• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,928 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 3

Kathranis woke to the smell of cooking meat. His eyes strained to open in the early morning sunlight. He yawned widely, and wiped the crust away from his eyelids, then blinked rapidly to become adjusted to the light streaming into the cave. The fire was long dead, with not even a trace of warmth offered by the coals, and Kathranis was surprised to find himself utterly alone. Secil usually rose with him, but the large black cat was nowhere to be seen.

Kathranis shifted the bag off of his lap, then slowly pushed himself to his feet. He gritted his teeth as the wound in his abdomen ached and cried out for a more rest, but he knew that movement would help the pain ease up. A quick check found all of his other injuries mostly healed, so with a glance to make sure his stomach bandage hadn’t soaked through, he slowly made his way out of the cave.

He was immediately greeted by the sight of rabbits roasting over a much larger campfire. Zefuris was the one cooking the meat, keeping one eye on its progress, and the other on Secil, who sat on the other side of the fire. The panther was gnawing on a large set of bones, occasionally tearing away a left-over strand of meat. The panther’s eyes lit up when they noticed Kathranis, and the cat paused in his meal to nod toward the carcass of a small deer.

‘Since I have to do everything around here,’ he called mentally, ‘I caught us breakfast. No need to thank me, though I do accept careful love and affection as a reward.’

Kathranis snorted and limped forward. Without the support of the wall, he felt his wound begin to pull. He winced, then braced it with a hand before moving around the fire to plop down beside the cat. The elf cast an appraising eye over the deer, then chuckled and shook his head.

“Still the same cat I found in the woods hm? I would have thought you learned after the fourth time that I can’t eat raw meat.”

Secil snorted and rolled his eyes as he settled back down to continue gnawing on his leg bone.

‘You would have developed the ability if you had eaten that first piece. Lady Sylvanus told me we were fated to meet, and I’m sure it was pure happenstance that you wandered into my hunting grounds as an elf cub.’

Kathranis groaned aloud and flopped back, laying his head against the cat’s spine.

“Not this old argument again.”

‘I’m just saying,’ Secil continued. ‘Why would Sylvanus lead you out there so young if not to be raised as a proper hunter. If you had just sat still during my pouncing lessons, I think a lot of your current problems wouldn’t exist.’

Kathranis chuckled and shook his head.

“You’re a ridiculous beast, and would make an awful father.”

Secil let out a yowl of protest, and one of his paws rose to bat at Kathranis’ head. The elf laughed as the massive thing covered his face, and he did his best to fight back, rolling onto his side to flick the panther in the nose. Secil whirled into his pouncing pose, and with a wiggle of his hips, attacked Kathranis, completely covering the elf. Kathranis continued laughing as Secil sniffed and licked at his face, intentionally slobbering all over him.

‘Apologize immediately cub,’ Secil said mentally. ‘You are very disrespectful, and I know I raised you better.’

“You didn’t raise anything!” Kathranis protested.

Secil seemed to grin at him, and he pinned all four of Kathranis’ limbs before leaning upward. He stuck his tongue out and leaned close.

‘Is that so? Then perhaps I should start now with a proper bath. Every cub needs their parents to conduct their first bath.’

Kathranis’ smile dropped.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Secil inched closer.

‘Apologize immediately cub, or I bathe you in front of the gryphons, ruining any diplomatic progress you’ve made with them. I want to stay in the woods anyway, so it’s no skin off my nose.’

Kathranis frowned at the panther, then sighed.

‘Fine,’ he replied mentally. ‘I apologize. I’m sure you could make a great father if you ever found the right mate.’

Secil’s tongue vanished as he sat on Kathranis’ chest smugly.

‘Good cub. You only made one mistake.’

“And that was?”

‘You should have made your apology out loud.’

Secil moved with lightning speed, seizing Kathranis’ head in his paws. His large tongue then began to run through Kathranis’ hair, causing the elf to sputter in protest. He attempted to wiggle free, but Secil’s pin was too complete, and the panther had full control as his tongue descended again and again. As the “bath” continued, Secil’s tongue strokes seemed to take on a more serious tone.

‘You are quite filthy,’ the cat noted. ‘It was in jest at first, but you truly need a good bath. Stop your squirming so I can make your hair shine.’

