• Published 23rd Sep 2019
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Battlestations: Equestrian Seas - Shadow Quill

The greatest battleship of all time was sunk by an Allied task group, left to rust beneath the waves. Or so they thought. Join the sole survivor of the Bismarck's sinking as he rebuilds his nation's flagship in order to fight for his new home.

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21 - Changing Tides

The bombardment and troop deployment into Fillydelphia went accordingly and smoothly, and from what his radar operators could see there were no hostile ships or aircraft nearby, thus giving Kepler the time he needed to shift his focus to more internal matters aboard the ship. He needed to plan out what to do next with the mares down below decks in the brig, because having multiple prisoners aboard the ship vastly increased the chances of something going wrong when he least expected it…

And… Yet, he couldn’t figure out what the best course of action was. He couldn’t simply release them, and there wasn’t a guarantee that they could be kept secure all the way back to the Empire for repair and resupply. The stallion was torn, knowing that there weren’t a lot of options and not a lot of time to choose, given their attack on the Equestrian port had concluded.

Kepler turned toward Whiteclaw, beckoning him forward, “Korvettenkapitän.”

The tercel stood at attention, “Aye, Kapitän?” His expression calm and attentive.

“You have the conn until I return.” Kepler stated plainly.

“I have the conn, sir.” Whiteclaw completed the ritualistic reply, “What is our current course of action?”

Kepler mulled over the question for a moment, then turned to address his second as he stood at the door leading from the bridge, “Secure the ship for oceanic travel, we're to return to the Empire once preparations are complete. In the meantime, a couple guards and I will see to our new arrivals in the brig.”

Whiteclaw blinked, “New arrivals, sir?” The tercel’s head tilted slightly to one side with a confused expression upon his beak, then a sudden flash of realization, “Equestrians?”

“Aye,” Kepler replied, nodding curtly, “we had another attempted boarding yesterday prior to our bombardment. Apparently, they were using that one cloud our radar operator spotted as cover to sneak aboard. They've been apprehended and secured in the brig so no need for concern at the moment.”

Whiteclaw nodded, “And now we need to figure out what to do with them before we return to the Empire.” Another salute was sent Kepler’s way, “Carry on, sir. I'll handle anything that arises while you deal with our guests.”

Kepler smiled softly, a burst of pride in his second for being there when needed, warming his heart with gratitude, “Thank you, Whiteclaw.”

Kepler departed the bridge and made his way back down to the brig, the standing guards on post in each corridor saluting as he passed. The cold metal atmosphere was already weighing down on his nerves as he made his way towards the cell block. The large, circular door, flanked on either side by two of the tallest and strongest guards aboard, was opened the moment they saw him. Kepler nodded his thanks to them as he passed, beckoning with a wing for them to follow, the duo falling in behind him before shutting the door.

He was surprised the moment he entered; the slam of unforgiving cold metal doing little to drown out the harsh tonality of an argument emanating from the cells within. At least some of the mares were apparently awake and coherent, although, because of the enclosed space, Kepler could barely make out exact words from even nearby due to the hollow, reverberating echo. Steadily, he walked up to the bars of the only occupied cell, the guards falling in step with him as he paused in full view of the five mares. Calmly, Kepler sat back on his haunches as he watched the mares talk—more like shouted—amongst themselves while the guards took up posts on either side of the cell. Despite being right in front of their cell, none of them had noticed him yet; too engrossed in their heated debate to pay attention to anything else, so Kepler took the time to observe, and more importantly, listen in on what they were saying. Wouldn’t hurt to gather a little extra intelligence ahead of his interrogation now, would it?

A loud thud echoed as one of the mares, the orange earth pony with the oddly American hat and accent, stomped her hoof against the deck, “Ah’m tellin’ ya’ll we should break out of this here cell and rescue Twilight before anything else happens!” She pressed, the blue pegasus beside her nodded vigorously along in agreement as they squared off against the white unicorn and the yellow pegasus, who stood opposite to them. He had yet to learn the names of the others, but hoped he might get that along with any relevant intelligence while the ponies argued amongst themselves.

Fluttershy, Kepler recalled the timid pegasus’ name from their earlier encounter, shooker head vigorously. The pink earth pony was sitting in the middle of the verbal spat, glancing back and forth between the two groups with an uncertain expression as the white unicorn replied with equal spite, a noticeably posh etiquette and British accent accompanying her words.

