "Hello."

"Hello," said Chaser back to her before looking at Apple Bloom once again.

The earth filly continued. "We just liked to welcome you to our class, and Ponyville."

"Thanks?" Chaser doubted that was all.

Clearing her throat, Sweetie Belle decided to continue. "And we noticed you didn't have a cutie mark yet." She gestured to herself and her friends. "We don't have one either."

Then Scootaloo cut in. "But we're trying a bunch of stuff to get them, and we wanted to know if you wanted to become part of our club!"

Chaser tilted his head, not sure where they were going with this. "Club? What club?"

The three fillies shared a knowing grin, and with surprising well choreographed accuracy, the three fillies spun and did a dramatic pose. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"Uhm, the cutie mark what?" Chaser asked, not sure if he got that right.

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo repeated, slightly annoyed that she had to repeat it.

"Right, and you're trying to figure out your cutie marks?" The three fillies nodding, clearly thinking his interest was increasing. Sadly however, Chaser had no intention of joining their little club. "Sorry, but I'm not interested."

The three almost recoiled in shock, all three had their mouths open and eyes wide. "What? Why the hay not?!" Scootaloo asked, not angry, but more confused. "We have a super cool club house, and we do all kinds of fun stuff!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded along, but still Chaser dismissed their offer. "That's neat and all, but I'm not interested." He wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything, but his tone was cold and one caring, something that set him apart from other foals, and something that caught the three fillies off guard.

"How about if you come over to just have a look at the club house? Just to see what we do?" Sweetie Belle suggested, sounding almost hopeful, but also a little unsure of him.

"No." Chaser simply said.

"But-" Apple Bloom tried, but was shot down with the same response.


Scootaloo looked like she was about to put in a final attempt, but before she could say what she wanted, another voice joined in. "Well look at this, seems like the loser squad is trying to recruit another blank flank." The voice was that of a filly, and it dripped with condescension.

The cutie mark crusaders all looked uncomfortable as two fillies made their way towards them. While the first three looked concerned, Chaser didn't look bothered at all, instead just watching as the two new fillies trotted up to him. "I'm Diamond Tiara, and this is Silver Spoon."

Chaser let out an annoyed sigh. "And what do you two want?"

"Oh nothing, we just wanted to see if the loser squad managed to recruit another blank flank." Diamond Tiara looked over her shoulder, smirking. "I'd say they have not managed to recruit you. Looks like you got some brains after all." Then she looked at Chaser again, clearly thinking she was asserting some sort of authority, or superiority. "So, why are you in Ponyville?"

"To live with my uncle." Chaser just replied.

"What? Your parents didn't want you around?" Diamond snickered.

"Yeah?" Silver Spoon added, seeming just to go along with whatever Diamond was saying, and apparently had nothing else to add.

If Chaser was bothered by the comment, he didn't let it show. The Cutie Mark Crusaders watched the exchange, all three holding their breath. Letting out a sigh, Chaser just shrugged. "Are you done? I'd like to enjoy recess in peace, so if you don't mind, can you leave me in peace?"

"Why? Are you too busy being friendless?"

Chaser almost let out a laugh, who did this filly think she was? Chaser was far from intimidated by her coming from Manehatten, he had seen bullies, real bullies. They were monsters compared to this little brat, and while she was annoying, she was nowhere near as scary or effective.

She almost got in his face, poking him with her hoof. "What? You gonna cry?"

"Diamond! Stop it!" Sweetie Belle called out.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo joined in. "Stop picking on the new kid."

Apple Bloom nodded, taking a step forward. "We'll tell on you!"

Diamond turned around, facing the three crusaders. "Oh yeah?!"


Chaser rolled his eyes, standing up on all fours. "You guys are so annoying.." He said under his breath, trotting away.

"Are you running away, blank flank?!" Diamond called after him, Chaser just ignored her.

The rest of the day Chaser just kept to himself. The three fillies still wanted to talk to him, but did not approach him, which suited Chaser just fine. Diamond Tiara didn't either, apparently she had her fun for the day. Chaser focused on his studies, and when it was recess or lunch, he would keep to himself. The other foals in class avoided him, all seeming to sense he didn't want to talk to them.

Then the end of the day was finally near, and already you could feel the energy rise within the class. Foals eager to escape school and venture out into freedom. Chaser wasn't in a hurry, so he just waited patiently as Cheerilee finished up.