Kathranis groaned again as the cat began to settle in. A shadow fell over them, however, and both looked up to find Aquila barely able to keep back her laughter. Her brilliant smile made Kathranis flush with embarrassment, and he looked away as she spoke.

“Feel free to continue,” she said to Secil, “but I think it would be best if Shadowsong was sitting up. His wounds should stay out of the dirt, and he needs food.”

She snorted and scratched between Secil’s ears.

“Besides, how are you going to get the back of his head?”

Secil blinked at her, then looked to Kathranis. He tilted his head and blinked again.

‘Sit up,’ Secil said. ‘She’s right, I need to get the back. It’s no doubt filthy, and I will not have you looking like some kind of degenerate.’

Degenerate?” Kathranis echoed. “Secil, did you hit your head when I wasn’t looking?”

The cat hopped off of Kathranis’ lap, and as soon as the elf sat up, he hopped up onto his shoulders. The tongue set to work again, and Kathranis could only sigh and glare at Aquila as she chortled. The gryphon shrugged her shoulders as she met his eyes.

“Sorry, but it’s just too cute.” She handed him a rabbit leg and set a canteen of water at his feet. “Hear, you should eat. Manticore stings usually make me hungry.”

Kathranis accepted the leg and looked up at her.

“Do you make a habit of getting stung by manticores?” he asked as he took a bite.

Aquila shrugged and sat across from him, biting into her own rabbit with ease. Kathranis hadn’t noticed before, but as she spoke, he noticed her razor-sharp teeth flash in the sunlight.

“Not stung per se,” she answered. “But it is part of our training to become exposed to a wide array of dangerous toxins and venoms. My brother and I both have built up some tolerance, and now it doesn’t do much more than hurt and make us hungry.”

Valan snorted and Kathranis saw a look of contempt in his eyes.

“Don’t be so dramatic Aquila. All hatchlings are put through immunity training, and even those fresh from their eggs show better composure from a manticore sting.”

Kathranis cocked his head at the gryphon and smiled.

“Is that so? Well perhaps I shall try to keep my wits about me better next time.”

He picked up the canteen and made to take a drink, but paused and flashed a grin at Valan.

“Tell me, is cowering behind someone else due to a few half-starved humans part of your immunity training as well?”

Aquila sputtered and choked, and a quick glance to Zefuris found the larger gryphon struggling not to smile. He stared hard at the rabbit he was spit roasting as Valan sat in shocked silence. Aquila sucked in a large gulp of breath, then leaned forward and slapped Kathranis on the shoulder.

“Don’t make me laugh like that!” she said.

“Don’t side with him!” Valan protested.

Aquila scoffed and waved a hand at him.

“You deserved it. Quit acting uppity. You have no right to criticize others about fighting ability or how they act after they’ve been injured. Don’t make me bring up the bee incident.”

Kathranis watched as Valan seemed to stiffen with fear.

“You wouldn’t dare,” the young gryphon answered.

Aquila grinned and took a large bite of her rabbit, saying nothing. Valan stared at her for a moment, then huffed and plopped down, crossing his arms and staring hard at the fire. Aquila rolled her eyes.

“Peacock,” she said lightly, earning her another glare from her brother.

She then looked back to Kathranis and grinned.

“So Shadowsong, what are your plans now that you’ve had a bit of rest? My offer still stands from last night.”

Kathranis paused just before he bit into the rabbit again.

“Offer?” he asked. “I don’t remember any kind of offer.”

Aquila waved her hand.

“Well I didn’t give you one in so many words, but still, you need help finding your family, and Stonetalon Peak is the best place to start a search!”

She shrugged and met his eyes again.

“It’s all semantics either way. Are you coming with us or not?”

Kathranis stared into the air in thought for a moment. Aquila chuckled at him and stared pointedly at his bandaged midsection.

“As your current physician, I highly recommend at least one night in the castle healing ward.”

Her eyes flicked up, alight with mirth.

“And as a Princess, I could have you arrested if you say no.”

Kathranis smiled and tilted his head.

“Are you trying to threaten me?” he asked.

Aquila shrugged and looked toward Zefuris.

“I’m not threatening you, just merely… convincing from a strong position.”

She waved a talon.

“Dad taught us about that one. Something about talking small and carrying a sharp sword.”