“You didn’t see what they did, Applejack!” Ah, so that was the orange mare’s name, Kepler mused, appropriate. Given the trio of apples on her sides, her name was a bit on the nose, “those brutes knocked both you and Pinkie Pie out without even breaking a sweat! We wouldn’t last five seconds outside of this cell!”

“Oh yeah, then what do you expect us to do, Rarity?” This time it was the rainbow-maned pegasus that spoke, “I just about had that cheating idiot when they choked me out! I was about to kick some major gryphon flank and I want a rematch!”

“But they almost killed you, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cried out in a higher pitch and volume than Kepler was expecting, making his ears wilt slightly. Her outburst brought the other pegasus to an abrupt halt as she lifted her head, tears streaming from her eyes, “T-That stallion could have k-killed you.” The bravado in her tone quickly died as more tears ran from her face, dripping to the floor like fearful stars.

“W-Well, I, um,” Rainbow Dash, if Kepler had heard correctly, seemed unable to form an argument against her companion’s statement, thus allowing the stallion to insert himself into the lull in the argument, his cold, smooth voice echoing in the silence of the hallway.

“I could have,” Kepler’s words made all five mares’ heads snap up and turn in his direction, eyes widening on every face as he stood, “but killing civilians that are too obtuse to stay out of harm’s way is not how I operate.” He stared pointedly at the bristling cyan pegasus, “No matter how much your actions demand otherwise.”

“You cheated!” Rainbow yelled as Applejack held the irate mare back from charging the cell bars, “I would have kicked your flank if you hadn’t choked me out! That wasn’t fair!”

Kepler stared unbelievingly at the pegasus, trying to process her illogical statement for a few seconds. He stepped close to the bars, the bill of his hat tapping the metal, his hollow words spoken in a whisper, quieting the mares with their cold and incredulous delivery, “Fair? You attempted to infiltrate a military vessel, crewed by trained soldiers meant to kill any threats onboard, that is in a state of war against your nation, and you dare to talk about fairness?!” The stallion barely restricted his terse voice from rising, “Fair is not my problem. Nor is it of any consequence in warfare. It’s no wonder you ponies are hopelessly outmatched. You don’t even understand the meaning of what war is! You all lack the one thing that gives you even a remote chance at winning, no matter how small it may have been, thus proving how childish and stupid you all really are for even attempting this little rescue attempt.”

At that, Applejack glared and shoved aside Rainbow Dash before stepping dangerously close to the bars, staring him down; Kepler had several inches of height and stature over her, but her display was almost intimidating even with her slightly smaller frame.

“And what do we lack,” She demanded, stepping closer until the brim of her own hat touched the bars across from his, “that is so gosh darn important to win a war?”

Kepler matched her hard glare with an even colder one of his own, his lips pulling back to bare his sharp fangs in tandem with his words, enunciating each cutting syllable, “Killing instinct.”

Those words caused all five mares to recoil, making him scoff quietly, “You lot really are hopeless… You can’t expect to win a war without taking lives… to believe anything else is the height of naiveté, or stupidity, either one really. How in the hell you managed to fend off threats to your nation for this long defies any form of logic or reason.”

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie spoke up for the first time, her expression a chastising frown. “We saved Equestria a bunch of times, Mr. Meanie McMeanie-pants! We didn’t have to kill anypony to do it before!”

“Ah, yes, these so-called ‘threats’ to your home that you and the Princess defeated so easily.” Kepler replied, “To be honest I don’t think they were all that you make them out to be, if a group of five civilians and a moronic royal brat can take them out without a scratch.” Kepler paused as another thought entirely entered his mind, his lips gracing a small smirk, “Except one… Sombra. King Sombra, yes? You practically vaporized him. So much for not killing anyone. Looks like you and your princess-”

Kepler took a single step back, unflinching, as Rainbow rocketed up to the bars of the cell, the metal shuddering slightly as her hooves shot through and tried to punch the air mere centimeters from where his face once was, “Don’t talk about Twilight like that! I’ll beat you to a pulp for what you did to her!”

Kepler’s calm demeanor never left his face as the mare’s hooves wildly swung back and forth, “And what, pray tell, do I do to her that made you so angry?”

