• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 2,785 Views, 284 Comments

Quantum Leap Forward - Halira

Cheerilee wakes up twenty years in the future, in the body of Big Mac's daughter. Now she must find out how to get back to her proper time and body.

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Chapter 36: Future Uncertain

Rescue did come for Cheerilee and the foals. She discovered soon after that her original plan of continuing along the cliff to make it back to the tree house would have ended as a bust, because their path would have ended unblocked by a very difficult to cross bog if they continued that way. Starlight Glimmer had teleported to them after Rainbow Dash gave her the location, and had promptly teleported the trio straight to Ponyville General hospital.

Cheerilee now lay in bed, with a number of bandages over areas she'd been burned. The burns didn't hurt that much anymore, unless she tried to stretch too much, and they told her that she would be free to leave in the morning-- provided she kept up with changing her bandages out and didn't overexert herself. Candy shared a room with her, and the filly had been put on a respirator for a few hours, before recently coming off it. There were small concerns about permanent damage to Candy's lungs, but nothing that would seriously handicap her. Candy was just advised to not engage in any activity that pushed her breathing too hard or required her to hold her breath for too long. Candy was also going to be free to go in the morning, as long as her parents made sure the filly had her follow-up appointments.

It had been a very active few hours, and now the majority of the Apples had gone home, with the exception of Ma Apple and Big Mac, and the still hospitalized Applebloom. Candy had been asleep for much of the time, as her magical exhaustion, combined with the earlier strain on her lungs, had caused physical exhaustion as well. The filly had been awake for short periods, but hadn't had much chance to speak with her parents. Candy was now sleeping again, with her parents sitting close by.

Cheerilee was reading in bed about education regulations. Her familiarity with current day regulations was much better than it had been when she had been trapped in Candy's body, but there were enough of them that weren't commonly applied that she still felt review of them was expedient before Candy's school board hearing tomorrow. However, a lot of this basically would come down to just convincing the school board that Candy wasn't dangerous. The fact that they might have a cure for her soon helped with that, but the fact that Candy had just dragged Cheese out into the Everfree and set it on fire was going to work against them. It was going to be hard not to say that the filly had an affinity for setting things on fire when her new cutie mark literally had a flame as its most prominent feature.

"Why do you think Candy has extra cutie marks in her cutie mark? Why is one of them yours?"

Cheerilee turned and looked at Ma Apple. The other mare was sitting on a chair beside her daughter's bed.

"I don't know," she replied, as she shut the book she had been reading. "She said that she was thinking about what the ponies that had those marks would do when she stood and fought that timberwolf. Maybe a little of their personalities imprinted on her."

Ma and Big Mac both gave her quizzical looks. "You're one of those marks," Ma said slowly. "Would you stop and fight a timberwolf?"

She shook her head. "I can't imagine doing so, but if one of my students was in immediate danger… maybe I would try to distract it."

The Apple matriarch seemed to consider those words, and glanced back at the sleeping form of her daughter. Candy had a blanket covering all but her head, but Cherrilee could see Ma focused on where Candy's flank would be. "Who are the other two? I don't mind you imprintin' on her that much, but some of the others… "

"Twilight Comet and Platinum Gilt," Cheerilee answered. "I remember the marks from her drawings."

Ma scrunched up her muzzle. "The sneaky one and the one that kept callin' most of the family dirty earth ponies? That's not good, that's not good at all."

"Twilight Comet did all he could to help her, and seemed like he was some sort of adventurer or secret agent," Cheerilee calmly replied, then sighed. "As for Platinum, she might have had some strong biases, but she was a warrior or knight or something. I'm not a cutie mark expert, but I think Candy has a destiny to try to be a protector of sorts. The most prominent thing in her mark is her shield. I doubt she has the same prejudices as Platinum had, since the first pony she put herself on the line to protect was an earth pony."

"An adventurer, like her two aunts," Ma said breathlessly. "That worries me, because of the danger she might put herself in, but I can be proud of her for that."

"E'yup," Big Mac said in hearty agreement.

"Just as long as she waits till she's grown to actually start going on any more adventures," Ma continued.

"E'yup," Big Mac said again.