"And remember, next Monday we will have that yard sale, so if you have something you want to sell to help the school, or your parents, please bring it this week so we don't have to sort through it Monday morning." She looked at the clock on the wall, noting the time, and turned her attention back to her students. "That's all for today, see you tomorrow!"

And with that, the class room erupted into pure chaos. Foals quickly gathered their stuff into their saddle-bags, others talking to their friends, but most ran out as soon as possible. Chaser wasn't in any hurry, and instead, like with every recess, took his time, and waited for his classmates to have left the path clear for him. Once they had, he put on his saddle-bags and trotted towards the door.

Cheerilee sat at her desk, but then noticed him. "Oh, Clue Chaser, do you have a moment?"

He stopped. "Sure."

"Just wanted to congratulate you on your test score, 100%, that's really impressive." Chaser could tell she wanted to be encouraging, wanting him to feel welcomed and accomplished. Again, her intentions were good, but at this point, Chaser's patience was running low.

"Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee. Can I go?"

The blunt question seemed to do the trick, and the teacher nodded, trying to mask her frown with a smile, but only half succeeding. "Of course, have a nice day, and see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, you too." He left, thinking he would finally be able to be alone.

He was wrong, as soon as he stepped outside, he was faced with the same three fillies from earlier today. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, all three looking at him. Taking a deep breath, he started moving again, and as he came closer he asked. "What do you want now?"

"We wanted to show you around Ponyville." Sweetie Belle said, a little unsure and maybe a little timid.

"We want to make you feel at home, and make you feel welcome." Apple Bloom added.

Then Scoots winked, a sly smirk on her face. "We’ll even treat you to a milkshake,"


The three fillies winched, as if the word no had just slapped them across their muzzles. "Then how about coming over to see our clubhouse?" Apple Bloom tried, but was shot down again.


Scootaloo grinded her teeth, pointing at him with her hoof accusingly. "What's the big idea, why are you being such a jerk!? We helped you with Diamond Tiara!"

Chaser looked at her, his eyebrow raised, this time in slight annoyance. "I neither wanted your help nor did I need it. As to why I'm being such a jerk, that's because I can't get some peace. So, will you please let me be?"

"Why I oughta!" Scootaloo began, but was stopped by Apple Bloom who stepped in front of her. Chaser rolled his eyes, and started to trot away, leaving the three fillies alone. Scootaloo let out a frustrated groan. "He's such a jerk! We're only trying to be nice to him!"

"I know," Apple Bloom replied. "But maybe he just needs some time?"

"Maybe he's just shy, or maybe that's how city ponies are?" Sweetie suggested, considering this. "Rarity always says city ponies are very busy."

"Yeah, my sister says that too!" Nodded Apple Bloom, then looking back at Scootaloo. "Maybe he will be in a better mood tomorrow, and we can try again."

Scootaloo let out a sigh, then nodded reluctantly. "Alright, if we're lucky we can get our cutie marks in being recruiters." Then the three friends smiled, seeing a challenge ahead of them, but one they were confident they could overcome.

When dinner came around, Chaser was finding himself sitting at the dining table with his uncle, his uncle's marefriend, and a very talkative Dinky. He'd kept himself to his room ever since he'd gotten home from school, needing some time to himself. If His uncle had come by, or Ditzy, he'd told them he was doing homework.

It wasn't exactly a lie, the assignment was easy enough, and he hardly needed complete silence and focus to do it, but it gave him a convenient excuse to be left in peace. Even Dinky had respected it, and so he had found himself being able to calm his mind and regain his patience, at least enough to endure dinner.

Chaser mostly kept quiet, letting the others chat about their day. Watching them, Chaser saw how close they were, so warm and connected. While not his real daughter, Turner treated Dinky as if she was his own daughter, and it was clear it touched Ditzy deeply. They were a family, through and though.

He couldn't help but envy them, while his own relationship with his dad was great, they both missed his mom. His dad had done his best for Chaser, given him all the attention a single father can give, while at the same time trying to keep up with his caseload, and pay the bills. No matter how busy he was though, he always did his best, and always found time for Chaser. They shared a bond, and while times could be hard, they still had each other, and stuck together.


"Hm?" He looked up, seeing they were all three looking at him, all with a worried expression. "What..?"

"You're crying.." Dinky said, her voice filled with concern.

Chaser's eyes widened, and he quickly released a few tears running down his cheeks. He turned away, wiping them away before he stood. "Uhm I.. I.. Thanks for the food.." Without another word, he hurried back upstairs, running into his room and shut the door tightly.