“Fluttershy told us about how you’ve brainwashed Twilight into doing what you say.” Applejack stated bluntly, “How she follows ya ‘round like a lost puppy and does whatever ya’ll command.”

Kepler breathed through his nose in a silent sigh as Rainbow seemed unwilling to give up her failed assault anytime soon, instead leaning around the flailing limbs in front of his muzzle to address the mare directly, “I did nothing of the sort, my dear; all I command is my wings,” he shot out his leathery appendages, “my crew,” he pointed at the guards behind him, all standing and nodding in acknowledgement, “and nothing more. I may be able to instruct the princess on what tasks to perform, but she is not mine to control as you assume.” He stared the mare before him down, his eyes unblinking and his countenance a mask of clinical neutrality; the expression alone making the orange mare quail and step back very slowly while the other mares were brought up short by his next words. “I personally loathe the thought of utilizing such tactics, effective though they may be.”

Confusion replaced fury as their minds processed that. A shared glance between the mares showing him how little they understood the statement.

Finally, Fluttershy spoke from behind her long mane, “Then… who did?”

“That would be me…” An involuntary shiver ran up Kepler’s spine as the cockroach drone sauntered up right next to him, rubbing her side against his as her gaze traveled over the mares before her, her eyes shifting to a pair of sickeningly familiar emerald orbs, “So lovely to see you all again. What has it been, two, three years since my changelings bested you in Canterlot?”

Applejack shook herself out of her stumped stupor and walked up to the bars again, facing the changeling monarch with a resolute glare, “That’s not how Ah remember it, Yer Highness.” she growled, “Ah distinctly recall ya’ll gettin’ yer flanks hoofed to you on a platter and blasted out of the city by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.”

The insectile monarch scoffed at the accusation, “A lucky break that will not best me again. Not this time.” A sinister laugh escaped her muzzle as her whip-like tongue ran along her fanged lips, “Oh, I am so looking forward to tasting your fear when the time comes. It will be so delightful to watch your fall into despair at the bitter end.”

“Enough.” Kepler’s voice empathically cut through the mares’ bickering, “What do you mean? Explain yourself, Chrysalis.”

The changeling barely glanced at him before turning back to the ponies in the cell, “For your crimes against my kingdom, and for attacking a ship belonging to an allied nation of mine, you five will be sentenced to death, to be carried out at first light by a firing squad prior to our departure for Empire waters.”

Kepler was rendered speechless by the audacious certainty as well as the boldness within that statement alone; the guards themselves looked equally as stunned as both of them simultaneously glanced at the bug before turning their gazes to Kepler, who stared back at the changeling monarch with his jaw agape.

Silent terror overcame the mares before them; tears streamed down the cheeks of Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat back on their haunches, numb and unable to stand as the changeling’s words registered.

Kepler, on the other hand, was furious as he regained his voice, “And on whose authority are you making those decisions?! Last I checked I am the commander of this ship, and as such these mares are under my jurisdiction!”

Chrysalis glanced at him with barely a turn of her head, a flat expression on her muzzle that radiated power and contempt, “Do you really think I care, little bat?”

At that, he snarled and whirled on her, “I answer to the king, the Empire. NOT YOU!”

His declaration had no effect on the mare before him, her expression remaining a perfect, sadistic, haughty grin as she replied simply, “You seem to think that they are not one and the same. I speak in your king’s place aboard this vessel. You will do as you are told, or you shall have what little freedoms you have earned taken from you, or need I remind you about your little friend on the upper decks who you care so much about?”

Kepler laughed in disbelief, “That is a dangerous game to play, bug. If he were to ask you, no, no, ME what am I doing with my ship and its crew, and found out that you had overstepped your authority, you would be faced with the possibility of being left out of this conflict, or worse…” he stared her down and grinned menacingly at her. “Be careful what you do next, Your Highness, because it could very well spell doom for your own kingdom.”

The changeling seemed to ponder his words carefully for a moment, her lips curling into a frown, a spark of hope igniting in Kepler before it was swiftly snuffed out as her savage grin returned with a vengeance.

“I think I’ll take my chances, little bat.” Chrysalis snidely replied, her sadistic grin making the stallion sick to his stomach as she turned her gaze back to the mares before them.