Kathranis chuckled.

“Then it would seem you still have a bit of the lesson left to learn. Your talk is anything but small.”

Aquila shrugged.

“Maybe, but is it working anyway?”

Kathranis paused once more in thought, but it was hard to focus with Secil’s constant licking. The panther was slowly moving down his hair, with his tongue moving in long strokes. Kathranis’ familiar was clearly enjoying himself, going so far as to purr lightly. The sound was like music, emanating from the cat’s fluffy chest. Kathranis leaned back slightly, trying to get as much warmth as he could from the panther, and if he noticed, Secil didn’t voice any concerns about the small shift in posture. He merely adjusted his licking accordingly, focusing his effort on Kathranis’ scalp. He already knew what Secil wanted to do, and on further thought, living secluded in the wilderness wasn’t a terrible idea. He would be able to connect further with nature, and he had Secil for companionship. He wasn’t entirely sure his family were in this new place, so the trip to the home of the gryphons would be a wasted journey.

The elf sighed and looked to Aquila, spreading his hands.

“Are there any other reasons to go to this city of yours? What if the information I seek isn’t there?”

He motioned to the tall trees around them.

“For me, this is quite a good place to make a home. Secil would have plenty to hunt, and with a bit of work, the cave could be quite homey for a ranger like myself.”

Aquila snorted.

“I’m going to ignore the part where you said that you would rather live in a cave by yourself than with a city’s worth of wonderful gryphons, but…”

She frowned for a moment, then snapped her fingers.

“I know! I want you to come.”

Kathranis stared at her blankly as she sat back with a smug grin, as if she had just given him all the reason in the universe to join them. When she didn’t continue, he gave her a half smile and a small shrug.

“Is that all? Princess, I don’t mean to offend, but you are not friend enough to me to make such an agreement more agreeable.”

Valan chuckled, earning him a crossed-arm glare from his sister. Aquila huffed and switched her glare to Kathranis.

“I should smack you for that comment, but,” she exhaled and laid back, relaxing her posture, “I suppose you have a point. We barely know each other.”

Her face twisted in a satisfied grin.

“Which gives you yet another reason to accompany each other to Stonetalon. Even if we can’t find your family, you could at least take some time to heal and we can foster a healthy friendship. I believe we have much to learn from each other, as you seem unfamiliar with Gryphonia, while I would love to hear more about elves.”

She giggled at Kathranis’ stunned expression.

“And do remember the part where I can have you arrested and taken with us.”

Kathranis blinked at her, then smiled. He laughed aloud, and leaning back fully, he finally interrupted Secil’s bathing. The panther seemed to frown as he placed his chin on top of Kathranis’ head as the elf continued to laugh.

‘Is there something particularly funny?’ the cat asked.

‘She reminds me of a happier Tatiana,’ Kathranis answered. ‘I think we will become fast friends if she is always like this.’

Secil huffed.

‘It’s always friends with you. So many friends. Pick a lover out cub. You need to bre-‘

The panther yowled aloud as Kathranis interrupted his thought with a shove. As he began to turn around in preparation of a pounce, Kathranis smiled at Aquila.

“It would appear that you have me at your mercy Princess. If it is not too much of a bother, I will accompany you to Stonetalon Peak.”

The gryphon’s smile broadened.

“Excellent, I’ll make sure it’s worth it.”

She giggled again as Secil pounced on Kathranis’ back, and the two began to wrestle again as the gryphons continued their breakfast.


Aquila watched the elf as he limped back into the cave to gather his gear with the panther in tow. He put on an amazingly brave face, but it wasn’t hard to see how much he was hurting. She had understated her experiences with manticore stings, but they were no laughing matter. It had taken her over a decade to not cry when stung, and even her most recent immunity injection had brought some tears to her eyes. The ability to simply ignore that level of pain and then put on a smile was nothing short of astounding.

Aquila turned to her traveling companions and smiled.

“So, what is our plan for today gentlemen?”

Zefuris rolled his shoulder and gave his wings a flap.

“My wounds are fully healed Princess, and I believe we should make all speed back to the castle. Your father is surely worried, and it won’t take us much more than a few hours of hard flying to reach Stonetalon.”

“Doubt it,” Valan muttered.

