• Member Since 14th Mar, 2016
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Lil Penpusher

Put the words in the bag and nopony gets hurt


Spoilers for the Show Finale. Fair Warning.

For most of her life, Luster Dawn had ignored friendship. After all, it was nothing but a waste of time, right? You'd make friends, spend a lot of time together and eventually it would all fall apart again. It was for the best to stay alone.

That was before Princess Twilight herself showed her real friendship. She and her friends were the living examples of true, everlasting friendship. And sure enough, as they brought Luster to Ponyville, she quickly met new creatures and made friends.

That was all months ago though. By now, she had quit the School of Magic, with the blessing of the Princess, so she could move to Ponyville and attend the School of Friendship instead. After all, the most powerful magic there is was friendship, right? But most importantly, of course, moving to Ponyville meant staying together with her new group of friends, and even attending classes together!

However... there was a catch. Princess Twilight didn't just let her quit the School of Magic and move away, she demanded something in return. She demanded of Luster to come visit her four times a year in Canterlot and tell her of all her new discoveries in the field of friendship.

This was the first time she had to go and report on her experiences, and she wasn't quite sure how it would go.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

That was very good! I definitely understand why she would write everything down instead of presenting it herself. Stage fright can be an awful thing sometimes, and even when you're presenting to a friend, something official like this—especially if you're a perfectionist—can still be a bit nerve-racking.
I see you also see her as Starlight and Sunburst's daughter. Given what we saw of her cutie mark, it does make sense, and I believe it to be the case as well.
Great job!

Combine the Cutie Mark with the fact she's a Unicorn (with Sunburst and Starlight both being Unicorns after all) and the fact that she visited the School of Magic, with both her parents being BIG into Magic themselves. It kinda seems logical to me. But as with many things after the end, it's up to interpretation.

Thanks for pointing that one out!

And yeah, usually I do ask for someone to look over it once or twice (and do so myself at least once) but this time was... different. Ever since the end I just had this urgent need and feeling that I needed to write something related to the last episode. No kidding, honestly. Yesterday was pretty much just me being sad about the end of the show, while today I sat down and wrote this.


Oh yeah, Season 9 was great, honestly. Although, they did also have a lot more options and opportunities with Season 9 compared to 8 and such. I mean, they knew it was the last Season, so they used it to resolve a lot of old problems and relationships. A lot of big things happened in this Season, especially during its second half.

Short, sweet, and lovely. :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed it. Great work!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed this little Tribute :twilightsmile:

Hearing you say that shocks me. I guess i've spent too much time on 4chan, nothing but people complaining about season 9 being the worst season to them. It's nice to meet people who actually enjoyed S9.

4chan: you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Yeah, they just like to whine and moan about everything. S9 was great to me. I love Discord's character development in the first episode, Growing Up Is Hard To Do and Big Mac Question were great fan service, and the epilogue was the best fan service of all. I guess they're upset at what DIDN'T happen, but that's just too bad for them.

I personally wasn't a huge fan of that. It looked like there were more non-ponies than there were ponies, which irks me because it's Equestria and My Little Pony, not My Little Creature, but other than that, i did love the students at the school!

Personally, if I may, I found it to be a nice throwback and round-up for the series. It showed us most of the races and species we got to know throughout the Show and showed that they could all live together, after all. Even the Dragons and Griffons could live in peace and harmony, after all. I obviously want it to be centered around Ponies still, hence the show's name, but it was a great addition to show during the very final episode. Plus, it was just 4 shots for so in Canterlot at the start. After that, we see Ponyville still remaining inhabited mainly by Ponies (besides the School).

The grammar was a tad sloppy at times, but this was really sweet!

Have a Thumbs Up!

Mainly just bad habits I transfer over to English from my native tongue. Not exactly helpful for writing stories :trollestia:

Thank you, though! Glad you liked it! :heart:

Thank you for writing it!

(BTW, as of a few hours ago Luster has a character tag now, in case you want to put it on this story.)

The fact that Starlight and Sunburst are Luster's parents makes me wonder how Luster WASN'T brought up into friendship. I feel like there's a story there.

It's not officially confirmed that Starlight and Sunburst are her parents, but they are in my head canon. I have a few ideas on how Luster might have turned out that way.

1. Sunburst and Starlight are kind of "absentee" parents. Running the school takes most of their time, so Luster spent a lot of time on her own growing up. She heard her parents talk about friendship a lot, but they were never really invested in helping her make friends. It could end up being a nice "We were so concerned about helping others learn the value of friendship that we never really taught our own daughter!" lesson for the StarBurst duo. We've seen how Starlight and Sunburst's parents are. It's not inconceivable that they were trying to avoid their own parents' mistakes, and in doing so, went too far in the opposite direction.

2. After she started studying with Twilight, Luster became engrossed in her studies and books. Much like Twilight did. She had good friends when she was younger, but those faded as she threw herself into her work.

3. She could be going through a bit of a "rebellious teen" phase. She was taught about friendship by her parents and Twilight, but her own personal experience is that friendships don't last. She eventually decides they're not necessary.

There were a few subtle hints in the episode itself. When Twilight and company enter the school and see Starlight and Sunburst, Starlight waves excitedly. If you pay close attention, you see that she's waving at Luster. When they're touring the school, Sunburst and Starlight are walking next to her for most of the tour.

On Twitter, Jim Miller said that he doesn't think they're her parents, but Josh Haber (the lead writer for the episode) does.

It's up to us, and the idea is too sweet to NOT be my head canon.

Considering it wasn't confirmed, there are a lot of opportunities that could come with either option.

Quick note that, from the perspective of the writers, it would be a pretty dumb/bad move to confirm much of anything. Especially in a fandom like this one, which LIVES off of fandom projects which includes fanfiction, it would just be best to not confirm ships, deaths or anything of the sort. They can HINT at things, and you may say "well, it's pretty much confirmed now" but without the writers going out of their way to tell us that these assumptions are 100% true, we will never know. That's kind of a good thing, though. Leaves us with plenty of room for stories! :moustache:

Her mannerisms and speech patterns definitely remind me of Starlight, too.

Jim basically confirmed that Granny Smith and Goldie Delicious are no longer with us in The Last Problem.

Someone asked about them since AJ wears Granny's scarf. His answer: "No one lives forever."

This was a very nice story, with a lot of little callbacks. Very well done!

Yeah, I know. I saw the Q&A with him, sad times. :ajsleepy:

A hard but necessary lesson. Death is an unavoidable part of life.

All of Season Nine had this theme as a common thread: nothing lasts forever. Like Yona says: "Yaks know things not forever. That's why smash and rebuild!"

Yes I agree. A lot fics have Twilight outliving her friends now, but Miller said the ending was open to interpretation. Which is why I'm going to make a happy ending for the Mane 6 in my story.

And it will continue to grow. Nice story

Hello twilight and spiteful definitely outlive her friends. Alternatives is twilight somehow dies first which is even worse.

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