Kepler’s blood ran cold as his jaw dropped, for once completely at a loss for words. He couldn’t believe that this, this bitch, this monstrous tyrant, would be so brazen as to demand outright murder as retribution. As JUSTICE!

He stood there, unable to form a response as the changeling spoke, a cold and murderous gleam in her eyes and her lips a vicious snarl as she hissed out her words, “I will relish your demise, and take great delight in watching Celestia’s face contort in agony when she hears what her foolishness has wrought. I will let you have these final hours to ruminate on your impending deaths, so embrace your terror, drown in your sorrow. It will be delightful to partake in the veritable feast your final goodbyes will bring forth and will watch on with glee as your blood paints this ship red in the morning. I-”

“SHUT THE HELL UP! GUARDS!” Kepler roared, infuriated, storming angrily up to her and towering over the undersized, queen-controlled drone; his eyes blazing murder, the guards training their weapons upon the drone, cold metallic mechanisms locking into place, becoming the only sound in the cells.

Chrysalis raised her head, her calm and calculating visage returning as she matched his glare with an unrepentant gaze, “You can kill my drones as much as you like, but it will do nothing except delay the inevitable. I am inevitable. Now get out of my way.”

Kepler stepped closer to her, his snout grazing the drone's, “No… I have them here onboard, and guarded by my best.” His left ear flicked back at the duo of guards behind him before his eyes returned to Chrysalis’; the guards in turn moved, in sync, a step closer to the squared off beings, rifles at the ready. “What can you do, so far away? Your pests here are nothing more than target practice if they were to try and take these girls out of my care.”

“Because I have Princess Sparkle, remember?” Was the simple reply, making Kepler freeze inside. “She is mine to control as I see fit, and will kill her friends as readily as she breathes if I command her to do so. She would smile as she painted her friend’s guts about your ship, and would be delighted after doing so because it would please me.”

One young guard beside Kepler snorted and scoffed, saying. “I very much doubt that little mare could do much of anything against us.”

The drone shifted her glare to the guards, causing them to stiffen in response, “You say that, but you have no idea what she is truly capable of. I can get her to stop your hearts from beating in your sleep. You can’t fathom the power of an alicorn when they aren’t restrained by that pesky little thing you call morals. DO NOT TEST ME!”

Her hard stare and thunderous words were enough to make the guards stand down, if begrudgingly. Chrysalis’ snarl shifted back to a sickening sweet smile as her gaze turned to Kepler once more, “Now, are you going to be a good little bat and let me have my way, or do I need to have little Twilight come down here and give a demonstration?”

Kepler opened and closed his mouth, drilling into her eyes with his own, filled with immense disgust and pure loathing; his pupils slitted, and fangs bared completely as his lips parted. If looks could kill, then the disgusting monstrosity before him would be twelve feet under already at the very least. A growl. A very deep and guttural one, unnaturally so, rumbled within Kepler’s torso as he gritted out his words, “No, that will be all, Your Highness.

Though the drone’s startled eyes widened slightly once again and the guards jabbed at her more eagerly, Chrysalis’ malevolent smirk never left her lips as she turned away, her drone’s tail swatting at Kepler’s face playfully as she walked towards the brig’s exit, her hoof falls silent but her final words, hollow and cold with pure malice, rung loudly through the cell block; all the while not looking back to see their aghast looks of fear as she left her shocked audience behind, “Nopony is coming to save you this time, little ponies. I personally guarantee that you cannot escape the abyss… Your time in the spotlight has ended, Elements of Harmony. The stage is mine now, and your final curtain call is here.”

The bulkhead leading out of the brig crashed shut with a resounding finality, the silence left in its wake settling over the ponies like a dark blanket. All the while, Kepler remained where he was. Still internally reeling because of this turn of events, emotions jumbled and his mind awhirl with uncertainty and circumstance. He couldn’t bring himself to turn away from the door the changeling had just left through, couldn’t make himself look at the mares in the cell next to him.

His ears flattened and flinched; the quietude broken by the muffled sobbing of three of the five mares, the absolute feeling of hopelessness that was permeating the atmosphere over them all weighed down on his shoulders…

Did she really mean that? Could it have come this far if he hadn’t done what he had? If anything, could he have changed it? The biggest question reigning overall through his mind was the most troubling of all.