Zefuris glowered at the smaller gryphon but said nothing. Aquila snorted at their continued bickering. As she reached for another rabbit, she asked;

“So, let’s put “healed our bodyguard” onto the list of things Shadowsong has done for us.”

She glanced at Zefuris with a frown.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice that flight addition. Shadowsong and his pet are coming with us, whether you two like it or not. He has done nothing but risk his life for our sakes, and I will not turn my back on him.”

Zefuris sighed and picked up a small stick.

“Princess, respectfully, I don’t believe that bringing him to Stonetalon is our best course,” he said, poking at the fire. “He is a human unlike we have ever seen,”

“He said he was an elf,” Aquila interrupted.

Zefuris sighed again and met her eyes.

“That may be, but we have no context for what an “elf” is. We don’t know what this creature will do to save his own life. His every word could be a lie, his every action driven to get him to a seat of power so that he can spread his foul magic.”

He motioned to the cave.

“You heard him last night. He is studied in the ways of necromancy. He says to fight,” the gryphon added, cutting off Aquila’s second interruption, “but we can’t know that. You say his actions are that of a genuine, good being just helping out three hunters who made mistakes. I say that things are far too coincidental for that. I will not condemn him to death for what could be a misunderstanding, but I will not put faith in his actions until I see unassailable proof that he is not our enemy.”

Aquila smiled broadly, an action that seemed to confuse Zefuris.

“Well then faithful servant, you have just absolutely justified why we need to bring Shadowsong with us. If he acts as our traveling companion, you can keep an eye on him.”

She flapped her wings out, then put her hands behind her head and chuckled as she laid on her back, smiling at the clear blue sky. Zefuris grumbled something under his breath, then, with a final sigh, he replied.

“It would appear that you are correct Princess. We should bring the elf and his pet with us.”

“And what if Zefuris is right?” Valan piped up. “What if Shadowsong and his beast are out for our heads?”

Aquila sat up slightly and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Then taking him to a castle with the world’s best army, and that is currently hosting the most powerful magic users in existence is a good way to kill such a threat, right?”

She flopped back and waved a hand.

“Princess Luna is supposed to be there with her entire elite guard as extra gathering security. I think that if Shadowsong managed to overpower the entire gryphon kingdom, she could be someone who could kill him. If she can’t though,” she shrugged, “then we couldn’t do anything anyway, so what’s the harm? If he’s this all powerful dark magic user you two hatchlings fear, then he’s going to find his way to Stonetalon Peak at some point. We might as well invite him and deal with him on our terms.”

She sat up and spread her hands.

“There, is that a good enough plan for you, or would you rather continue talking like a couple of changelings with your backstabbing and bickering?”

Both flinched under the insult and stared at the ground in shame.

“Sorry Aquila,” Valan said after a moment of silence.

“Good,” she said in reply. “Because you should be.”

She stood and dusted herself off.

“You two finish eating and put out the fire. I’ll go check on our friends. And Zefuris?”

The white feathered gryphon withered under her eyes.

“Yes Princess?”

“No more humoring this kind of talk until we get home. If you want to bring up your concerns with Dad, then do so, but don’t do it with me. I think you are absolutely wrong, and I won’t even humor your counter argument until the mask you claim Shadowsong is wearing has slipped, am I clear?”

Zefuris bowed his head.

“Of course Princess. I shall hold my tongue unless it is an emergency.”


Kathranis grunted as he straightened with the bag full of tomes. Secil lounged lazily on the other side of the burnt-out fire, watching him finish preparing without interest. As Kathranis adjusted his wrist guards, he glanced toward his familiar.

“So Secil, what do you think our new friends are talking about?”

The panther snorted and laid his head down, looking toward the cave entrance.

‘No doubt the best way to kill and eat you,’ he replied. ‘If you haven’t noticed, the males don’t like you.’

Kathranis smiled.

“That they don’t, but I am curious as to why. They harbor some hatred toward humans, that much is clear, and the large one, Zefuris his name was? His reaction to my mention of necromancy was alarming to say the least. He acts worse than the most pious of priests. Even they learn enough to know what they are fighting. Necromancy is evil, yes, but he acted like the mere mention of the word would summon banshees to scream our souls out.”

Secil huffed and his tail flicked back and forth in the dirt.

