• Published 5th Nov 2019
  • 1,564 Views, 21 Comments

Bargains and Dragons - RK_Striker_JK_5

A green dragon threatens Ponyville, while three old friends from Dungeons and Dragons reunite.

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Bobby and Albert stood inside one of the prefab buildings surrounding the Rainbow Bridge in Equestria, in particular the office of one Marine Colonel Henry Potter. Henry glanced at a laptop at his desk, then at Bobby, standing at attention. “All right, Sergeant. At ease.” He waved a hand at the laptop. “Eyewitness accounts corroborate what you, Mister Preston, Mister Most and Mister Rich said in your own report.” His eyes drifted down to Bobby's club, laid out on his desk, then back up to the pair. “You did a good job, Sergeant. I'll be putting you in for a commendation.”

Bobby nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

Henry pointed to the club. “As for the club, it's not exactly standard-issue, but then again Equestria isn't exactly a 'standard' assignment. I'll make sure you'll be authorized to carry it here while on duty. Just go to the quartermaster and get a harness for it or something.” He stood up, but stopped and placed his hands on his hips. “Actually, if I make a personal request, may I hold it?”

Bobby blinked. “Oh, of course, sir!” He picked it up from the table and held it out.

Henry held out his hands, but stopped short of actually touching it. “It's not gonna sprout spikes or catch on fire, will it?” At their looks of confusion, he shrugged. “You know, some spell that means only some chosen one may hold it?”

Bobby shook his head. “No, sir. You can't cause any earthquakes or bash down stone walls with it, but it's perfectly safe to hold.”

Henry grabbed the club. He hefted it from hand to hand, then held it up and peered at the wood itself. “What kind of wood is this?”

Albert spoke up. “There's been tests done on it. From what we've been able to find out, it's not from any earth tree, and has some metallic properties to it. There's also some magical energy in it, but it's only active in Bobby's hands. Otherwise it's a strong, durable club.”

Henry handed the club over to Bobby. “Thank you, Mister Preston. All right, Sergeant. I won't keep you from your duties. Dismissed.”

The two men snapped to attention and exchanged salutes. Bobby about-faced and made his way for the door, but stopped and turned back. “Colonel, a question if I may?” At Henry's nod, he continued. “Do you know what's gonna happen to that fang I knocked out of the dragon's mouth?”

Henry grinned and shook his head. “Oh, the xeno-biologists are practically foaming at the mouth to examine that thing. There hasn't been much opportunity to do any real examination of dragons beyond the baby one living in Ponyville. Why?”

Bobby shook his head. “Just curious, sir. Thank you.” He turned once more and left, Albert following.

Albert patted him on the shoulder. “Don't worry, Bobby. I have a feeling you'll have more opportunities to get a dragon fang sword than you'll know what to do with.”

Bobby looked to him and sighed. “Yeah, but you never forget your first.”

Albert gave him an odd look. “That's what Diana said...”

Author's Note:

1. Final line was suggested by EdBecerra of Space Battles and used with his permission.

2. Henry Potter is named in honor of the two commanders of the 4077th, Henry Blake and Sherman Potter.

Comments ( 10 )

Sounds like it's a Ironwood club then. A druid's favorite armor material.

Man their aren't enough Dungeons and Dragons fictions. Well ones based on the cartoon anyways

Ah, man, the nostalgia! Shit, I remember that show - I remember watching it - and it was pretty cool! But... where's little Uni? :raritydespair:


Another piece of my childhood here, very nicely done. I have to admit I have expected the story to contain the evil being from the episode "Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn" verses the forces of the combined worlds worth of good guys.

or that you would play the card of their enchanted equipment being as super powered on Equestria as it was in the Dragon's Graveyard as in the episode of the same name

Ooh, nice stand-alone!

9935514 From the dialogue, stayed behind in the Realm.

Bobby looked to him and sighed. “Yeah, but you never forget your first.”

Albert gave him an odd look. “That's what Diana said...”

Did Presto get lucky? Well I guess he does have 'magic hands'.

Bobby's VA is a dentist now. That fact continues to make me smile.

10265854 Okay, according to 'Requiem', the canon final episode that was never actually filmed, but has been done unofficially by fans, Presto stayed behind in the Realm when the others went back to Earth. Also they gave back their magic weapons. But I like this better.

After this I wouldn’t be surprised if a new equivalent of GI Joe was to come about he would be scouted for it.

Could be that at some point after that, Albert came back.

Someone somewhere had talked about giving Uni a cameo where she was inconsolably melancholy about lost friends, and had been encountered during the second century after Luna's Fall, and so would be long gone by now.

I forget who it was that said that, though...

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