What was he supposed to do now?

Kepler closed his eyes, grinding his fangs together as he marched out of the brig, his sensitive hearing still picking up the terrified wails of the mares even long after his departure. His heart pounded and clenched relentlessly in frustration, too exhausted to think straight and mentally worn to the point where he could barely put one hoof in front of the other. His conscience demanded vindication, knowing he should have taken action that very moment, consequences be damned to bloodshot hell. Guilt haunted his every step, even though he knew it wouldn’t have helped, for having done nothing. He barely paid any attention to where his hooves were taking him, not even aware of his surroundings, seemingly having only made a circle in his tracks as he dragged on shamefully in his dazed state.

He paused only when a set of claws rested gently on his shoulder. Kepler returned to reality to find that he had wandered aimlessly in his mental fog, somehow finding his way into the storage bays in the hold of the ship, boxes and crates of various sizes surrounding him as he turned to face who had stopped his mindless march. He was surprised to see the faces of Gloria, Whiteclaw and a few other members of the command staff. Much to his internal relief (and guilt for feeling so), Twilight was noticeably absent from Gloria’s side.

“We heard what happened in the brig.” Whiteclaw stated plainly as he relinquished his grip on Kepler’s shoulder, “Part of the crew has heard the bugs’ murmuring about something happening tomorrow, that the Equestrians are… to be executed by firing squad at first light?” The room went deathly silent at his words, like none wanted to believe it was real.

Kepler nodded, “It is true. That bug wants them killed at the dawn's first light. Chrysalis bid it so.”

“On whose authority?” Whiteclaw asked tentatively.

Kepler shook his head, a heavy sigh escaping his lips, “No, her own.”

The tercel seemed to pick up on his dower mood, “Why are you down here all alone, sir? What has happened?”

“The damned bitch has taken it upon herself to act in the king’s stead while he is politicking; all for petty revenge ‘cause she got smacked outside by her own food supply.” A soft chuckle, short lived though it was, worked its way past his lips before dying a swift death. The stallion looked at the crew present around him, confusion breaking through the fog of his depressed state.

“Don't mind me, but… What exactly are you all doing here?” Kepler asked, his tone tired and defeated, “Chrysalis has made it clear that I am not the one in charge of the Equestrians’ fates. Does it matter why I am down here when you all should be-”

“But you’re still our Kapitän!” One of the comms officers, a hen, cried out, “We follow your orders, not some insufferable bug!”

A round of agreement from the others followed the hen’s words; warmth filled Kepler’s chest and traveled up his throat as his heart swelled with pride anew. He blinked rapidly to stop the oncoming tears in his eyes, he'd be damned if he were to cry in front of his crew. “Thank you.” He managed to force out, swallowing deeply and breathing heavily. “You have no idea how much that means to me.” Gloria went to hug him but halted partway and instead smiled warmly over the Korvettenkapitän’s shoulder.

A set of claws once again gripped his shoulders reassuringly, “So… what are your orders, Kapitän?” Whiteclaw inquired, a resolute fire in his eyes, mirrored by the rest of the crew present.

Kepler’s own gaze hardened, doffing his cap to wipe his misty eyes with the back of his fetlock before donning it once again, firmly setting it straight before nodding curtly at them, “We can’t afford to lose the ship, not with so many changelings… or collaborators on board. I refuse to let that… that… murderous and monstrous insect dictate or take any of my crew away from me, or cause the ruthless murder of innocents on my ship. We can’t let things stay as they are. Not without my jurisdiction, on my watch.” A collection of thumps erupted in the air as the crew pound their chests with clenched claws, their support fervently shown in their salutes.

Once all settled down, it was Gloria who asked the question begging to be answered in everyone's minds. “What do we do Ke- Kapitän. She caught and corrected herself mid-word.

Kepler was at a loss for a few seconds, before suddenly, a thought that had laid dormant in the stallion’s mind resurfaced, brought forth by his rising spirits, “I know what we must do.”

“Sir?” Whiteclaw’s head tilted slightly in uncertainty.

Kepler motioned for everyone to move closer, “This is the plan… I will escape with the Equestrians tonight.” That caused the gathered gryphons to fall still.