‘I would stay warry. They may try to lure you into a false state of relaxation, then capture you. This morning’s bath aside, I know for a fact that you hate being caged just as much as I do.’

Kathranis nodded in agreement and stopped fiddling with his wrist guard.

“Indeed, which reminds me. I must send thanks to Lady Sylvanus. I was too dazed yesterday, yet she still granted me immense magic. I would be loathe not to thank her.”

Secil’s eyes flicked to meet Kathranis’

‘You never thanked me for helping you.’

Kathranis snorted and walked over to the cat, scratching his head.

“You didn’t do anything,” Kathranis said, much to cat’s protest. “Aquila is the one who bandaged me up, and I did not ask you to lick my hair into a state of cleanliness.”

Secil huffed and rose, shaking the dust from his pelt.

‘Ungrateful cub. I’m bathing all of you next time. Maybe then I’ll finally earn some praise from your joyless tongue.’

Kathranis laughed aloud as they moved toward the cave entrance.

“I would rather shower you in praise for the rest of our days then be bathed fully by you.”

Secil looked and seemed to grin smugly.

‘Well then you may begin cub. Shower me with all of your praise. I’m waiting.’

Kathranis snorted.

“Later perhaps. We still need to figure out our course.”

He came to a surprised stop when he nearly ran into Aquila. The gryphon seemed equally as startled, but she recovered quickly and grinned at him.

“Shadowsong, I was coming to see if you were ready to leave yet.”

The elf matched her smile and nodded.

“Indeed I am. How far is this Stonetalon Peak?”

They walked back into the sunlight.

“A few dozen miles,” Aquila replied. “It’s a little under a day’s flying, but for us, it should perhaps take us a day, maybe two, of walking.”

As she spoke, Kathranis noticed that Zefuris and Valan were both already prepared to move. The smaller gryphon was in the process of kicking out the fire, while the larger one was keeping an eye on the elf and his familiar. Secil flicked Kathranis’ thigh with his tail, then wandered over to the pair, sitting down just before Zefuris. The large gryphon stared him down, watching the great cat carefully. Secil stared back, his eyes unblinking as he watched the gryphon. Kathranis sighed and sent a mental call to Secil to be careful, then he looked to Aquila.

“I am prepared to leave then, but I will need to offer a small prayer before we do so. My Lady Sylvanus granted me the magic that healed your bodyguard, and it was very generous. I’d like to give her my thanks before we travel this day.”

Aquila tilted her head.

“Who’s Sylvanus?” She paused, then shook her head. “Actually, I have a much better question; what do you mean she “granted” you the magic?”

Kathranis chuckled.

“I think it is a difference between your realm and my own, but let us speak of it later. I would like time to confirm my suspicions about what has happened to myself and my familiar first.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Kathranis saw a flicker of movement. Zefuris turned his back to Secil for just a moment, but a moment was all the panther needed. His tail flicked back and forth, then with a wiggle of his hips, the cat pounced, driving the gryphon to the ground. Secil immediately pinned Zefuris’ arms and began to aggressively lick the sputtering gryphon’s face. Aquila laughed aloud as her brother looked on in horror. With his arms pinned, there was little Zefuris could do to fight back, and he looked pleadingly to Kathranis.

“Please stop your beast,” he begged between licks.

Kathranis chuckled as Secil made the gryphon’s headfeathers stick up at an odd angle with a particularly wet lick, then he snapped his fingers.

“Secil, enough. Let the poor man be.”

The panther sat up, his tongue still hanging from his mouth.

‘I am helping with diplomatic relations,’ he noted. ‘No more will this one watch for attacks from me, but instead will be wary of the glory of my bathing techniques.’

‘That may be,’ Kathranis replied, ‘but it’s time for our morning ritual. Off you come.’

Secil huffed aloud, then with one final lick, he hopped off the gryphon. Zefuris immediately rolled to his feet and began trying to get his feathers under control. He looked anything but composed as he straightened, shooting a nasty glare at Secil, who calmly began to groom his ears. Aquila giggled again and gave Kathranis a pat on the shoulder.

“Go and give your thanks Shadowsong, I must mend the pride of my bodyguard.”

Kathranis gave her a small bow and a smile before he turned toward the tree he had selected for his morning prayers. Secil followed instantly, his tail flicking happily as he bumped his head into Kathranis’ side. The elf gave him a head pat in reply.

As they arrived at the tree, Kathranis set to work. He withdrew a knife from his boot and easily cut away of short length of his hair. Secil shifted to his house cat size, then became as rigid as a plank. In a flash of movement, he was off, and seconds later, Kathranis heard the squeal of a mouse. The cat returned with his prey in his jaws, and he reverently placed the kill over Kathranis’ hair. Kathranis bowed low to the ground, praying softly, while Secil placed himself just behind Kathranis’ outstretched form, keeping a careful watch for any predators that would seek to take advantage of a distracted elf. In an absolute state of peace, Kathranis closed his eyes, and he called out to his goddess.

Secil hissed in alarm when they both became flooded with magical power and he was forcefully shifted back to his panther size. Kathranis’ prayers ground to a halt as his jaw locked from the sheer force of the energy coursing through his body. With their ceasing, so too did the magic, but the transaction was already more than complete. Kathranis sat up and blinked, staring at the newly created grove before his eyes. Usually the only result of his prayers was a single orchid blooming in the place of their offering, but this time, the pair was surrounded by a field of the flower. A tree had grown next to the one he had selected, and ivy vines climbed both, meeting in an arch way high above their heads. What had been a simple clearing was now alive with a variety of different plants.

Kathranis looked to Secil, who looked as stunned as he was.

‘What was that?’ the panther asked. “What did you ask for?’

“Nothing!” Kathranis said aloud. “I merely gave her my thanks for blessing me with those healing spells, but then…”

He waved his arms around at the newly grown grove. As he did so, Kathranis noticed he didn’t feel a pull from his abdomen. He looked down to the bandage still wrapped around his mid-section, and after a second’s hesitation, he began to unravel it. Secil watched him intently, and they both sat in stunned silence when it pulled away to reveal his normal clean, pale skin. Kathranis lightly fingered the hole in his armor where the wound had been.

“There isn’t even a scar,” he whispered.

Kathranis glanced to his familiar, who shrugged.

‘I know not why today’s prayers resulted in this flood of support, but I’m not exactly going to protest it.’

Kathranis grunted in agreement.

“No, I suppose not. Whenever we stop to rest next I will try to offer another prayer. I do hope I am not tiring Lady Sylvanus.”

Secil got to his feet, and they both began to walk away from the circle of lively plant life.

‘I think the opposite is the case,’ the panther replied. ‘otherwise she would have turned you into a plant for those pretty flowers.’

Kathranis snorted and shoved the panther. Secil yowled in protest and tried to tackle him in reply, but Kathranis sped up his walking pace just enough that the panther missed his first pounce. Secil whirled about and with a playful yowl, he pounced at Kathranis again. This time the elf caught the great cat, letting Secil climb on his back. Kathranis braced the panther’s legs with his arms, and Secil used the support to flop his upper body over Kathranis’ head. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and slapped down, covering Kathranis’ forehead in drool.

The elf chuckled and looked to the trio of gryphons. Valan still looked hostile, pointedly curling his mouth downward in a frown. Zefuris simply looked happy that he wasn’t the one being slobbered on, while Aquila looked like she was about to fall into a fit of laughter. Her eyes oozed happiness, and she snorted and giggled, doing her best not to laugh as Kathranis carried his familiar over to them.

“Ready to leave Shadowsong?” she asked.

Kathranis smiled and nodded.

“That I am Princess.”

Aquila grinned at him, then waved to her two gryphon compatriots.

“Come on boys, let’s get started. Valan, you and Zefuris are in front, while Shadowsong and I are in the back.”

She raised a finger as Valan opened his mouth to protest.

“It’s so you two don’t antagonize the beautiful cat friend I have made. Now get your tails in gear.”

She shooed the pair, who exchanged an uneasy glance before walking forward together. Kathranis followed, keeping six paces between them. Secil parked himself in his normal position to Kathranis’ right, occasionally bumping into the elf’s hip. It surprised him, however, when Aquila joined them to his left. She was every bit as close as Secil was, and her wings would occasionally fluff out, never quite wrapping around Kathranis’ shoulder, but more than close enough to be noticeable.

The elf smiled at the gryphon, who grinned and winked in reply, falling into a happy silence as they walked into the forest.