Cheerilee looked down for a second, considering her words. "I'm going to be doing everything I can to keep her in school, but even if she does get to stay in school I would highly recommend that she get a personal unicorn tutor, a skilled mage, to help her learn how to best use her magic. What she did with that fire was effective, and impressive, but it almost got her killed. She needs an expert to teach her how to properly do things."

"Cheese said she can teleport," Ma said with a mirthless chuckle. "I'm nothin' but proud of her skill, but she's so far past me in terms of ability and natural talent that I would be helpless tryin' to teach her. I'll talk to Sweetie Belle and Starlight about it. They said the princess is comin' tomorrow to help them fix a cure, so maybe the princess can help in some way."

"E'yup," Big Mac said in a lower voice, lowering his head and ears as he looked at his daughter. He reached out a hoof and gently brushed Candy's mane away from her eyes. It was amazing how a stallion so large and muscular could be so tender and gentle.

"I just worry about how much her personality might have changed because of all this," Ma continued, eyes glistening.

"Only time will tell," Cheerilee replied. "It would be foolish to think there aren't going to be changes. You can't go through what she has gone through without it having a big impact on her personality." She looked at her own self. "I was in her for just a few days, but I think it will have a lasting effect on me. Seeing things through a foal's eyes reminded me how much foals need to be heard when they express concerns. I also have always been protective of my students, but I think now I might have an even fiercer need to protect them." She smiled at the two parents. "Maybe a little of Candy has rubbed off on me."

The trio went quiet again after that, and Cheerilee went back to her reading. Candy was lightly snoring, and that was the only sound that could be heard in the room, aside from the occasional turn of a page. There were heavy emotions in the air as they waited for tomorrow to come. Hopefully it would come with Candy's cure, and the school board letting the filly off the hook for her actions.

Morning came, and with it lots of paperwork for their release from the hospital. Cheerilee had her bandages changed out, and was given a hefty number of bandages to change into on her own-- as well as instructions on how to do so. Listening to those instructions made her wish she still had Candy's horn, as it seemed like each bandage change was going to be an ordeal unto itself. Hopefully Stygian would help her with the bandage changes.

Before going to the meeting, she stopped by the post office and sent a letter off to her lover. She let him know what had happened, and that she'd be staying in Ponyville for a few days now. She offered her invitation for him to join her, and they could further discuss what they were going to do after that. Ponyville no longer filled her with dread now that her problems were resolved, but that put her in a new uncomfortable position. She was in love with Stygian, but he was in Vanhoover. At the same time she wanted to rejoin all her friends and family in Ponyville, and perhaps even resume her career. She had no interest in ousting Dinky and taking back the principal position-- Dinky by all rights was an excellent principal; fair and willing to stand up for her students-- but there was an opening for a new teacher starting next year, and Cheerilee wanted to return to the front of a classroom. With luck, Stygian would be interested in a move to Ponyville. He had his own friends here, so it was possible.

Candy was not particularly energetic. The filly was still recovering from her ordeal yesterday, and the doctors said it would be a few days before she really got to be herself again. That Candy would still be herself through the entire day was a mild concern. It was still a mystery what would trigger a new individual to take up residence in the filly's head, and having one come before or during the meeting could be very problematic. They hadn't heard anything yet today about the cure, even though it had been promised to be coming today. As long as Candy could hold out being herself until the meeting was over then things should turn out alright.

She, Candy, Ma, and Big Mac had a simple lunch together at the Twistabon shop-- which did have a small selection of regular food that wasn't sweets. They were initially going to go by Sugarcube corner, but remembered only when they got there that it was temporarily closed to focus on graduation cakes. There had been the sound of a great deal of activity inside, but Ma declined to go check in on how things were going.

Bon Bon came to take their order while they were in the Twistabon shop, and gave Candy a disgruntled look when she did. Candy cringed under the chocolatier's harsh gaze, and Cheerilee narrowed her eyes and decided to speak up. "Bonny, I need to say something on Candy's behalf."

The mare turned her attention to her with a cross eyebrow. "What? That filly-"

She wasn't going to let Bon Bon finish. "That filly wasn't herself either time she talked to you. The second time she was actually me. I don't know much about Twilight Comet, or whatever organization you used to work for, but I know Candy never intended to cause you any hurt. Please, don't be angry at her."

