• Member Since 25th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." - Georges Danton


Once upon a time there was a ghost writer, whose ideas were so revolutionary, that the dastardly sorcerer, Single Colour, banished her to wander the manual approval queue for the rest of her days. Thankfully, the ghost writer realized she could just get something else approved and she'd get auto-approval privileges. So, for the first time ever, enjoy The Enchanted Library: The Secret Chapters.

Written for Monochromatic's RariTwi Bomb. If you liked this fic, then you should check out Undome Tinwe's, he's dumby thicc but he writes good stuff, including this fic.

A spiritual spin-off to Celestia and Luna are Well-Adjusted Adults.

A parody written with the permission of Monochromatic, she's awesome and if you haven't checked her out, for some bizarre reason, do so.

Proofread by Undome Tinwe, the last of the Romans, Nova Quill/Firimil, my coolest mom, Rose Quill, my Lady from another fiefdom, and of course RoMS, the Napoleon IV of FimFic.

Cover Art by LilFunkMan, who very awesomely allowed me to fiddle with their art.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 18 )

Wow rude, Twilight.

So what's the condition for Twilight to break out of this prison? Learning fiscal independence and not mooching off her friends?

“Yes dear,” Rarity chuckled. “I want to do the sex.”

If this line isn't in every story that comprises the RariTwi Bomb, I will feel cheated on a deeply personal level.


I'll make sure to include that at the end of my story.

Good work! As this chapter involves ghost sex, it is of course the best one, but the others brought smiles too. Poor Moondancer.

i will make sure that Mono mandates this requirement uwu.

Thanks Sigma, glad you enjoyed it!

Jaundice is no laughing matter, I hope Discord recovers soon!

“You’re right. Discord is a monster. But his revenge wasn’t trapping me in a library for the rest of eternity.

“His revenge was minorly inconveniencing me by killing Applejack."

Thought this chapter was going to go in a different direction with Twilight's reaction to thinking of Rarity and her being sticky. Good absurd chapter, especially since Zecora's fur isn't even particularly dark.

Twilight is Problematic - A Mono Approved Headcanon

Don't you go trying to explain away Twilight's truly offensive behavior, SMDH.

“I can’t believe this,” Rarity whispered before dramatically placing the back of her hoof to her forehead. “I waited all this time, only to discover that you’re problematic. I’m sorry dearest but…” She turned away in disgust. “I must now cancel you.”

“Hey Rarity! Don’t be so hard on Twilight.” Pinkie said, appearing behind Rarity.

Beaming, Pinkie turns to Twilight, “Welcome back Twi. Join me in the Mare’s Rights Association. We have cupcakes.”

So, this is how it ends, bludgeoned to death by a bukkake of literature…

Pleeeaase don't make jokes like that while I am eating.

/me wipes screen

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