• Member Since 18th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)


This story is a sequel to How to Propose to a Princess

Flash Sentry's time is almost up, and he knows it. It has been an incredible life, filled with so many wonderful and hilarious memories, and he wouldn't trade it for anything. Now, as his time slowly ticks down to zero, he remembers all the wonderful memories that made his life so magical, preparing himself for the final goodbye.


Written as a tribute to G4 of My Little Pony, and a way of saying that as one journey comes to an end, another one is always just around the corner.

The cover art was a commission from the very talented jucamovi1992 on Deviantart.

Update: Featured on 10/12/2019!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 45 )

Oh, come on! No! We haven't even gotten the parts where they met each other's parents yet. :fluttercry:

Don't worry, the next chapter of that story is actually 7,000+ words in. I just didn't think I would have a better chance to tell this story than right now. The rest of the time line will be shown, I promise :twilightsmile:

......my heart just broke under the weight of my feels.

RIP, Flash Sentry---Royal Guard, friend, father, grandfather, husband. A perfect send off for the end of his wondrous life with his beautiful Twilight.

Also quick question: do you have a love interest for Tempest in the stories you plan on writing?

Thank you.

As for Tempest, I do have a possible plan, but it’s still in flux at the moment. It could change as even after she is introduced it will be a while before any love interest. All I can say for certain is that she will have an adopted daughter

....... Dammit, Piemaster. You made me cry---I mean CRY! I was bawling like a baby! I'm still crying! Damn you!

I need to calm down. Great story. I just..... I can't even... Just wow..... *claps slowly with tears still streaming* You deserve to live in Equestria my friend. 😊💕

I will continue reading your stories, even after G5 ends. Cross my heart and hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye. Thank you.

Crying? Who's crying? I'm not crying! YOU'RE CRYING!


Thank you. It means a lot to see this optimistic response to MLP.
Heaven knows I need it...

Your welcome. I just hope I can get the next chapter out soon.

No matter how many times I read this, it STILL makes me cry! EVERY. SINGLE. FREAKING. TIME!
All right, all right--I'll give you credit where credit is due. It's testament to good writing, and it inspires me to keep on writing as well. I can only hope I'll be as good as you one day, Piemaster… For a few minutes I felt like was actually living.... well, living an equestrian adventure! :twilightsmile:

Glad to hear. It took me a long time and lots of help from my editor to get this were it was, and I believe you could do fewer work too :twilightsmile:

If you liked this chapter, just wait for part two :pinkiecrazy:

Is Rara's last name Rasputin?
Sorry, it's a habit...

I just... Wow. There are no words...

Once again, you sent me off into a crazy adventure with ease! I laughed, I rolled my eyes, I cried, gritted my teeth in anger, and my heart clenched in sadness. But most importantly, I LOVED it. I often find that words are a crucial way to describe the way we feel, or what something looks like, but sometimes, whether its a story, a sight, a feeling, or a discovery, words simply can't give the situation justice! And I proud to say that this story goes into that category--at least in my book (I may sound biased here.... and I don't care :pinkiecrazy:).

Of course, I could go on and on and on---heck, I've got a thesaurus right here. There's so many words I could use, so many ways to say thank you for sharing this wonderful part of your brain with the rest of us.... Yet, I can't. Because it simply won't do it justice. So, with that being said, along with the hope that I haven't bored you yet, I only have two words to say...

Thank you. :twilightsmile::heart:

Glad to see that my goal in writing a moving and incredible story was successful. Here’s hoping all my future work can be just as good (if a bit shorter because if only to have a more constant release schedule) :derpytongue2:

Honestly, everything taken as a whole... The world building, the mythology of souls and the character of Storm breaker himself... I thoroughly enjoyed it all.

You write cute really well, and if there is a criticism over your storytelling it's that you sometimes fall back upon the 'tell' rather than 'show' when trying to get to the more important moments. Storm's rise through the guard, his meeting with twilight's friends and their first impressions, more than a passing presence of Storm's parents... You have entire scenes, if not novels, in these fleeting moments that could help flesh out the story and balance some of the moments that fly by too quickly. You do leave a reader wanting more in a good way.

Oh my gosh! :pinkiegasp: Wait. Flash did have a choice to pass on or go back, right? I'm assuming Twilight's friends did as well. So, what would have happened if Flash had chosen to pass on? Would the bond have been broken? I have so many questions!

I will keep that in mind for future stories. Thank you for the feedback :twilightsmile:

My idea, thought I actually couldn't find a way to really explain this in story since there is no way for even Discord to know this, is that it is a choice, but no matter what the link will remain. If the pony choses not to go back, they can change their mind so long as the pony at the other end is still alive. If they don't choose to go back and the pony still alive dies, they that pony will be guided to the pony at the other end and they can move on together. So even if Flash or the girls didn't go back immediately, they would still have the option to whenever they wanted. Make sense?

You really captured the emotions with this one. My heart was racing throughout the whole thing and now that I've read it, I'm starting to tear up. You really made it work with Storm and Twilight, and it was so heart-wrenchingly adorable that- I just have no more words to describe this everything just ties up together so perfectly well and the message that even though they're not physically with you anymore, you'll always have a special connection with them and the flashbacks and references to all the special moments that Flash and Twilight had together and the Bahama Mama thing which made me laugh so hard with nostalgia. And now I'm officially rambling with emotion. This made my day and gave me this bright light of hope during these dark times. Seriously, I can't thank you enough for that <3

Now, I'm officially giving you the title of "My Favourite Fanfiction Author in the Whole Wide Universe"! You deserve it, and I can't wait to read new stories from you!

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. I’m glad it made your day :pinkiehappy:

“Doth mother know, you wearith her drapes?”

How are you this good?!
I couldn't stop reading... And now I am almost ugly crying

Lots of practice. Read my first story and see the difference.

And that’s ok. I cried a bit when writing it.

that walk through town segment i feel is best experienced while listening to this

jesus h christo, 40,000 plus words
one day i may fully read this, but for now i'll be content with merely skimming it

It is by far my longest chapter to date, though I did once see a chapter from another author that was 100,000 words

I put off reading this one because I knew it would make me cry. I can't decide whether I love or hate you for this.

Both? Hate how sad it is at times but love the writing?

Yes, that's it. People probably tell you this a lot, but you're an amazing writer.

Thank you, but I do owe at least part of it to my editor. She’s great at helping me expand and improve my stories and has been editing my work for a good 8 years at least. I’d never have fitting this good without her helping me along the way.

That whole second chapter wow. Just speechless at the amount of love and dedication and flushing out that was.

Such a beautiful bittersweet story! It succeeded in making me cry! 😭😭😭😭🫶🏽🫶🏽

It made we cry when I wrote it but I still love the story.

I have no words for how this made me feel… it was just so much in only one! The cute moments, the bittersweet ones, and the heart clenching ones! I will definitely reread this in the near future when I need some angst in my life! Thank you and your editor for making this wonderfull and spectacular piece!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll probably reread another story to alleviate my soul. 🥹

Got bored waiting for another stories and ended up in here, crying.
So long, Flash, I'll see you in another stories in the past.

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