Bon Bon narrowed her eyes. "She was you? What are you talking about?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "It's a long story. I just want you to know she isn't at fault for whatever she did to make you mad." She licked her lips. "Actually, Candy's new cutie mark shows she's got a destiny of being some sort of protector. I don't know anything about-" she saw Bon Bon's scowl deepen and decided to not say the name out loud. "-your old organization, but I got the impression that they protected ponies. Maybe you could give her some pointers from time to time? She could use some mentoring outside of school."

Candy blinked and looked up at their host with a wary, yet hopeful, look.

Bon Bon's scowl released into a smaller frown as the mare turned and looked down at the small unicorn filly, eyes drifting to the freshly minted cutie mark. "I recognize that top middle mark," Bon Bon said quietly. "We never knew who exactly the old heads were, but a lot of the old bylaws still had their marks affixed to them." Bon Bon chewed on her lip for a moment, then shook her head. "I'm not going to promise anything right now. After the agency disbanded, I thought I left that part of my life behind. When some of the other ex-agents tried reforming it, with a warped vision of what it had been, I took the time to help stop them. I don't know how I feel after all that. Give me time to think about it, and if I decide to help I'll let you know, on my own terms-- don't pester me about it."

"Yes, Miss Bon Bon," Candy said meekly.

The morning hours slipped by, and in what seemed all too soon it was time for the school board meeting. It was held in the small auditorium of the administrative building. When they arrived they found many parents for other students already seated, along with some of the teachers, and the remainder of the Apple clan living in Ponyville. The majority of the parents gave Candy blank faced looks, and didn't call out greetings as they normally would. There were some exceptions though; Autumn Blaze and Noteworthy were there, and the kirin gave an enthusiastic wave to them. They brought along their son, who couldn't keep his eyes off Candy. Pinkie Pie had left from her cake making to come support Candy as well, and had brought Cheese with her. Also present was Silver Spoon and Twist, who surprisingly had Sisstet with them. Candy gave a weak smile to each of her school friends, but her worry was obvious.

The school board was all seated up front, and to Cheerilee's utter shock, Applebloom was among them. The younger mare seemed visibly pale and weak, but she sat looking defiantly at Spoiled Rich. The head of the school board purposely seemed to be ignoring Applebloom's gaze, and had her own predatory gaze focused on Candy. The rest of the school board was rounded out by Cheerilee's sister-- Cherry Tea, Roseluck (whose own son was in the graduating class this year), Pip Squeak (who could be mistaken for a foal himself, if not for the goatee and mustache), and the yellow pegasus mare Parasol (who had a penchant for dying her mane and tail different colors constantly, and was sporting a brown today).

The inclusion of Applebloom lifted Cheerilee's spirits greatly. Applebloom would definitely vote in Candy's favor. She was pretty sure she could convince her sister to vote in Candy's favor as well, since her sister took her opinions very seriously. She needed to get at least two of the others with them. Pip was a bit of a wild card, as he was known for going with what the facts said, rather than where his emotions led him. Roseluck might well be among those angry parents, especially after the uproar that happened when her son was supposed to be trying to talk to potential employers about apprenticeships. Parasol would be difficult, as she was often a yes-mare to Spoiled. Cherry Tea could sometimes fall in line with Spoiled on votes, especially if Cheerilee didn't express an opinion, but Cheerilee was fairly certain that her own opinions carried more weight with her sister than Spoiled's.

It was important that they sway both Roseluck and Pip. It was fairly safe to say Parasol would be voting with Spoiled, and if they didn't get both Roseluck and Pip that would lead to a split vote. If a split vote happened then a community vote with all the present parents would happen. They had some supporters among those, but there were far more blank faced parents than confirmed supporters present.

Spoiled stood up and cleared her throat, drawing all eyes to her. "Now that the subject of our meeting has arrived, we can now begin these proceedings."

The fight for Candy's future had begun.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I have been under an incredible amount of stress lately. I just was put under 14- day isolation, and immediately after that my dad had a stroke.

Next chapter should be the final chapter.

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