His heart was pounding, his mind raced. His whole body seemed to heat up with emotions, as he tried to shut out the world by leaning against the door. Tears moved down his cheeks again, and he gritted his teeth. "Dammit... Dammit.." He whispered over and over again, letting his small body slump to the floor. He'd promised he would be strong, promised he would never show weakness again, and yet he had failed to do that very thing in front of the ponies that had taken him in.

He knew they would understand, rationalize it into him still grieving. They would pity him even more, look at him like he was made of glass. Chaser didn't want that, he didn't want them to look at him like a small foal, he hated it! Closing his eyes tightly, hiding his face in his hooves, he tried to hold back the flood of emotions, gritting his teeth, controlling his breathing, and refused himself to cry, not even when he was in private.

He refused it, refused himself to be weak and vulnerable ever again! Yet still the tears came, still they leaked from the damn of stubbornness and onto the wooden floor beneath him.

"There's no shame in crying, anklebiter. Even the toughest ponies cry when they're hurting."

A voice suddenly said. He knew the voice, he knew who it belonged to, but he hadn't heard it since the funeral of his dad. Looking up, he spotted the pony he expected to see, Phillip Finder. Standing in his green vest, his own trilby, and a compassionate look about him. He wasn't real of course, he was just a figment of Chaser's imagination.

He'd first shown up at the police station back in Manehatten, showing up in his hour of need, trying to comfort him, to line up the facts as Chaser believed his dad was murdered. He wasn't real, just a manifestation of his grief Chaser figured, but despite his mind telling him that, the way Phillip looked at him, talked to him, it made him feel like he was really there.

"I.. I'm not.." Chaser said, his voice cracking as he struggled holding it all in.

Phillip inclined his head, raising an eyebrow. "You know that they'd want to help you. Bottling it up isn't gonna solve anything."

Finally he'd had enough, he grabbed the trilby still on his head, and threw it at the imaginary Phillip. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He screamed, seeing the trilby fly through the air and hit, nothing. Phillip was gone, and Chaser was left alone in the darkness once again.

Clue Chaser awoke the next morning, his body stiff, his eyes dry, and his head hurt like crazy. Looking around, he found himself tugged into his bed. Knowing he had not crawled into bed himself, he figured his uncle and Ditzy had tugged him last night. He couldn't recall, which made him wonder how much of what happened last night was a dream.

"Great job, not only did they see you cry, but they tugged you in as well.." He let out an annoyed sigh, but he didn't blame them. He was the one who ran upstairs and cried, they just did what responsible adults did. He could just have gotten into bed himself. "Idiot.." Looking around, he noticed how bright it was for this early morning, though his attention was quickly grabbed by something else. A glass of water had been placed on his nightstand, and when his throat was dry and slightly sore, he quickly got a hold of it and drank greedily.

It felt so good, and when the glass was empty and down on the nightstand once more, he took a deep breath, and cleared his mind. Chaser still felt stiff, tired, and his head still hurt, but he still felt better, enough to figure out that the reason it was so bright was because he'd overslept!

"Damn it!" He quickly got up, grabbing his trilby and saddle bags on his way out. Chaser hurried down the stairs, but before he could reach the door, his uncle called.

"Clue Chaser, what's the hurry?"

He stopped, almost smacking into the door itself with the speed he was going with. Spotting the stallion, Chaser trotted towards him. "Uncle, I've slept too long, I'm late for school."

The stallion frowned. "My boy, we thought you wanted some time. After yesterday, we thought it would be best."

Chaser grimaced, quickly shaking his head. "No, I'm fine, I want to go to school."

"Chaser, you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes, I'm okay, I was just exhausted. I'm all better now!" Chaser insisted, looking almost desperate. He wasn't going to let anypony think he had gone into hiding, or could not handle his new school.

"Alright, but if-"

Before Time Turner could finish his sentence, Chaser had already bolted out the door. "Thank you, uncle, bye!"

Turner was left staring at the door, slightly bewildered. "But, what about your lunch?"

Chaser ran through the streets of Ponyville, quickly moving down the path to school they had taken the day before. Strangely enough, it felt good to be running, burning off some steam and pent up frustration. Even so, he was annoyed that he was late only on his second day of school.

It was not something he wanted to do, and he certainly didn't want his new teacher to think he was too sad to come back. Chaser was going to make it, no matter what. A small part of his mind told him this was a bad idea, he was not doing this clear headed, he did this because he was afraid of looking weak. It was a bad judgement call, but his stubbornness drove him forward, drove him to run all the way from his home, to the school house.