Kepler forestalled any argument as he quickly added, “Hear me out, please, I swear it will make sense once I explain.” Thankfully, the gathered crew withheld their thoughts, for the moment. Kepler took a deep breath to settle his nerves before beginning again, “Using one of our life rafts, I will make my way to shore with the ponies, turn myself in to their government, and give the ponies what they need to fight against the Tyr on even footing. It will take time, but with my knowledge and their magic, we might just be able to pull it off. I don’t expect them to trust me, not after all that I’ve done against them, but the alternative is unacceptable. In the meantime, I want all of you to continue on as normal. That insect will most likely brand me a traitor and take control of the ship in my absence. Let her.”

His words were met with bristling feathers on all sides, “You expect us to roll over and take her command like weaklings?!” Kepler couldn’t see the tercel that spoke but could see the ripple of agreement that ran through the gathered gryphons around him.

“No.” The finality in his tone cut through the growing agitation like a knife, “I expect you to continue to act with the honor and bravery I have seen from you all and expect you to be ready when the time is right. My plan is to take out the… unnecessary cargo crew onboard the Tyr, to level the playing field on the mainland with better weapons and tactics, but most importantly, to remove the changelings from the equation entirely.”

Silence met his words, “And how exactly are you going to do that?” Whiteclaw asked in uncertainty, even as Kepler remained resolute, “The changelings will never give up so easily. How can you take them out of the war when they make up a good portion of the crew?”

Kepler’s fangs flashed in the dim lighting of the hold, “Chrysalis shall die by my hooves. With her removed, those bugs will have no choice but to abandon the conflict or capitulate. I will personally see to it that she never sees daylight again.”

Muffled gasps met his words, “You’re certain you can do that?” Doubt was heavy in Whiteclaw’s voice, “She can best an alicorn in magical might, and is a master of infiltration. She could slit your throat while you sleep, and you would never see it coming.”

“She won’t,” Kepler could feel his confidence growing with each word, “because her pride wouldn't allow it. She’s so wrapped up in herself that she won’t be able to kill me without proving a point. She will meet me on the battlefield, and I will see to it that she does not walk away.”

“That places a lot of trust in you, sir,” a younger hen spoke up this time, one of the new recruits, “how do we know you won’t betray us to the ponies?”

“You don’t.” Shocked caws met his words, but Kepler assuaged their worries with a wave of his wings before the mood could sour, “I've no other means of proving my loyalty aside from my words that I speak right now. I only ask you this: Why would I say anything to you if I planned to betray you? What could I stand to gain by unveiling my intentions before they even began?”

“You gain nothing,” Whiteclaw realized, “but by putting yourself at a great risk, sir… If even one of us were to reveal your plans, you would be joining the Equestrians before the firing squad come morning.”

“Exactly.” Kepler nodded, a small knowing smile adorning his lips, “My trust in you all, and my honor as a citizen of the Empire, that is why I am telling you this. I can’t do it all alone, as much as my pride may say otherwise.” A round of chuckles met his words, “There are hidden dangers even amongst the other crew, so be careful who you share this information with. Some of the other gryphons may side with our insect adversaries. I-We need allies to see this through, and I trust the honor of my comrades, my crew, my friends, above all else in this world. I have seen you all do your part to help your fellow gryphons prosper. Help me to set this right, and we can regain the honor that we lost by allowing those insects to run amok on our ship!”

Cheers met his words, and Kepler’s chest swelled with hope and happiness as he turned to his second, “Whiteclaw,” he firmly thumped his hoof against his chest in salute, “it has been an honor serving beside you. Lead the others well in my absence and be ready to move when I return.”

The claws of every gryphon present thumped against their chests once more, returning his salute with equal and renewed fervor, “We won’t let you down, sir. This isn’t a goodbye, I hope, just until next time.”

Kepler was about to turn away but was stopped as Gloria stepped forward. He had a feeling he knew what his beloved was about to say, and his feelings for her only grew as she smiled down at him, “I’m going with you.”

Another round of chuckles and a few catcalls met her words, a smirk finding its way to Kepler’s lips as he replied, “It will be risky.”

“I relish the challenge.” Was her grinning response.

“You would be branded a traitor.” Kepler retorted.

“I’m already a deserter,” Gloria’s grin only grew, “why not go all out?”

