• Member Since 20th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Lord Inquisitor



In the 41st Millenium the Imperial Fleet finds a planet full of colorful potential dangers to the Mankind.

There is really nothing more to say.

It's a short story about Imperium blowing up ponies, Engilish is not my primary language and all that stuff...it's also kind of sad that this story isn't actually that bad when compared to some stuff that's on this site

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 14 )

FINALLY! Someone who does the Imperium finding Equestria right.

Sir, we have a bunch of... colourful quadrupeds?

“Are they useful?”

They’re Xenos, sir.

“Exterminate them and move on. We have nothing we need here.”

Yes, sir.

yep but you missed the first bombarding in order to crack the tectonic plates before using the cyclonics on it. and probable it will be a mining outpost later on, resourses are resourses

Oh I probably missed a lot of things, of course they would crack tectonic plates first to soften the planet(even though that's not really needed for single stage Cyclonic Torpedoe, as that's more usefull when you want to literally destroy planet, not just purify its surface) but I wrote this thing in few minutes when I was bored and saw some weird fictions where Space Marines come and want to be friends... Space Marines.

Yeah, I've seen it, its one of the best things on this site... Unlike other... stories like one about certain Gold Loving Man turning into a horse... *shudders in disgust*

I find glorification of the decaying and diseased Imperium to be repulsive.

Additionally, this isn't really how things would go down. I'm fairly sure they don't call Exterminatus on a planet they've never even landed on.

Never said it wasn't decaying and diseased.
Decision to order Exterminatus ultimately lays with the Inquisitor, in theory one could order Exterminatus on Holy Terra(obviously that would get him executed but ordering it is within his power). So one Inquisitor who hates aliens could easily order everything from capturing and torturing every alien on that planet to simply ordering usage of Cyclonic Torpedoes.
He wouldn't even face any repercussions since they're just filthy xenos.

I'm fairly sure they at least bother with the xenos for a bit before calling for exterminatus.

Depends, both on circumstances and person leading group that meets said xenos.

Short and sweet, I like it. A few gramer mistakes but all in all it's really good.

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