Once he arrived, he made his way to the door, and in his eagerness almost slammed the door open, startling his classmates, and Ms. Cheerilee. All eyes were on him as he stood in the doorway, panting, and his mane still in bed/running mode.

"Clue Chaser?" Cheerilee said, sounding bemused. "I thought you weren't coming today?"

"Overslept.." Chaser simply said while catching his breath. "Sorry.."

As he made his way to his seat, Cheerilee nodded, trying to figure out what was going on. "That's alright, we were just talking about the end of the second trade war between Equestria and Saddle Arabia, so if you grab your textbook, you can follow along with the rest of the class."

Clue Chaser nodded, ignoring his classmates' staring, and did as asked. Though as the lesson continued, he heard Apple Bloom whisper to him. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Chaser whispered back. "Let me study.."

The lesson continued as planned, and at recess, Chaser was left alone. Most of the morning went like that, which suited Chaser just fine. Then lunch came around, and having not eaten breakfast, or brought lunch, Chaser found himself sitting alone, and with a growling stomach.

Hungry and tired, Chaser wasn't exactly in the mood to fool around. So when he noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders make their way towards him, all of them carrying their lunches, he could already feel his frustration grow. He sighed, looking up at them.


"Aren't you going to eat?" Sweetie Belle asked, after the three fillies had put down their lunch boxes.

"I'm not hungry." He lied, and as if his body had a mind of its own, his stomach growled, revealing the lie. He blushed, but otherwise refused to react.

Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes almost accusingly. "You shouldn't be lying, and I can tell you're hungry."

"I'm fine." Chaser insisted, narrowing his own eyes.

"Dude, just let us eat with you. The whole world isn't gonna collapse if we do." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes as she sat down. The other fillies followed her example. Chaser let out a sigh, about to protest, or get up himself and leave, but before he could Diamond joined in.

"Oh, it looks like the official meeting of the blank flank club has just begun! How cute!" Diamond smirked, with Silver Spoon giggling behind her. "Looks like you made some friends, good for you, Chaser! Though to be fair, these three are hardly an improvement."

Chaser groaned, he wasn't in the mood for Diamond and her idea of bullying. "Go away, Diamond Tiara, and take your cheerleader with you. I'm not in the mood."

Diamond snorted, smirking as she thought she had gotten to him. "What's the matter, blank flank? Still sad because your mom and dad sent you away?"

Chaser flew up, shocking everypony. The way he moved, and the way he glared at Diamond made everypony think he was going to hit Diamond, but instead, he just got in her face. "If you must know, my mom died years ago, and my dad has just been murdered, so that's why I'm here!"

The whole playground went still, and an inaudible gasp seemed to go through the foals. Diamond seemed at a loss for words, her eyes wide, her ears down, her mouth moving up and down as she tried to come up with something to say. Whatever it was, Chaser wasn't interested.

"Chaser, we.." Sweetie Belle began, but was cut off when the colt turned his glare at her and her friends.

"And you three! Will you please just leave me alone?! I don't want to be a member of your stupid club, I don't want to be friends, I just want to left ALONE!!"

His words shocked not only the foals within earshot, but Chaser as well. He'd lost control of his temper, something he had never allowed to happen before. He looked at the three fillies, who wasn't only shocked, but hurt as well. Sweetie Belle was on the verge of tears, Apple Bloom seemed at a loss, and close to crying as well. Scootaloo gritted her teeth, glared, and like her friends, seemed close to shed some tears, but like Chaser, she held them back with all her might.

Chaser regretted his words, deep inside he knew they came from a place of anger and sadness, but it was too late to turn it around now. He was angry, and he didn't want to be here. Instead, as he saw Cheerilee at the door, he trotted away.

All were silent as they watched him head towards Ponyville. Today had been a disaster, and he couldn't find it within himself to stay for the rest of the day. His uncle would have questions, Ditzy would be worried along with Dinky, but right now, Chaser didn't care.

He needed time to cool down, and think...

Author's Note:

Special Thanks To:

Jason Monroe

Inspiration/Creator of Phillip Finder:

PonyJosiah13 is the writer of the story that played a huge part in inspiring this story. Be sure to check out Ponyville Noire: Tails of Two Private Eyes, it's an amazing read, and that is just one of many of his nail-biting detective stories! The one I posted features Phillip Finder's first meeting with Daring Do! :rainbowwild: