• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
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"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury


So many changes to get used to. Twilight can now raise the sun and moon, but all that power comes with some strange consequences. Everypony is getting used to the new order, but one pony seems to be terrified of the new ruler. Why is he like this? Perhaps a letter to Celestia might bring answers.

This story made it into the Featured box! (10/22/19)

Now in Chinese, thanks to Flint44!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 117 )

Hi, great work! Keep it up!

Nice story, all in all. Thanks for putting it up. :twilightsmile:

Honestly, the hate mail about Grogar being Discord is 100% deserved. Not to the extent, I keep hearing about (something about death threats or was that something else).

But Hasbro failed miserably in episodes 24 and 25, and it has nothing to do with the stoning of the villains. That they got right.

Thanks very much!

Yeah, Jim Miller got temporarily chased off of Twitter (so I hear) by all the nut bars screeching at him concerning the finale. I'm passionate about the show, but I'm not flippin' psychotic.

Dang episode 24 and 25 just got spoiled for me.


Calling Cold Snap elderly AND a colt doesn't parse.

Oops. I'll have to fix that.

Pause #10 · Oct 23rd, 2019 · · 2 ·

Saying they deserved hate mail because a bunch of adults crying about a children's cartoon show doesn't go the way they want goes beyond passionate.

It's downright stupid.

No argument here.


and it has nothing to do with the stoning of the villains. That they got right.


Wait, Hasbro is receiving hate mail about the finale of MLP:FIM???

Is that true??

ANd if so, why?? I mean, in my opinion the finale and epilogue were wonderful, as do other bronies, like BLank Slate and BronyBurningAxe.

But, Each to their own I say.

I agree. I don't even have a problem with the twist at the beginning of the finale. I cried after the finale, but I was happy that the show ended on its own terms and not disintegrate into a babbling mess like some shows that don't know how to die.

…..I loved the finale as well, but have you been living under a rock? Or off the internet? No offense, its just....the shitstorm of negative reactions to it has been a bit of a tsunami. A few of people quit the fandom altogether.

Exactly!! I mean, I know not everyone was happy with the whole Discord pretending to be Grogar thing, but it was rather interesting to me. No one can be completely satisfied with everything that happened, but here's the thing...nothing's perfect. It would have been almost impossible for the writers to make a finale that would please everyone, but I think they did their best.

That's my opinion on the matter.

Also, I was bawling as well watching the finale, and still tear up hearing the final song even now.

Eh, I've been in the fandom since late season 5. And I don't look at MLP news too much, unless its about when the episodes are coming out or debates about characters or the new series.

(shrug) What can I say? There is just no pleasing some people. Every season of MLP has had cruddy episodes, but good ones, too. I simply ignore the junk and covet the good stuff. This is what a grown-up does. Some people, however, don't seem to adult very well and do dumb things like scream at show writers.

Yeah, I can't listen to the finale song just yet. I have a melted marshmallow for a heart, you see.:raritycry:(see marshmallow crying)

Yeah. I made the mistake of listening to it about an hour after watching the epilogue, and I lost it.

Maybe hate mail was overdoing it. But the hate itself I feel was deserved. More so for the fact that it was cheap cop out of Hasbro being to lazy to actually bring Grogar back fully.

If people do like, then more power to them. Just don't try and force it down my throat that it was perfect. The epilogue I do love.

Wondering how Cold Snap knew Luna when ten years ago she would still have been on the moon.

Still, amazing job, and a great read!

And that I perfectly understand. I have no problems with people being upset about something, but I do have a problem when they take things too far(in my opinion). And I don't try to force my opinion on others. I know not everyone liked the finale, that happens with every show or movie ever made.

Again, Each to their own I say.

The epilogue was great. I was afraid that the show was just going to do a quick and dirty five minute recap and bug out the door. Thankfully, they showed more class than that. One fact not many people know is that Hasbro decided that Season 9 was going to be the last season way back in mid 2017. This explains the high degree of polish in the animation and (most of) the story.

Errr....uhh...LOOK, A MONKEY! (smoke bomb) (jazz hands)

It's never made all that clear how much time passed in the nine seasons as far as the show characters can sense for themselves. I just picked ten years because it's a sort of okay guesstimate.

That's fair... I do that as well... :pinkiecrazy:

That explains a lot actually, and not all of it for the better. All of season 8, and most of 9, was a waste for me. Minus a few things.

Its always hard to take a series that you follow for so long and watch it end. The best thing to do is dont forget the times, and dont let what held you there hold you back from enjoying something new.

When I read 'colt' I thought he would be a child. It would be better to have'stallion' in the description, it would be less confusing. Good chapter though.

Nuts, I thought I fixed that, but it's been a busy night. I'm glad you like the story, though.:twilightsmile:

Update time; I fixed the smeg-up.

I do have other interests, but it's the show and the fandom itself that unlocked all the stories I've written over the years for this and other sites. I had never written this many stories before I joined this group a little over six years ago. Pony changed my life for the better. Many, MANY other folks can say the same.
I think that's why the finale for this show is the only finale that made me cry. Other shows have entertained me, but they never transformed me the way MLP has.
I just hope they don't blow it with Generation 5 of MLP.:twilightsheepish:

Im just worried that the next gen is going to be a legitimately good show but people are going to hard compare it to this gen and cry 'its not the same' or 'its too different' or there will be one or more similar characters and/or names reused and people will get upset. Heck i kniw how it can feel, ive been following ninja turtles since what...late 80s early 90s? And they have gone through so many rewrites and changes i was almost mad. But i looked at each one as its own thing and found much joy in several versions of them. So i dont know what im saying. Make new friends, keep the old? I need a wise sounding phrase....get me an old asian antiques seller asap! That will either get me the phrase im looking for or a plot to a movie.

Thanks for the compliment! Yeah, it's sad that the show ended, even though It was beginning to get a bit long in the tooth. It's always best to go out on a high note, however. Fingers crossed for Gen 5, though.

Hopefully Gen 5 will go over better than the gender-bent Ghostbusters movie. Hoo, boy, was that film a lead balloon. I plan to give Gen 5 plenty of chances to ring my bell. Remember, every season of MLP had good and bad episodes.
One saying that I held close to my heart while writing this story was something Neil Gaiman advised in a famous speech. I'm paraphrasing here, but he pretty much said, "When things go wrong, here's what you should do; make good art. It will get you through the bad times and the good." I wrote this story to help push me through the separation grief I felt from the show finale. My story seems to have struck a nerve with my audience, much to my delight.:twilightsmile:

I always feel this sense of loss when a series or a good book ends. Like...what do i do with my life nownfeeling

I hear you. I'm fifty-one and sometimes it's hard to remember the simplest lessons. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. Count your blessings and keep going. That's what works for me.

Taking second break at work and just realized I forgot to hit the like. Oops. :twilightblush:

Their were legitimate criticisms of parts of the finale. Wasn't Luna still on the moon ten years previously?

Also, to be fair to Cold Snap, many could have reasonably expected Celestia and Luna to continue to rule for centuries more.

A fair commentary on the actions of some in the community. To dislike something is not a license to disparage others.

The mlp staff got hate mail for their finale?
What the fuck for? It was as graceful a sendoff as one could have asked for!

Wanderer D

9900985 Agreed, but there's always someone that's going to have problems with it.

From my experience they're more upset at what is implied by the.epilogue than what is actually in the epilogue itself. Whether or not those fears are legitimate or not (probably not) they definitely shouldn't receive hate mail.

Wanderer D

9901060 Implied? As in... what? That Twilight will outlive her friends? I mean... if people didn't see that one coming from Season 2, they were either in denial or not paying attention. There's nothing wrong with that. Sad? Sure—a little—from an outside perspective, but literally everything from Ep1S1 has been pointing to Princess Twily taking over a kingdom, and once she became an alicorn—same as the princess who had been ruling steadily for over a thousand years—the die was cast.

Or are they upset that AppleDash is official? And Sparity isn't? I don't get it. Sure, I was annoyed with the Grogar is Discord thing, but really, did people expect the series to wrap up 4 supervillains (with one of them being a completely "new" one) in two episodes and do it justice?

I'm just saying, if people decided to write hatemail for that, the problem is not the show. It's them.

In fact, to the topic here, which is the fic itself—the author touches on that with a really good analogy. Change (and things ending) is not a thing people might like, but it doesn't mean it's bad.

Yeah it's the first thing you mentioned. The shipping didn't get much buzz as far as I see. Myself? I kinda think those six have a more positive outcome than that but it will always be an "I don't know" even according to the writers. Me I'm happy with an "I don't know", cause post canonical speculations are entirely on us. No need to fling hate about something we'll never know what happens, that's just childish.

Also Jim and the others are pretty chill people. Have had nothing but pleasant interactions with the writers. They don't deserve the hate they get.

The writers really got Hate Mail? What delusional obsessive morons some ‘fans’ are.

If people wanted different ending they could have made a petition of some kind to Hasbro for a rewrite with donations to pay for the studio, etc.
I'm sure with enough people not liking the finale episode or just wanting more ponies ,for some reason or another would pay.

As for my opinion on the finale and why I didn't like it (not hate it,I have dull feelings for last season):
I'm more pissed at that Discord didn't have any punishment.

Equivalent to what he did is breaking out maximum security murderers, gangsters from prison.
Just to make them attack a police academy to train that way students

I also hate hypocrisy in the show and Equestrian justice system

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