• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Pithy Statement

Comments ( 23 )

That's, uh, that certainly was, err, that happened.

9876892 I tried to be explicit about it in the description. This is not a fic for everyone.

I... I would never do that to Mr. Cake.

Holy. FUCK. This was absolutely amazing. Fan-fucking-tastic job, Damaged.

9877047 Glad to hear it was enjoyed. :twilightsmile:

Man. And I thought nothing was weird enough to phase me anymore, then you go and write this.

Is this one of those sequels where I need to read the original to understand it?

9877583 Read the description. I even added a footnote that exactly answers your question.

fun read and good sequel.

Although it's quite hot and a good story, the little dissonance with the prequel kinda kept up the entire time with me. In it there's no association between genitals and gender (penises are not male, vaginas not female) as far as I remember, and seeing it changed in this one was helluva confusing.
Sure, still a good story exploring an interesting universe, but why the change?

Other than that enjoyed it a lot, I bet there's even more than can come from this :twilightsmile:

Ok, ok, I’m not trying to judge here, but why oh why is anal sex so popular?

I’d really like to know!

9878732 In general, or just in this fic?

In general, I’ve seen it just about everywhere. “Nature’s Cure”, “Derpy Needs A Dicking”, and countless more. It doesn’t do anything for me (that’s a lie, it just doesn’t do anything “fun” for me), but it does for just about everyone else. I’d like to know what the appeal is. What all the rave’s about.

9879483 No clue. You're asking the wrong asexual.

With regard to this story, Lyra having a male sex doll was literally a side effect of her being somewhat bisexual and wanting that aspect to play out in her relationship without having to pester her wife too much. As for why everypony in town got a dick, that is because the stallion was imprinting more than just rubber upon them.

That’s the same thing my family, peers, and brain said.
Guess it makes sense, can’t transmutate when there’s something in the way.
You’re ace too? Neat! Good to know I’m not the only one writing stuff like this. Always thought that made me... not... ace... whatever.
I’m sure there’s an answer out there, and I’m gonna find it!

9880124 Keep searching, and if you find it, let me know! :twilightsmile:

Meanwhile in a slightly adjacent AU, Gel snorted awake and mumbled, "what an... interesting dream..." :rainbowlaugh:

Your story is silly, and you should feel (good-) silly.

Neat :rainbowlaugh:
Dunno how I managed to miss... whataver this was
Strange mind, indeed, but in a good sense!

In case you still read comments to this:

"It went a little wrong. I didn't think he'd get loose and I definitely didn't think he'd start turning ponies to rubber. I guess now they can move again?"

"Move?" Twilight thumped herself on the forehead. "Lyra, you made an animated rubber spell. They were all capable of moving—and were doing so a lot last we looked."

What exactly happened with Rarity and Fluttershy here, since they obviously couldn't move at all (and then Rarity somehow cheated her way into being mobile again)?

And speaking of them - what became with "inner ponequin" of theirs when spell ended? Or, for that matter, how any "matryoshka" ponies (including Pinkie-Alpplejack, I guess) were separated? Just plain boring teleport to closest unoccupied location?

11622905 I honestly don't remember at this point. It's been a while! :rainbowderp:

Oh, well. Let's assume then, it has something to do with harness they were both wearing at the moment (while other characters of this story didn't) :trollestia:

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