Kepler laughed, “You’re impossible, you know that?”

A quick peck against his lips was met by a few cheers from the other crew, “Then it’s a good thing I chose someone equally as impossible as my mate.” That earned a coo from some of the hens and a hoot from a lot of the tercels present.

Kepler’s face warmed slightly at the declaration, his words catching in his throat briefly as he strived to maintain his composure, “T-Then we had best prepare on our way. Time is short and we have much to do.”

Gloria nodded, followed by the other crew members in attendance. Whiteclaw stepped forward and grasped Kepler’s foreleg in a paw, his hard gaze boring deep into Kepler’s own.

“Come back in one piece, sir,” his words were hard even as a grin spread across his beak, “that’s an order. Not an option.”

A hearty laugh escaped the stallion’s muzzle, “A bit presumptuous to order a superior officer, wouldn't you think?”

Whiteclaw’s smirk never faltered, “Makes it even more important to not break it, wouldn’t you agree, sir?”

Kepler shook his head as he glanced around at the gathered gryphons, his comrades, his crewmates, his friends, “Thank you, all of you. You honor me with your support, and I will do my utmost to live up to your expectations. Tonight, we make a stand, a coup, even if a tad delayed. Tonight, we chart our own course in these hard times, and together, we will be victors. Bide your time and wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself. I will return to you all, you have my word as a soldier, and as your Kapitän.”

“You heard the Kapitän,” Whiteclaw raised his voice to address the others, “to your posts! Let’s make sure these insects don’t get any bright ideas once the Kapitän is not present.”

A cheer ran through the gathered gryphons a final time before they made their way back out of the hold, leaving Kepler and Gloria on their own as the stallion turned to face his beloved.

“So, it looks like we get to start that little stint of ours ahead of schedule.” Kepler quipped as he rubbed his head under Gloria’s chin.

The hen trilled softly as she nipped his ear in response, “Looks like it. Are you ready to make history?”

Kepler nodded as he pulled away, “We will begin at nightfall. Meet me by the brig entrance with the princess. I have an idea of how we can get off the ship without drawing unwanted attention.”

“I’ll be there, my love.” A much more passionate kiss passed between the two for several moments, leaving both gasping for air as they separated, “And once we have some time to ourselves, I want my… boyfriend to show me how much he loves me.”

Kepler’s face ignited in a blush, “You mean…”

Gloria smiled and nodded once, “I want to be with you, now and forever. I couldn’t imagine being with another male in that way. Please, the first chance we have, make me yours.”

Kepler swallowed thickly, “Well it would be quite rude of me to deny a lady such a request.” He bowed his head with a theatrical flare of his wings, “It shall be done, my love. The first chance we have.”

Gloria giggled as he straightened, pulling him into a firm embrace with both forelegs and wings, “I love you, Kepler Hans Wolff. Don’t ever forget that.”

Kepler returned the hug as much as he could from his confines, “And I love you, Gloria Sage Windcutter. Always and forever…”

Outside the ship, Celestia’s sun began its descent below the waves, illuminating the ship and water with a warm, soothing light. Kepler wasn’t sure how things would go once they reached Equestria, but he knew for a fact that he couldn’t allow the Equestrians to perish under his watch. It would defile the very nature of who he was as a person, and would taint not just his honor, but that of his comrades, both current and past, who stood beside him even in the darkest of times.

Tonight, he would set free his captives from the pending omen of death. Tonight, he would make an example of those that tried to dominate his destiny. Tonight, he would forge his own pathway in life from the flames of valor and the indomitable, unbroken iron will that humanity was notorious for. No matter what, his decision was final, and he'd be willing to die trying if he couldn't.

Author's Note:

Welcome back everypony!! So glad to be back so soon, and with another exciting chapter for you all!! Hope things have been interesting as of late, and remember that comments are an author's food, so drop those comment cookies into the towel section below!! Oh, and leave a like if you are liking how the story is going thus far, it really helps!

Once again, a huuuuuuggggeeeeee thanks to my editor LeadlessSteed for their assistance with making my pony words not a complete jumbled mess for you all to sort through. Couldn't do it without you and looking forward to continuing this crazy adventure together!!

Let me know what you all think, and I'll see you next chapter,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.